Commit fcbce418 by Venkatesh Seetharam

Added more DSL tests, Docs and resolved RAT issues

parent c1c6510b
......@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
######### Graph Database Configs #########
# Graph Storage
# Graph Search Index
---+ Quick Start Guide
---++ Introduction
This quick start user guide is a simple client that adds a few sample type definitions modeled
after the example as shown below. It also adds example entities along with traits as shown in the
instance graph below.
---+++ Example Type Definitions
<img src="guide-class-diagram.png"/>
---+++ Example Instance Graph
<img src="guide-instance-graph.png"/>
---++ Running the example
This will add sample types and instances along with traits as shown in the instance graph above.
* bin/
---++ Dashboard
A simple dashboard with search is available.
* http://localhost:21000/dashboard
---+ Data Governance and Metadata platform for Hadoop
---+ Data Governance and Metadata framework for Hadoop
---++ Overview
DGI is a scalable and extensible set of core foundational governance services – enabling
enterprises to effectively and efficiently meet their compliance requirements within Hadoop and
allows integration with the whole enterprise data ecosystem.
---++ Use Cases
---++ Features
* Enables modeling
---+++ Data Classification
* Import or define taxonomy business-oriented annotations for data
* Define, annotate, and automate capture of relationships between data sets and underlying
elements including source, target, and derivation processes
* Export metadata to third-party systems
* Captures Lineage information for data sets and processes
---+++ Centralized Auditing
* Capture security access information for every application, process, and interaction with data
* Capture the operational information for execution, steps, and activities
---+++ Search & Lineage (Browse)
* Pre-defined navigation paths to explore the data classification and audit information
* Text-based search features locates relevant data and audit event across Data Lake quickly
and accurately
* Browse visualization of data set lineage allowing users to drill-down into operational,
security, and provenance related information
---+++ Security & Policy Engine
* Rationalize compliance policy at runtime based on data classification schemes, attributes
and roles.
* Advanced definition of policies for preventing data derivation based on classification
(i.e. re-identification) – Prohibitions
* Column and Row level masking based on cell values and attibutes.
---++ Getting Started
* [[QuickStart][Quick Start Guide]]
---++ Documentation
* [[Architecture][High Level Architecture]]
* [[TypeSystem][Type System]]
* [[Repository][Metadata Repository]]
* [[Discovery][Metadata Discovery]]
* [[Discovery][Search]]
---++ API Documentation
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class GraphBackedDiscoveryService implements DiscoveryService {
return queryResult.toJson();
} catch (Exception e) { // unable to catch ExpressionException
throw new DiscoveryException("Invalid expression : " + dslQuery);
throw new DiscoveryException("Invalid expression : " + dslQuery, e);
throw new DiscoveryException("Invalid expression : " + dslQuery);
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.types.AttributeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.types.ClassType;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.types.DataTypes;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.types.IDataType;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.types.Multiplicity;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.types.StructType;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.types.TraitType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
......@@ -162,20 +161,17 @@ public class GraphBackedSearchIndexer implements SearchIndexer {
final String propertyName = typeName + "." +;
switch (field.dataType().getTypeCategory()) {
getPrimitiveClass(field.dataType()), getCardinality(field.multiplicity));
createVertexMixedIndex(propertyName, getPrimitiveClass(field.dataType()));
case ENUM:
propertyName, Integer.class, getCardinality(field.multiplicity));
createVertexMixedIndex(propertyName, Integer.class);
case ARRAY:
case MAP:
// index the property holder for element names
propertyName, String.class, getCardinality(field.multiplicity));
// todo - how do we overcome this limitation?
// IGNORE: Can only index single-valued property keys on vertices in Mixed Index
case STRUCT:
......@@ -223,6 +219,7 @@ public class GraphBackedSearchIndexer implements SearchIndexer {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown data type " + dataType);
private Cardinality getCardinality(Multiplicity multiplicity) {
if (multiplicity == Multiplicity.OPTIONAL || multiplicity == Multiplicity.REQUIRED) {
return Cardinality.SINGLE;
......@@ -235,12 +232,13 @@ public class GraphBackedSearchIndexer implements SearchIndexer {
// todo - default to LIST as this is the most forgiving
return Cardinality.LIST;
private void createCompositeAndMixedIndex(String indexName,
String propertyName, Class propertyClass,
boolean isUnique, Cardinality cardinality) {
createCompositeIndex(indexName, propertyName, propertyClass, isUnique, cardinality);
createVertexMixedIndex(propertyName, propertyClass, cardinality);
createVertexMixedIndex(propertyName, propertyClass);
private PropertyKey createCompositeIndex(String indexName,
......@@ -272,15 +270,14 @@ public class GraphBackedSearchIndexer implements SearchIndexer {
return propertyKey;
private PropertyKey createVertexMixedIndex(String propertyName, Class propertyClass,
Cardinality cardinality) {
private PropertyKey createVertexMixedIndex(String propertyName, Class propertyClass) {
TitanManagement management = titanGraph.getManagementSystem();
PropertyKey propertyKey = management.getPropertyKey(propertyName);
if (propertyKey == null) {
// ignored cardinality as Can only index single-valued property keys on vertices
propertyKey = management
TitanGraphIndex vertexIndex = management.getGraphIndex(Constants.VERTEX_INDEX);
......@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ public class GraphBackedDiscoveryServiceTest {
{"Table loop (LoadProcess outputTable)"},
{"Table as _loop0 loop (LoadProcess outputTable) withPath"},
{"Table as src loop (LoadProcess outputTable) as dest select as srcTable, as destTable withPath"},
{"Table as t, sd, Column as c where\"sales_fact\" select as colName, c.dataType as colType"},
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
# Graph Search Index
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