Commit 34e7f58a by Harish Butani

introduce ThriftTypesGen tool

parent 402e3680
...@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ ...@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
package package
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.MetadataException
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.types.DataTypes
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{ImplicitConversions, PackratParsers} import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{ImplicitConversions, PackratParsers}
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexical import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical.StdLexical
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers
...@@ -34,6 +37,19 @@ object BASE_TYPES extends Enumeration { ...@@ -34,6 +37,19 @@ object BASE_TYPES extends Enumeration {
val I32 = Value("i32") val I32 = Value("i32")
val I64 = Value("i64") val I64 = Value("i64")
val DOUBLE = Value("double") val DOUBLE = Value("double")
def toPrimitiveTypeName(t : BASE_TYPES.Value) : String = t match {
case STRING => DataTypes.STRING_TYPE.getName
case SLIST => DataTypes.STRING_TYPE.getName
case BOOLEAN => DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE.getName
case BYTE => DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE.getName
case I16 => DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE.getName
case I32 => DataTypes.INT_TYPE.getName
case I64 => DataTypes.LONG_TYPE.getName
case DOUBLE => DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE.getName
case _ => throw new MetadataException(s"Thrift BaseType ($t) not supported")
} }
object THRIFT_LANG extends Enumeration { object THRIFT_LANG extends Enumeration {
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.{TypesDef, MetadataException}
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.types._
import org.slf4j.{LoggerFactory, Logger}
import scala.util.{Success, Try, Failure}
case class CompositeRelation(typeName : String, fieldName : String, reverseFieldName : Option[String])
* Convert a [[ ThriftDef]] to
* [[org.apache.hadoop.metadata.TypesDef TypesDef]]. Currently there are several restrictions:
* - CppIncludes, SEnums are not allowed
* - The only include allowed is that of "share/fb303/if/fb303.thrift". This include is ignored.
* Any other include will trigger an exception
* - Namespaces, TypeDefs, Contants, Unions, Exceptions, and Service definitions are ignored.
* - So for fields typeDefs are not applied.
* - Field Constant values are ignored.
* - Type Annotations, XSD information is ignored.
* Thrift Structs can be mapped to Structs, Traits for Classes. The caller can specify their preference by
* providing the structNames, classNames and thriftNames parameters. A Struct that is not in one of these 3
* lists is not mapped.
* The ThriftDef doesn't specify if a relationship is composite. For e.g. in the thrift definition
* {{{
* struct Person {
1: string name,
2: Address addr,
struct Address {
1: string street,
2: string city,
* }}}
* If Person and Address are mapped to classes, you may not to make the Person -> Address a Composite relation.
* The caller can specify these in the 'compositeRelations' parameter.
class ThriftTypesGen(val structNames : List[String], val classNames : List[String], val traitNames : List[String],
val compositeRelations: List[CompositeRelation]) {
* for a (typeName, fieldName) specifies (isComposite, reverseName)
* if entry doesn't exist than field is not composite.
private var compositeRelsMap : Map[(String, String), (Boolean, Option[String])] = Map()
private val LOG: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[ThriftTypesGen])
def apply(thriftResource : String) : TypesDef = {
val tDef = parseThrift(thriftResource)
tDef.flatMap(buildCompositeRelations).flatMap(typesDef) match {
case Success(t) => t
case Failure(v) => throw v
private def parseThrift(thriftResource : String) : Try[ThriftDef] = {
Try {
LOG.debug("Parsing Thrift resource {}", thriftResource)
val is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(thriftResource)
val src: Source = Source.fromInputStream(is)
val thriftStr: String = src.getLines().mkString("\n")
val p = new ThriftParser
var thriftDef: Option[ThriftDef] = p(thriftStr)
thriftDef match {
case Some(s) => s
case None => {
LOG.debug("Parse for thrift resource {} failed", thriftResource)
throw new MetadataException(s"Failed to parse thrift resource: $thriftResource")
private def dataTypeName(fT : FieldType) : String = fT match {
case IdentifierType(n) => n
case BaseType(typ, _) => BASE_TYPES.toPrimitiveTypeName(typ)
case ListType(elemType, _, _) => DataTypes.arrayTypeName(dataTypeName(elemType))
case SetType(elemType, _, _) => DataTypes.arrayTypeName(dataTypeName(elemType))
case MapType(keyType, valueType, _, _) => DataTypes.mapTypeName(dataTypeName(keyType), dataTypeName(valueType))
private def enumValue(e: EnumValueDef, defId : Int) : EnumValue = e match {
case EnumValueDef(value, Some(id), _) => new EnumValue(value, id.value)
case EnumValueDef(value, None, _) => new EnumValue(value, defId)
private def enumDef(td : TypesDef, e : EnumDef) : Try[TypesDef] = {
td.copy(enumTypes = td.enumTypes :+
new EnumTypeDefinition(, => enumValue(t._1, -t._2)):_* ))
private val FB_INCLUDE = "share/fb303/if/fb303.thrift"
private def includeDef(td : TypesDef, i : IncludeDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
if ( i.value != FB_INCLUDE ) {
throw new MetadataException(s"Unsupported Include ${i.value}, only fb303.thrift is currently allowed.")
private def cppIncludeDef(td : TypesDef, i : CppIncludeDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
throw new MetadataException(s"Unsupported CppInclude ${i.value}.")
