{"hive_db as inst where inst.name=\"Reporting\" select inst as id, inst.name",1},
{"from hive_db as h select h as id",3},
{"from hive_db",3},
{"from hive_db",3},
{"hive_db where hive_db.name=\"Reporting\"",1},
{"hive_db where hive_db.name=\"Reporting\"",1},
{"hive_db hive_db.name = \"Reporting\"",1},
{"hive_db hive_db.name = \"Reporting\"",3},
{"hive_db where hive_db.name=\"Reporting\" select name, owner",1},
{"hive_db where hive_db.name=\"Reporting\" select name, owner",1},
{"hive_db has name",3},
{"hive_db has name",3},
{"hive_db, hive_table",10},
{"View is JdbcAccess",2},
{"hive_db as db1, hive_table where db1.name = \"Reporting\"",0},//Not working - ATLAS-145
// - Final working query -> discoveryService.searchByGremlin("L:{_var_0 = [] as Set;g.V().has(\"__typeName\", \"hive_db\").fill(_var_0);g.V().has(\"__superTypeNames\", \"hive_db\").fill(_var_0);_var_0._().as(\"db1\").in(\"__hive_table.db\").back(\"db1\").and(_().has(\"hive_db.name\", T.eq, \"Reporting\")).toList()}")
{"hive_db, hive_process has name"}, //Invalid query
{"hive_db where hive_db.name=\"Reporting\" and hive_db.createTime < " + System.currentTimeMillis()}
{"from hive_table",10},
{"from hive_table",10},
{"hive_table isa Dimension",3},
{"hive_table isa Dimension",3},
{"hive_column where hive_column isa PII",8},
{"hive_column where hive_column isa PII",4},
{"View is Dimension",2},
{"hive_column where hive_column isa PII select hive_column.name",4},
// {"hive_column where hive_column isa PII select hive_column.name", 6}, //Not working - ATLAS-175
{"hive_column select hive_column.name",17},
{"hive_column select hive_column.name",37},
{"hive_column select name",17},
{"hive_column select name",37},
{"hive_column where hive_column.name=\"customer_id\"",2},
{"hive_column where hive_column.name=\"customer_id\"",6},
{"from hive_table select hive_table.name",10},
{"from hive_table select hive_table.name",10},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\")",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\")",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, owner as _col_1",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, owner as _col_1",1},
{"hive_db where hive_db is JdbcAccess",0},//Not supposed to work
{"hive_db where hive_db is JdbcAccess",0},
{"hive_db hive_table",10},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name",3},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name",3},
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table where (db1.name = \"Reporting\")",0},//Not working -> ATLAS-145
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table where (db1.name = \"Reporting\")",0},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 ",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 ",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 ",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 ",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 ",1},
todo: does not work - ATLAS-146
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") and ((createTime + 1) > 0)"},
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) and (db1.name = \"Reporting\") select db1.name
as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) or (db1.name = \"Reporting\") select db1.name
as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) and (db1.name = \"Reporting\") or db1 has owner
select db1.name as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) and (db1.name = \"Reporting\") or db1 has owner
select db1.name as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
// trait searches
{"`Log Data`",4},
{"`Log Data`",3},
// Not sure what the expected rows should be, but since we didn't assign or do anything with the created
// I assume it'll be zero
{"hive_table as t, sd, hive_column as c where t.name=\"sales_fact\" select c.name as colName, c.dataType as colType",0},
/* Lineage queries are fired through ClosureQuery and are tested through HiveLineageJerseyResourceIt in webapp module.
