Commit 16cd0767 by Harish Butani

ThriftParser initial commit

parent de47ef02
#!/usr/local/bin/thrift -java
# copied from hive-metastore.thrift, for testing the ThriftParser
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
# Thrift Service that the MetaStore is built on
include "share/fb303/if/fb303.thrift"
namespace java org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api
namespace php metastore
namespace cpp Apache.Hadoop.Hive
const string DDL_TIME = "transient_lastDdlTime"
struct Version {
1: string version,
2: string comments
struct FieldSchema {
1: string name, // name of the field
2: string type, // type of the field. primitive types defined above, specify list<TYPE_NAME>, map<TYPE_NAME, TYPE_NAME> for lists & maps
3: string comment
struct Type {
1: string name, // one of the types in PrimitiveTypes or CollectionTypes or User defined types
2: optional string type1, // object type if the name is 'list' (LIST_TYPE), key type if the name is 'map' (MAP_TYPE)
3: optional string type2, // val type if the name is 'map' (MAP_TYPE)
4: optional list<FieldSchema> fields // if the name is one of the user defined types
enum HiveObjectType {
TABLE = 3,
enum PrincipalType {
USER = 1,
ROLE = 2,
GROUP = 3,
const string HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER = "hive_filter_field_owner__"
const string HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS = "hive_filter_field_params__"
const string HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS = "hive_filter_field_last_access__"
enum PartitionEventType {
// Enums for transaction and lock management
enum TxnState {
OPEN = 3,
enum LockLevel {
DB = 1,
TABLE = 2,
enum LockState {
ACQUIRED = 1, // requester has the lock
WAITING = 2, // requester is waiting for the lock and should call checklock at a later point to see if the lock has been obtained.
ABORT = 3, // the lock has been aborted, most likely due to timeout
NOT_ACQUIRED = 4, // returned only with lockNoWait, indicates the lock was not available and was not acquired
enum LockType {
enum CompactionType {
MINOR = 1,
MAJOR = 2,
enum GrantRevokeType {
GRANT = 1,
struct HiveObjectRef{
1: HiveObjectType objectType,
2: string dbName,
3: string objectName,
4: list<string> partValues,
5: string columnName,
struct PrivilegeGrantInfo {
1: string privilege,
2: i32 createTime,
3: string grantor,
4: PrincipalType grantorType,
5: bool grantOption,
struct HiveObjectPrivilege {
1: HiveObjectRef hiveObject,
2: string principalName,
3: PrincipalType principalType,
4: PrivilegeGrantInfo grantInfo,
struct PrivilegeBag {
1: list<HiveObjectPrivilege> privileges,
struct PrincipalPrivilegeSet {
1: map<string, list<PrivilegeGrantInfo>> userPrivileges, // user name -> privilege grant info
2: map<string, list<PrivilegeGrantInfo>> groupPrivileges, // group name -> privilege grant info
3: map<string, list<PrivilegeGrantInfo>> rolePrivileges, //role name -> privilege grant info
struct GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest {
1: GrantRevokeType requestType;
2: PrivilegeBag privileges;
3: optional bool revokeGrantOption; // Only for revoke request
struct GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse {
1: optional bool success;
struct Role {
1: string roleName,
2: i32 createTime,
3: string ownerName,
// Representation of a grant for a principal to a role
struct RolePrincipalGrant {
1: string roleName,
2: string principalName,
3: PrincipalType principalType,
4: bool grantOption,
5: i32 grantTime,
6: string grantorName,
7: PrincipalType grantorPrincipalType
struct GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalRequest {
1: required string principal_name,
2: required PrincipalType principal_type
struct GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalResponse {
1: required list<RolePrincipalGrant> principalGrants;
struct GetPrincipalsInRoleRequest {
1: required string roleName;
struct GetPrincipalsInRoleResponse {
1: required list<RolePrincipalGrant> principalGrants;
struct GrantRevokeRoleRequest {
1: GrantRevokeType requestType;
2: string roleName;
3: string principalName;
4: PrincipalType principalType;
5: optional string grantor; // Needed for grant
6: optional PrincipalType grantorType; // Needed for grant
7: optional bool grantOption;
struct GrantRevokeRoleResponse {
1: optional bool success;
// namespace for tables
struct Database {
1: string name,
2: string description,
3: string locationUri,
4: map<string, string> parameters, // properties associated with the database
5: optional PrincipalPrivilegeSet privileges,
6: optional string ownerName,
7: optional PrincipalType ownerType
// This object holds the information needed by SerDes
struct SerDeInfo {
1: string name, // name of the serde, table name by default
2: string serializationLib, // usually the class that implements the extractor & loader
3: map<string, string> parameters // initialization parameters
// sort order of a column (column name along with asc(1)/desc(0))
struct Order {
1: string col, // sort column name
2: i32 order // asc(1) or desc(0)
// this object holds all the information about skewed table
struct SkewedInfo {
1: list<string> skewedColNames, // skewed column names
2: list<list<string>> skewedColValues, //skewed values
3: map<list<string>, string> skewedColValueLocationMaps, //skewed value to location mappings
// this object holds all the information about physical storage of the data belonging to a table
struct StorageDescriptor {
1: list<FieldSchema> cols, // required (refer to types defined above)
2: string location, // defaults to <warehouse loc>/<db loc>/tablename
3: string inputFormat, // SequenceFileInputFormat (binary) or TextInputFormat` or custom format
4: string outputFormat, // SequenceFileOutputFormat (binary) or IgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat or custom format
5: bool compressed, // compressed or not
6: i32 numBuckets, // this must be specified if there are any dimension columns
7: SerDeInfo serdeInfo, // serialization and deserialization information
8: list<string> bucketCols, // reducer grouping columns and clustering columns and bucketing columns`
9: list<Order> sortCols, // sort order of the data in each bucket
10: map<string, string> parameters, // any user supplied key value hash
11: optional SkewedInfo skewedInfo, // skewed information
12: optional bool storedAsSubDirectories // stored as subdirectories or not
// table information
struct Table {
1: string tableName, // name of the table
2: string dbName, // database name ('default')
3: string owner, // owner of this table
4: i32 createTime, // creation time of the table
5: i32 lastAccessTime, // last access time (usually this will be filled from HDFS and shouldn't be relied on)
6: i32 retention, // retention time
7: StorageDescriptor sd, // storage descriptor of the table
8: list<FieldSchema> partitionKeys, // partition keys of the table. only primitive types are supported
9: map<string, string> parameters, // to store comments or any other user level parameters
10: string viewOriginalText, // original view text, null for non-view
11: string viewExpandedText, // expanded view text, null for non-view
12: string tableType, // table type enum, e.g. EXTERNAL_TABLE
13: optional PrincipalPrivilegeSet privileges,
14: optional bool temporary=false
struct Partition {
1: list<string> values // string value is converted to appropriate partition key type
2: string dbName,
3: string tableName,
4: i32 createTime,
5: i32 lastAccessTime,
6: StorageDescriptor sd,
7: map<string, string> parameters,
8: optional PrincipalPrivilegeSet privileges
struct PartitionWithoutSD {
1: list<string> values // string value is converted to appropriate partition key type
2: i32 createTime,
3: i32 lastAccessTime,
4: string relativePath,
5: map<string, string> parameters,
6: optional PrincipalPrivilegeSet privileges
struct PartitionSpecWithSharedSD {
1: list<PartitionWithoutSD> partitions,
2: StorageDescriptor sd,
struct PartitionListComposingSpec {
1: list<Partition> partitions
struct PartitionSpec {
1: string dbName,
2: string tableName,
3: string rootPath,
4: optional PartitionSpecWithSharedSD sharedSDPartitionSpec,
5: optional PartitionListComposingSpec partitionList
struct Index {
1: string indexName, // unique with in the whole database namespace
2: string indexHandlerClass, // reserved
3: string dbName,
4: string origTableName,
5: i32 createTime,
6: i32 lastAccessTime,
7: string indexTableName,
8: StorageDescriptor sd,
9: map<string, string> parameters,
10: bool deferredRebuild
// column statistics
struct BooleanColumnStatsData {
1: required i64 numTrues,
2: required i64 numFalses,
3: required i64 numNulls
struct DoubleColumnStatsData {
1: optional double lowValue,
2: optional double highValue,
3: required i64 numNulls,
4: required i64 numDVs
struct LongColumnStatsData {
1: optional i64 lowValue,
2: optional i64 highValue,
3: required i64 numNulls,
4: required i64 numDVs
struct StringColumnStatsData {
1: required i64 maxColLen,
2: required double avgColLen,
3: required i64 numNulls,
4: required i64 numDVs
struct BinaryColumnStatsData {
1: required i64 maxColLen,
2: required double avgColLen,
3: required i64 numNulls
struct Decimal {
1: required binary unscaled,
3: required i16 scale
struct DecimalColumnStatsData {
1: optional Decimal lowValue,
2: optional Decimal highValue,
3: required i64 numNulls,
4: required i64 numDVs
union ColumnStatisticsData {
1: BooleanColumnStatsData booleanStats,
2: LongColumnStatsData longStats,
3: DoubleColumnStatsData doubleStats,
4: StringColumnStatsData stringStats,
5: BinaryColumnStatsData binaryStats,
6: DecimalColumnStatsData decimalStats
struct ColumnStatisticsObj {
1: required string colName,
2: required string colType,
3: required ColumnStatisticsData statsData
struct ColumnStatisticsDesc {
1: required bool isTblLevel,
2: required string dbName,
3: required string tableName,
4: optional string partName,
5: optional i64 lastAnalyzed
struct ColumnStatistics {
1: required ColumnStatisticsDesc statsDesc,
2: required list<ColumnStatisticsObj> statsObj;
struct AggrStats {
1: required list<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats,
2: required i64 partsFound // number of partitions for which stats were found
struct SetPartitionsStatsRequest {
1: required list<ColumnStatistics> colStats
// schema of the table/query results etc.