private def namespaceDef(td : TypesDef, i : NamespaceDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
LOG.debug(s"Ignoring Namespace definition $i")
private def constantDef(td : TypesDef, i : ConstDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
LOG.debug(s"Ignoring ConstantDef definition $i")
private def senumDef(td : TypesDef, i : SEnumDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
throw new MetadataException(s"Unsupported SEnums ${i}.")
private def fieldDef(typName : String, fd : FieldDef) : AttributeDefinition = {
val name: String =
val dTName: String = dataTypeName(fd.fieldType)
var m : Multiplicity = Multiplicity.OPTIONAL
if ( fd.requiredNess ) {
m = Multiplicity.REQUIRED
fd.fieldType match {
case _ : ListType => m = Multiplicity.COLLECTION
case _ : SetType => m = Multiplicity.SET
case _ => ()
var isComposite = false
var reverseAttrName : String = null
val r = compositeRelsMap.get((typName, name))
if ( r.isDefined ) {
isComposite = r.get._1
if (r.get._2.isDefined) {
reverseAttrName = r.get._2.get
new AttributeDefinition(name, dTName, m, isComposite, reverseAttrName)
private def structDef(td : TypesDef, structDef : StructDef) : Try[TypesDef] = Try {
val typeName: String =
typeName match {
case t if structNames contains t => td.copy(structTypes = td.structTypes :+
new StructTypeDefinition(typeName,, _)).toArray))
case t : String if traitNames contains t => {
val ts = td.traitTypes :+
new HierarchicalTypeDefinition[TraitType](classOf[TraitType],
typeName, ImmutableList.of[String](),, _)).toArray)
td.copy(traitTypes = ts)
case t : String if classNames contains t => {
val cs = td.classTypes :+
new HierarchicalTypeDefinition[ClassType](classOf[ClassType],
typeName, ImmutableList.of[String](),, _)).toArray)
td.copy(classTypes = cs)
case _ => td
private def unionDef(td : TypesDef, i : UnionDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
LOG.debug(s"Ignoring Union definition $i")
private def exceptionDef(td : TypesDef, i : ExceptionDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
LOG.debug(s"Ignoring Exception definition $i")
private def serviceDef(td : TypesDef, i : ServiceDef): Try[TypesDef] = {
Try {
LOG.debug(s"Ignoring Service definition $i")
private def applyList[T](fn : (TypesDef,T) => Try[TypesDef])(td : TypesDef, l : List[T]) : Try[TypesDef] = {
l.foldLeft[Try[TypesDef]](Success(td))((b,a) => b.flatMap({Unit => fn(td,a)}))
private def includes = applyList(includeDef) _
private def cppIncludes = applyList(cppIncludeDef) _
private def namespaces = applyList(namespaceDef) _
private def constants = applyList(constantDef) _
private def enums = applyList(enumDef) _
private def senums = applyList(senumDef) _
private def structs = applyList(structDef) _
private def unions = applyList(unionDef) _
private def exceptions = applyList(exceptionDef) _
private def services = applyList(serviceDef) _
def buildCompositeRelations(thriftDef : ThriftDef) : Try[ThriftDef] = Try {
compositeRelations.foreach { cr =>
val sDef = thriftDef.structs.find( == cr.typeName)
if ( !sDef.isDefined) {
throw new MetadataException(s"Unknown Struct (${cr.typeName}) specified in CompositeRelation")
val fDef = sDef.get.fields.find( == cr.fieldName)
if ( !fDef.isDefined) {
throw new MetadataException(s"Unknown Field (${cr.fieldName}) specified in CompositeRelation")
compositeRelsMap = compositeRelsMap + ((cr.typeName, cr.fieldName) -> (true, cr.reverseFieldName))
if (cr.reverseFieldName.isDefined) {
val reverseStructName = dataTypeName(fDef.get.fieldType)
val reverseStructDef = thriftDef.structs.find( == reverseStructName)
if ( !reverseStructDef.isDefined) {
throw new MetadataException(s"Cannot find Struct $reverseStructName in CompositeRelation $cr")
val rfDef = reverseStructDef.get.fields.find( == cr.reverseFieldName)
if ( !rfDef.isDefined) {
throw new MetadataException(s"Unknown Reverse Field (${cr.reverseFieldName}) specified in CompositeRelation")
List(cr, CompositeRelation(reverseStructName, cr.reverseFieldName.get, Some(cr.fieldName)))
compositeRelsMap = compositeRelsMap +
((reverseStructName, cr.reverseFieldName.get) -> (false, Some(cr.fieldName)))
def typesDef(thriftDef : ThriftDef) : Try[TypesDef] = {
var tDef : Try[TypesDef] = Try {TypesDef(Seq(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq())}
tDef.flatMap((t : TypesDef) => includes(t, thriftDef.includes)).flatMap((t : TypesDef) => cppIncludes(t, thriftDef.cppIncludes))
tDef = tDef.flatMap((t : TypesDef) => includes(t, thriftDef.includes)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => cppIncludes(t, thriftDef.cppIncludes)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => namespaces(t, thriftDef.namespaces)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => constants(t, thriftDef.constants)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => senums(t, thriftDef.senums)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => enums(t, thriftDef.enums)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => structs(t, thriftDef.structs)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => unions(t, thriftDef.unions)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => exceptions(t, thriftDef.xceptions)).
flatMap((t : TypesDef) => services(t,
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