import { command } from 'yargs'; import _get from 'lodash/fp/get'; import { readJsonSync, ensureDir, remove as remove$1, outputJSONSync, emptyDir, pathExists, copy, readFileSync, readJSONSync, pathExistsSync, existsSync as existsSync$1 } from 'fs-extra'; import { get, set } from 'env-dot-prop'; import humanize from 'humanize-string'; import titleize from 'titleize'; import { realpathSync, existsSync } from 'fs'; import { join, resolve, delimiter, isAbsolute, relative, parse, extname, normalize, dirname } from 'path'; import { sync } from 'resolve'; import logger__default, { error, Signale, warn, fatal, log } from 'signale'; import { __rest } from 'tslib'; import { getParsedData, headingsFromAst, parseMdx } from 'docz-utils/lib/mdast'; import { compiled, touch } from 'docz-utils/lib/fs'; import glob from 'fast-glob'; import { createHash } from 'crypto'; import slugify from '@sindresorhus/slugify'; import _isFunction from 'lodash/fp/isFunction'; import pReduce from 'p-reduce'; import getPkgRepo from 'get-pkg-repo'; import findup from 'find-up'; import WS from 'ws'; import _merge from 'lodash/fp/merge'; import _omit from 'lodash/fp/omit'; import { loadFrom, load, finds } from 'load-cfg'; import detectPort from 'detect-port'; import Config from 'webpack-chain'; import frontmatter from 'remark-frontmatter'; import remarkDocz from 'remark-docz'; import rehypeDocz from 'rehype-docz'; import slug from 'rehype-slug'; import webpack, { IgnorePlugin, HotModuleReplacementPlugin } from 'webpack'; import webpackBarPlugin from 'webpackbar'; import { minify } from 'html-minifier'; import miniHtmlWebpack, { generateCSSReferences, generateJSReferences } from 'mini-html-webpack-plugin'; import manifestPlugin from 'webpack-manifest-plugin'; import watchMissingNodeModules from 'react-dev-utils/WatchMissingNodeModulesPlugin'; import 'react-dev-utils/ModuleNotFoundPlugin'; import { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } from 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'; import { TemplateTag, replaceResultTransformer, trimResultTransformer, oneLineTrim, html as html$1 } from 'common-tags'; import * as TerserPlugin from 'terser-webpack-plugin'; import getCacheIdentifier from 'react-dev-utils/getCacheIdentifier'; import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server'; import { prepareUrls, createCompiler } from 'react-dev-utils/WebpackDevServerUtils'; import { static as static$1 } from 'express'; import errorOverlayMiddleware from 'react-dev-utils/errorOverlayMiddleware'; import evalSourceMapMiddleware from 'react-dev-utils/evalSourceMapMiddleware'; import ignoredFiles from 'react-dev-utils/ignoredFiles'; import chalk$1 from 'chalk'; import chokidar from 'chokidar'; import equal from 'fast-deep-equal'; import get$1 from 'lodash/get'; import _propEq from 'lodash/fp/propEq'; import externalProptypesHandler from 'react-docgen-external-proptypes-handler'; import actualNameHandler from 'react-docgen-actual-name-handler'; import reactDocgen from 'react-docgen'; import _entries from 'lodash/fp/entries'; import _contains from 'lodash/fp/contains'; import _prop from 'lodash/fp/prop'; import _isEmpty from 'lodash/fp/isEmpty'; import reactDocgenTs from 'react-docgen-typescript'; import ts$1 from 'typescript'; import spawn$1 from 'cross-spawn'; const ensureSlash = (filepath, needsSlash) => { const hasSlash = filepath.endsWith('/'); if (hasSlash && !needsSlash) { return filepath.substr(filepath, filepath.length - 1); } else if (!hasSlash && needsSlash) { return `${filepath}/`; } else { return filepath; } }; const root = realpathSync(process.cwd()); const resolveApp = to => resolve(root, to); const resolveOwn = to => resolve(__dirname, '../', to); const templates = join(sync('docz-core'), '../templates'); const packageJson = resolveApp('package.json'); const servedPath = base => ensureSlash(base, true); const