// Deleting this edge would violate the attribute's lower bound.
// Deleting this edge would violate the attribute's lower bound.
thrownewAtlasBaseException("Cannot remove array element from required attribute "+propertyName+" on "+GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex)+" "+GraphHelper.getEdgeDetails(elementEdge));
thrownewAtlasBaseException("Cannot remove array element from required attribute "+propertyName+" on "+GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex)+" "+GraphHelper.getEdgeDetails(elementEdge));
//if composite attribute, remove the reference as well. else, just remove the edge
//for example, when table is deleted, process still references the table
//but when column is deleted, table will not reference the deleted column
LOG.debug("Removing edge {} from the array attribute {}",string(elementEdge),attribute.getName());
// Remove all occurrences of the edge ID from the list.
// This prevents dangling edge IDs (i.e. edge IDs for deleted edges)
// from the remaining in the list if there are duplicates.