struct Schema {
// column names, types, comments
1: list<FieldSchema> fieldSchemas, // delimiters etc
2: map<string, string> properties
// Key-value store to be used with selected
// Metastore APIs (create, alter methods).
// The client can pass environment properties / configs that can be
// accessed in hooks.
struct EnvironmentContext {
1: map<string, string> properties
// Return type for get_partitions_by_expr
struct PartitionsByExprResult {
1: required list<Partition> partitions,
// Whether the results has any (currently, all) partitions which may or may not match
2: required bool hasUnknownPartitions
struct PartitionsByExprRequest {
1: required string dbName,
2: required string tblName,
3: required binary expr,
4: optional string defaultPartitionName,
5: optional i16 maxParts=-1
struct TableStatsResult {
1: required list<ColumnStatisticsObj> tableStats
struct PartitionsStatsResult {
1: required map<string, list<ColumnStatisticsObj>> partStats
struct TableStatsRequest {
1: required string dbName,
2: required string tblName,
3: required list<string> colNames
struct PartitionsStatsRequest {
1: required string dbName,
2: required string tblName,
3: required list<string> colNames,
4: required list<string> partNames
// Return type for add_partitions_req
struct AddPartitionsResult {
1: optional list<Partition> partitions,
// Request type for add_partitions_req
struct AddPartitionsRequest {
1: required string dbName,
2: required string tblName,
3: required list<Partition> parts,
4: required bool ifNotExists,
5: optional bool needResult=true
// Return type for drop_partitions_req
struct DropPartitionsResult {
1: optional list<Partition> partitions,
struct DropPartitionsExpr {
1: required binary expr;
2: optional i32 partArchiveLevel;
union RequestPartsSpec {
1: list<string> names;
2: list<DropPartitionsExpr> exprs;
// Request type for drop_partitions_req
// TODO: we might want to add "bestEffort" flag; where a subset can fail
struct DropPartitionsRequest {
1: required string dbName,
2: required string tblName,
3: required RequestPartsSpec parts,
4: optional bool deleteData,
5: optional bool ifExists=true, // currently verified on client
6: optional bool ignoreProtection,
7: optional EnvironmentContext environmentContext,
8: optional bool needResult=true
enum FunctionType {
JAVA = 1,
enum ResourceType {
JAR = 1,
FILE = 2,
struct ResourceUri {
1: ResourceType resourceType,
2: string uri,
// User-defined function
struct Function {
1: string functionName,
2: string dbName,
3: string className,
4: string ownerName,
5: PrincipalType ownerType,
6: i32 createTime,
7: FunctionType functionType,
8: list<ResourceUri> resourceUris,
// Structs for transaction and locks
struct TxnInfo {
1: required i64 id,
2: required TxnState state,
3: required string user, // used in 'show transactions' to help admins find who has open transactions
4: required string hostname, // used in 'show transactions' to help admins find who has open transactions
struct GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse {
1: required i64 txn_high_water_mark,
2: required list<TxnInfo> open_txns,
struct GetOpenTxnsResponse {
1: required i64 txn_high_water_mark,
2: required set<i64> open_txns,
struct OpenTxnRequest {
1: required i32 num_txns,
2: required string user,
3: required string hostname,
struct OpenTxnsResponse {
1: required list<i64> txn_ids,
struct AbortTxnRequest {
1: required i64 txnid,
struct CommitTxnRequest {
1: required i64 txnid,
struct LockComponent {
1: required LockType type,
2: required LockLevel level,
3: required string dbname,
4: optional string tablename,
5: optional string partitionname,
struct LockRequest {
1: required list<LockComponent> component,
2: optional i64 txnid,
3: required string user, // used in 'show locks' to help admins find who has open locks
4: required string hostname, // used in 'show locks' to help admins find who has open locks
struct LockResponse {
1: required i64 lockid,
2: required LockState state,
struct CheckLockRequest {
1: required i64 lockid,
struct UnlockRequest {
1: required i64 lockid,
struct ShowLocksRequest {
struct ShowLocksResponseElement {
1: required i64 lockid,
2: required string dbname,
3: optional string tablename,
4: optional string partname,
5: required LockState state,
6: required LockType type,
7: optional i64 txnid,
8: required i64 lastheartbeat,
9: optional i64 acquiredat,
10: required string user,
11: required string hostname,
struct ShowLocksResponse {
1: list<ShowLocksResponseElement> locks,
struct HeartbeatRequest {
1: optional i64 lockid,
2: optional i64 txnid
struct HeartbeatTxnRangeRequest {
1: required i64 min,
2: required i64 max
struct HeartbeatTxnRangeResponse {
1: required set<i64> aborted,
2: required set<i64> nosuch
struct CompactionRequest {
1: required string dbname,
2: required string tablename,
3: optional string partitionname,
4: required CompactionType type,
5: optional string runas,
struct ShowCompactRequest {
struct ShowCompactResponseElement {
1: required string dbname,
2: required string tablename,
3: optional string partitionname,
4: required CompactionType type,
5: required string state,
6: optional string workerid,
7: optional i64 start,
8: optional string runAs,
struct ShowCompactResponse {
1: required list<ShowCompactResponseElement> compacts,
exception MetaException {
1: string message
exception UnknownTableException {
1: string message
exception UnknownDBException {
1: string message
exception AlreadyExistsException {
1: string message
exception InvalidPartitionException {
1: string message
exception UnknownPartitionException {
1: string message
exception InvalidObjectException {
1: string message
exception NoSuchObjectException {
1: string message
exception IndexAlreadyExistsException {
1: string message
exception InvalidOperationException {
1: string message
exception ConfigValSecurityException {
1: string message
exception InvalidInputException {
1: string message
// Transaction and lock exceptions
exception NoSuchTxnException {
1: string message
exception TxnAbortedException {
1: string message
exception TxnOpenException {
1: string message
exception NoSuchLockException {
1: string message
* This interface is live.
service ThriftHiveMetastore extends fb303.FacebookService
string getMetaConf(1:string key) throws(1:MetaException o1)
void setMetaConf(1:string key, 2:string value) throws(1:MetaException o1)
void create_database(1:Database database) throws(1:AlreadyExistsException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Database get_database(1:string name) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
void drop_database(1:string name, 2:bool deleteData, 3:bool cascade) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:InvalidOperationException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
list<string> get_databases(1:string pattern) throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<string> get_all_databases() throws(1:MetaException o1)
void alter_database(1:string dbname, 2:Database db) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// returns the type with given name (make seperate calls for the dependent types if needed)
Type get_type(1:string name) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
bool create_type(1:Type type) throws(1:AlreadyExistsException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
bool drop_type(1:string type) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
map<string, Type> get_type_all(1:string name)
throws(1:MetaException o2)
// Gets a list of FieldSchemas describing the columns of a particular table
list<FieldSchema> get_fields(1: string db_name, 2: string table_name) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2: UnknownTableException o2, 3: UnknownDBException o3),
// Gets a list of FieldSchemas describing both the columns and the partition keys of a particular table
list<FieldSchema> get_schema(1: string db_name, 2: string table_name) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2: UnknownTableException o2, 3: UnknownDBException o3)
// create a Hive table. Following fields must be set
// tableName
// database (only 'default' for now until Hive QL supports databases)
// owner (not needed, but good to have for tracking purposes)
// sd.cols (list of field schemas)
// sd.inputFormat (SequenceFileInputFormat (binary like falcon tables or u_full) or TextInputFormat)
// sd.outputFormat (SequenceFileInputFormat (binary) or TextInputFormat)
// sd.serdeInfo.serializationLib (SerDe class name eg org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.simple_meta.MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
void create_table(1:Table tbl) throws(1:AlreadyExistsException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:NoSuchObjectException o4)
void create_table_with_environment_context(1:Table tbl,
2:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:AlreadyExistsException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3,
4:NoSuchObjectException o4)
// drops the table and all the partitions associated with it if the table has partitions
// delete data (including partitions) if deleteData is set to true
void drop_table(1:string dbname, 2:string name, 3:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o3)
void drop_table_with_environment_context(1:string dbname, 2:string name, 3:bool deleteData,
4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o3)
list<string> get_tables(1: string db_name, 2: string pattern) throws (1: MetaException o1)
list<string> get_all_tables(1: string db_name) throws (1: MetaException o1)
Table get_table(1:string dbname, 2:string tbl_name)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
list<Table> get_table_objects_by_name(1:string dbname, 2:list<string> tbl_names)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:InvalidOperationException o2, 3:UnknownDBException o3)
// Get a list of table names that match a filter.
