Commit b37c030d by Shwetha GS

ATLAS-201 Rename org.apache.atlas.Main to org.apache.atlas.Atlas (rishabhbhardwaj via shwethags)

parent fdafb359
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def main():
args = ["-app", os.path.join(web_app_dir, "atlas")]
process ="org.apache.atlas.Main", args, metadata_classpath, jvm_opts_list, logdir)
process ="org.apache.atlas.Atlas", args, metadata_classpath, jvm_opts_list, logdir)
mc.writePid(metadata_pid_file, process)
print "Apache Atlas Server started!!!\n"
......@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ class TestMetadata(unittest.TestCase):
['-app', 'metadata_home\\server\\webapp\\atlas'],
['-Datlas.log.dir=metadata_home\\logs', '-Datlas.log.file=application.log', '-Datlas.home=metadata_home', '-Datlas.conf=metadata_home\\conf', '-Xmx1024m', '-XX:MaxPermSize=512m', '-Dlog4j.configuration=atlas-log4j.xml'], 'metadata_home\\logs')
['-app', 'metadata_home/server/webapp/atlas'],
['-Datlas.log.dir=metadata_home/logs', '-Datlas.log.file=application.log', '-Datlas.home=metadata_home', '-Datlas.conf=metadata_home/conf', '-Xmx1024m', '-XX:MaxPermSize=512m', '-Dlog4j.configuration=atlas-log4j.xml'], 'metadata_home/logs')
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ATLAS-54 Rename configs in hive hook (shwethags)
ATLAS-3 Mixed Index creation fails with Date types (sumasai via shwethags)
ATLAS-201 Rename org.apache.atlas.Main to org.apache.atlas.Atlas (rishabhbhardwaj via shwethags)
ATLAS-179 Atlas hook causes mem leak and hive server 2 crashes (shwethags)
ATLAS-212 Remove test class usage of hive configuration property "" (jspeidel via shwethags)
ATLAS-159 UI generated files should be target (sanjayp via sumasai)
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
* Driver for running Metadata as a standalone server with embedded jetty server.
public final class Main {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Main.class);
public final class Atlas {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Atlas.class);
private static final String APP_PATH = "app";
private static final String APP_PORT = "port";
private static final String ATLAS_HOME = "atlas.home";
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public final class Main {
* Prevent users from constructing this.
private Main() {
private Atlas() {
protected static CommandLine parseArgs(String[] args) throws ParseException {
......@@ -24,32 +24,32 @@ import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class MainIT {
public class AtlasIT {
public void testPortSelection () throws Exception {
PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
// test ports via config
config.setProperty(Main.ATLAS_SERVER_HTTP_PORT, 21001);
config.setProperty(Main.ATLAS_SERVER_HTTPS_PORT, 22443);
int port = Main.getApplicationPort(Main.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "false",
config.setProperty(Atlas.ATLAS_SERVER_HTTP_PORT, 21001);
config.setProperty(Atlas.ATLAS_SERVER_HTTPS_PORT, 22443);
int port = Atlas.getApplicationPort(Atlas.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "false",
config );
Assert.assertEquals(21001, port, "wrong http port");
port = Main.getApplicationPort(Main.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "true",
port = Atlas.getApplicationPort(Atlas.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "true",
config );
Assert.assertEquals(22443, port, "wrong https port");
// test defaults
port = Main.getApplicationPort(Main.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "false",
port = Atlas.getApplicationPort(Atlas.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "false",
new PropertiesConfiguration() );
Assert.assertEquals(21000, port, "wrong http port");
port = Main.getApplicationPort(Main.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "true",
port = Atlas.getApplicationPort(Atlas.parseArgs(new String[] {}), "true",
new PropertiesConfiguration() );
Assert.assertEquals(21443, port, "wrong https port");
// test command line override
CommandLine commandLine = Main.parseArgs(new String[] {"--port", "22000"});
port = Main.getApplicationPort(commandLine, "true", config);
CommandLine commandLine = Atlas.parseArgs(new String[] {"--port", "22000"});
port = Atlas.getApplicationPort(commandLine, "true", config);
Assert.assertEquals(22000, port, "wrong https port");
port = Main.getApplicationPort(commandLine, "false", config);
port = Atlas.getApplicationPort(commandLine, "false", config);
Assert.assertEquals(22000, port, "wrong https port");
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