Commit 5adca841 by Madhan Neethiraj

Revert "ATLAS-1369 - Optimize gremlin queries generated by DSL translator"

This reverts commit aa74c73d.
parent 352f4397
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
* Base class for all expression that can have a caller.
public abstract class AbstractFunctionExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
// null for global functions
private GroovyExpression caller;
private TraversalStepType type = TraversalStepType.NONE;
public AbstractFunctionExpression(GroovyExpression target) {
this.caller = target;
public AbstractFunctionExpression(TraversalStepType type, GroovyExpression target) {
this.caller = target;
this.type = type;
public GroovyExpression getCaller() {
return caller;
public void setCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
caller = expr;
public void setType(TraversalStepType type) {
this.type = type;
public TraversalStepType getType() {
return type;
......@@ -33,13 +33,4 @@ public abstract class AbstractGroovyExpression implements GroovyExpression {
return ctx.getQuery();
public TraversalStepType getType() {
return TraversalStepType.NONE;
public GroovyExpression copy() {
return copy(getChildren());
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
......@@ -58,14 +56,4 @@ public class ArithmeticExpression extends BinaryExpression {
public ArithmeticExpression(GroovyExpression left, ArithmeticOperator op, GroovyExpression right) {
super(left, op.getGroovyValue(), right);
private ArithmeticExpression(GroovyExpression left, String op, GroovyExpression right) {
super(left, op, right);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 2;
return new ArithmeticExpression(newChildren.get(0), op, newChildren.get(1));
......@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Represents any kind of binary expression. This could
* be an arithmetic expression, such as a + 3, a boolean
......@@ -33,7 +30,7 @@ public abstract class BinaryExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
private GroovyExpression left;
private GroovyExpression right;
protected String op;
private String op;
public BinaryExpression(GroovyExpression left, String op, GroovyExpression right) {
this.left = left;
......@@ -51,8 +48,4 @@ public abstract class BinaryExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Arrays.asList(left, right);
......@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Groovy expression that represents a cast.
......@@ -31,7 +28,7 @@ public class CastExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public CastExpression(GroovyExpression expr, String className) {
this.expr = expr;
this.className = className;
this.className =className;
......@@ -44,13 +41,4 @@ public class CastExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.singletonList(expr);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 1;
return new CastExpression(newChildren.get(0), className);
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -29,79 +28,28 @@ import java.util.List;
public class ClosureExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
* Variable declaration in a closure.
public static class VariableDeclaration {
private String type;
private String varName;
public VariableDeclaration(String type, String varName) {
this.type = type;
this.varName = varName;
public VariableDeclaration(String varName) {
this.varName = varName;
public void append(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
if (type != null) {
context.append(" ");
private List<VariableDeclaration> vars = new ArrayList<>();
private StatementListExpression body = new StatementListExpression();
public ClosureExpression(String... varNames) {
this(null, varNames);
private List<String> varNames = new ArrayList<>();
private GroovyExpression body;
public ClosureExpression(GroovyExpression initialStmt, String... varNames) {
this(Arrays.asList(varNames), initialStmt);
public ClosureExpression(GroovyExpression body, String... varNames) {
this.body = body;
public ClosureExpression(List<String> varNames, GroovyExpression initialStmt) {
if (initialStmt != null) {
for (String varName : varNames) {
vars.add(new VariableDeclaration(varName));
public ClosureExpression(GroovyExpression initialStmt, List<VariableDeclaration> varNames) {
if (initialStmt != null) {
public void addStatement(GroovyExpression expr) {
public void addStatements(List<GroovyExpression> exprs) {
public void replaceStatement(int index, GroovyExpression newExpr) {
body.replaceStatement(index, newExpr);
public ClosureExpression(List<String> varNames, GroovyExpression body) {
this.body = body;
public void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
if (!vars.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<VariableDeclaration> varIt = vars.iterator();
if (!varNames.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<String> varIt = varNames.iterator();
while(varIt.hasNext()) {
VariableDeclaration var =;
String varName =;
if (varIt.hasNext()) {
context.append(", ");
......@@ -110,20 +58,6 @@ public class ClosureExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.<GroovyExpression>singletonList(body);
public List<GroovyExpression> getStatements() {
return body.getStatements();
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 1;
return new ClosureExpression(newChildren.get(0), vars);
......@@ -19,46 +19,35 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* Represents a semi-colon delimited list of Groovy expressions.
* Groovy expression that represents a block of code
* that contains 0 or more statements that are delimited
* by semicolons.
public class StatementListExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public class CodeBlockExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
private List<GroovyExpression> stmts = new ArrayList<>();
public StatementListExpression() {
* @param newChildren
public StatementListExpression(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
private List<GroovyExpression> body = new ArrayList<>();
public void addStatement(GroovyExpression expr) {
if (expr instanceof StatementListExpression) {
} else {
public void addStatements(List<GroovyExpression> exprs) {
for(GroovyExpression expr : exprs) {
public void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
Iterator<GroovyExpression> stmtIt = stmts.iterator();
* the L:{} represents a groovy code block; the label is needed
* to distinguish it from a groovy closure.
Iterator<GroovyExpression> stmtIt = body.iterator();
while(stmtIt.hasNext()) {
GroovyExpression stmt =;
......@@ -66,33 +55,7 @@ public class StatementListExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public List<GroovyExpression> getStatements() {
return stmts;
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(stmts);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
return new StatementListExpression(newChildren);
public TraversalStepType getType() {
return TraversalStepType.NONE;
* @param oldExpr
* @param newExpr
public void replaceStatement(int index, GroovyExpression newExpr) {
stmts.set(index, newExpr);
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
......@@ -63,14 +61,4 @@ public class ComparisonExpression extends BinaryExpression {
public ComparisonExpression(GroovyExpression left, ComparisonOperator op, GroovyExpression right) {
super(left, op.getGroovyValue(), right);
private ComparisonExpression(GroovyExpression left, String op, GroovyExpression right) {
super(left, op, right);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 2;
return new ComparisonExpression(newChildren.get(0), op, newChildren.get(1));
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.List;
* Represents an expression that compares two expressions using
* the Groovy "spaceship" operator. This is basically the
......@@ -31,10 +29,4 @@ public class ComparisonOperatorExpression extends BinaryExpression {
public ComparisonOperatorExpression(GroovyExpression left, GroovyExpression right) {
super(left, "<=>", right);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 2;
return new ComparisonOperatorExpression(newChildren.get(0), newChildren.get(1));
......@@ -18,38 +18,27 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Groovy expression that accesses a field in an object.
public class FieldExpression extends AbstractFunctionExpression {
public class FieldExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
private GroovyExpression target;
private String fieldName;
public FieldExpression(GroovyExpression target, String fieldName) {
super(target); = target;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
public void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.singletonList(getCaller());
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 1;
return new FieldExpression(newChildren.get(0), fieldName);
......@@ -20,52 +20,41 @@ package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* Groovy expression that calls a method on an object.
public class FunctionCallExpression extends AbstractFunctionExpression {
public class FunctionCallExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
// null for global functions
private GroovyExpression target;
private String functionName;
private List<GroovyExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
public FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType type, String functionName, GroovyExpression... arguments) {
super(type, null);
public FunctionCallExpression(String functionName, List<? extends GroovyExpression> arguments) { = null;
this.functionName = functionName;
public FunctionCallExpression(String functionName, GroovyExpression... arguments) {
this.functionName = functionName;
public FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType type, String functionName, List<GroovyExpression> arguments) {
super(type, null);
public FunctionCallExpression(GroovyExpression target, String functionName,
List<? extends GroovyExpression> arguments) { = target;
this.functionName = functionName;
public FunctionCallExpression(GroovyExpression target, String functionName, GroovyExpression... arguments) {
public FunctionCallExpression(String functionName, GroovyExpression... arguments) { = null;
this.functionName = functionName;
public FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType type, GroovyExpression target, String functionName,
List<? extends GroovyExpression> arguments) {
super(type, target);
this.functionName = functionName;
public FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType type, GroovyExpression target, String functionName,
GroovyExpression... arguments) {
super(type, target);
public FunctionCallExpression(GroovyExpression target, String functionName, GroovyExpression... arguments) { = target;
this.functionName = functionName;
......@@ -74,20 +63,11 @@ public class FunctionCallExpression extends AbstractFunctionExpression {
public List<GroovyExpression> getArguments() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(arguments);
public String getFunctionName() {
return functionName;
public void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
if (getCaller() != null) {
if (target != null) {
......@@ -97,44 +77,10 @@ public class FunctionCallExpression extends AbstractFunctionExpression {
GroovyExpression expr =;
if (it.hasNext()) {
context.append(", ");
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
List<GroovyExpression> result = new ArrayList<>(arguments.size() + 1);
if (getCaller() != null) {
return result;
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
if (getCaller() == null) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(getType(), functionName, newChildren);
GroovyExpression newTarget = newChildren.get(0);
List<GroovyExpression> args = null;
if (newChildren.size() > 1) {
args = newChildren.subList(1, newChildren.size());
} else {
args = Collections.emptyList();
return new FunctionCallExpression(getType(), newTarget, functionName, args);
public void setArgument(int index, GroovyExpression value) {
if (index < 0 || index >= arguments.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argIndex " + index);
arguments.set(index, value);
......@@ -18,55 +18,17 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.List;
* Represents an expression in the Groovy programming language, which
* is the language that Gremlin scripts are written and interpreted in.
public interface GroovyExpression {
* Generates a Groovy script from the expression.
* Generates a groovy script from the expression.
* @param context
void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context);
* Gets all of the child expressions of this expression.
* s
* @return
List<GroovyExpression> getChildren();
* Makes a copy of the expression, keeping everything the
* same except its child expressions. These are replaced
* with the provided children. The order of the children
* is important. It is expected that the children provided
* here are updated versions of the children returned by
* getChildren(). The order of the children must be the
* same as the order in which the children were returned
* by getChildren()
* @param newChildren
* @return
GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren);
* Makes a shallow copy of the GroovyExpression. This
* is equivalent to copy(getChildren());
* @return
GroovyExpression copy();
* Gets the type of traversal step represented by this
* expression (or TraversalStepType.NONE if it is not part of a graph traversal).
* @return
TraversalStepType getType();
......@@ -18,28 +18,18 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Groovy expression that references the variable with the given name.
public class IdentifierExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
private TraversalStepType type = TraversalStepType.NONE;
private String varName;
public IdentifierExpression(String varName) {
this.varName = varName;
public IdentifierExpression(TraversalStepType type, String varName) {
this.varName = varName;
this.type = type;
public String getVariableName() {
return varName;
......@@ -49,25 +39,4 @@ public class IdentifierExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.emptyList();
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.isEmpty();
IdentifierExpression result = new IdentifierExpression(varName);
return result;
public void setType(TraversalStepType type) {
this.type = type;
public TraversalStepType getType() {
return type;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Represents a Groovy expression that has a label.
public class LabeledExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
private String label;
private GroovyExpression expr;
public LabeledExpression(String label, GroovyExpression expr) {
this.label = label;
this.expr = expr;
public void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.singletonList(expr);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 1;
return new LabeledExpression(label, newChildren.get(0));
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -58,15 +57,4 @@ public class ListExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(values);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
return new ListExpression(newChildren);
......@@ -18,15 +18,13 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Represents a literal value.
public class LiteralExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public class LiteralExpression implements GroovyExpression {
public static final LiteralExpression TRUE = new LiteralExpression(true);
public static final LiteralExpression FALSE = new LiteralExpression(false);
......@@ -42,12 +40,6 @@ public class LiteralExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
this.addTypeSuffix = addTypeSuffix;
public LiteralExpression(Object value, boolean addTypeSuffix, boolean translateToParameter) {
this.value = value;
this.translateToParameter = translateToParameter;
this.addTypeSuffix = addTypeSuffix;
public LiteralExpression(Object value) {
this.value = value;
this.translateToParameter = value instanceof String;
......@@ -94,10 +86,6 @@ public class LiteralExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public Object getValue() {
return value;
private String getEscapedValue() {
String escapedValue = (String)value;
escapedValue = escapedValue.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("\\"), Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"));
......@@ -108,15 +96,4 @@ public class LiteralExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public void setTranslateToParameter(boolean translateToParameter) {
this.translateToParameter = translateToParameter;
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.emptyList();
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 0;
return new LiteralExpression(value, addTypeSuffix, translateToParameter);
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.List;
* Represents a logical (and/or) expression.
......@@ -45,14 +43,4 @@ public class LogicalExpression extends BinaryExpression {
public LogicalExpression(GroovyExpression left, LogicalOperator op, GroovyExpression right) {
super(left, op.getGroovyValue(), right);
private LogicalExpression(GroovyExpression left, String op, GroovyExpression right) {
super(left, op, right);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 2;
return new LogicalExpression(newChildren.get(0), op, newChildren.get(1));
......@@ -18,68 +18,28 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Represents an "exclusive" range expression, e.g. [0..&lt;10].
public class RangeExpression extends AbstractFunctionExpression {
public class RangeExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
private TraversalStepType stepType;
private int startIndex;
private int endIndex;
private GroovyExpression parent;
private int offset;
private int count;
public RangeExpression(TraversalStepType stepType, GroovyExpression parent, int offset, int count) {
this.startIndex = offset;
this.endIndex = count;
this.stepType = stepType;
public RangeExpression(GroovyExpression parent, int offset, int count) {
this.parent = parent;
this.offset = offset;
this.count = count;
public void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
context.append(" [");
new LiteralExpression(startIndex).generateGroovy(context);
new LiteralExpression(offset).generateGroovy(context);
new LiteralExpression(endIndex).generateGroovy(context);
new LiteralExpression(count).generateGroovy(context);
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.singletonList(getCaller());
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 1;
return new RangeExpression(stepType, newChildren.get(0), startIndex, endIndex);
public TraversalStepType getType() {
return stepType;
public int getStartIndex() {
return startIndex;
public void setStartIndex(int startIndex) {
this.startIndex = startIndex;
public int getEndIndex() {
return endIndex;
public void setEndIndex(int endIndex) {
this.endIndex = endIndex;
......@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Groovy expression that represents the ternary operator (expr ? trueValue :
* falseValue)
......@@ -44,9 +41,9 @@ public class TernaryOperatorExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
context.append(") ? (");
context.append(") : (");
......@@ -56,20 +53,4 @@ public class TernaryOperatorExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
return context.getQuery();
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Arrays.asList(booleanExpr, trueValue, falseValue);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 3;
return new TernaryOperatorExpression(newChildren.get(0), newChildren.get(1), newChildren.get(2));
public TraversalStepType getType() {
return trueValue.getType();
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
* Types of graph traversal steps. These are based on the traversal steps
* described in the TinkerPop documentation at
public enum TraversalStepType {
* Indicates that the expression is not part of a graph traversal.
* Indicates that the expression is a
* {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource}.
* This is not technically a graph traversal step. This is the expression the traversal is started from ("g").
* A Start step adds vertices or edges to the traversal. These include "V", "E", and "inject".
* An End step causes the traversal to be executed. This includes steps such as "toList", "toSet", and "fill"
* Map steps map the current traverser value to exactly one new value. These
* steps include "map" and "select". Here, we make a further distinction
* based on the type of expression that things are being mapped to.
* <p>
* MAP_TO_ELEMENT indicates that the traverser value is being mapped
* to either a Vertex or an Edge.
* Map steps map the current traverser value to exactly one new value. These
* steps include "map" and "select". Here, we make a further distinction
* based on the type of expression that things are being mapped to.
* <p>
* MAP_TO_VALUE indicates that the traverser value is being mapped
* to something that is not a Vertex or an Edge.
* FlatMap steps map the current value of the traverser to an iterator of objects that
* are streamed to the next step. These are steps like "in, "out", "inE", and
* so forth which map the current value of the traverser from some vertex or edge
* to some other set of vertices or edges that is derived from the original set based
* on the structure of the graph. This also includes "values", which maps a vertex or
* edge to the set of values for a given property. Here, we make a further distinction
* based on the type of expression that things are being mapped to.
* <p>
* FLAT_MAP_TO_ELEMENTS indicates that the traverser value is being mapped
* to something that is a Vertex or an Edge (in, out, outE fall in this category).
* FlatMap steps map the current value of the traverser to an iterator of objects that
* are streamed to the next step. These are steps like "in, "out", "inE", and
* so forth which map the current value of the traverser from some vertex or edge
* to some other set of vertices or edges that is derived from the original set based
* on the structure of the graph. This also includes "values", which maps a vertex or
* edge to the set of values for a given property. Here, we make a further distinction
* based on the type of expression that things are being mapped to.
* <p>
* FLAT_MAP_TO_VALUES indicates that the traverser value is being mapped
* to something that not is a Vertex or an Edge (values falls in this category).
* Filter steps filter things out of the traversal. These include "has", "where",
* "and", "or", and "filter".
* Side effect steps do not affect the traverser value, but do something
* that affects the state of the traverser. These include things such as
* "enablePath()", "as", and "by".
* Branch steps split the traverser, for example, "repeat", "branch", "choose", and "union".
* Barrier steps in Gremlin force everything before them to be executed
* before moving on to the steps after them. We also use this to indicate
* steps that need to do some aggregation or processing that requires the
* full query result to be present in order for the step to work correctly.
* This includes "range", "group", and "order", and "cap"
......@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Groovy expression that represents a type coersion (e.g obj as Set).