// The filter operators are LIKE, <, <=, >, >=, =, <>
// In the filter statement, values interpreted as strings must be enclosed in quotes,
// while values interpreted as integers should not be. Strings and integers are the only
// supported value types.
// The currently supported key names in the filter are:
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER, which filters on the tables' owner's name
// and supports all filter operators
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS, which filters on the last access times
// and supports all filter operators except LIKE
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS, which filters on the tables' parameter keys and values
// and only supports the filter operators = and <>.
// Append the parameter key name to HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS in the filter statement.
// For example, to filter on parameter keys called "retention", the key name in the filter
// statement should be Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention"
// Also, = and <> only work for keys that exist
// in the tables. E.g., if you are looking for tables where key1 <> value, it will only
// look at tables that have a value for the parameter key1.
// Some example filter statements include:
// filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER + " like \".*test.*\" and " +
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS + " = 0";
// filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"30\" or " +
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"90\""
// @param dbName
// The name of the database from which you will retrieve the table names
// @param filterType
// The type of filter
// @param filter
// The filter string
// @param max_tables
// The maximum number of tables returned
// @return A list of table names that match the desired filter
list<string> get_table_names_by_filter(1:string dbname, 2:string filter, 3:i16 max_tables=-1)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:InvalidOperationException o2, 3:UnknownDBException o3)
// alter table applies to only future partitions not for existing partitions
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
void alter_table(1:string dbname, 2:string tbl_name, 3:Table new_tbl)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
void alter_table_with_environment_context(1:string dbname, 2:string tbl_name,
3:Table new_tbl, 4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// the following applies to only tables that have partitions
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
Partition add_partition(1:Partition new_part)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition add_partition_with_environment_context(1:Partition new_part,
2:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2,
3:MetaException o3)
i32 add_partitions(1:list<Partition> new_parts)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
i32 add_partitions_pspec(1:list<PartitionSpec> new_parts)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
AddPartitionsResult add_partitions_req(1:AddPartitionsRequest request)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:list<string> part_vals, 4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition_by_name(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:string part_name, 4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
bool drop_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_partition_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:list<string> part_vals, 4:bool deleteData, 5:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_partition_by_name(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name, 4:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:string part_name, 4:bool deleteData, 5:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
DropPartitionsResult drop_partitions_req(1: DropPartitionsRequest req)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
Partition get_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
Partition exchange_partition(1:map<string, string> partitionSpecs, 2:string source_db,
3:string source_table_name, 4:string dest_db, 5:string dest_table_name)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2, 3:InvalidObjectException o3,
4:InvalidInputException o4)
Partition get_partition_with_auth(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals,
4: string user_name, 5: list<string> group_names) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
Partition get_partition_by_name(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// returns all the partitions for this table in reverse chronological order.
// If max parts is given then it will return only that many.
list<Partition> get_partitions(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<Partition> get_partitions_with_auth(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_parts=-1,
4: string user_name, 5: list<string> group_names) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<PartitionSpec> get_partitions_pspec(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i32 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_partition_names(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o2)
// get_partition*_ps methods allow filtering by a partial partition specification,
// as needed for dynamic partitions. The values that are not restricted should
// be empty strings. Nulls were considered (instead of "") but caused errors in
// generated Python code. The size of part_vals may be smaller than the
// number of partition columns - the unspecified values are considered the same
// as "".
list<Partition> get_partitions_ps(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name
3:list<string> part_vals, 4:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
list<Partition> get_partitions_ps_with_auth(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:i16 max_parts=-1,
5: string user_name, 6: list<string> group_names) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_partition_names_ps(1:string db_name,
2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// get the partitions matching the given partition filter
list<Partition> get_partitions_by_filter(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name
3:string filter, 4:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// List partitions as PartitionSpec instances.
list<PartitionSpec> get_part_specs_by_filter(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name
3:string filter, 4:i32 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// get the partitions matching the given partition filter
// unlike get_partitions_by_filter, takes serialized hive expression, and with that can work
// with any filter (get_partitions_by_filter only works if the filter can be pushed down to JDOQL.
PartitionsByExprResult get_partitions_by_expr(1:PartitionsByExprRequest req)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// get partitions give a list of partition names
list<Partition> get_partitions_by_names(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name 3:list<string> names)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// changes the partition to the new partition object. partition is identified from the part values
// in the new_part
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
void alter_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:Partition new_part)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// change a list of partitions. All partitions are altered atomically and all
// prehooks are fired together followed by all post hooks
void alter_partitions(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<Partition> new_parts)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
void alter_partition_with_environment_context(1:string db_name,
2:string tbl_name, 3:Partition new_part,
4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// rename the old partition to the new partition object by changing old part values to the part values
// in the new_part. old partition is identified from part_vals.
// partition keys in new_part should be the same as those in old partition.
void rename_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:Partition new_part)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// returns whether or not the partition name is valid based on the value of the config
bool partition_name_has_valid_characters(1:list<string> part_vals, 2:bool throw_exception)
throws(1: MetaException o1)
// gets the value of the configuration key in the metastore server. returns
// defaultValue if the key does not exist. if the configuration key does not
// begin with "hive", "mapred", or "hdfs", a ConfigValSecurityException is
// thrown.
string get_config_value(1:string name, 2:string defaultValue)
throws(1:ConfigValSecurityException o1)
// converts a partition name into a partition values array
list<string> partition_name_to_vals(1: string part_name)
throws(1: MetaException o1)
// converts a partition name into a partition specification (a mapping from
// the partition cols to the values)
map<string, string> partition_name_to_spec(1: string part_name)
throws(1: MetaException o1)
void markPartitionForEvent(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:map<string,string> part_vals,
4:PartitionEventType eventType) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2: NoSuchObjectException o2,
3: UnknownDBException o3, 4: UnknownTableException o4, 5: UnknownPartitionException o5,
6: InvalidPartitionException o6)
bool isPartitionMarkedForEvent(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:map<string,string> part_vals,
4: PartitionEventType eventType) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2,
3: UnknownDBException o3, 4: UnknownTableException o4, 5: UnknownPartitionException o5,
6: InvalidPartitionException o6)
Index add_index(1:Index new_index, 2: Table index_table)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
void alter_index(1:string dbname, 2:string base_tbl_name, 3:string idx_name, 4:Index new_idx)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_index_by_name(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string index_name, 4:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
Index get_index_by_name(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name, 3:string index_name)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
list<Index> get_indexes(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_indexes=-1)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_index_names(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_indexes=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o2)
// column statistics interfaces
// update APIs persist the column statistics object(s) that are passed in. If statistics already
// exists for one or more columns, the existing statistics will be overwritten. The update APIs
// validate that the dbName, tableName, partName, colName[] passed in as part of the ColumnStatistics
// struct are valid, throws InvalidInputException/NoSuchObjectException if found to be invalid
bool update_table_column_statistics(1:ColumnStatistics stats_obj) throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:InvalidInputException o4)
bool update_partition_column_statistics(1:ColumnStatistics stats_obj) throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:InvalidInputException o4)
// get APIs return the column statistics corresponding to db_name, tbl_name, [part_name], col_name if
// such statistics exists. If the required statistics doesn't exist, get APIs throw NoSuchObjectException
// For instance, if get_table_column_statistics is called on a partitioned table for which only
// partition level column stats exist, get_table_column_statistics will throw NoSuchObjectException
ColumnStatistics get_table_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string col_name) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2, 3:InvalidInputException o3, 4:InvalidObjectException o4)
ColumnStatistics get_partition_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name,
4:string col_name) throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2,
3:InvalidInputException o3, 4:InvalidObjectException o4)
TableStatsResult get_table_statistics_req(1:TableStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
PartitionsStatsResult get_partitions_statistics_req(1:PartitionsStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
AggrStats get_aggr_stats_for(1:PartitionsStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool set_aggr_stats_for(1:SetPartitionsStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:InvalidInputException o4)
// delete APIs attempt to delete column statistics, if found, associated with a given db_name, tbl_name, [part_name]
// and col_name. If the delete API doesn't find the statistics record in the metastore, throws NoSuchObjectException
// Delete API validates the input and if the input is invalid throws InvalidInputException/InvalidObjectException.