docz = resolveApp('.docz'); const app = resolve(docz, 'app/'); const cache = resolve(docz, 'cache/'); const appPublic = resolve(docz, 'public/'); const appNodeModules = resolveApp('node_modules'); const appPackageJson = resolveApp('package.json'); const appYarnLock = resolveOwn('yarn.lock'); const ownNodeModules = resolveOwn('node_modules'); const getDist = dest => join(root, dest); const distPublic = dest => join(dest, 'public/'); const importsJs = resolve(app, 'imports.js'); const rootJs = resolve(app, 'root.jsx'); const indexJs = resolve(app, 'index.jsx'); const indexHtml = resolve(app, 'index.html'); const db = resolve(app, 'db.json'); var paths = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ ensureSlash: ensureSlash, root: root, resolveApp: resolveApp, resolveOwn: resolveOwn, templates: templates, packageJson: packageJson, servedPath: servedPath, docz: docz, app: app, cache: cache, appPublic: appPublic, appNodeModules: appNodeModules, appPackageJson: appPackageJson, appYarnLock: appYarnLock, ownNodeModules: ownNodeModules, getDist: getDist, distPublic: distPublic, importsJs: importsJs, rootJs: rootJs, indexJs: indexJs, indexHtml: indexHtml, db: db }); const getEnv = (val, defaultValue = null) => get(val, defaultValue, { parse: true }); const getInitialTitle = pkg => { const name = _get('name', pkg) || 'MyDoc'; return titleize(humanize(name.replace(/^@.*\//, ''))); }; const getInitialDescription = pkg => _get('description', pkg) || 'My awesome app using docz'; const setArgs = yargs => { const pkg = readJsonSync(appPackageJson, { throws: false }); return yargs.option('base', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.base', '/') }).option('source', { alias: 'src', type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.source', './') }).option('files', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.files', '**/*.{md,markdown,mdx}') }).option('ignore', { type: 'array', default: getEnv('docz.ignore', []) }).option('public', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.public', '/public') }).option('dest', { alias: 'd', type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.dest', '.docz/dist') }).option('editBranch', { alias: 'eb', type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.edit.branch', 'master') }).option('config', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.config', '') }).option('title', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.title', getInitialTitle(pkg)) }).option('description', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.description', getInitialDescription(pkg)) }).option('theme', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.theme', 'theme') }).option('typescript', { alias: 'ts', type: 'boolean', default: getEnv('docz.typescript', false) }).option('propsParser', { type: 'boolean', default: getEnv('docz.props.parser', true) }).option('wrapper', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.wrapper', null) }).option('indexHtml', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.index.html', null) }).option('debug', { type: 'boolean', default: getEnv('docz.debug', false) }).option('clearConsole', { type: 'boolean', default: getEnv('docz.clear.console', true) }).option('host', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('', '') }).option('port', { alias: 'p', type: 'number', default: getEnv('docz.port', 3000) }).option('websocketHost', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('', '') }).option('websocketPort', { type: 'number', default: getEnv('docz.websocket.port', 60505) }).option('native', { type: 'boolean', default: getEnv('docz.native', false) }).option('codeSandbox', { type: 'boolean', default: getEnv('docz.codeSandbox', true) }).option('sourcemaps', { type: 'boolean', default: getEnv('docz.sourcemaps', true) }).option('separator', { type: 