......@@ -31,29 +28,17 @@ public class TypeCoersionExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
public TypeCoersionExpression(GroovyExpression expr, String className) {
this.expr = expr;
this.className = className;
this.className =className;
public void generateGroovy(GroovyGenerationContext context) {
context.append(" as ");
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.singletonList(expr);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 1;
return new TypeCoersionExpression(newChildren.get(0), className);
......@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
package org.apache.atlas.groovy;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Groovy statement that assigns a value to a variable.
......@@ -53,20 +50,9 @@ public class VariableAssignmentExpression extends AbstractGroovyExpression {
context.append(" ");
context.append(" = ");
public List<GroovyExpression> getChildren() {
return Collections.singletonList(value);
public GroovyExpression copy(List<GroovyExpression> newChildren) {
assert newChildren.size() == 1;
return new VariableAssignmentExpression(name, newChildren.get(0));
......@@ -29,13 +29,6 @@
# Gremlin Query Optimizer
# Enables rewriting gremlin queries to maximize performance. This flag is provided as
# a possible way to work around any defects that are found in the optimizer until they
# are resolved.
# Delete handler
# This allows the default behavior of doing "soft" deletes to be changed.
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
......@@ -54,13 +53,6 @@
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
......@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
<!-- Needed for hooks -->
......@@ -633,12 +633,6 @@
<!-- AOP dependencies. -->
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ ATLAS-1127 Modify creation and modification timestamps to Date instead of Long(s
ATLAS-1514 Remove duplicates from class array attribute when target is deleted (dkantor)
ATLAS-1369 Optimize Gremlin queries generated by DSL translator (jnhagelb)
ATLAS-1513 updated AtlasEntityType with methods to get foreign-key references; added helper methods in AtlasAttribute (mneethiraj via kevalbhatt)
ATLAS-1502 added configuration to restrict entity-types editable via UI (Kalyanikashikar via mneethiraj)
ATLAS-1507 fixed incorrect relationship specified in hive-model
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
import org.apache.atlas.GraphTransaction;
import org.apache.atlas.discovery.graph.DefaultGraphPersistenceStrategy;
import org.apache.atlas.discovery.graph.GraphBackedDiscoveryService;
import org.apache.atlas.query.GremlinQueryResult;
import org.apache.atlas.query.InputLineageClosureQuery;
import org.apache.atlas.query.OutputLineageClosureQuery;
import org.apache.atlas.query.QueryParams;
......@@ -140,8 +139,7 @@ public class DataSetLineageService implements LineageService {
SELECT_ATTRIBUTES, true, graphPersistenceStrategy, graph);
GremlinQueryResult result = inputsQuery.evaluate();
return inputsQuery.graph(result).toInstanceJson();
return inputsQuery.graph(null).toInstanceJson();
......@@ -158,8 +156,7 @@ public class DataSetLineageService implements LineageService {
SELECT_ATTRIBUTES, true, graphPersistenceStrategy, graph);
GremlinQueryResult result = outputsQuery.evaluate();
return outputsQuery.graph(result).toInstanceJson();
return outputsQuery.graph(null).toInstanceJson();
......@@ -18,12 +18,7 @@
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.CastExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ComparisonExpression;
......@@ -39,11 +34,13 @@ import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LogicalExpression.LogicalOperator;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.RangeExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TernaryOperatorExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
import org.apache.atlas.query.GraphPersistenceStrategies;
import org.apache.atlas.query.TypeUtils.FieldInfo;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Generates gremlin query expressions using Gremlin 2 syntax.
......@@ -57,11 +54,12 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
private static final String PATH_FIELD = "path";
private static final String ENABLE_PATH_METHOD = "enablePath";
private static final String BACK_METHOD = "back";
private static final String VERTEX_LIST_CLASS = "List<Vertex>";
private static final String VERTEX_ARRAY_CLASS = "Vertex[]";
private static final String LAST_METHOD = "last";
public GroovyExpression generateLogicalExpression(GroovyExpression parent, String operator, List<GroovyExpression> operands) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, parent, operator, operands);
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, operator, operands);
......@@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
return parent;
else {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_ELEMENT, parent, BACK_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias));
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, BACK_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias));
......@@ -102,23 +100,23 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
whileFunction = new ClosureExpression(new TernaryOperatorExpression(pathContainsExpr, LiteralExpression.FALSE, LiteralExpression.TRUE));
GroovyExpression emitFunction = new ClosureExpression(emitExpr);
GroovyExpression loopCall = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.BRANCH, loopExpr, LOOP_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias), whileFunction, emitFunction);
GroovyExpression loopCall = new FunctionCallExpression(loopExpr, LOOP_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias), whileFunction, emitFunction);
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, loopCall, ENABLE_PATH_METHOD);
return new FunctionCallExpression(loopCall, ENABLE_PATH_METHOD);
public GroovyExpression typeTestExpression(GraphPersistenceStrategies s, String typeName, GroovyExpression itRef) {
GroovyExpression typeAttrExpr = new FieldExpression(itRef, s.typeAttributeName());
GroovyExpression superTypeAttrExpr = new FieldExpression(itRef, s.superTypeAttributeName());
GroovyExpression typeNameExpr = new LiteralExpression(typeName);
GroovyExpression typeMatchesExpr = new ComparisonExpression(typeAttrExpr, ComparisonOperator.EQUALS, typeNameExpr);
GroovyExpression isSuperTypeExpr = new FunctionCallExpression(superTypeAttrExpr, CONTAINS, typeNameExpr);
GroovyExpression superTypeMatchesExpr = new TernaryOperatorExpression(superTypeAttrExpr, isSuperTypeExpr, LiteralExpression.FALSE);
GroovyExpression typeAttrExpr = new FieldExpression(itRef, s.typeAttributeName());
GroovyExpression typeMatchesExpr = new ComparisonExpression(typeAttrExpr, ComparisonOperator.EQUALS, typeNameExpr);
return new LogicalExpression(typeMatchesExpr, LogicalOperator.OR, superTypeMatchesExpr);
......@@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
for(GroovyExpression expr : srcExprs) {
selectArgs.add(new ClosureExpression(expr));
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_VALUE, parent, SELECT_METHOD, selectArgs);
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, SELECT_METHOD, selectArgs);
......@@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
GroovyExpression requiredValue, FieldInfo fInfo) throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression op = gremlin2CompOp(symbol);
GroovyExpression propertyNameExpr = new LiteralExpression(propertyName);
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, parent, HAS_METHOD, propertyNameExpr, op, requiredValue);
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, HAS_METHOD, propertyNameExpr, op, requiredValue);
private GroovyExpression gremlin2CompOp(String op) throws AtlasException {
......@@ -175,52 +173,13 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
protected GroovyExpression initialExpression(GroovyExpression varExpr, GraphPersistenceStrategies s) {
return generateSeededTraversalExpresssion(false, varExpr);
public GroovyExpression generateSeededTraversalExpresssion(boolean isMap, GroovyExpression varExpr) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, varExpr, "_");
protected GroovyExpression initialExpression(GraphPersistenceStrategies s, GroovyExpression varExpr) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(varExpr, "_");
public GroovyExpression generateRangeExpression(GroovyExpression parent, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
//treat as barrier step, since limits need to be applied globally (even though it
//is technically a filter step)
return new RangeExpression(TraversalStepType.BARRIER, parent, startIndex, endIndex);
public boolean isRangeExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
return (expr instanceof RangeExpression);
public int[] getRangeParameters(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
if (isRangeExpression(expr)) {
RangeExpression rangeExpression = (RangeExpression) expr;
return new int[] {rangeExpression.getStartIndex(), rangeExpression.getEndIndex()};
else {
return null;
public void setRangeParameters(GroovyExpression expr, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (isRangeExpression(expr)) {
RangeExpression rangeExpression = (RangeExpression) expr;
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(expr.getClass().getName() + " is not a valid range expression - must be an instance of " + RangeExpression.class.getName());
public GroovyExpression generateLimitExpression(GroovyExpression parent, int offset, int totalRows) {
return new RangeExpression(parent, offset, totalRows);
......@@ -236,7 +195,7 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
public GroovyExpression generateOrderByExpression(GroovyExpression parent, List<GroovyExpression> translatedOrderBy, boolean isAscending) {
GroovyExpression itExpr = getItVariable();
GroovyExpression aPropertyExpr = translatedOrderBy.get(0);
GroovyExpression bPropertyExpr = translatedOrderBy.get(1);
......@@ -253,28 +212,27 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
else {
comparisonFunction = new ComparisonOperatorExpression(bCondition, aCondition);
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.BARRIER, parent, ORDER_METHOD, new ClosureExpression(comparisonFunction));
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, ORDER_METHOD, new ClosureExpression(comparisonFunction));
public GroovyExpression getAnonymousTraversalExpression() {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, "_");
return new FunctionCallExpression("_");
public GroovyExpression generateGroupByExpression(GroovyExpression parent, GroovyExpression groupByExpression,
GroovyExpression aggregationFunction) {
GroovyExpression groupByClosureExpr = new ClosureExpression(groupByExpression);
GroovyExpression itClosure = new ClosureExpression(getItVariable());
GroovyExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.BARRIER, parent, "groupBy", groupByClosureExpr, itClosure);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, result, "cap");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, result, "next");
GroovyExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(parent, "groupBy", groupByClosureExpr, itClosure);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "cap");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "next");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "values");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "toList");
GroovyExpression mapValuesClosure = new ClosureExpression(getItVariable());
GroovyExpression aggregrationFunctionClosure = new ClosureExpression(aggregationFunction);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "collect", aggregrationFunctionClosure);
return result;
......@@ -293,49 +251,8 @@ public class Gremlin2ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
//assumes cast already performed
public GroovyExpression generateCountExpression(GroovyExpression itExpr) {
GroovyExpression collectionExpr = new CastExpression(itExpr,"Collection");
return new FunctionCallExpression(itExpr, "size");
public String getTraversalExpressionClass() {
return "GremlinPipeline";
public boolean isSelectGeneratesMap(int aliasCount) {
//in Gremlin 2 select always generates a map
return true;
public GroovyExpression generateMapExpression(GroovyExpression parent, ClosureExpression closureExpression) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_ELEMENT, parent, "transform", closureExpression);
public GroovyExpression generateGetSelectedValueExpression(LiteralExpression key,
GroovyExpression rowMap) {
rowMap = new CastExpression(rowMap, "Row");
GroovyExpression getExpr = new FunctionCallExpression(rowMap, "getColumn", key);
return getExpr;
public GroovyExpression getCurrentTraverserObject(GroovyExpression traverser) {
return traverser;
public List<String> getAliasesRequiredByExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
if(!(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
FunctionCallExpression fc = (FunctionCallExpression)expr;
if(! fc.getFunctionName().equals(LOOP_METHOD)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
LiteralExpression aliasName = (LiteralExpression)fc.getArguments().get(0);
return Collections.singletonList(aliasName.getValue().toString());
......@@ -19,25 +19,21 @@
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.CastExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ComparisonExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ComparisonExpression.ComparisonOperator;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ComparisonOperatorExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LogicalExpression.LogicalOperator;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TernaryOperatorExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TypeCoersionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ComparisonExpression.ComparisonOperator;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LogicalExpression.LogicalOperator;
import org.apache.atlas.query.GraphPersistenceStrategies;
import org.apache.atlas.query.TypeUtils.FieldInfo;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.AtlasGraphProvider;
......@@ -73,14 +69,27 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
private static final String REPEAT_METHOD = "repeat";
private static final String RANGE_METHOD = "range";
private static final String LAST_METHOD = "last";
private static final String WHERE_METHOD = "where";
private static final String TO_STRING_METHOD = "toString";
private static final GroovyExpression EMPTY_STRING_EXPRESSION = new LiteralExpression("");
public GroovyExpression generateLogicalExpression(GroovyExpression parent, String operator,
List<GroovyExpression> operands) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, parent, operator, operands);
if (operands.size() == 1) {
// gremlin 3 treats one element expressions as 'false'. Avoid
// creating a boolean expression in this case. Inline the expression
// note: we can't simply omit it, since it will cause us to traverse
// the edge!
// use 'where' instead
GroovyExpression expr = operands.get(0);
// if child is a back expression, that expression becomes an
// argument to where
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, WHERE_METHOD, expr);
} else {
// Gremlin 3 does not support _() syntax
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, operator, operands);
......@@ -88,20 +97,20 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
if (inSelect) {
return getFieldInSelect();
} else {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_ELEMENT, parent, SELECT_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias));
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, SELECT_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias));
public GroovyExpression typeTestExpression(GraphPersistenceStrategies s, String typeName, GroovyExpression itRef) {
LiteralExpression typeAttrExpr = new LiteralExpression(s.typeAttributeName());
LiteralExpression superTypeAttrExpr = new LiteralExpression(s.superTypeAttributeName());
LiteralExpression typeNameExpr = new LiteralExpression(typeName);
LiteralExpression typeAttrExpr = new LiteralExpression(s.typeAttributeName());
FunctionCallExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, HAS_METHOD, typeAttrExpr, new FunctionCallExpression(EQ_METHOD, typeNameExpr));
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, result, "or");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, result, HAS_METHOD, superTypeAttrExpr, new FunctionCallExpression(EQ_METHOD, typeNameExpr));
return result;
FunctionCallExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(HAS_METHOD, typeAttrExpr, new FunctionCallExpression(EQ_METHOD, typeNameExpr));
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "or");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(HAS_METHOD, superTypeAttrExpr, new FunctionCallExpression(EQ_METHOD, typeNameExpr));
return result;
......@@ -109,35 +118,30 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
GroovyExpression emitExpr = generateLoopEmitExpression(s, dataType);
GroovyExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.BRANCH, parent, REPEAT_METHOD, loopExpr);
GroovyExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(parent, REPEAT_METHOD, loopExpr);
if (times != null) {
GroovyExpression timesExpr = new LiteralExpression(times);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, result, TIMES_METHOD, timesExpr);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, TIMES_METHOD, timesExpr);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, result, EMIT_METHOD, emitExpr);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, EMIT_METHOD, emitExpr);
return result;
public GroovyExpression getLoopExpressionParent(GroovyExpression inputQry) {
GroovyExpression curTraversal = getAnonymousTraversalStartExpression();
return curTraversal;
private IdentifierExpression getAnonymousTraversalStartExpression() {
return new IdentifierExpression(TraversalStepType.START, "__");
return new IdentifierExpression("__");
public GroovyExpression generateSelectExpression(GroovyExpression parent, List<LiteralExpression> sourceNames,
List<GroovyExpression> srcExprs) {
FunctionCallExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_VALUE, parent, SELECT_METHOD, sourceNames);
FunctionCallExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(parent, SELECT_METHOD, sourceNames);
for (GroovyExpression expr : srcExprs) {
GroovyExpression closure = new ClosureExpression(expr);
GroovyExpression castClosure = new TypeCoersionExpression(closure, FUNCTION_CLASS);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, result, BY_METHOD, castClosure);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, BY_METHOD, castClosure);
return result;
......@@ -149,8 +153,6 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
AttributeInfo attrInfo = fInfo.attrInfo();
IDataType attrType = attrInfo.dataType();
GroovyExpression propertyNameExpr = new LiteralExpression(propertyName);
//Whether it is the user or shared graph does not matter here, since we're
//just getting the conversion expression. Ideally that would be moved someplace else.