bool delete_partition_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name, 4:string col_name) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2, 3:InvalidObjectException o3,
4:InvalidInputException o4)
bool delete_table_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string col_name) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2, 3:InvalidObjectException o3,
4:InvalidInputException o4)
// user-defined functions
void create_function(1:Function func)
throws (1:AlreadyExistsException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2,
3:MetaException o3,
4:NoSuchObjectException o4)
void drop_function(1:string dbName, 2:string funcName)
throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o3)
void alter_function(1:string dbName, 2:string funcName, 3:Function newFunc)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_functions(1:string dbName, 2:string pattern)
throws (1:MetaException o1)
Function get_function(1:string dbName, 2:string funcName)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
//authorization privileges
bool create_role(1:Role role) throws(1:MetaException o1)
bool drop_role(1:string role_name) throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<string> get_role_names() throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_role()
bool grant_role(1:string role_name, 2:string principal_name, 3:PrincipalType principal_type,
4:string grantor, 5:PrincipalType grantorType, 6:bool grant_option) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_role()
bool revoke_role(1:string role_name, 2:string principal_name, 3:PrincipalType principal_type)
throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<Role> list_roles(1:string principal_name, 2:PrincipalType principal_type) throws(1:MetaException o1)
GrantRevokeRoleResponse grant_revoke_role(1:GrantRevokeRoleRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// get all role-grants for users/roles that have been granted the given role
// Note that in the returned list of RolePrincipalGrants, the roleName is
// redundant as it would match the role_name argument of this function
GetPrincipalsInRoleResponse get_principals_in_role(1: GetPrincipalsInRoleRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// get grant information of all roles granted to the given principal
// Note that in the returned list of RolePrincipalGrants, the principal name,type is
// redundant as it would match the principal name,type arguments of this function
GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalResponse get_role_grants_for_principal(1: GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1)
PrincipalPrivilegeSet get_privilege_set(1:HiveObjectRef hiveObject, 2:string user_name,
3: list<string> group_names) throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<HiveObjectPrivilege> list_privileges(1:string principal_name, 2:PrincipalType principal_type,
3: HiveObjectRef hiveObject) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_privileges()
bool grant_privileges(1:PrivilegeBag privileges) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_privileges()
bool revoke_privileges(1:PrivilegeBag privileges) throws(1:MetaException o1)
GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse grant_revoke_privileges(1:GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1);
// this is used by metastore client to send UGI information to metastore server immediately
// after setting up a connection.
list<string> set_ugi(1:string user_name, 2:list<string> group_names) throws (1:MetaException o1)
//Authentication (delegation token) interfaces
// get metastore server delegation token for use from the map/reduce tasks to authenticate
// to metastore server
string get_delegation_token(1:string token_owner, 2:string renewer_kerberos_principal_name)
throws (1:MetaException o1)
// method to renew delegation token obtained from metastore server
i64 renew_delegation_token(1:string token_str_form) throws (1:MetaException o1)
// method to cancel delegation token obtained from metastore server
void cancel_delegation_token(1:string token_str_form) throws (1:MetaException o1)
// Transaction and lock management calls
// Get just list of open transactions
GetOpenTxnsResponse get_open_txns()
// Get list of open transactions with state (open, aborted)
GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse get_open_txns_info()
OpenTxnsResponse open_txns(1:OpenTxnRequest rqst)
void abort_txn(1:AbortTxnRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1)
void commit_txn(1:CommitTxnRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1, 2:TxnAbortedException o2)
LockResponse lock(1:LockRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1, 2:TxnAbortedException o2)
LockResponse check_lock(1:CheckLockRequest rqst)
throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1, 2:TxnAbortedException o2, 3:NoSuchLockException o3)
void unlock(1:UnlockRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchLockException o1, 2:TxnOpenException o2)
ShowLocksResponse show_locks(1:ShowLocksRequest rqst)
void heartbeat(1:HeartbeatRequest ids) throws (1:NoSuchLockException o1, 2:NoSuchTxnException o2, 3:TxnAbortedException o3)
HeartbeatTxnRangeResponse heartbeat_txn_range(1:HeartbeatTxnRangeRequest txns)
void compact(1:CompactionRequest rqst)
ShowCompactResponse show_compact(1:ShowCompactRequest rqst)
// * Note about the DDL_TIME: When creating or altering a table or a partition,
// if the DDL_TIME is not set, the current time will be used.
// For storing info about archived partitions in parameters
// Whether the partition is archived
const string IS_ARCHIVED = "is_archived",
// The original location of the partition, before archiving. After archiving,
// this directory will contain the archive. When the partition
// is dropped, this directory will be deleted
const string ORIGINAL_LOCATION = "original_location",
// Whether or not the table is considered immutable - immutable tables can only be
// overwritten or created if unpartitioned, or if partitioned, partitions inside them
// can only be overwritten or created. Immutability supports write-once and replace
// semantics, but not append.
const string IS_IMMUTABLE = "immutable",
// these should be needed only for backward compatibility with filestore
const string META_TABLE_COLUMNS = "columns",
const string META_TABLE_COLUMN_TYPES = "columns.types",
const string BUCKET_FIELD_NAME = "bucket_field_name",
const string BUCKET_COUNT = "bucket_count",
const string FIELD_TO_DIMENSION = "field_to_dimension",
const string META_TABLE_NAME = "name",
const string META_TABLE_DB = "db",
const string META_TABLE_LOCATION = "location",
const string META_TABLE_SERDE = "serde",
const string META_TABLE_PARTITION_COLUMNS = "partition_columns",
const string META_TABLE_PARTITION_COLUMN_TYPES = "partition_columns.types",
const string FILE_INPUT_FORMAT = "file.inputformat",
const string FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "file.outputformat",
const string META_TABLE_STORAGE = "storage_handler",
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{ImplicitConversions, PackratParsers}
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexical
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader._
object BASE_TYPES extends Enumeration {
val STRING = Value("string")
val BINARY = Value("binary")
val SLIST = Value("slist")
val BOOLEAN = Value("bool")
val BYTE = Value("byte")
val I16 = Value("i16")
val I32 = Value("i32")
val I64 = Value("i64")
val DOUBLE = Value("double")
object THRIFT_LANG extends Enumeration {
val CPP = Value("cpp")
val PHP = Value("php")
val PY = Value("py")
val PERL = Value("perl")
val RUBY = Value("ruby")
val SMLTK_CAT = Value("smalltalk.category")
val SMLTK_PRE = Value("smalltalk.prefix")
val JAVA = Value("java")
val COCOA = Value("cocoa")
val XSD = Value("xsd")
val CSHARP = Value("csharp")
val STAR = Value("*")
val OTHER = Value("")
case class TypeAnnotation(name : String, value : String)
case class CPPType(name : String)
sealed trait FunctionType
case class VoidType() extends FunctionType
sealed trait FieldType extends FunctionType
case class IdentifierType(name : String) extends FieldType
case class BaseType(typ : BASE_TYPES.Value, typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]]) extends FieldType
sealed trait ContainerType extends FieldType {
def typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]]
case class MapType(keyType : FieldType, valueType : FieldType,
cppType : Option[CPPType],
typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]]) extends ContainerType
case class SetType(elemType : FieldType,
cppType : Option[CPPType],
typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]]) extends ContainerType
case class ListType(elemType : FieldType,
cppType : Option[CPPType],
typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]]) extends ContainerType
sealed trait ConstValue
case class IntConstant(value : Int) extends ConstValue
case class DoubleConstant(value : Double) extends ConstValue
case class StringConstant(value : String) extends ConstValue
case class IdConstant(value : String) extends ConstValue
case class ConstantList(value : List[ConstValue]) extends ConstValue
case class ConstantValuePair(first : ConstValue, second : ConstValue)
case class ConstantMap(value : List[ConstantValuePair]) extends ConstValue
case class ConstDef(fieldType : FieldType, id : String, value : ConstValue)
case class TypeDef(name : String, fieldType : FieldType,
typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class EnumValueDef(value : String, id : Option[IntConstant], typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class EnumDef(name : String, enumValues : List[EnumValueDef], typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class SEnumDef(name : String, enumValues : List[String], typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class FieldDef(id : Option[IntConstant], requiredNess : Boolean, fieldType : FieldType, name : String,
fieldValue : Option[ConstValue], xsdOptional : Boolean, xsdNillable : Boolean,
xsdAttributes: Option[XsdAttributes],
typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class XsdAttributes(fields : List[FieldDef])
case class StructDef(name : String, xsdAll : Boolean, fields : List[FieldDef],
typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class UnionDef(val name : String, val xsdAll : Boolean,
val fields : List[FieldDef],
val typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class ExceptionDef(val name : String, val xsdAll : Boolean,
val fields : List[FieldDef],
val typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class FunctionDef(oneway : Boolean, returnType : FunctionType, name : String, parameters : List[FieldDef],
throwFields : List[FieldDef], typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class ServiceDef(name : String, superName : Option[String], functions : List[FunctionDef],
typAnnotations :Option[List[TypeAnnotation]])
case class IncludeDef(value : String)
case class CppIncludeDef(val value : String)
case class NamespaceDef(lang : THRIFT_LANG.Value, name : String, otherLang : Option[String] = None)
case class ThriftDef(val includes : List[IncludeDef],
val cppIncludes : List[CppIncludeDef],
val namespaces : List[NamespaceDef],
val constants : List[ConstDef],
val typedefs : List[TypeDef],
val enums : List[EnumDef],
val senums : List[SEnumDef],
val structs : List[StructDef],
val unions : List[UnionDef],
val xceptions : List[ExceptionDef],
val services : List[ServiceDef]) {
def this() = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
List(), List(), List(), List())
def this(a : IncludeDef) = this(a :: Nil, List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
List(), List(), List(), List())
def this(a : CppIncludeDef) = this(List(), a :: Nil, List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
List(), List(), List())
def this(a : NamespaceDef) = this(List(), List(), a :: Nil, List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
List(), List())
def this(a : ConstDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), a :: Nil, List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
def this(a : TypeDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), a :: Nil, List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List())
def this(a : EnumDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), a :: Nil, List(), List(),
List(), List(), List())
def this(a : SEnumDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), a :: Nil, List(),
List(), List(), List())
def this(a : StructDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), a :: Nil,
List(), List(), List())
def this(a : UnionDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
List(), a :: Nil, List(), List())
def this(a : ExceptionDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
List(), List(), a :: Nil, List())
def this(a : ServiceDef) = this(List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(), List(),
List(), List(), List(), a :: Nil)
def plus(a : IncludeDef) = ThriftDef(includes.+:(a), cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums, senums,
structs, unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : CppIncludeDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes.+:(a), namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums, senums,
structs, unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : NamespaceDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces.+:(a), constants, typedefs, enums, senums,
structs, unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : ConstDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants.+:(a), typedefs, enums, senums,
structs, unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : TypeDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs.+:(a), enums, senums,
structs, unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : EnumDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums.+:(a), senums,
structs, unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : SEnumDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums, senums.+:(a),
structs, unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : StructDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums, senums,
structs.+:(a), unions, xceptions, services)
def plus(a : UnionDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums, senums,
structs, unions.+:(a), xceptions, services)
def plus(a : ExceptionDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums, senums,
structs, unions, xceptions.+:(a), services)
def plus(a : ServiceDef) = ThriftDef(includes, cppIncludes, namespaces, constants, typedefs, enums, senums,
structs, unions, xceptions, services.+:(a))
def plus(a : ThriftDef) = ThriftDef(includes ::: a.includes,
cppIncludes ::: a.cppIncludes,
namespaces ::: a.namespaces,
constants ::: a.constants,
typedefs ::: a.typedefs,
enums ::: a.enums,
senums ::: a.senums,
structs ::: a.structs,
unions ::: a.unions,
xceptions ::: a.xceptions,
services :::
class ThriftParser extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.higherKinds
protected case class Keyword(str: String)
protected implicit def asParser(k: Keyword): Parser[String] = k.str
protected val LPAREN = Keyword("(")
protected val RPAREN = Keyword(")")
protected val EQ = Keyword("=")
protected val CPP_TYPE = Keyword("cpp_type")
protected val LIST = Keyword("list")
protected val LT = Keyword("<")
protected val GT = Keyword(">")
protected val SET = Keyword("set")
protected val MAP = Keyword("map")
protected val STRING = Keyword("string")
protected val BINARY = Keyword("binary")
protected val SLIST = Keyword("slist")
protected val BOOL = Keyword("bool")
protected val BYTE = Keyword("byte")
protected val I16 = Keyword("i16")
protected val I32 = Keyword("i32")
protected val I64 = Keyword("i64")
protected val DOUBLE = Keyword("double")
protected val VOID = Keyword("void")
protected val REQUIRED = Keyword("required")
protected val OPTIONAL = Keyword("optional")
protected val COLON = Keyword(":")
protected val THROWS = Keyword("throws")
protected val ONEWAY = Keyword("oneway")
protected val EXTENDS = Keyword("extends")
protected val SERVIC = Keyword("service")
protected val EXCEPTION = Keyword("exception")
protected val LBRACKET = Keyword("{")
protected val RBRACKET = Keyword("}")
protected val XSD_ATTRS = Keyword("xsd_attributes")
protected val XSD_NILBLE = Keyword("xsd_nillable")
protected val XSD_OPT = Keyword("xsd_optional")
protected val XSD_ALL = Keyword("xsd_all")
protected val UNION = Keyword("union")
protected val LSQBRACKET = Keyword("[")
protected val RSQBRACKET = Keyword("]")
protected val CONST = Keyword("const")
protected val STRUCT = Keyword("struct")
protected val SENUM = Keyword("senum")
protected val ENUM = Keyword("enum")
protected val COMMA = Keyword(",")
protected val SEMICOLON = Keyword(";")
protected val TYPEDEF = Keyword("typedef")
protected val INCLUDE = Keyword("include")
protected val CPP_INCL = Keyword("cpp_include")
protected val NAMESPACE = Keyword("namespace")
protected val STAR = Keyword("*")
protected val CPP_NS = Keyword("cpp_namespace")
protected val PHP_NS = Keyword("php_namespace")
protected val PY_NS = Keyword("py_namespace")
protected val PERL_NS = Keyword("perl_namespace")
protected val RUBY_NS = Keyword("ruby_namespace")
protected val SMLTK_CAT = Keyword("smalltalk_category")
protected val SMLTK_PRE = Keyword("smalltalk_prefix")
protected val JAVA_NS = Keyword("java_namespace")
protected val COCOA_NS = Keyword("cocoa_namespace")
protected val XSD_NS = Keyword("xsd_namespace")
protected val CSHARP_NS = Keyword("csharp_namespace")
private val reservedWordsDelims : Seq[String] =
.filter(_.getReturnType == classOf[Keyword])
private val (thriftreservedWords : Seq[String], thriftdelims : Seq[String]) =
reservedWordsDelims.partition(s => s.charAt(0).isLetter)
override val lexical = new ThriftLexer(thriftreservedWords, thriftdelims)
import lexical.HexConstant
/** A parser which matches a hex constant */
def hexConstant: Parser[String] =
elem("string literal", _.isInstanceOf[HexConstant]) ^^ (_.chars)
def apply(input: String): Option[ThriftDef] = {
phrase(program)(new lexical.Scanner(input)) match {
case Success(r, x) => Some(r)
case Failure(m, x) => {
case Error(m, x) => {
def applyStringLit[X](input: String): Option[String] = {
phrase(stringLit)(new lexical.Scanner(input)) match {
case Success(r, x) => Some(r)
case Failure(m, x) => {
def program = headers ~ definitions ^^ { case h ~ d => h plus d}
def headers = header.* ^^ { case l => l.foldRight(new ThriftDef)((a,t) => t plus a)}
def header = INCLUDE ~> stringLit ^^ { case s => new ThriftDef(IncludeDef(s))} |
CPP_INCL ~> stringLit ^^ { case s => new ThriftDef(CppIncludeDef(s))} |
NAMESPACE ~ ident ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ t ~ n => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.OTHER, t, Some(n)))} |
NAMESPACE ~ STAR ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ s ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.STAR, i))} |
CPP_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.CPP, i))} |
PHP_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.PHP, i))} |
PY_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.PY, i))} |
PERL_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.PERL, i))} |
RUBY_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.RUBY, i))} |
SMLTK_CAT ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.SMLTK_CAT, i))} |
SMLTK_PRE ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.SMLTK_PRE, i))} |
JAVA_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.JAVA, i))} |
COCOA_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.COCOA, i))} |
XSD_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.XSD, i))} |
CSHARP_NS ~ ident ^^ { case ns ~ i => new ThriftDef(NamespaceDef(THRIFT_LANG.CSHARP, i))}
def definitions = typeDefinition.* ^^ { case l => l.foldRight(new ThriftDef)((a,t) => t plus a)}
def definition = typeDefinition
def typeDefinition[Parser[ThriftDef]] = (typedef ^^ {case t => new ThriftDef(t)} |
enum ^^ {case e => new ThriftDef(e)} |
senum ^^ {case e => new ThriftDef(e)}
def typedef : Parser[TypeDef] = TYPEDEF ~ fieldType ~ ident ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ {
case t ~ f ~ i ~ tA => TypeDef(i, f, tA)
def enum : Parser[EnumDef] = ENUM ~ ident ~ LBRACKET ~ enumDef.* ~ RBRACKET ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ {
case e ~ i ~ l ~ ed ~ r ~ t => EnumDef(i, ed.toList, t)
def enumDef : Parser[EnumValueDef] = ident ~ EQ ~ numericLit ~ typeAnnotations.? ~ commaOrSemicolon.? ^^ {
case i ~ e ~ n ~ t ~ c => EnumValueDef(i, Some(IntConstant(n.toInt)), t)
def senum : Parser[SEnumDef] = SENUM ~ ident ~ LBRACKET ~ senumDef.* ~ RBRACKET ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ {
case se ~ i ~ l ~ sed ~ r ~ t => SEnumDef(i, sed.toList, t)
def senumDef : Parser[String] = stringLit <~ commaOrSemicolon.?