'string', default: getEnv('docz.separator', '-') }).option('open', { alias: 'o', describe: 'auto open browser in dev mode', type: 'boolean', default: false }); }; const populateNodePath = () => { // We support resolving modules according to `NODE_PATH`. // It works similar to `NODE_PATH` in Node itself: // // Note that unlike in Node, only *relative* paths from `NODE_PATH` are honored. // Otherwise, we risk importing Node.js core modules into an app instead of Webpack shims. // // We also resolve them to make sure all tools using them work consistently. set('node.path', get('node.path', '').split(delimiter).filter(folder => folder && !isAbsolute(folder)).map(folder => resolve(root, folder)).join(delimiter)); }; const configDotEnv = () => { const NODE_ENV = get('node.env'); const dotenv = resolveApp('.env'); const dotenvFiles = [`${dotenv}.${NODE_ENV}.local`, `${dotenv}.${NODE_ENV}`, // Don't include `.env.local` for `test` environment // since normally you expect tests to produce the same // results for everyone NODE_ENV !== 'test' && `${dotenv}.local`, dotenv]; // Load environment variables from .env* files. Suppress warnings using silent // if this file is missing. dotenv will never modify any environment variables // that have already been set. Variable expansion is supported in .env files. // dotenvFiles.filter(Boolean).forEach(dotenvFile => { require('dotenv').config({ path: dotenvFile }); }); }; const setEnv = env => { set('babel.env', env); set('node.env', env); configDotEnv(); populateNodePath(); }; const getClientEnvironment = publicUrl => { const APP_TEST = /^(REACT_APP_)|(ANGULAR_APP_)|(VUE_APP_)|(DOCZ_)/i; const raw = Object.keys(process.env).filter(key => APP_TEST.test(key)).reduce((env, key) => { env[key] = process.env[key]; return env; }, { // Useful for determining whether we’re running in production mode. Most // importantly, it switches React into the correct mode. NODE_ENV: get('node.env') || 'development', // Useful for resolving the correct path to static assets in `public`. For // example, <img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/img/logo.png'} />. This should // only be used as an escape hatch. Normally you would put images into the `src` // and `import` them in code to get their PUBLIC_URL: publicUrl }); const stringified = { 'process.env': Object.keys(raw).reduce((env, key) => { env[key] = JSON.stringify(raw[key]); return env; }, {}) }; return { raw, stringified }; }; const createId = file => createHash('md5').update(file).digest('hex'); const mountRoute = (base, route) => { if (base === '/') return route; const baseHasSlash = base.endsWith('/'); if (baseHasSlash) return base.substr(0, base.length - 1) + route; return base + route; }; class Entry { constructor(ast, file, src, config) { const filepath = this.getFilepath(file, src); const parsed = getParsedData(ast); const name = this.getName(filepath, parsed); = createId(file); this.filepath = filepath; = ''; this.slug = this.slugify(filepath, config.separator); this.route = this.getRoute(parsed, config.base); = name; = || ''; this.headings = headingsFromAst(ast); this.settings = parsed; } setLink(url) { if (url) { = url.replace('{{filepath}}', this.filepath); } } getFilepath(file, src) { const srcPath = resolve(root, src); const filepath = relative(srcPath, file); if (process.platform === 'win32') { return filepath.split('\\').join('/'); } return filepath; } getName(filepath, parsed) { const filename = humanize(parse(filepath).name); return parsed && ? : filename; } slugify(filepath, separator) { const ext = extname(filepath); const fileWithoutExt = filepath.replace(ext, ''); return slugify(fileWithoutExt, { separator }); } getRoute(parsed, base) { const parsedRoute = _get('route', parsed); const route = parsedRoute || `/${this.slug}`; return mountRoute(base, route); } } class Plugin { constructor(p) { this.setConfig = p.setConfig; this.modifyBundlerConfig = p.modifyBundlerConfig; this.modifyBabelRc = p.modifyBabelRc; this.modifyFiles = p.modifyFiles; this.onPreCreateApp = p.onPreCreateApp; this.onCreateWebpackChain = p.onCreateWebpackChain; this.onCreateApp = p.onCreateApp; this.onServerListening = p.onServerListening; this.onPreBuild = p.onPreBuild; this.onPostBuild = p.onPostBuild; this.onPreRender = p.onPreRender; this.onPostRender = p.onPostRender; } static runPluginsMethod(plugins) { return (method, ...args) => { if (plugins && plugins.length > 0) { for (const plugin of plugins) { const fn = _get(method, plugin); _isFunction(fn) && fn(...args); } } }; } static propsOfPlugins(plugins) { return prop => plugins && plugins.length > 0 ? => _get(prop, p)).filter(Boolean) : []; } static reduceFromPlugins(plugins) { return (method, initial, ...args) => { return [...(plugins || [])].reduce((obj, plugin) => { const fn = _get(method, plugin); return fn && _isFunction(fn) ? fn(obj, ...args) : obj; }, initial); }; } static reduceFromPluginsAsync(plugins) { return (method, initial, ...args) => { return pReduce([...(plugins || [])], (obj, plugin) => { const fn = _get(method, plugin); return Promise.resolve(fn && _isFunction(fn) ? fn(obj, ...args) : obj); }, initial); }; } } function createPlugin(factory) { return new Plugin(factory); } const parseRepo = () => { try { const pkg = readJsonSync(appPackageJson); return getPkgRepo(pkg); } catch (err) { return null; } }; const getRepoUrl = () => { const repo = parseRepo(); return repo && (repo.browsetemplate && repo.browsetemplate.replace('{domain}', repo.domain).replace('{user}', repo.user).replace('{project}', repo.project).replace('{/tree/committish}', '') || repo.browse && repo.browse()); }; const getBitBucketPath = (branch, relative) => { const querystring = `?mode=edit&spa=0&at=${branch}&fileviewer=file-view-default`; const filepath = join(`/src/${branch}`, relative, `{{filepath}}`); return `${filepath}${querystring}`; }; const getTree = (repo, branch, relative) => { const defaultPath = join(`/edit/${branch}`, relative, `{{filepath}}`); const bitBucketPath = getBitBucketPath(branch, relative); if (repo && repo.type === 'bitbucket') return bitBucketPath; return defaultPath; }; const getRepoEditUrl = (src, branch) => { try { const repo = parseRepo(); const project = parse(findup.sync('.git')).dir; const root$1 = join(root, src); const relative$1 = relative(project, root$1); const tree = getTree(repo, branch, relative$1); return repo && repo.browsetemplate && repo.browsetemplate.replace('{domain}', repo.domain).replace('{user}', repo.user).replace('{project}', repo.project).replace('{/tree/committish}', tree); } catch (err) { return null; } }; const fromTemplates = file => join(templates, file); const mapToObj = map => Array.from(map.entries()).reduce((obj, [key, value]) => Object.assign({}, obj, { [`${key}`]: value }), {}); const matchFilesWithSrc = config => files => { const src = relative(root, config.src); return => file.startsWith(src) ? file : join(src, file)); }; const writeAppFiles = async (config, dev) => { const { plugins, theme } = config; const props = Plugin.propsOfPlugins(plugins); const onPreRenders = props('onPreRender'); const onPostRenders = props('onPostRender'); const isProd = !dev; const root = await compiled(fromTemplates('root.tpl.js'), { minimize: false }); const js = await compiled(fromTemplates('index.tpl.js'), { minimize: false }); const websocketUrl = `ws://${config.websocketHost}:${config.websocketPort}`; const rawRootJs = root({ theme, isProd, wrapper: config.wrapper, websocketUrl }); const rawIndexJs = js({ onPreRenders, onPostRenders, isProd }); await remove$1(rootJs); await remove$1(indexJs); await touch(rootJs, rawRootJs); await touch(indexJs, rawIndexJs); }; class Entries { static async writeApp(config, dev) { await