AtlasGraph graph = AtlasGraphProvider.getGraphInstance();
if (inSelect) {
......@@ -159,13 +161,13 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
return graph.generatePersisentToLogicalConversionExpression(expr, attrType);
} else {
GroovyExpression unmapped = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FLAT_MAP_TO_VALUES, parent, VALUES_METHOD, propertyNameExpr);
GroovyExpression unmapped = new FunctionCallExpression(parent, VALUES_METHOD, propertyNameExpr);
if (graph.isPropertyValueConversionNeeded(attrType)) {
GroovyExpression toConvert = new FunctionCallExpression(getItVariable(), GET_METHOD);
GroovyExpression conversionFunction = graph.generatePersisentToLogicalConversionExpression(toConvert,
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_VALUE, unmapped, MAP_METHOD, new ClosureExpression(conversionFunction));
return new FunctionCallExpression(unmapped, MAP_METHOD, new ClosureExpression(conversionFunction));
} else {
return unmapped;
......@@ -236,15 +238,15 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
GroovyExpression filterFunction = new ClosureExpression(filterCondition);
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, parent, FILTER_METHOD, filterFunction);
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, FILTER_METHOD, filterFunction);
} else {
GroovyExpression valueMatches = new FunctionCallExpression(getComparisonFunction(symbol), requiredValue);
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, parent, HAS_METHOD, propertNameExpr, valueMatches);
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, HAS_METHOD, propertNameExpr, valueMatches);
protected GroovyExpression initialExpression(GroovyExpression varExpr, GraphPersistenceStrategies s) {
protected GroovyExpression initialExpression(GraphPersistenceStrategies s, GroovyExpression varExpr) {
// this bit of groovy magic converts the set of vertices in varName into
// a String containing the ids of all the vertices. This becomes the
......@@ -253,61 +255,15 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
// _()
// s"g.V(${varName}.collect{} as String[])"
GroovyExpression gExpr = getGraphExpression();
GroovyExpression gExpr = getGraph();
GroovyExpression varRefExpr = new TypeCoersionExpression(varExpr, OBJECT_ARRAY_CLASS);
GroovyExpression matchingVerticesExpr = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, gExpr, V_METHOD, varRefExpr);
GroovyExpression isEmpty = new FunctionCallExpression(varExpr, "isEmpty");
GroovyExpression emptyGraph = getEmptyTraversalExpression();
GroovyExpression expr = new TernaryOperatorExpression(isEmpty, emptyGraph, matchingVerticesExpr);
FunctionCallExpression expr = new FunctionCallExpression(gExpr, V_METHOD, varRefExpr);
return s.addInitialQueryCondition(expr);
private GroovyExpression getEmptyTraversalExpression() {
GroovyExpression emptyGraph = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, getGraphExpression(), V_METHOD, EMPTY_STRING_EXPRESSION);
return emptyGraph;
public GroovyExpression generateRangeExpression(GroovyExpression parent, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
//treat as barrier step, since limits need to be applied globally (even though it
//is technically a filter step)
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.BARRIER, parent, RANGE_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(startIndex), new LiteralExpression(endIndex));
public boolean isRangeExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
return (expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression && ((FunctionCallExpression)expr).getFunctionName().equals(RANGE_METHOD));
public int[] getRangeParameters(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
if (isRangeExpression(expr)) {
FunctionCallExpression rangeExpression = (FunctionCallExpression) expr;
List<GroovyExpression> arguments = rangeExpression.getArguments();
int startIndex = (int)((LiteralExpression)arguments.get(0)).getValue();
int endIndex = (int)((LiteralExpression)arguments.get(1)).getValue();
return new int[]{startIndex, endIndex};
else {
return null;
public void setRangeParameters(GroovyExpression expr, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (isRangeExpression(expr)) {
FunctionCallExpression rangeExpression = (FunctionCallExpression) expr;
rangeExpression.setArgument(0, new LiteralExpression(Integer.valueOf(startIndex)));
rangeExpression.setArgument(1, new LiteralExpression(Integer.valueOf(endIndex)));
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(expr + " is not a valid range expression");
public GroovyExpression generateLimitExpression(GroovyExpression parent, int offset, int totalRows) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, RANGE_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(offset), new LiteralExpression(totalRows));
......@@ -339,8 +295,7 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
comparisonExpr = new ComparisonOperatorExpression(bCompExpr, aCompExpr);
ClosureExpression comparisonFunction = new ClosureExpression(comparisonExpr, "a", "b");
FunctionCallExpression orderCall = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.BARRIER, parent, ORDER_METHOD);
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, orderCall, BY_METHOD, orderByClause, comparisonFunction);
return new FunctionCallExpression(new FunctionCallExpression(parent, ORDER_METHOD), BY_METHOD, orderByClause, comparisonFunction);
......@@ -372,10 +327,10 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
public GroovyExpression generateGroupByExpression(GroovyExpression parent, GroovyExpression groupByExpression,
GroovyExpression aggregationFunction) {
GroovyExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.BARRIER, parent, "group");
GroovyExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(parent, "group");
GroovyExpression groupByClosureExpr = new TypeCoersionExpression(new ClosureExpression(groupByExpression), "Function");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, result, "by", groupByClosureExpr);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, result, "toList");
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "by", groupByClosureExpr);
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "toList");
GroovyExpression mapValuesClosure = new ClosureExpression(new FunctionCallExpression(new CastExpression(getItVariable(), "Map"), "values"));
......@@ -392,55 +347,8 @@ public class Gremlin3ExpressionFactory extends GremlinExpressionFactory {
result = new FunctionCallExpression(result, "collect", aggregrationFunctionClosure);
return result;
public GroovyExpression generateSeededTraversalExpresssion(boolean isMap, GroovyExpression valueCollection) {
GroovyExpression coersedExpression = new TypeCoersionExpression(valueCollection, isMap ? "Map[]" : "Vertex[]");
if(isMap) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, "__", coersedExpression);
else {
//We cannot always use an anonymous traversal because that breaks repeat steps
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, getEmptyTraversalExpression(), "inject", coersedExpression);
public GroovyExpression getGroupBySelectFieldParent() {
return null;
public String getTraversalExpressionClass() {
return "GraphTraversal";
public boolean isSelectGeneratesMap(int aliasCount) {
//in Gremlin 3, you only get a map if there is more than 1 alias.
return aliasCount > 1;
public GroovyExpression generateMapExpression(GroovyExpression parent, ClosureExpression closureExpression) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_ELEMENT, parent, "map", closureExpression);
public GroovyExpression generateGetSelectedValueExpression(LiteralExpression key,
GroovyExpression rowMapExpr) {
rowMapExpr = new CastExpression(rowMapExpr, "Map");
GroovyExpression getExpr = new FunctionCallExpression(rowMapExpr, "get", key);
return getExpr;
public GroovyExpression getCurrentTraverserObject(GroovyExpression traverser) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(traverser, "get");
public List<String> getAliasesRequiredByExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
return Collections.emptyList();
......@@ -17,14 +17,8 @@
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ArithmeticExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ArithmeticExpression.ArithmeticOperator;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.CastExpression;
......@@ -35,7 +29,6 @@ import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ListExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TypeCoersionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.VariableAssignmentExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.query.GraphPersistenceStrategies;
......@@ -47,9 +40,13 @@ import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.GremlinVersion;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.cache.TypeCache.TYPE_FILTER;
import org.apache.atlas.util.AtlasRepositoryConfiguration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Factory to generate Groovy expressions representing Gremlin syntax that that
......@@ -61,8 +58,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
private static final String G_VARIABLE = "g";
private static final String IT_VARIABLE = "it";
protected static final String SET_CLASS = "Set";
private static final String SET_CLASS = "Set";
private static final String OBJECT_FIELD = "object";
......@@ -70,25 +66,18 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
protected static final String FILTER_METHOD = "filter";
private static final String PATH_METHOD = "path";
private static final String AS_METHOD = "as";
private static final String FILL_METHOD = "fill";
private static final String IN_OPERATOR = "in";
protected static final String HAS_METHOD = "has";
protected static final String TO_LOWER_CASE_METHOD = "toLowerCase";
protected static final String SELECT_METHOD = "select";
protected static final String ORDER_METHOD = "order";
protected static final String FILL_METHOD = "fill";
public static final GremlinExpressionFactory INSTANCE = AtlasGraphProvider.getGraphInstance()
.getSupportedGremlinVersion() == GremlinVersion.THREE ? new Gremlin3ExpressionFactory()
: new Gremlin2ExpressionFactory();
* Returns the unqualified name of the class used in this version of gremlin to
* represent Gremlin queries as they are being generated.
* @return
public abstract String getTraversalExpressionClass();
* Gets the expression to use as the parent when translating the loop
* expression in a loop
......@@ -183,40 +172,14 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
String propertyName, String symbol, GroovyExpression requiredValue, FieldInfo fInfo) throws AtlasException;
* Generates a range expression
* Generates a limit expression
* @param parent
* @param startIndex
* @param endIndex
* @return
public abstract GroovyExpression generateRangeExpression(GroovyExpression parent, int startIndex, int endIndex);
* Determines if the specified expression is a range method call.
* @param expr
* @param offset
* @param totalRows
* @return
public abstract boolean isRangeExpression(GroovyExpression expr);
* Set the start index and end index of a range expression
* @param expr
* @param startIndex
* @param endIndex
public abstract void setRangeParameters(GroovyExpression expr, int startIndex, int endIndex);
* If the specified function expression is a range expression, returns the start and end index parameters
* otherwise returns null.
* @param expr
* @return int array with two elements - element 0 is start index, element 1 is end index
public abstract int[] getRangeParameters(AbstractFunctionExpression expr);
public abstract GroovyExpression generateLimitExpression(GroovyExpression parent, int offset, int totalRows);
* Generates an order by expression
......@@ -230,22 +193,6 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
List<GroovyExpression> translatedOrderBy, boolean isAscending);
* Determines if specified expression is an order method call
* @param expr
* @return
public boolean isOrderExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
if (expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression) {
FunctionCallExpression functionCallExpression = (FunctionCallExpression) expr;
if (functionCallExpression.getFunctionName().equals(ORDER_METHOD)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the Groovy expressions that should be used as the parents when
* translating an order by expression. This is needed because Gremlin 2 and
* 3 handle order by expressions very differently.
......@@ -260,17 +207,6 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
public abstract GroovyExpression getAnonymousTraversalExpression();
public boolean isLeafAnonymousTraversalExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
if(!(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression)) {
return false;
FunctionCallExpression functionCallExpr = (FunctionCallExpression)expr;
if(functionCallExpr.getCaller() != null) {
return false;
return functionCallExpr.getFunctionName().equals("_") & functionCallExpr.getArguments().size() == 0;
* Returns an expression representing
......@@ -280,11 +216,11 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
* Generates the expression the serves as the root of the Gremlin query.
* @param s
* @param varExpr variable containing the vertices to traverse
* @return
protected abstract GroovyExpression initialExpression(GroovyExpression varExpr, GraphPersistenceStrategies s);
protected abstract GroovyExpression initialExpression(GraphPersistenceStrategies s, GroovyExpression varExpr);
* Generates an expression that tests whether the vertex represented by the 'toTest'
......@@ -300,30 +236,13 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
GroovyExpression vertexExpr);
* Generates a sequence of groovy expressions that filter the vertices to only
* those that match the specified type. If GraphPersistenceStrategies.collectTypeInstancesIntoVar()
* is set and the gremlin optimizer is disabled, the vertices are put into a variable whose name is generated
* from the specified IntSequence. The last item in the result will be a graph traversal restricted to only
* the matching vertices.
* is set, the vertices are put into a variable whose name is geneated from the specified IntSequence.
* The last item in the result will be a graph traversal restricted to only the matching vertices.
public List<GroovyExpression> generateTypeTestExpression(GraphPersistenceStrategies s, GroovyExpression parent,
String typeName, IntSequence intSeq) throws AtlasException {
if(AtlasRepositoryConfiguration.isGremlinOptimizerEnabled()) {
GroovyExpression superTypeAttributeNameExpr = new LiteralExpression(s.superTypeAttributeName());
GroovyExpression typeNameExpr = new LiteralExpression(typeName);
GroovyExpression superTypeMatchesExpr = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, HAS_METHOD, superTypeAttributeNameExpr,
GroovyExpression typeAttributeNameExpr = new LiteralExpression(s.typeAttributeName());
GroovyExpression typeMatchesExpr = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, HAS_METHOD, typeAttributeNameExpr,
GroovyExpression result = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, parent, "or", typeMatchesExpr, superTypeMatchesExpr);
return Collections.singletonList(result);
else {
if (s.filterBySubTypes()) {
return typeTestExpressionUsingInFilter(s, parent, typeName);
} else if (s.collectTypeInstancesIntoVar()) {
......@@ -332,7 +251,6 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
return typeTestExpressionUsingFilter(s, parent, typeName);
private List<GroovyExpression> typeTestExpressionUsingInFilter(GraphPersistenceStrategies s, GroovyExpression parent,
final String typeName) throws AtlasException {
......@@ -367,7 +285,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
result.add(fillVarWithTypeInstances(s, typeName, varName));
result.add(fillVarWithSubTypeInstances(s, typeName, varName));
result.add(initialExpression(varExpr, s));
result.add(initialExpression(s, varExpr));
return result;
......@@ -406,6 +324,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
return Collections.singletonList(filterExpr);
* Generates an expression which checks whether the vertices in the query have
* a field with the given name.
......@@ -415,7 +334,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
* @return
public GroovyExpression generateUnaryHasExpression(GroovyExpression parent, String fieldName) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FILTER, parent, HAS_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(fieldName));
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, HAS_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(fieldName));
......@@ -425,7 +344,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
* @return
public GroovyExpression generatePathExpression(GroovyExpression parent) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.MAP_TO_VALUE, parent, PATH_METHOD);
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, PATH_METHOD);
......@@ -446,7 +365,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
* @return
public GroovyExpression generateAliasExpression(GroovyExpression parent, String alias) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, parent, AS_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias));
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, AS_METHOD, new LiteralExpression(alias));
......@@ -458,7 +377,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
* @return
public GroovyExpression generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(GroovyExpression parent, AtlasEdgeDirection dir) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FLAT_MAP_TO_ELEMENTS, parent, getGremlinFunctionName(dir));
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, getGremlinFunctionName(dir));
private String getGremlinFunctionName(AtlasEdgeDirection dir) {
......@@ -484,7 +403,7 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
public GroovyExpression generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(GroovyExpression parent, AtlasEdgeDirection dir,
String label) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.FLAT_MAP_TO_ELEMENTS, parent, getGremlinFunctionName(dir), new LiteralExpression(label));
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, getGremlinFunctionName(dir), new LiteralExpression(label));
......@@ -504,19 +423,17 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
protected GroovyExpression getAllVerticesExpr() {
GroovyExpression gExpr = getGraphExpression();
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, gExpr, V_METHOD);
GroovyExpression gExpr = getGraph();
return new FunctionCallExpression(gExpr, V_METHOD);
protected IdentifierExpression getGraphExpression() {
return new IdentifierExpression(TraversalStepType.SOURCE, G_VARIABLE);
protected IdentifierExpression getGraph() {
return new IdentifierExpression(G_VARIABLE);
protected GroovyExpression getCurrentObjectExpression() {
return new FieldExpression(getItVariable(), OBJECT_FIELD);
//assumes cast already performed
public GroovyExpression generateCountExpression(GroovyExpression itExpr) {
GroovyExpression collectionExpr = new CastExpression(itExpr,"Collection");
......@@ -537,9 +454,11 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
private GroovyExpression getAggregrationExpression(GroovyExpression itExpr,
GroovyExpression mapFunction, String functionName) {
GroovyExpression collectionExpr = new CastExpression(itExpr,"Collection");
GroovyExpression collectionExpr = new CastExpression(itExpr,
ClosureExpression collectFunction = new ClosureExpression(mapFunction);
GroovyExpression transformedList = new FunctionCallExpression(collectionExpr, "collect", collectFunction);
GroovyExpression transformedList = new FunctionCallExpression(
collectionExpr, "collect", collectFunction);
return new FunctionCallExpression(transformedList, functionName);
......@@ -547,106 +466,5 @@ public abstract class GremlinExpressionFactory {
return getItVariable();
* Specifies the parent to use when translating the select list in
* a group by statement.
* @return
public abstract GroovyExpression getGroupBySelectFieldParent();
public GroovyExpression generateFillExpression(GroovyExpression parent, GroovyExpression variable) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END,parent , "fill", variable);
* Generates an anonymous graph traversal initialized with the specified value. In Gremlin 3, we need
* to use a different syntax for this when the object is a map, so that information needs to be provided
* to this method so that the correct syntax is used.
* @param isMap true if the value contains Map instances, false if it contains Vertex instances
* @param valueCollection the source objects to start the traversal from.
public abstract GroovyExpression generateSeededTraversalExpresssion(boolean isMap, GroovyExpression valueCollection);
* Returns the current value of the traverser. This is used when generating closure expressions that
* need to operate on the current value in the graph graversal.
* @param traverser
* @return
public abstract GroovyExpression getCurrentTraverserObject(GroovyExpression traverser);
* Generates an expression that transforms the current value of the traverser by
* applying the function specified
* @param parent
* @param closureExpression
* @return
public abstract GroovyExpression generateMapExpression(GroovyExpression parent, ClosureExpression closureExpression);
* Returns whether a select statement generates a map (or Gremlin 2 "Row") when it contains the specified
* number of aliases.
public abstract boolean isSelectGeneratesMap(int aliasCount);
* Generates an expression to get the value of the value from the row map
* generated by select() with the specified key.
public abstract GroovyExpression generateGetSelectedValueExpression(LiteralExpression key,
GroovyExpression rowMapExpr);
public GroovyExpression removeExtraMapFromPathInResult(GroovyExpression parent) {
GroovyExpression listItem = getItVariable();
GroovyExpression tailExpr = new FunctionCallExpression(listItem, "tail");
return new FunctionCallExpression(parent, "collect", new ClosureExpression(tailExpr));
* Generates a toList expression to execute the gremlin query and
* store the result in a new list.
* @param expr
* @return
public GroovyExpression generateToListExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, expr, "toList");
* Finds aliases that absolutely must be brought along with this expression into
* the output expression and cannot just be recreated there. For example, in the
* Gremlin 2 loop expression, the loop semantics break of the alias is simply recreated
* in the output expression.
* @param expr
* @return
public abstract List<String> getAliasesRequiredByExpression(GroovyExpression expr);
* Checks if the given expression is an alias expression, and if so
* returns the alias from the expression. Otherwise, null is
* returned.
public String getAliasNameIfRelevant(GroovyExpression expr) {
if(!(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression)) {
return null;
FunctionCallExpression fc = (FunctionCallExpression)expr;
if(! fc.getFunctionName().equals(AS_METHOD)) {
return null;
LiteralExpression aliasName = (LiteralExpression)fc.getArguments().get(0);
return aliasName.getValue().toString();
\ No newline at end of file
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
* Finds all aliases in the expression.
public class AliasFinder implements CallHierarchyVisitor {
private List<LiteralExpression> foundAliases = new ArrayList<>();
//Whether a final alias is needed. A final alias is needed
//if there are transformation steps after the last alias in
//the expression. We initialize this to false since a final
//alias is not needed if there are no aliases.
private boolean finalAliasNeeded = false;
public boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
return true;
public void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
public void visitNullCaller() {
private static final Set<TraversalStepType> TRANSFORMATION_STEP_TYPES = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
public boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall) {
if (functionCall instanceof FunctionCallExpression) {
FunctionCallExpression expr = (FunctionCallExpression)functionCall;
if (expr.getType() == TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT && expr.getFunctionName().equals("as")) {
//We found an alias. This is currently the last expression we've seen
//in our traversal back up the expression tree, so at this point a final
//alias is not needed.