def struct = STRUCT ~ ident ~ XSD_ALL.? ~ LBRACKET
def isRequired(r : Option[String]) = r match {
case Some(REQUIRED) => true
case _ => false
def isXsdOptional(r : Option[String]) = r match {
case Some(XSD_OPT) => true
case _ => false
def isXsdNillable(r : Option[String]) = r match {
case Some(XSD_NILBLE) => true
case _ => false
def field = fieldIdentifier.? ~ fieldRequiredness.? ~ fieldType ~ ident ~ fieldValue.? ~
XSD_OPT.? ~ XSD_NILBLE.? ~ xsdAttributes.? ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ {
case fi ~ fr ~ ft ~id ~ fv ~ xo ~ xn ~ xa ~ tA => FieldDef(
def xsdAttributes : Parser[XsdAttributes] = XSD_ATTRS ~ LBRACKET ~ field.* ~ RBRACKET ^^ {
case x ~ l ~ f ~ r => XsdAttributes(f)
def fieldValue = COLON ~> constValue
def fieldRequiredness : Parser[String] = REQUIRED | OPTIONAL
def fieldIdentifier : Parser[IntConstant] = numericLit <~ COLON ^^ {
case n => IntConstant(n.toInt)
def parseDouble(s: String) = try { Some(s.toDouble) } catch { case _ : Throwable => None }
def constValue : Parser[ConstValue] = numericLit ^^ {
case n => parseDouble(n) match {
case Some(d) => DoubleConstant(d)
case _ => IntConstant(n.toInt)
} |
hexConstant ^^ { case h => IntConstant(Integer.parseInt(h, 16))} |
stringLit ^^ { case s => StringConstant(s)} |
ident ^^ { case i => IdConstant(i)} |
constList |
def constValuePair = constValue ~ COLON ~ constValue ~ commaOrSemicolon.? ^^ {
case k ~ c ~ v ~ cs => ConstantValuePair(k,v)
def constList = LSQBRACKET ~ (constValue <~ commaOrSemicolon).* ~ RSQBRACKET ^^ {
case l ~ vs ~ r => ConstantList(vs)
def constMap = LBRACKET ~ constValuePair.* ~ RBRACKET ^^ {
case l ~ ps ~ r => ConstantMap(ps)
def containterType : Parser[ContainerType] = mapType | setType | listType
def setType = SET ~ cppType.? ~ LT ~ fieldType ~ GT ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ {
case s ~ ct ~ lt ~ t ~ gt ~ tA => SetType(t, ct, tA)
def listType = LIST ~ LT ~ fieldType ~ GT ~ cppType.? ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ {
case l ~ lt ~ t ~ gt ~ ct ~ tA => ListType(t, ct, tA)
def mapType = MAP ~ cppType.? ~ LT ~ fieldType ~ COMMA ~ fieldType ~ GT ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ {
case s ~ ct ~ lt ~ kt ~ c ~ vt ~ gt ~ tA => MapType(kt, vt, ct, tA)
def cppType : Parser[CPPType] = CPP_TYPE ~ stringLit ^^ { case c ~ s => CPPType(s)}
def fieldType: Parser[FieldType] = ident ^^ {case i => IdentifierType(i)} |
baseType |
def baseType : Parser[BaseType] = simpleBaseType ~ typeAnnotations.? ^^ { case s ~ t => BaseType(s, t)}
def simpleBaseType : Parser[BASE_TYPES.Value] = STRING ^^^ BASE_TYPES.STRING |
I16 ^^^ BASE_TYPES.I16 |
I32 ^^^ BASE_TYPES.I32 |
I64 ^^^ BASE_TYPES.I64 |
def typeAnnotations : Parser[List[TypeAnnotation]] =
LPAREN ~ typeAnnotation.* ~ RPAREN ^^ { case l ~ t ~ r => t.toList}
def typeAnnotation : Parser[TypeAnnotation] =
(ident ~ EQ ~ stringLit ~ commaOrSemicolon.?) ^^ { case i ~ e ~ s ~ c => TypeAnnotation(i,s)}
def commaOrSemicolon = COMMA | SEMICOLON
class ThriftLexer(val keywords: Seq[String], val delims : Seq[String]) extends StdLexical with ImplicitConversions {
case class HexConstant(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
case class StIdentifier(chars: String) extends Token {
override def toString = chars
reserved ++= keywords
delimiters ++= delims
override lazy val token: Parser[Token] =
( identifier ^^ processIdent
| st_identifier ^^ StIdentifier
| string ^^ StringLit
| hexConstant ^^ HexConstant
| dubConstant ^^ NumericLit
| intConstant ^^ NumericLit
| EofCh ^^^ EOF
| '\'' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| '"' ~> failure("unclosed string literal")
| delim
| failure("illegal character")
override def identChar = letter | elem('_')
def identifier = identChar ~ (identChar | digit | '.' ).* ^^
{ case first ~ rest => (first :: rest).mkString }
def st_identChar = letter | elem('-')
def st_identifier = st_identChar ~ (st_identChar | digit | '.' | '_').* ^^
{ case first ~ rest => (first :: rest).mkString("")}
override def whitespace: Parser[Any] =
( whitespaceChar
| '/' ~ '*' ~ comment
| '/' ~ '/' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
| '#' ~ chrExcept(EofCh, '\n').*
| '/' ~ '*' ~ failure("unclosed comment")
def string = '\"' ~> chrExcept('\"', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '\"' ^^ { _ mkString "" } |
'\'' ~> chrExcept('\'', '\n', EofCh).* <~ '\'' ^^ { _ mkString "" }
def zero: Parser[String] = '0' ^^^ "0"
def nonzero = elem("nonzero digit", d => d.isDigit && d != '0')
def sign = elem("sign character", d => d == '-' || d == '+')
def exponent = elem("exponent character", d => d == 'e' || d == 'E')
def intConstant = zero | intList
def intList = nonzero ~ rep(digit) ^^ {case x ~ y => (x :: y) mkString ""}
def fracPart = '.' ~> rep(digit) ^^ { "." + _ mkString "" }
def expPart = exponent ~ opt(sign) ~ rep1(digit) ^^ { case e ~ s ~ d =>
e.toString + optString("", s) + d.mkString("")
def dubConstant = opt(sign) ~ digit.* ~ fracPart ~ opt(expPart) ^^ { case s ~ i ~ f ~ e =>
optString("", s) + i + f + optString("", e)
val hexDigits = Set[Char]() ++ "0123456789abcdefABCDEF".toArray
def hexDigit = elem("hex digit", hexDigits.contains(_))
def hexConstant = '0' ~> 'x' ~> hexDigit.+ ^^ {case h => h.mkString("")}
private def optString[A](pre: String, a: Option[A]) = a match {
case Some(x) => pre + x.toString
case None => ""
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader
class ThriftLexerTest {
def scan(p : ThriftParser, str : String) : p.lexical.ParseResult[_] = {
val l = p.lexical
var s: l.Input = new CharArrayReader(str.toCharArray)
var r = (l.whitespace.? ~ l.token)(s)
s =
while (r.successful && !s.atEnd) {
s =
if ( !s.atEnd ) {
r = (l.whitespace.? ~ l.token)(s)
@Test def testSimple {
val p = new ThriftParser
val r = scan(p, """efg abc""")
@Test def testStruct {
val p = new ThriftParser
val r = scan(p, """struct PartitionSpecWithSharedSD {
1: list<PartitionWithoutSD> partitions,
2: StorageDescriptor sd,
@Test def testTableStruct {
val p = new ThriftParser
val r = scan(p, """// table information
struct Table {
1: string tableName, // name of the table
2: string dbName, // database name ('default')
3: string owner, // owner of this table
4: i32 createTime, // creation time of the table
5: i32 lastAccessTime, // last access time (usually this will be filled from HDFS and shouldn't be relied on)
6: i32 retention, // retention time
7: StorageDescriptor sd, // storage descriptor of the table
8: list<FieldSchema> partitionKeys, // partition keys of the table. only primitive types are supported
9: map<string, string> parameters, // to store comments or any other user level parameters
10: string viewOriginalText, // original view text, null for non-view
11: string viewExpandedText, // expanded view text, null for non-view
12: string tableType, // table type enum, e.g. EXTERNAL_TABLE
13: optional PrincipalPrivilegeSet privileges,
14: optional bool temporary=false
@Test def testIncorrectStruct {
val p = new ThriftParser
val r = scan(p, """// table information
struct Table {
| 1: string tableName, // name of the table
| 2: string dbName
@Test def testService {
val p = new ThriftParser
val r = scan(p, """/**
* This interface is live.