ensureDir(app); await writeAppFiles(config, dev); } static async writeImports(map) { const imports = await compiled(fromTemplates('imports.tpl.js')); const rawImportsJs = imports({ entries: Object.values(map) }); await touch(join(app, 'imports.js'), rawImportsJs); } constructor(config) { this.repoEditUrl = getRepoEditUrl(config.src, config.editBranch); this.all = new Map(); this.get = async () => this.getMap(config); } async getMap(config) { const { src, files: pattern, ignore, plugins, mdPlugins } = config; const arr = Array.isArray(pattern) ? pattern : [pattern]; const toMatch = matchFilesWithSrc(config); const files = await glob(toMatch(arr), { ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'].concat(ignore), onlyFiles: true, unique: true, nocase: true, matchBase: true }); const createEntry = async file => { try { const ast = await parseMdx(file, mdPlugins); const entry = new Entry(ast, file, src, config); if (this.repoEditUrl) entry.setLink(this.repoEditUrl); const { settings } = entry, rest = __rest(entry, ["settings"]); return Object.assign({}, settings, rest); } catch (err) { error(err); return null; } }; const reduce = Plugin.reduceFromPlugins(plugins); const modifiedFiles = reduce('modifyFiles', files); const map = new Map(); const entries = await Promise.all(; for (const entry of entries) { if (entry) { map.set(entry.filepath, entry); } } this.all = map; return mapToObj(map); } } class DataServer { constructor() { this.states = new Set(); this.state = new Map(); this.listeners = new Set(); } register(states) { for (const state of states) this.states.add(state); return this; } async start() { const setState = (key, val) => this.setState(key, val); const getState = () => this.getState(); await Promise.all(Array.from(this.states).map(async state => { if (!_isFunction(state.start)) return; return state.start({ setState, getState }); })); } close() { for (const state of this.states) { _isFunction(state.close) && state.close(); } } onStateChange(listener) { this.listeners.add(listener); return () => this.listeners.clear(); } getState() { return this.mapToObject(this.state); } setState(key, val) { const prev = _get(key, this.getState()); const next = typeof val === 'function' ? val(prev) : val; this.state.set(key, next); this.writeDbFile(); this.listeners.forEach(listener => { listener({ type: `state.${key}`, payload: next }); }); } async writeDbFile() { outputJSONSync(db, this.mapToObject(this.state), { spaces: 2 }); } mapToObject(map) { return Array.from(map.entries()).reduce((obj, [key, val]) => Object.assign({}, obj, { [key]: val }), {}); } } const onSignal = cb => { const signals = ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM']; for (const sig of signals) { process.on(sig, async () => { await cb(); process.exit(); }); } }; const isSocketOpened = socket => socket.readyState === WS.OPEN; const sender = socket => (type, payload) => { if (socket && isSocketOpened(socket)) { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type, payload })); } }; class Socket { constructor(server, host, port) { if (server) { this.client = new WS.Server({ server, host, port }); } } onConnection(listener) { if (!this.client) return; this.client.on('connection', socket => { const emit = sender(socket); const subs = listener(socket, emit); const handleClose = async () => { subs(); socket.terminate(); }; this.client.on('close', handleClose); onSignal(handleClose); }); } } const toOmit = ['_', '$0', 'version', 'help']; const htmlContext = { lang: 'en', favicon: '' }; const doczRcBaseConfig = { htmlContext, themeConfig: {}, docgenConfig: {}, filterComponents: files => files.filter(filepath => /\/[A-Z]\w*\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$/.test(filepath)), modifyBundlerConfig: config => config, modifyBabelRc: babelrc => babelrc, onCreateWebpackChain: () => null, menu: [], plugins: [], mdPlugins: [], hastPlugins: [], ignore: ['**/', '**/', '**/', '**/', '**/'] }; const getBaseConfig = (argv, custom) => { const initial = _omit(toOmit, argv); const base = Object.assign({}, initial, doczRcBaseConfig, { paths }); return _merge(base, custom); }; const parseConfig = async (argv, custom) => { const port = await detectPort(argv.port); const websocketPort = await detectPort(argv.websocketPort); const defaultConfig = getBaseConfig(argv, Object.assign({ port, websocketPort, htmlContext }, custom)); const config = argv.config ? loadFrom(resolve(argv.config), defaultConfig) : load('docz', defaultConfig); const reduceAsync = Plugin.reduceFromPluginsAsync(config.plugins); return reduceAsync('setConfig', config); }; class Bundler { constructor(params) { const { args, config, server, build } = params; const run = Plugin.runPluginsMethod(args.plugins); this.args = args; this.config = config; this.server = server; this.builder = build; this.hooks = { onCreateWebpackChain(config, dev, args) { run('onCreateWebpackChain', config, dev, args); }, onPreCreateApp(app) { run('onPreCreateApp', app); }, onCreateApp(app) { run('onCreateApp', app); }, onServerListening(server) { run('onServerListening', server); } }; } async mountConfig(env) { const { plugins } = this.args; const isDev = env !== 'production'; const reduce = Plugin.reduceFromPlugins(plugins); const userConfig = await this.config(this.hooks); const config = reduce('modifyBundlerConfig', userConfig, isDev, this.args); return this.args.modifyBundlerConfig(config, isDev, this.args); } async createApp(config) { return this.server(config, this.hooks); } async build(config) { const dist = getDist(this.args.dest); const publicDir = join(root, this.args.public); if (root === resolve(dist)) { logger__default.fatal(new Error('Unexpected option: "dest" cannot be set to the current working directory.')); process.exit(1); } await this.builder(config, dist, publicDir); } } const excludeNodeModules = filepath => /node_modules/.test(filepath) || /@babel(?:\/|\\{1,2})runtime/.test(filepath); const sourceMaps = (config, args) => { const srcPath = resolve(root, args.src); config.module.rule('sourcemaps').test(/\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx|md|mdx)$/).include.add(srcPath).add(app).end().exclude.add(excludeNodeModules).end().use('sourcemaps').loader(require.resolve('source-map-loader')).end().enforce('pre'); }; const addScriptLoaders = opts => { const { rule, threadLoader = true, babelrc, args } = opts; return rule.when(!args.debug, rule => rule.use('cache-loader').loader(require.resolve('cache-loader')).options({ cacheDirectory: cache })).when(Boolean(threadLoader), rule => rule.use('thread-loader').loader(require.resolve('thread-loader')).options({ workers: require('os').cpus().length - 1 })).use('babel-loader').loader(require.resolve('babel-loader')).options(babelrc).end(); }; const js = (config, args, babelrc) => { const srcPath = resolve(root, args.src); const rule = config.module.rule('js').test(/\.(jsx?|mjs)$/).include.add(srcPath).add(app).end().exclude.add(excludeNodeModules).end(); addScriptLoaders({ rule, babelrc, args }); }; const ts = (config, args, babelrc) => { const srcPath = resolve(root, args.src); const rule = config.module.rule('ts').test(/\.tsx?$/).include.add(srcPath).add(app).end().exclude.add(excludeNodeModules).end(); addScriptLoaders({ rule, babelrc, args }); }; const mdx = (config, args, babelrc) => { const { mdPlugins, hastPlugins } = args; const srcPath = resolve(root, args.src); const rule = config.module.rule('mdx').test(/\.(md|markdown|mdx)$/).include.add(srcPath).add(root).add(app).end().exclude.add(excludeNodeModules).end(); addScriptLoaders({ rule, babelrc, args, threadLoader: false }).use('mdx-loader').loader(require.resolve('@mdx-js/loader')).options({ remarkPlugins: mdPlugins.concat([[frontmatter, { type: 'yaml', marker: '-' }], remarkDocz]), rehypePlugins: hastPlugins.concat([[rehypeDocz, { root: root, useCodeSandbox: args.codeSandbox }], slug]) }); }; const INLINE_LIMIT = 10000; const images = config => { config.module.rule('images').test(/\.