LiteralExpression aliasNameExpr = (LiteralExpression)expr.getArguments().get(0);
if(TRANSFORMATION_STEP_TYPES.contains(functionCall.getType())) {
//This step changes the value of the traverser. Now, a final alias
//needs to be added.
if(!foundAliases.isEmpty()) {
finalAliasNeeded = true;
return true;
public List<LiteralExpression> getAliases() {
return foundAliases;
public boolean isFinalAliasNeeded() {
return finalAliasNeeded;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
* Call back interface for visiting the call hierarchy of a function call.
public interface CallHierarchyVisitor {
* Visits a function expression before the visit to its caller.
* @param expr
* @return false to terminate the recursion
boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr);
* Called when a caller that is not an instance of
* AbstractFunctionExpression is found. This indicates that the deepest
* point in the call hierarchy has been reached.
void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr);
* Called when a null caller is found (this happens for static/user-defined
* functions). This indicates that the deepest point in the call hierarchy
* has been reached.
void visitNullCaller();
* Visits a function expression after the visit to its caller.
* @param expr
* @return false to terminate the recursion
boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall);
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Optimizer that pulls has expressions out of an 'and' expression.
* For example:
* g.V().and(has('x'),has('y')
* is optimized to:
* g.V().has('x').has('y')
* There are certain cases where it is not safe to move an expression out
* of the 'and'. For example, in the expression
* g.V().and(has('x').out('y'),has('z'))
* has('x').out('y') cannot be moved out of the 'and', since it changes the value of the traverser.
* At this time, the ExpandAndsOptimizer is not able to handle this scenario, so we don't extract
* that expression. In this case, the result is:
* g.V().has('z').and(has('x').out('y'))
* The optimizer will call ExpandAndsOptimization recursively on the children, so
* there is no need to recursively update the children here.
* @param expr
* @param context
* @return the expressions that should be unioned together to get the query result
public class ExpandAndsOptimization implements GremlinOptimization {
private static final Logger logger_ = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpandAndsOptimization.class);
private final GremlinExpressionFactory factory;
public ExpandAndsOptimization(GremlinExpressionFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public boolean appliesTo(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext contxt) {
return expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression && ((FunctionCallExpression)expr).getFunctionName().equals("and");
* Expands the given and expression. There is no need to recursively
* expand the children here. This method is called recursively by
* GremlinQueryOptimier on the children.
public GroovyExpression apply(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context) {
FunctionCallExpression exprAsFunction = (FunctionCallExpression)expr;
GroovyExpression result = exprAsFunction.getCaller();
List<GroovyExpression> nonExtractableArguments = new ArrayList<>();
for(GroovyExpression argument : exprAsFunction.getArguments()) {
if (GremlinQueryOptimizer.isExtractable(argument)) {
//Set the caller of the deepest expression in the call hierarchy
//of the argument to point to the current result.
//For example, if result is "g.V()" and the updatedArgument is "has('x').has('y')",
//updatedArgument would be a tree like this:
// has('y')
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// has('x')
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// (null)
//We would set the caller of has('x') to be g.V(), so result would become g.V().has('x').has('y').
// Note: This operation is currently done by making a copy of the argument tree. That should
// be changed.
result = GremlinQueryOptimizer.copyWithNewLeafNode(
(AbstractFunctionExpression) argument, result);
} else {
logger_.warn("Found non-extractable argument '{}' in the 'and' expression '{}'",argument.toString(), expr.toString());
if (!nonExtractableArguments.isEmpty()) {
//add a final 'and' call with the arguments that could not be extracted
result = factory.generateLogicalExpression(result, "and", nonExtractableArguments);
return result;
public boolean isApplyRecursively() {
return true;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.StatementListExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Optimization that removes 'or' expressions from a graph traversal when possible
* and replaces them with separate calls that are combined using a logical union operation.
* Unfortunately, Titan does not use indices when executing the child graph traversals associated
* with an 'or' call. In order to make the index be used, we split queries with
* or expressions into multiple queries. These queries are executed individually,
* using indices, and then the results are combined back together. Here is a
* simple example to illustrate this:
* <h4>Original Query</h4>
* <pre>
* g.V().or(has('name','Fred'),has('age','17'))
* </pre>
*<h4>Optimized Query</h4>
* <pre>
* def r = [] as Set;
* g.V().has('name','Fred').fill(r);
* g.V().has('age','17').fill(r);
* r;
* </pre>
* Here, we introduce an intermediate variable "r" which is declared as a Set. The Set is performing
* the union for us. If there are vertices that happen to both have "Fred" as the name and "17" as the age,
* the Set will prevent the second query execution from adding a duplicate vertex to the result. Recall that
* in Groovy scripts, the last expression is the one that will be returned back to the caller. We refer to
* that expression is the "result expression". For this example, the result expression is simply "r", which
* contains the vertices that matched the query.
* <p/>
* If the query does any kind of transformation of the vertices to produce the query result, that needs
* to be done in the result expression. To understand why that is, let's take a look at another example:
* <h4>Original Query</h4>
* <pre>
* g.V().or(has('name','Fred'),has('age','17')).as('person').select('person').by('gender')
* </pre>
* <h4>Incorrect Optimized Query</h4>
* <pre>
* def r = [] as Set;
* g.V().has('name','Fred').as('person').select('person').by('gender').fill(r)
* g.V().has('age','17').as('person').select('person').by('gender').fill(r)
* r;
* </pre>
* The problem with this query is that now 'r' contains Strings (the gender of the person). Suppose
* that there is one person named Fred and there are 3 people whose age is 17 (let's say Fred's age is 16).
* The original query would have produced 4 rows, one corresponding to each of those people. The new
* query would produce at most 2 rows - one for 'male' and one for 'female'. This is happening because
* we are now performing the union on the Strings, not on the vertices. To fix this, we need to split
* the original query and put the end portion into the result expression:
* <h4>Correct Optimized Query</h4>
* <pre>
* def r = [] as Set;
* g.V().has('name','Fred').fill(r)
* g.V().has('age','17').fill(r)
* __.inject(r as Object[]).as('person').select('person').by('gender')
* </pre>
* The logic for doing this splitting is described in more detail in
* {@link #moveTransformationsToResultExpression(GroovyExpression, OptimizationContext)}.
* <p/>
* There is one more problematic case that this optimizer is able to handle. Let's look at the following example:
* <h4>Original Query</h4>
* <pre>
* g.V().or(has('type','Person'),has('superType','Person')).as('x').has('qualifiedName','Fred').as('y').select('x','y').by('name').by('name')
* </pre>
* Queries of this form appear often when translating DSL queries.
* If we were to optimize this query using the logic described above, we would get something like this:
* <h4>Incorrect Optimized Query</h4>
* <pre>
* def r = [] as Set;
* g.V().has('type','Person').fill(r);
* g.V().has('superType','Person').fill(r);
* __.inject(r as Object[]).as('x').has('qualifiedName','Fred').as('y').select('x','y');
* </pre>
* While not strictly incorrect, this query will not perform well since the index on qualifiedName will
* not be used. In order for that index to be used, the 'has' expression needs to be part of the original
* query. However, if we do that alone, the query will be broken, since the select
* will now refer to an undefined label:
* <h4>Incorrect Optimized Query</h4>
* <pre>
* def r = [] as Set;
* g.V().has('type','Person').as('x').has('qualifiedName','Fred').fill(r);
* g.V().has('superType','Person').as('x').has('qualifiedName','Fred').fill(r);
* __.inject(r as Object[]).as('y').select('x','y')
* </pre>
* To fix this, we need to save the values of the aliased vertices in the original
* query, and create labels in the result expression that refer to them. We do this
* as follows:
* <h4>Correct Optimized Query</h4>
* <pre>
* def r = [] as Set;
* g.V().has('type','Person').as('x').has('qualifiedName','Fred').as('y').select('x','y').fill(r);
* g.V().has('superType','Person').as('x').has('qualifiedName','Fred').select('x','y').fill(r);
* __.inject(r as Object[]).as('__tmp').map({((Map)it.get()).get('x')}).as('x').select('__tmp').map({((Map)it.get()).get('x')}).as('y').select('x','y').by('name').by('name')
* </pre>
* This is not pretty, but is the best solution we've found so far for supporting expressions that contain aliases in this optimization.
* What ends up happening is that r gets populated with alias->Vertex maps. In the result expression, we make 'x' point
* to a step where the value in the traverser is the vertex for 'x', and we do the same thing for y. The <code>select('_tmp')</code> step in the middle restores the value of
* the traverser back to the map.
* <p/>
* The one known issue with the alias rearrangement is that it breaks loop expressions. As a result, expressions containing loops are currently excluded
* from this optimization.
* ExpandOrsOptimization expands the entire expression tree recursively, so it is not invoked
* recursively by GremlinQueryOptimizer.
public class ExpandOrsOptimization implements GremlinOptimization {
private static final Logger logger_ = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpandOrsOptimization.class);
private final GremlinExpressionFactory factory;
public ExpandOrsOptimization(GremlinExpressionFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public boolean appliesTo(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext contxt) {
ExpressionFinder finder = new ExpressionFinder(IsOr.INSTANCE);
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(expr, finder);
return finder.isExpressionFound();
public GroovyExpression apply(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context) {
setupRangeOptimization(expr, context);
GroovyExpression traveralExpression = moveTransformationsToResultExpression(expr, context);
FunctionGenerator functionGenerator = new FunctionGenerator(factory, context);
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(traveralExpression, functionGenerator);
traveralExpression = functionGenerator.getNewRootExpression();
List<GroovyExpression> bodyExpressions = expandOrs(traveralExpression, context);
//Adds a statement to define the result variable 'v' in the
//groovy script. The variable is declared as a Set. The type
//of the objects in the Set depend on the number of aliases in the Groovy
// expression:
// - 0 or 1 alias : Vertex
// - multiple aliases: Map<String,Vertex>
StatementListExpression result = new StatementListExpression();
for (GroovyExpression bodyExpression : bodyExpressions) {
return result;
private void setupRangeOptimization(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context) {
// Find any range expressions in the expression tree.
RangeFinder rangeFinder = new RangeFinder(factory);
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(expr, rangeFinder);
List<AbstractFunctionExpression> rangeExpressions = rangeFinder.getRangeExpressions();
if (rangeExpressions.size() == 1) {
OrderFinder orderFinder = new OrderFinder(factory);
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(expr, orderFinder);
if (!orderFinder.hasOrderExpression()) {
// If there is one range expression and no order expression in the unoptimized gremlin,
// save the range parameters to use for adding a range expression to
// each expanded "or" expression result, such that it will only contain the specified range of vertices.
// For now, apply this optimization only if the range start index is zero.
AbstractFunctionExpression rangeExpression = rangeExpressions.get(0);
int[] rangeParameters = factory.getRangeParameters(rangeExpression);
if (rangeParameters[0] == 0) {
private GroovyExpression moveTransformationsToResultExpression(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context) {
GroovyExpression traveralExpression = expr;
// Determine the 'split point'. This is the expression that will become
// the deepest function call in the result expression. If a split
// point is found, its caller is changed. The new caller is
// set to the graph traversal expression in the result expression.
// The original caller becomes the new traversal expression that
// will be carried through the rest of the 'or' expansion processing.
// Example: g.V().has('x').as('x').select('x')
// Here, select('x') is the split expression
// so :
// 1) the result expression in OptimizationContext becomes [base result expression].select('x')
// 2) we return g.V().has('x').as('x')
SplitPointFinder finder = new SplitPointFinder(factory);
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(traveralExpression, finder);
AbstractFunctionExpression splitPoint = finder.getSplitPoint();
List<LiteralExpression> aliases = new ArrayList<>();
//If we're not splitting the query, there is no need to save/restore
//the aliases.
if(splitPoint != null) {
traveralExpression = splitPoint.getCaller();
AliasFinder aliasFinder = new AliasFinder();
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(traveralExpression, aliasFinder);
if(aliasFinder.isFinalAliasNeeded()) {
//The last alias in the expression does not capture the final vertex in the traverser,
//so we need to create an alias to record that.
traveralExpression = factory.generateAliasExpression(traveralExpression, context.getFinalAliasName());
aliases.add(new LiteralExpression(context.getFinalAliasName()));
GroovyExpression resultExpr = getBaseResultExpression(context, aliases);
expr = removeMapFromPathsIfNeeded(expr, aliases);
//Add expression(s) to the end of the traversal expression to add the vertices
//that were found into the intermediate variable ('r')
traveralExpression = addCallToUpdateResultVariable(traveralExpression, aliases, context);
return traveralExpression;
private GroovyExpression removeMapFromPathsIfNeeded(GroovyExpression expr, List<LiteralExpression> aliases) {
if(aliases.size() > 0 && factory.isSelectGeneratesMap(aliases.size())) {
PathExpressionFinder pathExprFinder = new PathExpressionFinder();
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(expr, pathExprFinder);
boolean hasPath = pathExprFinder.isPathExpressionFound();
if(hasPath) {
//the path will now start with the map that we added. That is an artifact
//of the optimization process and must be removed.
if(expr.getType() != TraversalStepType.END && expr.getType() != TraversalStepType.NONE) {
//we're still in the pipeline, need to execute the query before we can
//modify the result
expr = factory.generateToListExpression(expr);
expr = factory.removeExtraMapFromPathInResult(expr);
return expr;
* This method adds steps to the end of the initial traversal to add the vertices
* that were found into an intermediate variable (defined as a Set). If there is one alias,
* this set will contain the vertices associated with that Alias. If there are multiple
* aliases, the values in the set will be alias->vertex maps that have the vertex
* associated with the alias for each result.
* @param expr
* @param aliasNames
* @param context
* @return
private GroovyExpression addCallToUpdateResultVariable(GroovyExpression expr,List<LiteralExpression> aliasNames, OptimizationContext context) {
GroovyExpression result = expr;
// If there is one range expression in the unoptimized gremlin,
// add a range expression here so that the intermediate variable will only contain
// the specified range of vertices.
AbstractFunctionExpression rangeExpression = context.getRangeExpression();
if (rangeExpression != null) {
int[] rangeParameters = factory.getRangeParameters(rangeExpression);
result = factory.generateRangeExpression(result, rangeParameters[0], rangeParameters[1]);
if( ! aliasNames.isEmpty()) {
result = factory.generateSelectExpression(result, aliasNames, Collections.<GroovyExpression>emptyList());
return factory.generateFillExpression(result, context.getResultVariable());
* Recursively traverses the given expression, expanding or expressions
* wherever they are found.
* @param expr
* @param context
* @return expressions that should be unioned together to get the query result
private List<GroovyExpression> expandOrs(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context) {
if (GremlinQueryOptimizer.isOrExpression(expr)) {
return expandOrFunction(expr, context);
return processOtherExpression(expr, context);
* This method takes an 'or' expression and expands it into multiple expressions.
* For example:
* g.V().or(has('x'),has('y')
* is expanded to:
* g.V().has('x')
* g.V().has('y')
* There are certain cases where it is not safe to move an expression out
* of the 'or'. For example, in the expression
* g.V().or(has('x').out('y'),has('z'))
* has('x').out('y') cannot be moved out of the 'or', since it changes the value of the traverser.
* At this time, the ExpandOrsOptimizer is not able to handle this scenario, so we don't remove
* that expression. In cases like this, a final expression is created that ors together
* all of the expressions that could not be extracted. In this case that would be:
* g.V().has('z')
* g.V().or(has('y').out('z'))
* This processing is done recursively.
* @param expr
* @param context
* @return the expressions that should be unioned together to get the query result
private List<GroovyExpression> expandOrFunction(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context) {
FunctionCallExpression functionCall = (FunctionCallExpression) expr;
GroovyExpression caller = functionCall.getCaller();
List<GroovyExpression> updatedCallers = null;
if (caller != null) {
updatedCallers = expandOrs(caller, context);
} else {
updatedCallers = Collections.singletonList(null);
UpdatedExpressions newArguments = getUpdatedChildren(functionCall.getArguments(), context);
List<GroovyExpression> allUpdatedArguments = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<GroovyExpression> exprs : newArguments.getUpdatedChildren()) {
List<AbstractFunctionExpression> extractableArguments = new ArrayList<>();
List<GroovyExpression> nonExtractableArguments = new ArrayList<>();
for (GroovyExpression argument : allUpdatedArguments) {
if (GremlinQueryOptimizer.isExtractable(argument)) {
extractableArguments.add((AbstractFunctionExpression) argument);
} else {
logger_.warn("Found non-extractable argument '{}; in the 'or' expression '{}'",argument.toString(), expr.toString());
List<GroovyExpression> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (GroovyExpression updatedCaller : updatedCallers) {
for (AbstractFunctionExpression arg : extractableArguments) {
GroovyExpression updated = GremlinQueryOptimizer.copyWithNewLeafNode(arg, updatedCaller);
if (!nonExtractableArguments.isEmpty()) {
result.add(factory.generateLogicalExpression(updatedCaller, "or", nonExtractableArguments));
return result;
private UpdatedExpressions getUpdatedChildren(List<GroovyExpression> children, OptimizationContext context) {
List<List<GroovyExpression>> updatedChildren = new ArrayList<>();
boolean changed = false;
for (GroovyExpression child : children) {
List<GroovyExpression> childChoices = expandOrs(child, context);
if (childChoices.size() != 1 || childChoices.iterator().next() != child) {
changed = true;
return new UpdatedExpressions(changed, updatedChildren);
private UpdatedExpressions getUpdatedChildren(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context) {
return getUpdatedChildren(expr.getChildren(), context);
* This is called when we encounter an expression that is not an "or", for example an "and" expressio. For these
* expressions, we process the children and create copies with the cartesian product of the updated
* arguments.