service ThriftHiveMetastore extends fb303.FacebookService
string getMetaConf(1:string key) throws(1:MetaException o1)
void setMetaConf(1:string key, 2:string value) throws(1:MetaException o1)
void create_database(1:Database database) throws(1:AlreadyExistsException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Database get_database(1:string name) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
void drop_database(1:string name, 2:bool deleteData, 3:bool cascade) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:InvalidOperationException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
list<string> get_databases(1:string pattern) throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<string> get_all_databases() throws(1:MetaException o1)
void alter_database(1:string dbname, 2:Database db) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// returns the type with given name (make seperate calls for the dependent types if needed)
Type get_type(1:string name) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
bool create_type(1:Type type) throws(1:AlreadyExistsException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
bool drop_type(1:string type) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
map<string, Type> get_type_all(1:string name)
throws(1:MetaException o2)
// Gets a list of FieldSchemas describing the columns of a particular table
list<FieldSchema> get_fields(1: string db_name, 2: string table_name) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2: UnknownTableException o2, 3: UnknownDBException o3),
// Gets a list of FieldSchemas describing both the columns and the partition keys of a particular table
list<FieldSchema> get_schema(1: string db_name, 2: string table_name) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2: UnknownTableException o2, 3: UnknownDBException o3)
// create a Hive table. Following fields must be set
// tableName
// database (only 'default' for now until Hive QL supports databases)
// owner (not needed, but good to have for tracking purposes)
// sd.cols (list of field schemas)
// sd.inputFormat (SequenceFileInputFormat (binary like falcon tables or u_full) or TextInputFormat)
// sd.outputFormat (SequenceFileInputFormat (binary) or TextInputFormat)
// sd.serdeInfo.serializationLib (SerDe class name eg org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.simple_meta.MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
void create_table(1:Table tbl) throws(1:AlreadyExistsException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:NoSuchObjectException o4)
void create_table_with_environment_context(1:Table tbl,
2:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:AlreadyExistsException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3,
4:NoSuchObjectException o4)
// drops the table and all the partitions associated with it if the table has partitions
// delete data (including partitions) if deleteData is set to true
void drop_table(1:string dbname, 2:string name, 3:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o3)
void drop_table_with_environment_context(1:string dbname, 2:string name, 3:bool deleteData,
4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o3)
list<string> get_tables(1: string db_name, 2: string pattern) throws (1: MetaException o1)
list<string> get_all_tables(1: string db_name) throws (1: MetaException o1)
Table get_table(1:string dbname, 2:string tbl_name)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
list<Table> get_table_objects_by_name(1:string dbname, 2:list<string> tbl_names)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:InvalidOperationException o2, 3:UnknownDBException o3)
// Get a list of table names that match a filter.
// The filter operators are LIKE, <, <=, >, >=, =, <>
// In the filter statement, values interpreted as strings must be enclosed in quotes,
// while values interpreted as integers should not be. Strings and integers are the only
// supported value types.
// The currently supported key names in the filter are:
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER, which filters on the tables' owner's name
// and supports all filter operators
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS, which filters on the last access times
// and supports all filter operators except LIKE
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS, which filters on the tables' parameter keys and values
// and only supports the filter operators = and <>.
// Append the parameter key name to HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS in the filter statement.
// For example, to filter on parameter keys called "retention", the key name in the filter
// statement should be Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention"
// Also, = and <> only work for keys that exist
// in the tables. E.g., if you are looking for tables where key1 <> value, it will only
// look at tables that have a value for the parameter key1.
// Some example filter statements include:
// filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER + " like \".*test.*\" and " +
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS + " = 0";
// filter = Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"30\" or " +
// Constants.HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS + "retention = \"90\""
// @param dbName
// The name of the database from which you will retrieve the table names
// @param filterType
// The type of filter
// @param filter
// The filter string
// @param max_tables
// The maximum number of tables returned
// @return A list of table names that match the desired filter
list<string> get_table_names_by_filter(1:string dbname, 2:string filter, 3:i16 max_tables=-1)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:InvalidOperationException o2, 3:UnknownDBException o3)
// alter table applies to only future partitions not for existing partitions
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
void alter_table(1:string dbname, 2:string tbl_name, 3:Table new_tbl)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
void alter_table_with_environment_context(1:string dbname, 2:string tbl_name,
3:Table new_tbl, 4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// the following applies to only tables that have partitions
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
Partition add_partition(1:Partition new_part)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition add_partition_with_environment_context(1:Partition new_part,
2:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2,
3:MetaException o3)
i32 add_partitions(1:list<Partition> new_parts)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
i32 add_partitions_pspec(1:list<PartitionSpec> new_parts)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
AddPartitionsResult add_partitions_req(1:AddPartitionsRequest request)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:list<string> part_vals, 4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition_by_name(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
Partition append_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:string part_name, 4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
bool drop_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_partition_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:list<string> part_vals, 4:bool deleteData, 5:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_partition_by_name(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name, 4:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_partition_by_name_with_environment_context(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name,
3:string part_name, 4:bool deleteData, 5:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
DropPartitionsResult drop_partitions_req(1: DropPartitionsRequest req)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
Partition get_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
Partition exchange_partition(1:map<string, string> partitionSpecs, 2:string source_db,
3:string source_table_name, 4:string dest_db, 5:string dest_table_name)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2, 3:InvalidObjectException o3,
4:InvalidInputException o4)
Partition get_partition_with_auth(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals,
4: string user_name, 5: list<string> group_names) throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
Partition get_partition_by_name(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// returns all the partitions for this table in reverse chronological order.
// If max parts is given then it will return only that many.
list<Partition> get_partitions(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<Partition> get_partitions_with_auth(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_parts=-1,
4: string user_name, 5: list<string> group_names) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<PartitionSpec> get_partitions_pspec(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i32 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_partition_names(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o2)
// get_partition*_ps methods allow filtering by a partial partition specification,
// as needed for dynamic partitions. The values that are not restricted should
// be empty strings. Nulls were considered (instead of "") but caused errors in
// generated Python code. The size of part_vals may be smaller than the
// number of partition columns - the unspecified values are considered the same
// as "".
list<Partition> get_partitions_ps(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name
3:list<string> part_vals, 4:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
list<Partition> get_partitions_ps_with_auth(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:i16 max_parts=-1,
5: string user_name, 6: list<string> group_names) throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_partition_names_ps(1:string db_name,
2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// get the partitions matching the given partition filter
list<Partition> get_partitions_by_filter(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name
3:string filter, 4:i16 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// List partitions as PartitionSpec instances.
list<PartitionSpec> get_part_specs_by_filter(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name
3:string filter, 4:i32 max_parts=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// get the partitions matching the given partition filter
// unlike get_partitions_by_filter, takes serialized hive expression, and with that can work
// with any filter (get_partitions_by_filter only works if the filter can be pushed down to JDOQL.
PartitionsByExprResult get_partitions_by_expr(1:PartitionsByExprRequest req)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// get partitions give a list of partition names
list<Partition> get_partitions_by_names(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name 3:list<string> names)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
// changes the partition to the new partition object. partition is identified from the part values
// in the new_part
// * See notes on DDL_TIME
void alter_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:Partition new_part)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// change a list of partitions. All partitions are altered atomically and all
// prehooks are fired together followed by all post hooks
void alter_partitions(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<Partition> new_parts)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
void alter_partition_with_environment_context(1:string db_name,
2:string tbl_name, 3:Partition new_part,
4:EnvironmentContext environment_context)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// rename the old partition to the new partition object by changing old part values to the part values
// in the new_part. old partition is identified from part_vals.
