*[[../1.0.0/index][Atlas 1.0.0]] (Released on 2018/06/02)*
* Core model enhancement to support Relationship as first-class construct
* Support for JanusGraph graph database
* New DSL implementation, using ANTLR instead of Scala
* Removal of older type system implementation in atlas-typesystem library
* Metadata security - fine grained authorization
* Notification enhancements to support V2 style data structures
* Jackson library update from 1.9.13 to 2.9.2
* Classification propagation via entity relationships
* Glossary terms, categories
* HBase Hook
* UI updates to show entity relationships
* [[https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20Atlas%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Fixed%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%201.0.0%20ORDER%20BY%20key%20DESC][List of JIRAs resolved in Apache Atlas 1.0.0 release]]
*[[../0.8.2/index][Atlas 0.8.2]] (Released on 2018/02/05)*
* Search improvements:
* Basic search enhancement to optionally exclude sub-type entities and sub-classification-types
* Basic search to return classification attributes
* Support for saving searches
* UI support to reorder columns in search results page
* UI - updates for classification rendering – tree/flat view
* UI – minification of js, css; cache busting for static content (css, js)
* notification updates to handle large messages
* fix type initialization issues in HA deployment
* In HA, the passive node redirects the request with wrong URL encoding
* tool kit to recover from lost/bad index data
* [[https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20Atlas%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%200.8.2%20ORDER%20BY%20key%20ASC][List of JIRAs resolved in Apache Atlas 0.8.2 release]]
*[[../0.8.1/index][Atlas 0.8.1]] (Released on 2017/08/29)*
* Basic-search improvement in use of index for attribute filtering
* DSL query enhancement to support 'like' operator
* REST API and UI enhancements to update classification attributes
* Export/import support to copy data between Apache Atlas instances
* Ability to delete a tag from UI (and API)
* UI enhancements: lineage, attribute search filter, ability to search historical data
* Knox SSO for Atlas REST APIs
* Moved from use of Guice + Spring framework for dependency-injection to use only Spring framework
*[[../0.8.0-incubating/index][Atlas 0.8-incubating]] (Released on 2017/03/16)*
* API revamp - new, structured REST API
* Simplified search UI
* UI to create/update entities - HDFS/HBase/Kafka
* Performance and scalability improvements
* Knox SSO for Atlas UI
*[[../0.7.1-incubating/index][Atlas 0.7.1-incubating]] (Released on 2017/01/29)*
* Performance and scalability improvements (ATLAS-1403, ATLAS-1404)
* Bug fixes
*[[../0.7.0-incubating/index][Atlas 0.7-incubating]] (Released on 2016/07/09)*