Commenting out the below queries since DSL to Gremlin parsing/translation fails with lineage queries when there are array types
used within loop expressions which is the case with DataSet.inputs and outputs.`
@@ -331,19 +232,12 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
@@ -331,19 +232,12 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, owner as _col_1",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, owner as _col_1",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, owner as _col_1 limit 10",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, owner as _col_1 limit 10",1},
{"hive_db where hive_db is JdbcAccess",0},//Not supposed to work
{"hive_db where hive_db is JdbcAccess",0},//Not supposed to work
{"hive_db hive_table",10},
{"hive_db hive_table limit 5",5},
{"hive_db hive_table limit 5 offset 5",5},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name",3},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name",3},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name limit 5",3},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name limit 5",3},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name limit 2 offset 0",2},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name limit 2 offset 0",2},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name limit 2 offset 1",2},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name limit 2 offset 1",2},
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table where (db1.name = \"Reporting\")",0},//Not working -> ATLAS-145
{"hive_db as db1 hive_table where (db1.name = \"Reporting\")",0},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 ",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 limit 10",1},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 limit 10 offset 1",0},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 limit 10 offset 0",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 ",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 ",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 limit 10 ",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 limit 10 ",1},
@@ -356,93 +250,39 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
@@ -356,93 +250,39 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 limit 10",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 limit 10",1},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 limit 0 offset 1",0},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 limit 0 offset 1",0},
// trait searches
{"Dimension limit 2",2},
{"Dimension limit 2 offset 1",2},
{"Dimension limit 5 offset 4",1},
{"JdbcAccess limit 5 offset 0",2},
{"JdbcAccess limit 2 offset 1",1},
{"JdbcAccess limit 1",1},
{"ETL limit 2",2},
{"ETL limit 1",1},
{"ETL limit 1 offset 0",1},
{"ETL limit 2 offset 1",2},
{"Metric limit 10",9},
{"Metric limit 2",2},
{"Metric limit 10 offset 1",8},
{"PII limit 10",8},
{"PII limit 2",2},
{"PII limit 10 offset 1",7},
{"`Log Data`",4},
{"`Log Data` limit 3",3},
{"`Log Data` limit 10 offset 2",2},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Sales'",1},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Sales'",1},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Sales' limit 10",1},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Sales' limit 10",1},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Sales' limit 10 offset 1",0},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Sales' limit 10 offset 1",0},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Reporting'",0},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Reporting'",0},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Reporting' limit 10",0},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Reporting' limit 10",0},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Reporting' limit 10 offset 1",0},
{"hive_table where name='sales_fact', db where name='Reporting' limit 10 offset 1",0},
{"hive_partition as p where values = ['2015-01-01']",1},
{"hive_partition as p where values = ['2015-01-01'] limit 10",1},
{"hive_partition as p where values = ['2015-01-01'] limit 10 offset 1",0},
@@ -497,12 +326,6 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
@@ -497,12 +326,6 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
{"hive_db where hive_db has name orderby hive_db.owner limit 2 offset 0",2,"owner",true},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name orderby hive_db.owner limit 2 offset 0",2,"owner",true},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name orderby hive_db.owner limit 2 offset 1",2,"owner",true},
{"hive_db where hive_db has name orderby hive_db.owner limit 2 offset 1",2,"owner",true},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 orderby '_col_1'",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' limit 10",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' limit 10 offset 1",0,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_db where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' limit 10 offset 0",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' ",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' ",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' limit 10 ",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' limit 10 ",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' limit 10 offset 0",1,"_col_1",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime > \"2014-01-01\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_1' limit 10 offset 0",1,"_col_1",true},
@@ -513,23 +336,17 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
@@ -513,23 +336,17 @@ public class DSLQueriesTest extends BasicTestSetup {
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_0' limit 10 offset 1",0,"_col_0",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_0' limit 10 offset 1",0,"_col_0",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_0' limit 10",1,"_col_0",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_0' limit 10",1,"_col_0",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_0' limit 0 offset 1",0,"_col_0",true},
{"hive_table where (name = \"sales_fact\" and createTime >= \"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\" ) select name as _col_0, createTime as _col_1 orderby '_col_0' limit 0 offset 1",0,"_col_0",true},
// { "from Person groupby (isOrganDonor) select Person.isOrganDonor as 'organDonor', count() as 'count', max(Person.age) as 'max', min(Person.age) as 'min'",
// new FieldValueValidator().withFieldNames("organDonor", "max", "min", "count")