@@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ If any further JanusGraph configuration needs to be setup, please prefix the pro
In addition to setting up configurations, please ensure that environment variable HBASE_CONF_DIR is setup to point to
the directory containing HBase configuration file hbase-site.xml.
---+++ Graph Search Index - Solr
---+++ Graph Index Search Engine
An index search engine is required for ATLAS. This search engine runs separately from the ATLAS server and from the
storage backend. Only two search engines are currently supported: Solr and Elasticsearch. Pick the search engine
best suited for your environment and follow the configuration instructions below.
---++++ Graph Search Index - Solr
Solr installation in Cloud mode is a prerequisite for Apache Atlas use. Set the following properties to configure JanusGraph to use Solr as the index search engine.
---++++ Graph Search Index - Elasticsearch (Tech Preview)
Elasticsearch is a prerequisite for Apache Atlas use. Set the following properties to configure JanusGraph to use Elasticsearch as the index search engine.
atlas.graph.index.search.hostname=<hostname(s) of the Elasticsearch master nodes comma separated>
Search APIs (DSL, basic search, full-text search) support pagination and have optional limit and offset arguments. Following configs are related to search pagination
@@ -170,8 +170,10 @@ HA guarantees HBase provides. In order to configure Atlas to use HBase in HA mod
---++ Index Store
As described above, Atlas indexes metadata through JanusGraph to support full text search queries. In order to provide HA
for the index store, we recommend that Atlas be configured to use Solr as the backing index store for JanusGraph. In order
to configure Atlas to use Solr in HA mode, do the following:
for the index store, we recommend that Atlas be configured to use Solr or Elasticsearch as the backing index store for JanusGraph.
---+++ Solr
In order to configure Atlas to use Solr in HA mode, do the following:
* Choose an existing !SolrCloud cluster setup in HA mode to configure in Atlas (OR) Set up a new [[https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/SolrCloud][SolrCloud cluster]].
* Ensure Solr is brought up on at least 2 physical hosts for redundancy, and each host runs a Solr node.
@@ -179,6 +181,14 @@ to configure Atlas to use Solr in HA mode, do the following:
* Create the !SolrCloud collections required by Atlas, as described in [[InstallationSteps][Installation Steps]]
* Refer to the [[Configuration][Configuration page]] for the options to configure in atlas.properties to setup Atlas with Solr.
---+++ Elasticsearch (Tech Preview)
In order to configure Atlas to use Elasticsearch in HA mode, do the following:
* Choose an existing Elasticsearch cluster setup, (OR) setup a new cluster [[https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/setup.html][Elasticsearch cluster]].
* Ensure that Elasticsearch is brought up on at least five physical hosts for redundancy.
* A replica count of 3 is recommended
* Refer to the [[Configuration][Configuration page]] for the options to configure in atlas.properties to setup Atlas with Elasticsearch.
---++ Notification Server
Metadata notification events from Hooks are sent to Atlas by writing them to a Kafka topic called *ATLAS_HOOK*. Similarly, events from
@@ -185,6 +185,24 @@ Pre-requisites for running Solr in cloud mode
* !SolrCloud has support for replication and sharding. It is highly recommended to use !SolrCloud with at least two Solr nodes running on different servers with replication enabled.
If using !SolrCloud, then you also need !ZooKeeper installed and configured with 3 or 5 !ZooKeeper nodes
*Configuring Elasticsearch as the Indexing Backend for the Graph Repository (Tech Preview)*
By default, Atlas uses JanusGraph as the graph repository and is the only graph repository implementation available currently. For configuring JanusGraph to work with Elasticsearch, please follow the instructions below
* Install an Elasticsearch cluster. The version currently supported is 5.6.4, and can be acquired from: https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.6.4.tar.gz
* For simple testing a single Elasticsearch node can be started by using the 'elasticsearch' command in the bin directory of the Elasticsearch distribution.
* Change ATLAS configuration to point to the Elasticsearch instance setup. Please make sure the following configurations are set to the below values in ATLAS_HOME/conf/atlas-application.properties
atlas.graph.index.search.hostname=<the hostname(s) of the Elasticsearch master nodes comma separated>