* Example:
* g.V().and(or(has('x),has('y'), or(has('a'),has('b')))
* Here, we have an "and" expression with two children:
* 1) or(has('x),has('y')
* 2) or(has('a'),has('b'))
* We first process these children. They each yield 2 expressions:
* 1 -> [ has('x'), has('y') ]
* 2 -> [ has('a'), has('b') ]
* The cartesian product of these gives this:
* [ has('x'), has('a') ]
* [ has('x'), has('b') ]
* [ has('y'), has('a') ]
* [ has('y'), has('b') ]
* So the overall result is:
* g.V().and(has('x'), has('a'))
* g.V().and(has('x'), has('b'))
* g.V().and(has('y'), has('a'))
* g.V().and(has('y'), has('b'))
* @param source
* @param context
* @return expressions that should be unioned together to get the query result
private List<GroovyExpression> processOtherExpression(GroovyExpression source, OptimizationContext context) {
UpdatedExpressions updatedChildren = getUpdatedChildren(source, context);
if (!updatedChildren.hasChanges()) {
return Collections.singletonList(source);
List<GroovyExpression> result = new ArrayList<GroovyExpression>();
//The updated children list we get back has the possible values for each child
//in the expression. We compute a cartesian product to get all possible
//combinations of child values.
List<List<GroovyExpression>> updateChildLists = Lists.cartesianProduct(updatedChildren.getUpdatedChildren());
for (List<GroovyExpression> updatedChildList : updateChildLists) {
return result;
public boolean isApplyRecursively() {
return false;
* This method creates a base result expression that recreates the state of the
* graph traverser at start of the result expression to what it would have been
* if we had been executing one Gremlin query (instead of many and doing a union).
* To do this, we start with an anonymous graph traversal that will iterate
* through the values in the intermediate Set that was created. We then need
* to set things up so that the aliases that were in the original gremlin query
* refer to steps with the correct traverser value.
* The way we do this depends on the number of aliases. If there are 0 or 1 alias,
* the intermediate variable already contains Vertices, so we just create the alias.
* If there are multiple aliases, the intermediate variable contains a String->Vertex
* map. We first create a temporary alias that refers to that map. For each alias,
* we use a MapStep to map the map to the Vertex for that alias. We then add back
* the alias, making it refer to the MapStep. Between the alias restorations, we restore the
* traverser object back to the map.
* @param context
* @param aliases
* @return
private GroovyExpression getBaseResultExpression(OptimizationContext context,
List<LiteralExpression> aliases) {
//Start with an anonymous traversal that gets its objects from the intermediate result variable.
GroovyExpression parent = factory.generateSeededTraversalExpresssion(aliases.size() > 1, context.getResultVariable());
if(aliases.isEmpty()) {
return parent;
//The expression we will return.
GroovyExpression result = parent;
//We use a temporary alias to save/restore the original value of the traverser
//at the start of the query. We do this so we can set the value of the traverser
//back to being the map after we retrieve each alias. If there is only one
//alias, the save/restore is not needed, so there is no need to create this alias.
if(aliases.size() > 1) {
result = factory.generateAliasExpression(result, context.getTempAliasName());
Iterator<LiteralExpression> it = aliases.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
LiteralExpression curAlias =;
//A map is only generated by Gremlin when there is more than one alias. When there is only one
//alias, the intermediate variable will directly contain the vertices.`
if(factory.isSelectGeneratesMap(aliases.size())) {
//Since there is more than one alias, the current traverser object is an alias->vertex
//map. We use a MapStep to map that map to the Vertex for the current alias. This sets
//the current traverser object to that Vertex. We do this by defining the closure we
//pass to the MapStep call [map].get(aliasName) where [map] is the expression
//that refers to the map.
GroovyExpression rowMapExpr = factory.getCurrentTraverserObject(factory.getClosureArgumentValue());
GroovyExpression getExpr = factory.generateGetSelectedValueExpression(curAlias, rowMapExpr);
result = factory.generateMapExpression(result, new ClosureExpression(getExpr));
//Create alias that points to the previous step. The traverser value at that step
//is the Vertex associated with this alias.
result = factory.generateAliasExpression(result, curAlias.getValue().toString());
if(it.hasNext()) {
//Restore the current value of the traverser back to the current alias->vertex map
result = factory.generateBackReferenceExpression(result, false, context.getTempAliasName());
return result;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
* Call hierarchy visitor that checks if an expression
* matching the specified criteria is present
* in the call hierarch.
public class ExpressionFinder implements CallHierarchyVisitor {
private final Function<GroovyExpression, Boolean> predicate;
private boolean expressionFound = false;
public ExpressionFinder(Function<GroovyExpression, Boolean> predicate) {
this.predicate = predicate;
public boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
if (predicate.apply(expr)) {
expressionFound = true;
return false;
return true;
public void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
if (predicate.apply(expr)) {
expressionFound = true;
public void visitNullCaller() {
//nothing to do
public boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall) {
//nothing to do
return true;
public boolean isExpressionFound() {
return expressionFound;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression.VariableDeclaration;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression;
* Extracts common expressions from an or-containing expression
* into functions. These expressions would otherwise be duplicated
* as part of expanding the "or". Doing this shortens the overall length
* of the Gremlin script so we can maximize query performance.
public class FunctionGenerator implements CallHierarchyVisitor {
//Function length constants.
//These assume we won't reach more than 9 function definition. Even if we do, this is still
//a reasonable approximation.
private static final int INITIAL_FUNCTION_DEF_LENGTH = "def f1={};".length();
private final int functionDefLength;
private static final int FUNCTION_CALL_OVERHEAD = "f1()".length();
* The expression that should be the first (deepest) expression
* in the body of the next generated function. As we go up the
* expression tree in the post visit, this is updated based on the
* expressions we see. During the post visits, if it is null,
* the body expression is set to the expression we're visiting.
* As we go up the tree, it is nulled out if we create a function
* or encounter an or expression. This guarantees that the
* next function body will not contain any or expressions
* and that it will not have expressions that are already
* part of some other function.
private GroovyExpression nextFunctionBodyStart;
* The number of times expressions will be duplicated.
private int scaleFactor = 1;
private final OptimizationContext context;
* The current depth in the expression tree.
private int depth = 0;
* The name of the last function that was generated. If set,
* we can safely update this function instead of creating a new one.
private String currentFunctionName;
* The updated expression we will pass back to the caller.
private GroovyExpression newRootExpression;
private final GremlinExpressionFactory factory;
public FunctionGenerator(GremlinExpressionFactory factory, OptimizationContext context) {
this.context = context;
this.factory = factory;
functionDefLength = ("def f1={" + factory.getTraversalExpressionClass() + " x->};").length();
public boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
if (IsOr.INSTANCE.apply(expr)) {
FunctionCallExpression functionCall = (FunctionCallExpression) expr;
scaleFactor *= functionCall.getArguments().size();
if (newRootExpression == null) {
newRootExpression = expr;
return true;
public void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
if (nextFunctionBodyStart == null) {
nextFunctionBodyStart = expr;
public void visitNullCaller() {
//nothing to do
public boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
boolean isRootExpr = depth == 1;
//The root expression has no parent. To simplify the logic, we create
//a dummy expression so it does have a parent, then call visitParentExpression again
//to examine the root expression.
if (isRootExpr) {
FunctionCallExpression dummyParent = new FunctionCallExpression(expr, "dummy");
newRootExpression = dummyParent.getCaller();
return true;
* Checks to see if the *caller* of this expression should become part
* of a function. If so, either a new function is created, or the
* expression becomes part of the last function we created.
* @param parentExpr
private void visitParentExpression(AbstractFunctionExpression parentExpr) {
if (nextFunctionBodyStart == null) {
nextFunctionBodyStart = parentExpr;
if (currentFunctionName != null) {
} else {
if (GremlinQueryOptimizer.isOrExpression(parentExpr)) {
currentFunctionName = null;
//don't include 'or' in generated functions
nextFunctionBodyStart = null;
* Creates a function whose body goes from the child of parentExpr
* up to (and including) the functionBodyEndExpr.
* @param parentExpr
private void createFunctionIfNeeded(AbstractFunctionExpression parentExpr) {
GroovyExpression potentialFunctionBody = parentExpr.getCaller();
if (creatingFunctionShortensGremlin(potentialFunctionBody)) {
GroovyExpression functionCall = null;
if (nextFunctionBodyStart instanceof AbstractFunctionExpression) {
//The function body start is a a function call. In this
//case, we generate a function that takes one argument, which
//is a graph traversal. We have an expression tree that
//looks kind of like the following:
// parentExpr
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// potentialFunctionBody
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// ...
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// nextFunctionBodyStart
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// oldCaller
// Note that potentialFunctionBody and nextFunctionBodyStart
// could be the same expression. Let's say that the next
// function name is f1
// We reshuffle these expressions to the following:
// parentExpr
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// f1(oldCaller)
// potentialFunctionBody <- body of new function "f1(GraphTraversal x)"
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// ...
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// nextFunctionBodyStart
// /
// / caller
// |/_
// x
// As an example, suppose parentExpr is g.V().or(x,y).has(a).has(b).has(c)
// where has(a) is nextFunctionBodyStart.
// We generate a function f1 = { GraphTraversal x -> x.has(a).has(b) }
// parentExpr would become : f1(g.V().or(x,y)).has(c)
AbstractFunctionExpression nextFunctionBodyStartFunction=
(AbstractFunctionExpression) nextFunctionBodyStart;
String variableName = "x";
IdentifierExpression var = new IdentifierExpression(variableName);
GroovyExpression oldCaller = nextFunctionBodyStartFunction.getCaller();
currentFunctionName = context.addFunctionDefinition(new VariableDeclaration(factory.getTraversalExpressionClass(), "x"),
functionCall = new FunctionCallExpression(potentialFunctionBody.getType(),
currentFunctionName, oldCaller);
} else {
//The function body start is a not a function call. In this
//case, we generate a function that takes no arguments.
// As an example, suppose parentExpr is g.V().has(a).has(b).has(c)
// where g is nextFunctionBodyStart.
// We generate a function f1 = { g.V().has(a).has(b) }
// parentExpr would become : f1().has(c)
currentFunctionName = context.addFunctionDefinition(null, potentialFunctionBody);
functionCall = new FunctionCallExpression(potentialFunctionBody.getType(), currentFunctionName);
//functionBodyEnd is now part of a function definition, don't propagate it
nextFunctionBodyStart = null;
* Adds the caller of parentExpr to the current body of the last
* function that was created.
* @param parentExpr
private void updateCurrentFunction(AbstractFunctionExpression parentExpr) {
GroovyExpression expr = parentExpr.getCaller();
if (expr instanceof AbstractFunctionExpression) {
AbstractFunctionExpression exprAsFunction = (AbstractFunctionExpression) expr;
GroovyExpression exprCaller = exprAsFunction.getCaller();
private void updateCurrentFunctionDefintion(AbstractFunctionExpression exprToAdd) {
ClosureExpression functionBodyClosure = context.getUserDefinedFunctionBody(currentFunctionName);
if (functionBodyClosure == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("User-defined function " + currentFunctionName + " not found!");
List<GroovyExpression> exprs = functionBodyClosure.getStatements();
GroovyExpression currentFunctionBody = exprs.get(exprs.size() - 1);
//Update the expression so it is called by the current return
//value of the function.
functionBodyClosure.replaceStatement(exprs.size() - 1, exprToAdd);
//Determines if extracting this expression into a function will shorten
//the overall length of the Groovy script.
private boolean creatingFunctionShortensGremlin(GroovyExpression headExpr) {
int tailLength = getTailLength();
int length = headExpr.toString().length() - tailLength;
int overhead = 0;
if (nextFunctionBodyStart instanceof AbstractFunctionExpression) {
overhead = functionDefLength;
} else {
overhead += FUNCTION_CALL_OVERHEAD * scaleFactor;
//length * scaleFactor = space taken by having the expression be inlined [scaleFactor] times
//overhead + length = space taken by the function definition and its calls
return length * scaleFactor > overhead + length;
private int getTailLength() {
if (nextFunctionBodyStart == null) {
return 0;
if (!(nextFunctionBodyStart instanceof AbstractFunctionExpression)) {
return 0;
AbstractFunctionExpression bodyEndAsFunction = (AbstractFunctionExpression) nextFunctionBodyStart;
return bodyEndAsFunction.getCaller().toString().length();
public GroovyExpression getNewRootExpression() {
return newRootExpression;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
* An optimization that can be applied to a gremlin query.
public interface GremlinOptimization {
* Whether or not this optimization should be applied to the given expression
* @param expr
* @param contxt
* @return
boolean appliesTo(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext contxt);
* Whether or not GremlinQueryOptimizer should call this optimization recursively
* on the updated children.
boolean isApplyRecursively();
* Applies the optimization.
* @param expr
* @param context
* @return the optimized expression
GroovyExpression apply(GroovyExpression expr, OptimizationContext context);
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.StatementListExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Optimizer for gremlin queries. This class provides a framework for applying optimizations
* to gremlin queries. Each optimization is implemented as a class that implements {@link GremlinOptimization}.
* The GremlinQueryOptimizer is the entry point for applying these optimizations.
public final class GremlinQueryOptimizer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GremlinQueryOptimizer.class);
private final List<GremlinOptimization> optimizations = new ArrayList<>();
//Allows expression factory to be substituted in unit tests.
private static volatile GremlinExpressionFactory FACTORY = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE;
private static volatile GremlinQueryOptimizer INSTANCE = null;
private GremlinQueryOptimizer() {
private void addOptimization(GremlinOptimization opt) {
public static GremlinQueryOptimizer getInstance() {
if(INSTANCE == null) {
synchronized(GremlinQueryOptimizer.class) {
if(INSTANCE == null) {
GremlinQueryOptimizer createdInstance = new GremlinQueryOptimizer();
//The order here is important. If there is an "or" nested within an "and",
//that will not be found if ExpandOrsOptimization runs before ExpandAndsOptimization.
createdInstance.addOptimization(new ExpandAndsOptimization(FACTORY));
createdInstance.addOptimization(new ExpandOrsOptimization(FACTORY));
INSTANCE = createdInstance;
return INSTANCE;
* For testing only
public static void setExpressionFactory(GremlinExpressionFactory factory) {
GremlinQueryOptimizer.FACTORY = factory;
* For testing only
public static void reset() {
INSTANCE = null;
* Optimizes the provided groovy expression. Note that the optimization
* is a <i>destructive</i> process. The source GroovyExpression will be
* modified as part of the optimization process. This is done to avoid
* expensive copying operations where possible.
* @param source what to optimize
* @return the optimized query
public GroovyExpression optimize(GroovyExpression source) {
LOGGER.debug("Optimizing gremlin query: " + source);
OptimizationContext context = new OptimizationContext();
GroovyExpression updatedExpression = source;
for (GremlinOptimization opt : optimizations) {
updatedExpression = optimize(updatedExpression, opt, context);
LOGGER.debug("After "+ opt.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", query = " + updatedExpression);
StatementListExpression result = new StatementListExpression();
LOGGER.debug("Final optimized query: " + result.toString());
return result;
* Optimizes the expression using the given optimization
* @param source
* @param optimization
* @param context
* @return
private GroovyExpression optimize(GroovyExpression source, GremlinOptimization optimization,
OptimizationContext context) {
GroovyExpression result = source;
if (optimization.appliesTo(source, context)) {
//Apply the optimization to the expression.
result = optimization.apply(source, context);
if (optimization.isApplyRecursively()) {
//Visit the children, update result with the optimized
List<GroovyExpression> updatedChildren = new ArrayList<>();
boolean changed = false;
for (GroovyExpression child : result.getChildren()) {
//Recursively optimize this child.
GroovyExpression updatedChild = optimize(child, optimization, context);
changed |= updatedChild != child;
if (changed) {
//TBD - Can we update in place rather than making a copy?
result = result.copy(updatedChildren);
return result;
* Visits all expressions in the call hierarchy of an expression. For example,
* in the expression g.V().has('x','y'), the order would be
* <ol>
* <li>pre-visit has('x','y')</li>
* <li>pre-visit V()</li>
* <li>visit g (non-function caller)</li>
* <li>post-visit V()</li>
* <li>post-visit has('x','y')</li>
* </ol>
* @param expr
* @param visitor
public static void visitCallHierarchy(GroovyExpression expr, CallHierarchyVisitor visitor) {
if (expr == null) {
if (expr instanceof AbstractFunctionExpression) {
AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall = (AbstractFunctionExpression)expr;
if (!visitor.preVisitFunctionCaller(functionCall)) {
GroovyExpression caller = functionCall.getCaller();
visitCallHierarchy(caller, visitor);
if (!visitor.postVisitFunctionCaller(functionCall)) {
} else {
* Determines if the given expression is an "or" expression.
* @param expr
* @return
public static boolean isOrExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
return IsOr.INSTANCE.apply(expr);
* Determines whether the given expression can safely
* be pulled out of an and/or expression.
