Commit 571f8d4e by kevalbhatt Committed by Madhan Neethiraj

ATLAS-1632: entity UI updated to show array-entity type attributes as read-only

parent 72641fb7
......@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ define(['require',
getFieldSet: function(data, alloptional, attributeInput) {
return '<fieldset class="scheduler-border' + (alloptional ? " alloptional" : "") + '"><legend class="scheduler-border">' + + '</legend>' + attributeInput + '</fieldset>';
getSelect: function(value, entityValue) {
getSelect: function(value, entityValue, disabled) {
if (value.typeName === "boolean") {
return '<select class="form-control row-margin-bottom ' + (value.isOptional === true ? "false" : "true") + '" data-type="' + value.typeName + '" data-key="' + + '" data-id="entityInput">' +
'<option value="">--Select true or false--</option><option value="true">true</option>' +
......@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ define(['require',
splitTypeName = value.typeName;
return '<select class="form-control row-margin-bottom entityInputBox ' + (value.isOptional === true ? "false" : "true") + '" data-type="' + value.typeName +
'" data-key="' + + '"data-id="entitySelectData" data-queryData="' + splitTypeName + '">' + (this.guid ? entityValue : "") + '</select>';
'" data-key="' + + '" ' + (disabled ? 'disabled data-skip="true"' : "") + ' data-id="entitySelectData" data-queryData="' + splitTypeName + '">' + (this.guid ? entityValue : "") + '</select>';
......@@ -498,15 +498,16 @@ define(['require',
if (splitTypeName.length > 1) {
splitTypeName = splitTypeName[1].split(">")[0];
if (splitTypeName && this.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: splitTypeName })) {
if (!_.contains(this.searchQueryList, splitTypeName)) {
if (!_.contains(this.searchQueryList, splitTypeName) && !value.isOptional) {
$.extend(this.searchCollection.queryParams, { query: splitTypeName });
this.searchCollection.fetch({ reset: true });
return this.getSelect(value, entityValue, value.isOptional);
return this.getSelect(value, entityValue);
return this.getSelect(value, entityValue, false); // Don't disable select for non entity attributes.
} else if (typeName.indexOf("map") > -1) {
return this.getTextArea(value, entityValue);
} else {
......@@ -561,6 +562,9 @@ define(['require',
try {
this.ui.entityInputData.find("input,select,textarea").each(function() {
if ($(this).data('skip') === true) {
var value = $(this).val();
if ($(this).val() && $(this).val().trim) {
value = $(this).val().trim();
......@@ -705,10 +709,11 @@ define(['require',
keyData = $(this).data("key"),
typeData = $(this).data("type"),
queryData = $(this).data("querydata"),
skip = $(this).data('skip'),
placeholderName = "Select a " + typeData + " from the dropdown list";
//add options.
if (that.selectStoreCollection.length && !this.options.length) {
if (that.selectStoreCollection.length && !this.options.length && !skip) {
that.selectStoreCollection.where({ queryText: queryData }).forEach(function(model) {
var obj = model.toJSON();
if (obj.status) {
......@@ -726,40 +731,65 @@ define(['require',
// Select Value.
if (that.guid) {
var dataValue = that.entityData.get("entity").attributes[keyData];
var selectedValue = [];
var setValue = function(selectValue) {
var obj = selectValue.toJSON();
if (dataValue !== null && _.isArray(dataValue)) {
_.each(dataValue, function(obj) {
if (obj.guid === selectValue.attributes.guid) {
} else if (dataValue !== null) {
if (dataValue.guid === selectValue.attributes.guid) {
var dataValue = that.entityData.get("entity").attributes[keyData],
referredEntities = that.entityData.get("referredEntities"),
selectedValue = [];
if (!skip) {
//Uncoment when array of entity is not read-only
// var setValue = function(selectValue) {
// var obj = selectValue.toJSON();
// if (dataValue !== null && _.isArray(dataValue)) {
// _.each(dataValue, function(obj) {
// if (obj.guid === selectValue.attributes.guid) {
// selectedValue.push(selectValue.attributes.labelName);
// }
// });
// } else if (dataValue !== null) {
// if (dataValue.guid === selectValue.attributes.guid) {
// selectedValue.push(selectValue.attributes.labelName);
// }
// }
// }
// that.selectStoreCollection.each(function(storedValue) {
// var obj = storedValue.toJSON();
// if (obj.status) {
// if (!Enums.entityStateReadOnly[obj.status]) {
// setValue(storedValue);
// }
// } else {
// setValue(storedValue);
// }
// });
if (dataValue) {
var storeEntity = that.selectStoreCollection.findWhere({ guid: dataValue.guid });
var refEntiyFound = referredEntities[dataValue.guid]
if (storeEntity) {
var name = Utils.getName(storeEntity, 'displayText');
} else if (!storeEntity && refEntiyFound && refEntiyFound.typeName) {
var name = Utils.getName(refEntiyFound, 'displayText');
var str = '<option>' + name + '</option>';
that.$('select[data-queryData="' + refEntiyFound.typeName + '"]').append(str);
if (name && name.length) {
that.selectStoreCollection.each(function(storedValue) {
var obj = storedValue.toJSON();
if (obj.status) {
if (!Enums.entityStateReadOnly[obj.status]) {
} else {
// Array of string.
if (selectedValue.length === 0 && dataValue && dataValue.length && $'querydata') === "string") {
if (selectedValue.length === 0 && dataValue && dataValue.length && ($'querydata') === "string" || skip === true)) {
var str = "";
_.each(dataValue, function(obj) {
if (_.isString(obj)) {
str += '<option>' + _.escape(obj) + '</option>';
} else if (_.isObject(obj) && obj.guid && referredEntities[obj.guid]) {
var name = Utils.getName(referredEntities[obj.guid], 'qualifiedName');
str += '<option>' + name + '</option>';
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