Commit 208e90b1 by Hemanth Yamijala

ATLAS-833 Make default build profile for External HBase and Solr (tbeerbower via yhemanth)

parent 42d5e37e
......@@ -28,9 +28,28 @@
<description>Apache Atlas Distribution</description>
<name>Apache Atlas Distribution</name>
<!-- by default configure hbase and solr with the distribution -->
#For standalone mode , specify localhost
#for distributed mode, specify zookeeper quorum here - For more information refer
#Solr cloud mode properties
#Solr http mode properties
......@@ -93,15 +112,59 @@
<!-- embedded_services profile to package and configure embedded hbase and solr with the distribution -->
<!-- profile to configure berkeley and elasticsearch with the distribution -->
<!-- profile to configure berkeley and elasticsearch with the distribution -->
<!-- profile to package and configure embedded hbase and solr with the distribution -->
#For standalone mode , specify localhost
#for distributed mode, specify zookeeper quorum here - For more information refer
#Solr cloud mode properties
#Solr http mode properties
......@@ -19,33 +19,13 @@
######### Graph Database Configs #########
# Graph Storage${}${sys:atlas.home}/data/berkley
#Hbase as storage backend
#For standalone mode , specify localhost
#for distributed mode, specify zookeeper quorum here - For more information refer
# Graph Search Index${titan.index.backend}
# Solr cloud mode properties
#Solr http mode properties
# Graph Search Index
######### Notification Configs #########
......@@ -57,5 +57,8 @@
# Where do you want to expand the war file. By Default it is in /server/webapp dir under the base install dir.
# indicates whether or not a local instance of HBase should be started for Atlas
export MANAGE_LOCAL_HBASE=${hbase.embedded}
# indicates whether or not a local instance of Solr should be started for Atlas
export MANAGE_LOCAL_SOLR=${solr.embedded}
......@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ Without Ranger, HBase shell can be used to set the permissions.
echo "grant 'atlas', 'RWXCA', 'titan'" | hbase shell
Note that if the embedded_services profile is used then HBase is included in the distribution so that a standalone
instance of HBase can be started as the default storage backend for the graph repository. Using the embedded_services
Note that if the embedded-hbase-solr profile is used then HBase is included in the distribution so that a standalone
instance of HBase can be started as the default storage backend for the graph repository. Using the embedded-hbase-solr
profile will configure Atlas so that HBase instance will be started and stopped along with the Atlas server by default.
To use the embedded_services profile please see "Building Atlas" in the [[InstallationSteps][Installation Steps]]
To use the embedded-hbase-solr profile please see "Building Atlas" in the [[InstallationSteps][Installation Steps]]
---+++ Graph Search Index
......@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ Please note that Solr installation in Cloud mode is a prerequisite before config<the ZK quorum setup for solr as comma separated value> eg:,
Also note that if the embedded_services profile is used then Solr is included in the distribution so that a standalone
instance of Solr can be started as the default search indexing backend. Using the embedded_services profile will
Also note that if the embedded-hbase-solr profile is used then Solr is included in the distribution so that a standalone
instance of Solr can be started as the default search indexing backend. Using the embedded-hbase-solr profile will
configure Atlas so that the standalone Solr instance will be started and stopped along with the Atlas server by default.
To use the embedded_services profile please see "Building Atlas" in the [[InstallationSteps][Installation Steps]]
To use the embedded-hbase-solr profile please see "Building Atlas" in the [[InstallationSteps][Installation Steps]]
---+++ Choosing between Persistence and Indexing Backends
......@@ -18,15 +18,29 @@ mvn clean package -Pdist
To build a distribution that packages HBase and Solr, build with the embedded_services profile.
To build a distribution that configures Atlas for external HBase and Solr, build with the external-hbase-solr profile.
mvn clean package -Pdist,embedded_services
mvn clean package -Pdist,external-hbase-solr
Using the embedded_services profile will configure Atlas so that an HBase instance and a Solr instance will be started
Note that when the external-hbase-solr profile is used the following steps need to be completed to make Atlas functional.
* Configure (see "Graph persistence engine - HBase" in the [[Configuration][Configuration]] section).
* Configure (see "Graph Search Index - Solr" in the [[Configuration][Configuration]] section).
* Set HBASE_CONF_DIR to point to a valid HBase config directory (see "Graph persistence engine - HBase" in the [[Configuration][Configuration]] section).
* Create the SOLR indices (see "Graph Search Index - Solr" in the [[Configuration][Configuration]] section).
To build a distribution that packages HBase and Solr, build with the embedded-hbase-solr profile.
mvn clean package -Pdist,embedded-hbase-solr
Using the embedded-hbase-solr profile will configure Atlas so that an HBase instance and a Solr instance will be started
and stopped along with the Atlas server by default.
Tar can be found in atlas/distro/target/apache-atlas-${project.version}-bin.tar.gz
......@@ -75,7 +89,7 @@ Tar is structured as follows
Note that if the embedded_services profile is specified for the build then HBase and Solr are included in the
Note that if the embedded-hbase-solr profile is specified for the build then HBase and Solr are included in the
In this case, a standalone instance of HBase can be started as the default storage backend for the graph repository.
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ ATLAS-409 Atlas will not import avro tables with schema read from a file (dosset
ATLAS-379 Create sqoop and falcon metadata addons (venkatnrangan,bvellanki,sowmyaramesh via shwethags)
ATLAS-833 Make default build profile for External HBase and Solr (tbeerbower via yhemanth)
ATLAS-841 mvn clean install of Atlas is failing python unit tests (yhemanth)
ATLAS-834 Handle exceptions from HiveHook executor.submit() (sumasai)
ATLAS-635 Process showing old entity name where as actual entity is renamed ( svimal2106 via sumasai )
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