* @param expr an argument to an and or or function
* @return
public static boolean isExtractable(GroovyExpression expr) {
HasForbiddenType hasForbiddenTypePredicate = new HasForbiddenType(FACTORY);
//alias could conflict with alias in parent traversal
//inlining out(), in() steps will change the result of calls after the and/or()
//caller expects to be able to continue the traversal. We can't end it
//we can't inline child traversals
ExpressionFinder forbiddenExpressionFinder = new ExpressionFinder(hasForbiddenTypePredicate);
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(expr, forbiddenExpressionFinder);
return ! forbiddenExpressionFinder.isExpressionFound();
* Recursively copies and follows the caller hierarchy of the expression until we come
* to a function call with a null caller. The caller of that expression is set
* to newLeaf.
* @param expr
* @param newLeaf
* @return the updated (/copied) expression
public static GroovyExpression copyWithNewLeafNode(AbstractFunctionExpression expr, GroovyExpression newLeaf) {
AbstractFunctionExpression result = (AbstractFunctionExpression)expr.copy();
//remove leading anonymous traversal expression, if there is one
if(FACTORY.isLeafAnonymousTraversalExpression(expr)) {
result = (AbstractFunctionExpression)newLeaf;
} else {
GroovyExpression newCaller = null;
if (expr.getCaller() == null) {
newCaller = newLeaf;
} else {
newCaller = copyWithNewLeafNode((AbstractFunctionExpression)result.getCaller(), newLeaf);
return result;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
* Function that tests whether the expression is an 'or'
* graph traversal function.
public final class HasForbiddenType implements Function<GroovyExpression, Boolean> {
private Set<TraversalStepType> forbiddenTypes = new HashSet<>();
private final GremlinExpressionFactory factory;
public HasForbiddenType(GremlinExpressionFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public void addForbiddenType(TraversalStepType type) {
public Boolean apply(GroovyExpression expr) {
if(factory.isLeafAnonymousTraversalExpression(expr)) {
return false;
return forbiddenTypes.contains(expr.getType());
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
* Function that tests whether the expression is an 'or'
* graph traversal function.
public final class IsOr implements Function<GroovyExpression, Boolean> {
public static final IsOr INSTANCE = new IsOr();
private IsOr() {
public Boolean apply(GroovyExpression expr) {
if (!(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression)) {
return false;
if (expr.getType() != TraversalStepType.FILTER) {
return false;
FunctionCallExpression functionCall = (FunctionCallExpression)expr;
return functionCall.getFunctionName().equals("or");
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
* Matches an expression that gets called after calling or(). For example,
* in g.V().or(x,y).toList(), "toList()" is the "or parent", so calling
* "apply()" on this expression would return true and calling it on all
* the other ones would return false.
public final class IsOrParent implements Function<GroovyExpression, Boolean> {
public static final IsOrParent INSTANCE = new IsOrParent();
private IsOrParent() {
public Boolean apply(GroovyExpression expr) {
if (!(expr instanceof AbstractFunctionExpression)) {
return false;
AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall = (AbstractFunctionExpression)expr;
GroovyExpression target = functionCall.getCaller();
if (!(target instanceof FunctionCallExpression)) {
return false;
if (target.getType() != TraversalStepType.FILTER) {
return false;
FunctionCallExpression targetFunction = (FunctionCallExpression)target;
return targetFunction.getFunctionName().equals("or");
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression.VariableDeclaration;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ListExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TypeCoersionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.VariableAssignmentExpression;
* Maintains state information during gremlin optimization.
public class OptimizationContext {
private static final String TMP_ALIAS_NAME = "__tmp";
private static final String FINAL_ALIAS_NAME = "__res";
private static final String RESULT_VARIABLE = "r";
private final List<GroovyExpression> initialStatements = new ArrayList<>();
private GroovyExpression resultExpression = getResultVariable();
private int counter = 1;
private final Map<String, ClosureExpression> functionBodies = new HashMap<>();
private AbstractFunctionExpression rangeExpression;
public OptimizationContext() {
* @return
public List<GroovyExpression> getInitialStatements() {
return initialStatements;
public void prependStatement(GroovyExpression expr) {
initialStatements.add(0, expr);
public String getUniqueFunctionName() {
return "f" + (counter++);
public GroovyExpression getDefineResultVariableStmt() {
GroovyExpression castExpression = new TypeCoersionExpression(new ListExpression(), "Set");
GroovyExpression resultVarDef = new VariableAssignmentExpression(RESULT_VARIABLE, castExpression);
return resultVarDef;
public void setResultExpression(GroovyExpression expr) {
resultExpression = expr;
public GroovyExpression getResultExpression() {
return resultExpression;
public GroovyExpression getResultVariable() {
return new IdentifierExpression(RESULT_VARIABLE);
public ClosureExpression getUserDefinedFunctionBody(String functionName) {
return functionBodies.get(functionName);
public String addFunctionDefinition(VariableDeclaration decl, GroovyExpression body) {
String functionName = getUniqueFunctionName();
List<VariableDeclaration> decls = (decl == null) ? Collections.<VariableDeclaration>emptyList() : Collections.singletonList(decl);
ClosureExpression bodyClosure = new ClosureExpression(body, decls);
VariableAssignmentExpression expr = new VariableAssignmentExpression(functionName, bodyClosure);
functionBodies.put(functionName, bodyClosure);
return functionName;
public String getFinalAliasName() {
public String getTempAliasName() {
public void setRangeExpression(AbstractFunctionExpression rangeExpression) {
this.rangeExpression = rangeExpression;
public AbstractFunctionExpression getRangeExpression() {
return rangeExpression;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
* Finds order expression in the call hierarchy.
public class OrderFinder implements CallHierarchyVisitor {
private boolean hasOrderExpression;
private GremlinExpressionFactory gremlinFactory;
public OrderFinder(GremlinExpressionFactory gremlinFactory) {
this.gremlinFactory = gremlinFactory;
public boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
return true;
public void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
public void visitNullCaller() {
public boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall) {
if (gremlinFactory.isOrderExpression(functionCall)) {
hasOrderExpression = true;
return false;
return true;
public boolean hasOrderExpression() {
return hasOrderExpression;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
* Determines whether an expression contains a path() function.
public class PathExpressionFinder implements CallHierarchyVisitor {
private boolean found = false;
public boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
if(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression) {
found = ((FunctionCallExpression)expr).getFunctionName().equals("path");
if(found) {
return false;
return true;
public void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
public void visitNullCaller() {
public boolean isPathExpressionFound() {
return found;
public boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall) {
return false;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
* Finds all range expressions in the call hierarchy.
public class RangeFinder implements CallHierarchyVisitor {
private List<AbstractFunctionExpression> rangeExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
private GremlinExpressionFactory factory;
public RangeFinder(GremlinExpressionFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
return true;
public void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
public void visitNullCaller() {
public boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall) {
if (factory.isRangeExpression(functionCall)) {
return true;
public List<AbstractFunctionExpression> getRangeExpressions() {
return rangeExpressions;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
* This class finds the first place in the expression where the value of the
* traverser is changed from being a vertex to being something else. This is
* important in the "or" optimization logic, since the union operation must be
* done on *vertices* in order to preserve the semantics of the query. In addition,
* expressions that have side effects must be moved as well, so that those
* side effects will be available to the steps that need them.
public class SplitPointFinder implements CallHierarchyVisitor {
//Any steps that change the traverser value to something that is not a vertex or edge
//must be included here, so that the union created by ExpandOrsOptimization
//is done over vertices/edges.
private static final Set<TraversalStepType> TYPES_REQUIRED_IN_RESULT_EXPRESSION = new HashSet<>(
private final Set<String> requiredAliases = new HashSet<>();
//Exceptions to the requirement that all expressions with a type
//in the above list must be in the result expression. If the
//function name is in this list, it is ok for that expression
//to not be in the result expression. This mechanism allows
//aliases to remain outside the result expression. Other
//exceptions may be found in the future.
private static final Map<TraversalStepType, WhiteList> WHITE_LISTS = new HashMap<>();
static {
WHITE_LISTS.put(TraversalStepType.SIDE_EFFECT, new WhiteList("as"));
private final GremlinExpressionFactory factory;
public SplitPointFinder(GremlinExpressionFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
* Represents a set of function names.
private static final class WhiteList {
private Set<String> allowedFunctionNames = new HashSet<>();
public WhiteList(String... names) {
for(String name : names) {
public boolean contains(String name) {
return allowedFunctionNames.contains(name);
private AbstractFunctionExpression splitPoint;
public boolean preVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
return true;
public void visitNonFunctionCaller(GroovyExpression expr) {
public void visitNullCaller() {
public AbstractFunctionExpression getSplitPoint() {
return splitPoint;
public boolean postVisitFunctionCaller(AbstractFunctionExpression functionCall) {
String aliasName = factory.getAliasNameIfRelevant(functionCall);
if (splitPoint == null) {
boolean required = isRequiredAlias(aliasName) ||
if (required) {
splitPoint = functionCall;
return true;
private void removeSeenAlias(String aliasName) {
if(aliasName != null) {
private boolean isRequiredAlias(String aliasName) {
if(aliasName != null) {
return requiredAliases.contains(aliasName);
return false;
private boolean isRequiredInResultExpression(AbstractFunctionExpression expr) {
TraversalStepType type = expr.getType();
return false;
if(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpression) {
FunctionCallExpression functionCall = (FunctionCallExpression)expr;
//check if the white list permits this function call. If there is
//no white list, all expressions with the current step type must go in the
//result expression.
WhiteList whiteList = WHITE_LISTS.get(type);
if(whiteList != null && whiteList.contains(functionCall.getFunctionName())) {
return false;
return true;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
* Represents a list of updated expressions.
public class UpdatedExpressions {
private List<List<GroovyExpression>> updatedChildren = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean changed = false;
public UpdatedExpressions(boolean changed, List<List<GroovyExpression>> updatedChildren) {
this.changed = changed;
this.updatedChildren = updatedChildren;
public List<List<GroovyExpression>> getUpdatedChildren() {
return updatedChildren;
public boolean hasChanges() {
return changed;
......@@ -67,26 +67,19 @@ public class GraphBackedMetadataRepository implements MetadataRepository {
private static final GraphHelper graphHelper = GraphHelper.getInstance();
private final AtlasGraph graph;
private DeleteHandler deleteHandler;
private final IAtlasGraphProvider graphProvider;
private final GraphToTypedInstanceMapper graphToInstanceMapper;
private GraphToTypedInstanceMapper graphToInstanceMapper;
public GraphBackedMetadataRepository(DeleteHandler deleteHandler) {
this.graphProvider = new AtlasGraphProvider();
this.graphToInstanceMapper = new GraphToTypedInstanceMapper(graphProvider);
this.graph = AtlasGraphProvider.getGraphInstance();
graphToInstanceMapper = new GraphToTypedInstanceMapper(graph);
this.deleteHandler = deleteHandler;
//for testing only
public GraphBackedMetadataRepository(IAtlasGraphProvider graphProvider, DeleteHandler deleteHandler) {
this.graphProvider = graphProvider;
this.graphToInstanceMapper = new GraphToTypedInstanceMapper(graphProvider);
this.deleteHandler = deleteHandler;
public GraphToTypedInstanceMapper getGraphToInstanceMapper() {
return graphToInstanceMapper;
......@@ -201,7 +194,7 @@ public class GraphBackedMetadataRepository implements MetadataRepository {
LOG.debug("Retrieving entity list for type={}", entityType);
AtlasGraphQuery query = getGraph().query().has(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY, entityType);
AtlasGraphQuery query = graph.query().has(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY, entityType);
Iterator<AtlasVertex> results = query.vertices().iterator();
if (!results.hasNext()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
......@@ -436,7 +429,7 @@ public class GraphBackedMetadataRepository implements MetadataRepository {
public AtlasGraph getGraph() throws RepositoryException {
return graphProvider.get();
public AtlasGraph getGraph() {
return AtlasGraphProvider.getGraphInstance();
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package org.apache.atlas.repository.graph;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.RepositoryException;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.Constants;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdge;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdgeDirection;
......@@ -60,10 +59,10 @@ public final class GraphToTypedInstanceMapper {
private static TypeSystem typeSystem = TypeSystem.getInstance();
private static final GraphHelper graphHelper = GraphHelper.getInstance();
private final IAtlasGraphProvider graphProvider;
private AtlasGraph graph;
public GraphToTypedInstanceMapper(IAtlasGraphProvider graphProvider) {
this.graphProvider = graphProvider;
public GraphToTypedInstanceMapper(AtlasGraph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
public ITypedReferenceableInstance mapGraphToTypedInstance(String guid, AtlasVertex instanceVertex)
......@@ -408,7 +407,7 @@ public final class GraphToTypedInstanceMapper {
public ITypedInstance getReferredEntity(String edgeId, IDataType<?> referredType) throws AtlasException {
final AtlasEdge edge = getGraph().getEdge(edgeId);
final AtlasEdge edge = graph.getEdge(edgeId);
if (edge != null) {
final AtlasVertex referredVertex = edge.getInVertex();
if (referredVertex != null) {
......@@ -434,9 +433,5 @@ public final class GraphToTypedInstanceMapper {
return null;
private AtlasGraph getGraph() throws RepositoryException {
return graphProvider.get();
......@@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ import org.apache.atlas.ApplicationProperties;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.audit.EntityAuditRepository;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.audit.HBaseBasedAuditRepository;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.AtlasGraphProvider;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.DeleteHandler;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graph.SoftDeleteHandler;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.GraphDatabase;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.GremlinVersion;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.cache.DefaultTypeCache;
......@@ -139,6 +137,7 @@ public class AtlasRepositoryConfiguration {
private static final String GRAPH_DATABASE_IMPLEMENTATION_PROPERTY = "atlas.graphdb.backend";
private static final String DEFAULT_GRAPH_DATABASE_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS = "org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.titan0.Titan0GraphDatabase";
......@@ -154,22 +153,6 @@ public class AtlasRepositoryConfiguration {
* This optimization is configurable as a fail-safe in case issues are found
* with the optimizer in production systems.
public static final String GREMLIN_OPTIMIZER_ENABLED_PROPERTY = "atlas.query.gremlinOptimizerEnabled";
private static final boolean DEFAULT_GREMLIN_OPTIMZER_ENABLED = true;
public static boolean isGremlinOptimizerEnabled() {
try {
} catch (AtlasException e) {
LOG.error("Could not determine value of " + GREMLIN_OPTIMIZER_ENABLED_PROPERTY + ". Defaulting to " + DEFAULT_GREMLIN_OPTIMZER_ENABLED, e);
* Get the list of operations which are configured to be skipped from auditing
* Valid format is HttpMethod:URL eg: GET:Version
* @return list of string
......@@ -32,19 +32,15 @@ import scala.collection.JavaConversions.bufferAsJavaList
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer.GremlinQueryOptimizer
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.CastExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ClosureExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LabeledExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.CodeBlockExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyGenerationContext
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.ListExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.AliasExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.ArithmeticExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.BackReference
......@@ -82,10 +78,7 @@ import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.MaxExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.MinExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.SumExpression
import org.apache.atlas.query.Expressions.CountExpression
import org.apache.atlas.util.AtlasRepositoryConfiguration
import java.util.HashSet
trait IntSequence {
def next: Int
......@@ -127,69 +120,6 @@ trait SelectExpressionHandling {
// Removes back references in comparison expressions that are
// right after an alias expression.
//For example:
// .as('x').and(select('x').has(y),...) is changed to
// .as('x').and(has(y),...)
//This allows the "has" to be extracted out of the and/or by
//the GremlinQueryOptimizer so the index can be used to evaluate
//the predicate.
val RemoveUnneededBackReferences : PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case filterExpr@FilterExpression(aliasExpr@AliasExpression(_,aliasName), filterChild) => {
val updatedChild = removeUnneededBackReferences(filterChild, aliasName)
val changed = !(updatedChild eq filterChild)
if(changed) {
FilterExpression(aliasExpr, updatedChild)
else {
case x => x
def removeUnneededBackReferences(expr: Expression, outerAlias: String) : Expression = expr match {
case logicalExpr@LogicalExpression(logicalOp,children) => {
var changed : Boolean = false;
val updatedChildren : List[Expression] = { child =>
val updatedChild = removeUnneededBackReferences(child, outerAlias);
changed |= ! (updatedChild eq child);
if(changed) {
else {
case comparisonExpr@ComparisonExpression(_,_,_) => {
var changed = false
val updatedLeft = removeUnneededBackReferences(comparisonExpr.left, outerAlias);
changed |= !( updatedLeft eq comparisonExpr.left);
val updatedRight = removeUnneededBackReferences(comparisonExpr.right, outerAlias);
changed |= !(updatedRight eq comparisonExpr.right);
if (changed) {
ComparisonExpression(comparisonExpr.symbol, updatedLeft, updatedRight)
} else {
case FieldExpression(fieldName, fieldInfo, Some(br @ BackReference(brAlias, _, _))) if outerAlias.equals(brAlias) => {
//Remove the back reference, since the thing it references is right in front
//of the comparison expression we're in
FieldExpression(fieldName, fieldInfo, None)
case x => x
//in groupby, convert alias expressions defined in the group by child to BackReferences
//in the groupby list and selectList.
val AddBackReferencesToGroupBy : PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
......@@ -526,10 +456,7 @@ class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
return translateLiteralValue(l.dataType, l);
case list: ListLiteral[_] => {
//Here, we are creating a Groovy list literal expression ([value1, value2, value3]). Because
//of this, any gremlin query expressions within the list must start with an anonymous traversal.
