**[Atlas 2.1.0](../2.1.0/index) (Released on 2020/07/15)**
* Quick Search: provides a simpler search experience with type-ahead suggestions
* Business Metadata: enables augmenting entity-types with additional attributes, search entities using these attributes
* Labels: ability to add/remove labels on entities, and search entities using labels
* Custom Attributes: ability to add entity instance specific custom attributes i.e. attributes not defined in entity-def or business metadata
* Entity Purge: added REST APIs to purge deleted entities
* Search: ability to find entities by more than one classification
* Performance: improvements in lineage retrieval and classification-propagation
* Notification: ability to process notificaitons from multiple Kafka topics
* Hive Hook: tracks process-executions via hive_process_execution entities
* Hive Hook: catures DDL operations via hive_db_ddl and hive_table_ddl entities
* Notification: introduced shell entities to record references to non-existing entities in notifications
* Spark: added model to capture Spark entities, processes and relationships
* AWS S3: introduced updated model to capture AWS S3 entities and relationships
* ADLS-Gen2: introduced model to capture Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 entities and relationships
* Dependencies: JanusGraph 0.5.1, Tinkerpop 3.4.6, Spring Framework 4.3.20
* Authorization: updated to cover new features, like: business metadata, labels, purge
* UI: multiple UI improvements, including a beta UI
* Various Bug-fixes and optimizations
*<ahref="">List of JIRAs resolved in Apache Atlas 2.1.0</a>
*[List of JIRAs resolved in Apache Atlas 2.0.0 release](https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20ATLAS%20AND%20status%20%3D%20Resolved%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%202.1.0%20ORDER%20BY%20key%20DESC)
**[Atlas 2.0.0](../2.0.0/index) (Released on 2019/05/14)**
* Soft-reference attribute implementation.
* Unique-attributes constraints at graph store-level