Commit f5508315 by kevalbhatt Committed by Madhan Neethiraj

ATLAS-2111 : UI: Select query is not able to render the search table in Advance search

parent 5746ec9d
......@@ -39,16 +39,22 @@ define(['require',
this.queryText = resp.queryText;
this.referredEntities = resp.referredEntities;
if (resp.attributes) {
this.dynamicTable = true;
var entities = [];
_.each(resp.attributes.values, function(obj) {
var temp = { attributes: {} }
_.each(obj, function(val, key) {
temp.attributes[[key]] = val;
var temp = {};
_.each(obj, function(val, index) {
var key =[index];
if (key == "__guid") {
key = "guid"
temp[key] = val;
return entities;
} else {
this.dynamicTable = false;
return resp.entities ? resp.entities : [];
......@@ -525,7 +525,8 @@ define(['require',
return this;
var columns = new columnCollection(that.getFixedDslColumn());
that.bradCrumbList = [];
var columns = new columnCollection((that.searchCollection.dynamicTable ? that.getDaynamicColumns(that.searchCollection.toJSON()) : that.getFixedDslColumn()));
columns.setPositions().sort(); TableLayout(_.extend({}, that.commonTableOptions, {
columns: columns
......@@ -679,7 +680,109 @@ define(['require',
this.getTagTermCol({ 'col': col, 'columnToShow': columnToShow });
if (this.value && this.value.searchType === "basic") {
var def = this.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: this.value.type });
if (def) {
var attrObj = Utils.getNestedSuperTypeObj({ data: def.toJSON(), collection: this.entityDefCollection, attrMerge: true });
_.each(attrObj, function(obj, key) {
var key =,
isRenderable = _.contains(columnToShow, key)
if (key == "name" || key == "description" || key == "owner") {
if (columnToShow) {
col[key].renderable = isRenderable;
col[] = {
cell: "Html",
editable: false,
sortable: false,
resizeable: true,
orderable: true,
renderable: isRenderable,
formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) {
var modelObj = model.toJSON();
if (modelObj && modelObj.attributes && !_.isUndefined(modelObj.attributes[key])) {
var tempObj = {
'scope': that,
'attributeDefs': [obj],
'valueObject': {},
'isTable': false
tempObj.valueObject[key] = modelObj.attributes[key]
Utils.findAndMergeRefEntity(tempObj.valueObject, that.searchCollection.referredEntities);
return CommonViewFunction.propertyTable(tempObj);
return this.searchCollection.constructor.getTableCols(col, this.searchCollection);
getDaynamicColumns: function(valueObj) {
var that = this,
col = {};
if (valueObj && valueObj.length) {
var firstObj = _.first(valueObj);
_.each(_.keys(firstObj), function(key) {
if (key !== 'guid') {
col[key] = {
label: key.capitalize(),
cell: "Html",
editable: false,
sortable: false,
resizeable: true,
orderable: true,
formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) {
var modelObj = model.toJSON();
if (key == "name") {
var nameHtml = "",
name = modelObj[key];
if (modelObj.guid) {
nameHtml = '<a title="' + name + '" href="#!/detailPage/' + modelObj.guid + '">' + name + '</a>';
} else {
nameHtml = '<span title="' + name + '">' + name + '</span>';
if (modelObj.status && Enums.entityStateReadOnly[modelObj.status]) {
nameHtml += '<button type="button" title="Deleted" class="btn btn-action btn-md deleteBtn"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></button>';
return '<div class="readOnly readOnlyLink">' + nameHtml + '</div>';
return nameHtml;
} else if (modelObj && !_.isUndefined(modelObj[key])) {
var tempObj = {
'scope': that,
// 'attributeDefs':
'valueObject': {},
'isTable': false
tempObj.valueObject[key] = modelObj[key]
Utils.findAndMergeRefEntity(tempObj.valueObject, that.searchCollection.referredEntities);
return CommonViewFunction.propertyTable(tempObj);
return this.searchCollection.constructor.getTableCols(col, this.searchCollection);
getTagTermCol: function(options) {
var that = this,
columnToShow = options.columnToShow,
col = options.col;
if (col) {
col['tag'] = {
label: "Tags",
cell: "Html",
......@@ -727,51 +830,7 @@ define(['require',
if (this.value && this.value.searchType === "basic") {
var def = this.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: this.value.type });
if (def) {
var attrObj = Utils.getNestedSuperTypeObj({ data: def.toJSON(), collection: this.entityDefCollection, attrMerge: true });
_.each(attrObj, function(obj, key) {
var key =,
isRenderable = _.contains(columnToShow, key)
if (key == "name" || key == "description" || key == "owner") {
if (columnToShow) {
col[key].renderable = isRenderable;
col[] = {
cell: "Html",
editable: false,
sortable: false,
resizeable: true,
orderable: true,
renderable: isRenderable,
formatter: _.extend({}, Backgrid.CellFormatter.prototype, {
fromRaw: function(rawValue, model) {
var modelObj = model.toJSON();
if (modelObj && modelObj.attributes && !_.isUndefined(modelObj.attributes[key])) {
var tempObj = {
'scope': that,
'attributeDefs': [obj],
'valueObject': {},
'isTable': false
tempObj.valueObject[key] = modelObj.attributes[key]
Utils.findAndMergeRefEntity(tempObj.valueObject, that.searchCollection.referredEntities);
return CommonViewFunction.propertyTable(tempObj);
return this.searchCollection.constructor.getTableCols(col, this.searchCollection);
addTagModalView: function(guid, multiple) {
var that = this;
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