//We set 'inClosure' to true in this case to make that happen.
val values : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = translateList(list.rawValue, true);
val values : java.util.List[GroovyExpression] = translateList(list.rawValue, true); //why hard coded
return new ListExpression(values);
case in@TraitInstanceExpression(child) => {
......@@ -566,7 +493,7 @@ class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
case limitOffset@LimitExpression(child, limit, offset) => {
val childExpr = genQuery(parent, child, inClosure);
val totalResultRows = limit.value + offset.value;
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateRangeExpression(childExpr, offset.value, totalResultRows);
return GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateLimitExpression(childExpr, offset.value, totalResultRows);
case count@CountExpression() => {
val listExpr = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.getClosureArgumentValue();
......@@ -694,7 +621,8 @@ class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
def genFullQuery(expr: Expression, hasSelect: Boolean): String = {
var q : GroovyExpression = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, new IdentifierExpression(TraversalStepType.SOURCE, "g"),"V");
var q : GroovyExpression = new FunctionCallExpression(new IdentifierExpression("g"),"V");
val debug:Boolean = false
if(gPersistenceBehavior.addGraphVertexPrefix(preStatements)) {
......@@ -703,23 +631,15 @@ class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
q = genQuery(q, expr, false)
q = GremlinExpressionFactory.INSTANCE.generateToListExpression(q);
q = new FunctionCallExpression(q, "toList");
q = gPersistenceBehavior.getGraph().addOutputTransformationPredicate(q, hasSelect, expr.isInstanceOf[PathExpression]);
var overallExpression = new CodeBlockExpression();
if(AtlasRepositoryConfiguration.isGremlinOptimizerEnabled()) {
q = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(q);
val closureExpression = new ClosureExpression();
val overallExpression = new LabeledExpression("L", closureExpression);
val qryStr = generateGremlin(overallExpression);
var qryStr = generateGremlin(overallExpression);
if(debug) {
println(" query " + qryStr)
......@@ -746,7 +666,6 @@ class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
e1 = e1.transformUp(addAliasToLoopInput())
e1 = e1.transformUp(instanceClauseToTop(e1))
e1 = e1.transformUp(traitClauseWithInstanceForTop(e1))
e1 = e1.transformUp(RemoveUnneededBackReferences)
//Following code extracts the select expressions from expression tree.
......@@ -508,9 +508,6 @@ public class GraphBackedDiscoveryServiceTest extends BaseRepositoryTest {
{"from hive_db limit 3 offset 1", 2},
{"hive_db", 3},
{"hive_db where\"Reporting\"", 1},
{"hive_db where\"Reporting\" or\"Sales\" or\"Logging\" limit 1 offset 1", 1},
{"hive_db where\"Reporting\" or\"Sales\" or\"Logging\" limit 1 offset 2", 1},
{"hive_db where\"Reporting\" or\"Sales\" or\"Logging\" limit 2 offset 1", 2},
{"hive_db where\"Reporting\" limit 10 ", 1},
{"hive_db = \"Reporting\"", 1},
{"hive_db where\"Reporting\" select name, owner", 1},
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.repository.graph;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer.GremlinQueryOptimizer;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.optimizer.RangeFinder;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.AbstractFunctionExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.FunctionCallExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.GroovyExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.IdentifierExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.LiteralExpression;
import org.apache.atlas.groovy.TraversalStepType;
import org.apache.atlas.query.GraphPersistenceStrategies;
import org.apache.atlas.query.TypeUtils.FieldInfo;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.Constants;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.MetadataRepository;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.RepositoryException;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdgeDirection;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasGraph;
import org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.GremlinVersion;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.AttributeDefinition;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.AttributeInfo;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.DataTypes;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.IDataType;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.Multiplicity;
import org.apache.atlas.typesystem.types.TypeSystem;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public abstract class AbstractGremlinQueryOptimizerTest implements IAtlasGraphProvider {
protected abstract GremlinExpressionFactory getFactory();
private MetadataRepository repo = new GraphBackedMetadataRepository(this, new HardDeleteHandler(TypeSystem.getInstance()));
private final GraphPersistenceStrategies STRATEGY = mock(GraphPersistenceStrategies.class);
public void setUp() {
private FieldInfo getTestFieldInfo() throws AtlasException {
AttributeDefinition def = new AttributeDefinition("foo", DataTypes.STRING_TYPE.getName(), Multiplicity.REQUIRED, false, null);
AttributeInfo attrInfo = new AttributeInfo(TypeSystem.getInstance(), def, null);
return new FieldInfo(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE, attrInfo, null, null);
private GroovyExpression getVerticesExpression() {
IdentifierExpression g = new IdentifierExpression("g");
return new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.START, g, "V");
public void testPullHasExpressionsOutOfAnd() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeOutExpression(null, "out1");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeOutExpression(null, "out2");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "and", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestPullHasExpressionsOutOfHas());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestPullHasExpressionsOutOfHas();
public void testOrGrouping() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeOutExpression(null, "out1");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeOutExpression(null, "out2");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestOrGrouping());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrGrouping();
public void testAndOfOrs() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression or1Cond1 = makeHasExpression("p1","e1");
GroovyExpression or1Cond2 = makeHasExpression("p2","e2");
GroovyExpression or2Cond1 = makeHasExpression("p3","e3");
GroovyExpression or2Cond2 = makeHasExpression("p4","e4");
GroovyExpression or1 = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(null, "or", Arrays.asList(or1Cond1, or1Cond2));
GroovyExpression or2 = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(null, "or", Arrays.asList(or2Cond1, or2Cond2));
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "and", Arrays.asList(or1, or2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAndOfOrs());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndOfOrs();
public void testAndWithMultiCallArguments() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression cond1 = makeHasExpression("p1","e1");
GroovyExpression cond2 = makeHasExpression(cond1, "p2","e2");
GroovyExpression cond3 = makeHasExpression("p3","e3");
GroovyExpression cond4 = makeHasExpression(cond3, "p4","e4");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "and", Arrays.asList(cond2, cond4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAndWithMultiCallArguments());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndWithMultiCallArguments();
public void testOrOfAnds() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression or1Cond1 = makeHasExpression("p1","e1");
GroovyExpression or1Cond2 = makeHasExpression("p2","e2");
GroovyExpression or2Cond1 = makeHasExpression("p3","e3");
GroovyExpression or2Cond2 = makeHasExpression("p4","e4");
GroovyExpression or1 = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(null, "and", Arrays.asList(or1Cond1, or1Cond2));
GroovyExpression or2 = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(null, "and", Arrays.asList(or2Cond1, or2Cond2));
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(or1, or2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestOrOfAnds());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrOfAnds();
public void testHasNotMovedToResult() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
GroovyExpression or1Cond1 = makeHasExpression("p1","e1");
GroovyExpression or1Cond2 = makeHasExpression("p2","e2");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(or1Cond1, or1Cond2));
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "p3","e3");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "_src");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateSelectExpression(toOptimize, Collections.singletonList(new LiteralExpression("src1")), Collections.<GroovyExpression>singletonList(new IdentifierExpression("it")));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestHasNotMovedToResult();
public void testOptimizeLoopExpression() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression input = getVerticesExpression();
input = getFactory().generateTypeTestExpression(STRATEGY, input, "DataSet", TestIntSequence.INSTANCE).get(0);
input = makeHasExpression(input, "name","Fred");
input = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(input, "label");
GroovyExpression loopExpr = getFactory().getLoopExpressionParent(input);
loopExpr = getFactory().generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(loopExpr, AtlasEdgeDirection.IN, "inputTables");
loopExpr = getFactory().generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(loopExpr, AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, "outputTables");
GroovyExpression result = getFactory().generateLoopExpression(input, STRATEGY, DataTypes.STRING_TYPE, loopExpr, "label", null);
result = getFactory().generateToListExpression(result);
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(result);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForOptimizeLoopExpression());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForOptimizeLoopExpression();
public void testLongStringEndingWithOr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "name","Fred");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "age","13");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "livesIn");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "state","Massachusetts");
GroovyExpression or1cond1 = makeHasExpression("p1", "e1");
GroovyExpression or1cond2 = makeHasExpression("p2", "e2");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(or1cond1, or1cond2));
GroovyExpression or2cond1 = makeHasExpression("p3", "e3");
GroovyExpression or2cond2 = makeHasExpression("p4", "e4");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(or2cond1, or2cond2));
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "p5","e5");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "p6","e6");
GroovyExpression or3cond1 = makeHasExpression("p7", "e7");
GroovyExpression or3cond2 = makeHasExpression("p8", "e8");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(or3cond1, or3cond2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringEndingWithOr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringEndingWithOr();
public void testLongStringNotEndingWithOr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "name","Fred");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "age","13");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "livesIn");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "state","Massachusetts");
GroovyExpression or1cond1 = makeHasExpression("p1", "e1");
GroovyExpression or1cond2 = makeHasExpression("p2", "e2");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(or1cond1, or1cond2));
GroovyExpression or2cond1 = makeHasExpression("p3", "e3");
GroovyExpression or2cond2 = makeHasExpression("p4", "e4");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(or2cond1, or2cond2));
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "p5","e5");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "p6","e6");
GroovyExpression or3cond1 = makeHasExpression("p7", "e7");
GroovyExpression or3cond2 = makeHasExpression("p8", "e8");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(or3cond1, or3cond2));
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "p9","e9");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringNotEndingWithOr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringNotEndingWithOr();
public void testToListConversion() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, toOptimize,"toList");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestToListConversion());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestToListConversion();
public void testToListWithExtraStuff() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, toOptimize,"toList");
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(toOptimize,"size");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestToListWithExtraStuff());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestToListWithExtraStuff();
public void testAddClosureWithExitExpressionDifferentFromExpr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "knows");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "livesIn");
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, toOptimize,"toList");
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(toOptimize,"size");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionDifferentFromExpr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionDifferentFromExpr();
public void testAddClosureNoExitExpression() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "knows");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "livesIn");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureNoExitExpression());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureNoExitExpression();
private GroovyExpression makeOutExpression(GroovyExpression parent, String label) {
return getFactory().generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(parent, AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, label);
public void testAddClosureWithExitExpressionEqualToExpr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "knows");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "livesIn");
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, toOptimize,"toList");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionEqualToExpr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionEqualToExpr();
public void testClosureNotCreatedWhenNoOrs() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("prop1","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("prop2","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "and", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "knows");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "livesIn");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestClosureNotCreatedWhenNoOrs());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestClosureNotCreatedWhenNoOrs();
private GroovyExpression makeHasExpression(String name, String value) throws AtlasException {
return makeHasExpression(null, name, value);
private GroovyExpression makeHasExpression(GroovyExpression parent, String name, String value) throws AtlasException {
return getFactory().generateHasExpression(STRATEGY, parent, name, "=", new LiteralExpression(value), getTestFieldInfo());
private GroovyExpression makeFieldExpression(GroovyExpression parent, String fieldName) throws AtlasException {
return getFactory().generateFieldExpression(parent, getTestFieldInfo(), fieldName, false);
public void testOrFollowedByAnd() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("age","13");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("age","14");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1,expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "and", Arrays.asList(expr3, expr4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByAnd());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByAnd();
public void testOrFollowedByOr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("age","13");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("age","14");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "or", Arrays.asList(expr1,expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr3, expr4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByOr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByOr();
public void testMassiveOrExpansion() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "h1","h2");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "h3","h4");
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("p1" + i,"e1" + i);
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("p2" + i,"e2" + i);
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1,expr2));
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "ha" + i,"hb" + i);
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "hc" + i,"hd" + i);
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "h5","h6");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "h7","h8");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestMassiveOrExpansion());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestMassiveOrExpansion();
public void testAndFollowedByAnd() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("age","13");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("age","14");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "and", Arrays.asList(expr1,expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "and", Arrays.asList(expr3, expr4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByAnd());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByAnd();
public void testAndFollowedByOr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("age","13");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("age","14");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(getVerticesExpression(), "and", Arrays.asList(expr1,expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr3, expr4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByOr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByOr();
public void testInitialAlias() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "x");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestInitialAlias());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestInitialAlias();
public void testFinalAlias() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "x");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAlias());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAlias();
public void testAliasInMiddle() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("age","13");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("age","14");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "x");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr3, expr4));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInMiddle());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInMiddle();
public void testMultipleAliases() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression("name","George");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression("age","13");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression("age","14");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "x");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr3, expr4));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "y");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGreminForTestMultipleAliases());
protected abstract String getExpectedGreminForTestMultipleAliases();
public void testAliasInOrExpr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(makeHasExpression("name","George"), "george");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInOrExpr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInOrExpr();
public void testAliasInAndExpr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(makeHasExpression("name","George"), "george");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "and", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
//expression with alias cannot currently be pulled out of the and
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInAndExpr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInAndExpr();
public void testFlatMapExprInAnd() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression(makeOutExpression(null,"knows"), "name","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "and", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInAnd());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInAnd();
public void testFlatMapExprInOr() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression(makeOutExpression(null,"knows"), "name","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInOr());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInOr();
public void testFieldExpressionPushedToResultExpression() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression(makeOutExpression(null,"knows"), "name","George");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = makeFieldExpression(toOptimize, "name");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestFieldExpressionPushedToResultExpression());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestFieldExpressionPushedToResultExpression();
public void testOrWithNoChildren() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "name","Fred");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(expr1, "or", Collections.<GroovyExpression>emptyList());
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
//or with no children matches no vertices
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinFortestOrWithNoChildren());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinFortestOrWithNoChildren();
public void testFinalAliasNeeded() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "name", "Fred");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "person");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "livesIn");
GroovyExpression isChicago = makeHasExpression(null, "name", "Chicago");
GroovyExpression isBoston = makeHasExpression(null, "name", "Boston");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(isChicago, isBoston));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "city");
toOptimize = makeOutExpression(toOptimize, "state");
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "name", "Massachusetts");
toOptimize = getFactory().generatePathExpression(toOptimize);
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAliasNeeded());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAliasNeeded();
public void testSimpleRangeExpression() throws AtlasException {
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression(null, "name","Fred");
GroovyExpression expr2 = makeHasExpression(null, "name","George");
GroovyExpression expr3 = makeHasExpression(null, "age","34");
GroovyExpression expr4 = makeHasExpression(null, "size","small");
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr1, expr2));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "and", Collections.singletonList(expr3));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAdjacentVerticesExpression(toOptimize, AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT, "eats");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "and", Collections.singletonList(expr4));
toOptimize = makeHasExpression(toOptimize, "color","blue");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateRangeExpression(toOptimize, 0, 10);
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(TraversalStepType.END, toOptimize, "toList");
toOptimize = new FunctionCallExpression(toOptimize, "size");
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestSimpleRangeExpression());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestSimpleRangeExpression();
public void testRangeWithNonZeroOffset() throws Exception {
// g.V().or(has('__typeName','OMAS_OMRSAsset'),has('__superTypeNames','OMAS_OMRSAsset')).range(5,10).as('inst').select('inst')
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
GroovyExpression expr0 = makeHasExpression("__typeName", "OMAS_OMRSAsset");
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("__superTypeNames", "OMAS_OMRSAsset");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr0, expr1));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateRangeExpression(toOptimize, 5, 10);
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "inst");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateSelectExpression(toOptimize, Collections.singletonList(new LiteralExpression("inst")), Collections.<GroovyExpression>emptyList());
RangeFinder visitor = new RangeFinder(getFactory());
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(toOptimize, visitor);
List<AbstractFunctionExpression> rangeExpressions = visitor.getRangeExpressions();
assertEquals(rangeExpressions.size(), 1);
int[] rangeParameters = getFactory().getRangeParameters(rangeExpressions.get(0));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
// The range optimization is not supported with a non-zero start index, so the optimizer should not add range expressions
// to the expanded or's.
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithNonZeroOffset());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithNonZeroOffset();
public void testRangeWithOrderBy() throws Exception {
// The range optimization is not supported with order, so the optimizer should not add range expressions
// to the expanded or's.