// partition keys in new_part should be the same as those in old partition.
void rename_partition(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:list<string> part_vals, 4:Partition new_part)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
// returns whether or not the partition name is valid based on the value of the config
bool partition_name_has_valid_characters(1:list<string> part_vals, 2:bool throw_exception)
throws(1: MetaException o1)
// gets the value of the configuration key in the metastore server. returns
// defaultValue if the key does not exist. if the configuration key does not
// begin with "hive", "mapred", or "hdfs", a ConfigValSecurityException is
// thrown.
string get_config_value(1:string name, 2:string defaultValue)
throws(1:ConfigValSecurityException o1)
// converts a partition name into a partition values array
list<string> partition_name_to_vals(1: string part_name)
throws(1: MetaException o1)
// converts a partition name into a partition specification (a mapping from
// the partition cols to the values)
map<string, string> partition_name_to_spec(1: string part_name)
throws(1: MetaException o1)
void markPartitionForEvent(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:map<string,string> part_vals,
4:PartitionEventType eventType) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2: NoSuchObjectException o2,
3: UnknownDBException o3, 4: UnknownTableException o4, 5: UnknownPartitionException o5,
6: InvalidPartitionException o6)
bool isPartitionMarkedForEvent(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:map<string,string> part_vals,
4: PartitionEventType eventType) throws (1: MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2,
3: UnknownDBException o3, 4: UnknownTableException o4, 5: UnknownPartitionException o5,
6: InvalidPartitionException o6)
Index add_index(1:Index new_index, 2: Table index_table)
throws(1:InvalidObjectException o1, 2:AlreadyExistsException o2, 3:MetaException o3)
void alter_index(1:string dbname, 2:string base_tbl_name, 3:string idx_name, 4:Index new_idx)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool drop_index_by_name(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string index_name, 4:bool deleteData)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
Index get_index_by_name(1:string db_name 2:string tbl_name, 3:string index_name)
throws(1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
list<Index> get_indexes(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_indexes=-1)
throws(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_index_names(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:i16 max_indexes=-1)
throws(1:MetaException o2)
// column statistics interfaces
// update APIs persist the column statistics object(s) that are passed in. If statistics already
// exists for one or more columns, the existing statistics will be overwritten. The update APIs
// validate that the dbName, tableName, partName, colName[] passed in as part of the ColumnStatistics
// struct are valid, throws InvalidInputException/NoSuchObjectException if found to be invalid
bool update_table_column_statistics(1:ColumnStatistics stats_obj) throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:InvalidInputException o4)
bool update_partition_column_statistics(1:ColumnStatistics stats_obj) throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:InvalidInputException o4)
// get APIs return the column statistics corresponding to db_name, tbl_name, [part_name], col_name if
// such statistics exists. If the required statistics doesn't exist, get APIs throw NoSuchObjectException
// For instance, if get_table_column_statistics is called on a partitioned table for which only
// partition level column stats exist, get_table_column_statistics will throw NoSuchObjectException
ColumnStatistics get_table_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string col_name) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2, 3:InvalidInputException o3, 4:InvalidObjectException o4)
ColumnStatistics get_partition_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name,
4:string col_name) throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2,
3:InvalidInputException o3, 4:InvalidObjectException o4)
TableStatsResult get_table_statistics_req(1:TableStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
PartitionsStatsResult get_partitions_statistics_req(1:PartitionsStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
AggrStats get_aggr_stats_for(1:PartitionsStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
bool set_aggr_stats_for(1:SetPartitionsStatsRequest request) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:InvalidObjectException o2, 3:MetaException o3, 4:InvalidInputException o4)
// delete APIs attempt to delete column statistics, if found, associated with a given db_name, tbl_name, [part_name]
// and col_name. If the delete API doesn't find the statistics record in the metastore, throws NoSuchObjectException
// Delete API validates the input and if the input is invalid throws InvalidInputException/InvalidObjectException.
bool delete_partition_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string part_name, 4:string col_name) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2, 3:InvalidObjectException o3,
4:InvalidInputException o4)
bool delete_table_column_statistics(1:string db_name, 2:string tbl_name, 3:string col_name) throws
(1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o2, 3:InvalidObjectException o3,
4:InvalidInputException o4)
// user-defined functions
void create_function(1:Function func)
throws (1:AlreadyExistsException o1,
2:InvalidObjectException o2,
3:MetaException o3,
4:NoSuchObjectException o4)
void drop_function(1:string dbName, 2:string funcName)
throws (1:NoSuchObjectException o1, 2:MetaException o3)
void alter_function(1:string dbName, 2:string funcName, 3:Function newFunc)
throws (1:InvalidOperationException o1, 2:MetaException o2)
list<string> get_functions(1:string dbName, 2:string pattern)
throws (1:MetaException o1)
Function get_function(1:string dbName, 2:string funcName)
throws (1:MetaException o1, 2:NoSuchObjectException o2)
//authorization privileges
bool create_role(1:Role role) throws(1:MetaException o1)
bool drop_role(1:string role_name) throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<string> get_role_names() throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_role()
bool grant_role(1:string role_name, 2:string principal_name, 3:PrincipalType principal_type,
4:string grantor, 5:PrincipalType grantorType, 6:bool grant_option) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_role()
bool revoke_role(1:string role_name, 2:string principal_name, 3:PrincipalType principal_type)
throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<Role> list_roles(1:string principal_name, 2:PrincipalType principal_type) throws(1:MetaException o1)
GrantRevokeRoleResponse grant_revoke_role(1:GrantRevokeRoleRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// get all role-grants for users/roles that have been granted the given role
// Note that in the returned list of RolePrincipalGrants, the roleName is
// redundant as it would match the role_name argument of this function
GetPrincipalsInRoleResponse get_principals_in_role(1: GetPrincipalsInRoleRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// get grant information of all roles granted to the given principal
// Note that in the returned list of RolePrincipalGrants, the principal name,type is
// redundant as it would match the principal name,type arguments of this function
GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalResponse get_role_grants_for_principal(1: GetRoleGrantsForPrincipalRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1)
PrincipalPrivilegeSet get_privilege_set(1:HiveObjectRef hiveObject, 2:string user_name,
3: list<string> group_names) throws(1:MetaException o1)
list<HiveObjectPrivilege> list_privileges(1:string principal_name, 2:PrincipalType principal_type,
3: HiveObjectRef hiveObject) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_privileges()
bool grant_privileges(1:PrivilegeBag privileges) throws(1:MetaException o1)
// Deprecated, use grant_revoke_privileges()
bool revoke_privileges(1:PrivilegeBag privileges) throws(1:MetaException o1)
GrantRevokePrivilegeResponse grant_revoke_privileges(1:GrantRevokePrivilegeRequest request) throws(1:MetaException o1);
// this is used by metastore client to send UGI information to metastore server immediately
// after setting up a connection.
list<string> set_ugi(1:string user_name, 2:list<string> group_names) throws (1:MetaException o1)
//Authentication (delegation token) interfaces
// get metastore server delegation token for use from the map/reduce tasks to authenticate
// to metastore server
string get_delegation_token(1:string token_owner, 2:string renewer_kerberos_principal_name)
throws (1:MetaException o1)
// method to renew delegation token obtained from metastore server
i64 renew_delegation_token(1:string token_str_form) throws (1:MetaException o1)
// method to cancel delegation token obtained from metastore server
void cancel_delegation_token(1:string token_str_form) throws (1:MetaException o1)
// Transaction and lock management calls
// Get just list of open transactions
GetOpenTxnsResponse get_open_txns()
// Get list of open transactions with state (open, aborted)
GetOpenTxnsInfoResponse get_open_txns_info()
OpenTxnsResponse open_txns(1:OpenTxnRequest rqst)
void abort_txn(1:AbortTxnRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1)
void commit_txn(1:CommitTxnRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1, 2:TxnAbortedException o2)
LockResponse lock(1:LockRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1, 2:TxnAbortedException o2)
LockResponse check_lock(1:CheckLockRequest rqst)
throws (1:NoSuchTxnException o1, 2:TxnAbortedException o2, 3:NoSuchLockException o3)
void unlock(1:UnlockRequest rqst) throws (1:NoSuchLockException o1, 2:TxnOpenException o2)
ShowLocksResponse show_locks(1:ShowLocksRequest rqst)
void heartbeat(1:HeartbeatRequest ids) throws (1:NoSuchLockException o1, 2:NoSuchTxnException o2, 3:TxnAbortedException o3)
HeartbeatTxnRangeResponse heartbeat_txn_range(1:HeartbeatTxnRangeRequest txns)
void compact(1:CompactionRequest rqst)
ShowCompactResponse show_compact(1:ShowCompactRequest rqst)
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert
class ThriftParserTest {
@Test def testSimple {
var p = new ThriftParser
var td : Option[ThriftDef] = p("""include "share/fb303/if/fb303.thrift"
namespace java org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api
namespace php metastore
namespace cpp Apache.Hadoop.Hive
Assert.assertEquals(td.get.toString, """ThriftDef(List(IncludeDef(share/fb303/if/fb303.thrift)),List(),List(NamespaceDef(,cpp,Some(Apache.Hadoop.Hive)), NamespaceDef(,php,Some(metastore)), NamespaceDef(,java,Some(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api))),List(),List(),List(),List(),List(),List(),List(),List())""")
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