GroovyExpression toOptimize = getVerticesExpression();
GroovyExpression expr0 = makeHasExpression("__typeName", "OMAS_OMRSAsset");
GroovyExpression expr1 = makeHasExpression("__superTypeNames", "OMAS_OMRSAsset");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateLogicalExpression(toOptimize, "or", Arrays.asList(expr0, expr1));
toOptimize = getFactory().generateRangeExpression(toOptimize, 5, 10);
toOptimize = getFactory().generateAliasExpression(toOptimize, "inst");
//toOptimize = getFactory().generateSelectExpression(toOptimize, Collections.singletonList(new LiteralExpression("inst")), Collections.<GroovyExpression>emptyList());
GroovyExpression orderFielda = makeFieldExpression(getFactory().getCurrentTraverserObject(getFactory().getClosureArgumentValue()), "name");
GroovyExpression orderFieldb = makeFieldExpression(getFactory().getCurrentTraverserObject(getFactory().getClosureArgumentValue()), "name");
toOptimize = getFactory().generateOrderByExpression(toOptimize,Arrays.asList(orderFielda, orderFieldb), true);
RangeFinder visitor = new RangeFinder(getFactory());
GremlinQueryOptimizer.visitCallHierarchy(toOptimize, visitor);
List<AbstractFunctionExpression> rangeExpressions = visitor.getRangeExpressions();
assertEquals(rangeExpressions.size(), 1);
int[] rangeParameters = getFactory().getRangeParameters(rangeExpressions.get(0));
GroovyExpression optimized = GremlinQueryOptimizer.getInstance().optimize(toOptimize);
assertEquals(optimized.toString(), getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithOrderBy());
protected abstract String getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithOrderBy();
public AtlasGraph get() throws RepositoryException {
AtlasGraph graph = mock(AtlasGraph.class);
return graph;
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package org.apache.atlas.repository.graph;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.Gremlin2ExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class Gremlin2QueryOptimizerTest extends AbstractGremlinQueryOptimizerTest {
private static final GremlinExpressionFactory FACTORY = new Gremlin2ExpressionFactory();
protected GremlinExpressionFactory getFactory() {
return FACTORY;
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestPullHasExpressionsOutOfHas() {
return "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').has('prop2',T.'eq','George').and(out('out1'),out('out2'))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrGrouping() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',T.'eq','George').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(out('out1'),out('out2')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndOfOrs() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p3',T.'eq','e3').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p4',T.'eq','e4').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p3',T.'eq','e3').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p4',T.'eq','e4').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndWithMultiCallArguments() {
return "g.V().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p3',T.'eq','e3').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrOfAnds() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p2',T.'eq','e2').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p3',T.'eq','e3').has('p4',T.'eq','e4').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestHasNotMovedToResult() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('p3',T.'eq','e3').as('_src').select(['_src']).fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('p1',T.'eq','e1'));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('p2',T.'eq','e2'));"
+ "r._().transform({((Row)it).getColumn('_src')}).as('_src').select(['src1'],{it})";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForOptimizeLoopExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('__typeName','DataSet').has('name',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('__superTypeNames','DataSet').has('name',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "r._().as('label').in('inputTables').out('outputTables').loop('label',{((it.'path'.contains(it.'object'))?(false):(true))},{it.'object'.'__typeName' == 'string' || ((it.'object'.'__superTypeNames')?(it.'object'.'__superTypeNames'.contains('string')):(false))}).enablePath().toList()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringEndingWithOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').has('age',T.'eq','13').out('livesIn').has('state',T.'eq','Massachusetts')};"
+ "def f2={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('p5',T.'eq','e5').has('p6',T.'eq','e6')};"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7').fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8').fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7').fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8').fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7').fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8').fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7').fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringNotEndingWithOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').has('age',T.'eq','13').out('livesIn').has('state',T.'eq','Massachusetts')};"
+ "def f2={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('p5',T.'eq','e5').has('p6',T.'eq','e6')};"
+ "def f3={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('p9',T.'eq','e9').fill(r)};"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7'));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8'));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7'));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',T.'eq','e1').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8'));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7'));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p3',T.'eq','e3')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8'));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p7',T.'eq','e7'));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',T.'eq','e2').has('p4',T.'eq','e4')).has('p8',T.'eq','e8'));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestToListConversion() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',T.'eq','George').fill(r);"
+ "r._().toList()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestToListWithExtraStuff() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',T.'eq','George').fill(r);"
+ "r._().toList().size()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionDifferentFromExpr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',T.'eq','George').out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "r._().toList().size()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureNoExitExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',T.'eq','George').out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionEqualToExpr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',T.'eq','George').out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "r._().toList()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestClosureNotCreatedWhenNoOrs() {
return "g.V().has('prop1',T.'eq','Fred').has('prop2',T.'eq','George').out('knows').out('livesIn')";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByAnd() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('age',T.'eq','13').has('age',T.'eq','14').fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred'));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George'));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').has('age',T.'eq','13').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').has('age',T.'eq','14').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George').has('age',T.'eq','13').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George').has('age',T.'eq','14').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestMassiveOrExpansion() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('h1',T.'eq','h2').has('h3',T.'eq','h4')};"
+ "def f2={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('ha0',T.'eq','hb0').has('hc0',T.'eq','hd0')};"
+ "def f3={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('ha1',T.'eq','hb1').has('hc1',T.'eq','hd1')};"
+ "def f4={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('ha2',T.'eq','hb2').has('hc2',T.'eq','hd2')};"
+ "def f5={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('ha3',T.'eq','hb3').has('hc3',T.'eq','hd3')};"
+ "def f6={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('ha4',T.'eq','hb4').has('hc4',T.'eq','hd4').has('h5',T.'eq','h6').has('h7',T.'eq','h8').fill(r)};"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',T.'eq','e10')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p11',T.'eq','e11')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p12',T.'eq','e12')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p13',T.'eq','e13')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p14',T.'eq','e14'));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',T.'eq','e20')).has('p21',T.'eq','e21')).has('p22',T.'eq','e22')).has('p23',T.'eq','e23')).has('p24',T.'eq','e24'));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByAnd() {
return "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').has('name',T.'eq','George').has('age',T.'eq','13').has('age',T.'eq','14')";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').has('name',T.'eq','George')};f1().has('age',T.'eq','13').fill(r);"
+ "f1().has('age',T.'eq','14').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestInitialAlias() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().as('x').has('name',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().as('x').has('name',T.'eq','George').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAlias() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').as('x').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George').as('x').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInMiddle() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','13').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','14').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','13').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','14').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGreminForTestMultipleAliases() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GremlinPipeline x->'y').fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','13'));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','14'));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','13'));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George').as('x').has('age',T.'eq','14'));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInOrExpr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(has('name',T.'eq','George').as('george')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInAndExpr() {
return "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').and(has('name',T.'eq','George').as('george'))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInAnd() {
return "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').and(out('knows').has('name',T.'eq','George'))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(out('knows').has('name',T.'eq','George')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFieldExpressionPushedToResultExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(out('knows').has('name',T.'eq','George')).fill(r);"
+ "r._().'name'";
protected String getExpectedGremlinFortestOrWithNoChildren() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAliasNeeded() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred').as('person').out('livesIn')};"
+ "def f2={GremlinPipeline x->'city').out('state').has('name',T.'eq','Massachusetts').as('__res').select(['person', 'city', '__res']).fill(r)};"
+ "f2(f1().has('name',T.'eq','Chicago'));"
+ "f2(f1().has('name',T.'eq','Boston'));"
+ "r._().as('__tmp').transform({((Row)it).getColumn('person')}).as('person').back('__tmp').transform({((Row)it).getColumn('city')}).as('city').back('__tmp').transform({((Row)it).getColumn('__res')}).as('__res').path().toList().collect({it.tail()})";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestSimpleRangeExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GremlinPipeline x->x.has('age',T.'eq','34').out('eats').has('size',T.'eq','small').has('color',T.'eq','blue') [0..<10].fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','Fred'));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',T.'eq','George'));"
+ "r._() [0..<10].toList().size()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithNonZeroOffset() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('__typeName',T.'eq','OMAS_OMRSAsset').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('__superTypeNames',T.'eq','OMAS_OMRSAsset').fill(r);"
+ "r._() [5..<10].as('inst').select(['inst'])";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithOrderBy() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('__typeName',T.'eq','OMAS_OMRSAsset').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('__superTypeNames',T.'eq','OMAS_OMRSAsset').fill(r);"
+ "r._() [5..<10].as('inst').order({((it.'name' != null)?(it.'name'.toLowerCase()):(it.'name')) <=> ((it.'name' != null)?(it.'name'.toLowerCase()):(it.'name'))})";
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.atlas.repository.graph;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.Gremlin3ExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.atlas.gremlin.GremlinExpressionFactory;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class Gremlin3QueryOptimizerTest extends AbstractGremlinQueryOptimizerTest {
public static final GremlinExpressionFactory FACTORY = new Gremlin3ExpressionFactory();
protected GremlinExpressionFactory getFactory() {
return FACTORY;
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestPullHasExpressionsOutOfHas() {
return "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).has('prop2',eq('George')).and(out('out1'),out('out2'))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrGrouping() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',eq('George')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(out('out1'),out('out2')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndOfOrs() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p3',eq('e3')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p4',eq('e4')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p3',eq('e3')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p4',eq('e4')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndWithMultiCallArguments() {
return "g.V().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p3',eq('e3')).has('p4',eq('e4'))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrOfAnds() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p2',eq('e2')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('p3',eq('e3')).has('p4',eq('e4')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestHasNotMovedToResult() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GraphTraversal x->x.has('p3',eq('e3')).as('_src').select('_src').fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('p1',eq('e1')));f1(g.V().has('p2',eq('e2')));"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).as('_src').select('src1').by((({it}) as Function))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringEndingWithOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).has('age',eq('13')).out('livesIn').has('state',eq('Massachusetts'))};"
+ "def f2={GraphTraversal x->x.has('p5',eq('e5')).has('p6',eq('e6'))};"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p7',eq('e7')).fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p8',eq('e8')).fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p7',eq('e7')).fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p8',eq('e8')).fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p7',eq('e7')).fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p8',eq('e8')).fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p7',eq('e7')).fill(r);"
+ "f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p8',eq('e8')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestLongStringNotEndingWithOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).has('age',eq('13')).out('livesIn').has('state',eq('Massachusetts'))};"
+ "def f2={GraphTraversal x->x.has('p5',eq('e5')).has('p6',eq('e6'))};"
+ "def f3={GraphTraversal x->x.has('p9',eq('e9')).fill(r)};"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p7',eq('e7')));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p8',eq('e8')));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p7',eq('e7')));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p1',eq('e1')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p8',eq('e8')));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p7',eq('e7')));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p3',eq('e3'))).has('p8',eq('e8')));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p7',eq('e7')));"
+ "f3(f2(f1().has('p2',eq('e2')).has('p4',eq('e4'))).has('p8',eq('e8')));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestToListConversion() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',eq('George')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).toList()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestToListWithExtraStuff() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',eq('George')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).toList().size()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionDifferentFromExpr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',eq('George')).out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).toList().size()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureNoExitExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',eq('George')).out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAddClosureWithExitExpressionEqualToExpr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('prop2',eq('George')).out('knows').out('livesIn').fill(r);"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).toList()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestClosureNotCreatedWhenNoOrs() {
return "g.V().has('prop1',eq('Fred')).has('prop2',eq('George')).out('knows').out('livesIn')";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByAnd() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GraphTraversal x->x.has('age',eq('13')).has('age',eq('14')).fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('George')));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestOrFollowedByOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).has('age',eq('13')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).has('age',eq('14')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('George')).has('age',eq('13')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('George')).has('age',eq('14')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestMassiveOrExpansion() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('h1',eq('h2')).has('h3',eq('h4'))};"
+ "def f2={GraphTraversal x->x.has('ha0',eq('hb0')).has('hc0',eq('hd0'))};"
+ "def f3={GraphTraversal x->x.has('ha1',eq('hb1')).has('hc1',eq('hd1'))};"
+ "def f4={GraphTraversal x->x.has('ha2',eq('hb2')).has('hc2',eq('hd2'))};"
+ "def f5={GraphTraversal x->x.has('ha3',eq('hb3')).has('hc3',eq('hd3'))};"
+ "def f6={GraphTraversal x->x.has('ha4',eq('hb4')).has('hc4',eq('hd4')).has('h5',eq('h6')).has('h7',eq('h8')).fill(r)};"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p10',eq('e10'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p11',eq('e11'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p12',eq('e12'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p13',eq('e13'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p14',eq('e14')));"
+ "f6(f5(f4(f3(f2(f1().has('p20',eq('e20'))).has('p21',eq('e21'))).has('p22',eq('e22'))).has('p23',eq('e23'))).has('p24',eq('e24')));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByAnd() {
return "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).has('name',eq('George')).has('age',eq('13')).has('age',eq('14'))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAndFollowedByOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).has('name',eq('George'))};"
+ "f1().has('age',eq('13')).fill(r);"
+ "f1().has('age',eq('14')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestInitialAlias() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().as('x').has('name',eq('Fred')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().as('x').has('name',eq('George')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAlias() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).as('x').fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('George')).as('x').fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInMiddle() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).as('x').has('age',eq('13')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).as('x').has('age',eq('14')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('George')).as('x').has('age',eq('13')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('George')).as('x').has('age',eq('14')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGreminForTestMultipleAliases() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GraphTraversal x->'y').fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).as('x').has('age',eq('13')));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).as('x').has('age',eq('14')));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('George')).as('x').has('age',eq('13')));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('George')).as('x').has('age',eq('14')));"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInOrExpr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(has('name',eq('George')).as('george')).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestAliasInAndExpr() {
return "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).and(has('name',eq('George')).as('george'))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInAnd() {
return "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).and(out('knows').has('name',eq('George')))";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFlatMapExprInOr() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(out('knows').has('name',eq('George'))).fill(r);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFieldExpressionPushedToResultExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().or(out('knows').has('name',eq('George'))).fill(r);"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).values('name')";
protected String getExpectedGremlinFortestOrWithNoChildren() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "r";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestFinalAliasNeeded() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')).as('person').out('livesIn')};"
+ "def f2={GraphTraversal x->'city').out('state').has('name',eq('Massachusetts')).as('__res').select('person','city','__res').fill(r)};"
+ "f2(f1().has('name',eq('Chicago')));f2(f1().has('name',eq('Boston')));"
+ "__(((r) as Map[])).as('__tmp').map({((Map)it.get()).get('person')}).as('person').select('__tmp').map({((Map)it.get()).get('city')}).as('city').select('__tmp').map({((Map)it.get()).get('__res')}).as('__res').path().toList().collect({it.tail()})";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestSimpleRangeExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "def f1={GraphTraversal x->x.has('age',eq('34')).out('eats').has('size',eq('small')).has('color',eq('blue')).range(0,10).fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('Fred')));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('name',eq('George')));"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).range(0,10).toList().size()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForOptimizeLoopExpression() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);def f1={GraphTraversal x->x.has('name',eq('Fred')).as('label').select('label').fill(r)};"
+ "f1(g.V().has('__typeName','DataSet'));"
+ "f1(g.V().has('__superTypeNames','DataSet'));"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).as('label').repeat('inputTables').out('outputTables')).emit(has('__typeName',eq('string')).or().has('__superTypeNames',eq('string'))).toList()";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithNonZeroOffset() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);" +
"g.V().has('__typeName',eq('OMAS_OMRSAsset')).fill(r);" +
"g.V().has('__superTypeNames',eq('OMAS_OMRSAsset')).fill(r);" +
"g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).range(5,10).as('inst').select('inst')";
protected String getExpectedGremlinForTestRangeWithOrderBy() {
return "def r=(([]) as Set);"
+ "g.V().has('__typeName',eq('OMAS_OMRSAsset')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V().has('__superTypeNames',eq('OMAS_OMRSAsset')).fill(r);"
+ "g.V('').inject(((r) as Vertex[])).range(5,10).as('inst').order().by((({it.get().values('name')}) as Function),{a, b->a.toString().toLowerCase() <=> b.toString().toLowerCase()})";
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.repository.graph;
import org.apache.atlas.query.IntSequence;
* IntSequence for use in unit tests.
public class TestIntSequence implements IntSequence {
public static final IntSequence INSTANCE = new TestIntSequence();
private TestIntSequence() {
public int next() {
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ class GremlinTest extends BaseGremlinTest {
.select(id("db1").field("name").as("dbName"), id("tab").field("name").as("tabName")), g, gp
validateJson(r, "{\n \"query\":\"DB as db1 where (createTime > 0) or (name = \\\"Reporting\\\") Table as tab select as dbName, as tabName\",\n \"dataType\":{\n \"typeName\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"attributeDefinitions\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"dbName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n },\n {\n \"name\":\"tabName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n }\n ]\n },\n \"rows\":[\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"product_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"time_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"customer_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_daily_mv\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_monthly_mv\"\n }\n ]\n}")
validateJson(r, "{\n \"query\":\"DB as db1 where (db1.createTime > 0) or (name = \\\"Reporting\\\") Table as tab select as dbName, as tabName\",\n \"dataType\":{\n \"typeName\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"attributeDefinitions\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"dbName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n },\n {\n \"name\":\"tabName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n }\n ]\n },\n \"rows\":[\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"product_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"time_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"customer_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_daily_mv\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct6\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_monthly_mv\"\n }\n ]\n}")
@Test def testJoinAndSelect3 {
......@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ class GremlinTest extends BaseGremlinTest {
.select(id("db1").field("name").as("dbName"), id("tab").field("name").as("tabName")), g, gp
validateJson(r, "{\n \"query\":\"DB as db1 where (createTime > 0) and (name = \\\"Reporting\\\") or db1 has owner Table as tab select as dbName, as tabName\",\n \"dataType\":{\n \"typeName\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"attributeDefinitions\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"dbName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n },\n {\n \"name\":\"tabName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n }\n ]\n },\n \"rows\":[\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"product_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"time_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"customer_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_daily_mv\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_monthly_mv\"\n }\n ]\n}")
validateJson(r, "{\n \"query\":\"DB as db1 where (db1.createTime > 0) and ( = \\\"Reporting\\\") or db1 has owner Table as tab select as dbName, as tabName\",\n \"dataType\":{\n \"typeName\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"attributeDefinitions\":[\n {\n \"name\":\"dbName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n },\n {\n \"name\":\"tabName\",\n \"dataTypeName\":\"string\",\n \"multiplicity\":{\n \"lower\":0,\n \"upper\":1,\n \"isUnique\":false\n },\n \"isComposite\":false,\n \"isUnique\":false,\n \"isIndexable\":false,\n \"reverseAttributeName\":null\n }\n ]\n },\n \"rows\":[\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"product_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"time_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Sales\",\n \"tabName\":\"customer_dim\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_daily_mv\"\n },\n {\n \"$typeName$\":\"__tempQueryResultStruct7\",\n \"dbName\":\"Reporting\",\n \"tabName\":\"sales_fact_monthly_mv\"\n }\n ]\n}")
@Test def testJoinAndSelect4 {
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