(png|jpe?g|gif)(\?.*)?$/).use('url-loader').loader(require.resolve('url-loader')).options({ limit: INLINE_LIMIT, name: `static/img/[name].[hash:8].[ext]` }); }; const svg = config => { config.module.rule('svg').test(/\.(svg)(\?.*)?$/).use('file-loader').loader(require.resolve('file-loader')).options({ name: `static/img/[name].[hash:8].[ext]` }); }; const media = config => { config.module.rule('media').test(/\.(mp4|webm|ogg|mp3|wav|flac|aac)(\?.*)?$/).use('url-loader').loader(require.resolve('url-loader')).options({ limit: INLINE_LIMIT, name: `static/media/[name].[hash:8].[ext]` }); }; const fonts = config => { config.module.rule('fonts').test(/\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\?.*)?$/i).use('url-loader').loader(require.resolve('url-loader')).options({ limit: INLINE_LIMIT, name: `static/fonts/[name].[hash:8].[ext]` }); }; const wrapItems = item => Object.keys(item).map(key => `${key}="${item[key]}"`).join(' '); const generateTags = template => (items = []) =>''); const generateMetaTags = generateTags(item => `<meta ${wrapItems(item)}>`); const generateLinkTags = generateTags(item => `<link ${wrapItems(item)}>`); const generateScriptTags = generateTags(item => `<script ${wrapItems(item)}></script>`); const generateRawTags = (items = []) => { if (typeof items === 'string' || items instanceof String) return items; return => item).join(''); }; const getHtmlFilepath = indexHtml => indexHtml ? resolve(root, indexHtml) : fromTemplates('index.tpl.html'); const getPublicUrl = (config, dev) => { const prefix = config.base === '/' ? '' : config.base; return dev ? prefix : `${prefix}/public`; }; const emptyLineTrim = new TemplateTag(replaceResultTransformer(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ''), trimResultTransformer); const htmlTemplate = async indexHtml => compiled(getHtmlFilepath(indexHtml), { minimize: false, escape: false }); const parseHtml = ({ config, ctx, dev, template }) => { const { title, description } = config; const { publicPath, css, js, lang = 'en', favicon, head = [], body = [], trimWhitespace } = ctx; const headStr = ` ${favicon ? `<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="${favicon}">` : ''} ${head.meta ? generateMetaTags(head.meta) : ''} ${head.links ? generateLinkTags(head.links) : ''} ${head.raw ? generateRawTags(head.raw) : ''} ${head.scripts ? generateScriptTags(head.scripts) : ''} ${generateCSSReferences(css, publicPath)}`; const footerStr = ` ${body.raw ? generateRawTags(body.raw) : ''} ${body.scripts ? generateScriptTags(body.scripts) : ''} ${generateJSReferences(js, publicPath)}`; const doc = html$1(template({ title, description, lang, head: headStr, footer: footerStr, publicUrl: getPublicUrl(config, dev) })); return trimWhitespace ? oneLineTrim(doc) : emptyLineTrim(doc); }; const assets = (config, args, env) => { const isProd = env === 'production'; const base = servedPath(args.base); const publicPath = isProd ? base : '/'; config.plugin('assets-plugin').use(manifestPlugin, [{ publicPath, fileName: 'assets.json' }]); }; const analyzer = config => { config.plugin('bundle-analyzer').use(BundleAnalyzerPlugin, [{ generateStatsFile: true, openAnalyzer: false, analyzerMode: 'static' }]); }; const injections = (config, args, env) => { const { stringify } = JSON; const base = servedPath(args.base); const plugin = require('webpack/lib/DefinePlugin'); config.plugin('injections').use(plugin, [Object.assign({}, getClientEnvironment(base).stringified, { NODE_ENV: stringify(env), DOCZ_BASE_URL: stringify(base) })]); }; const ignore = config => { config.plugin('ignore-plugin').use(IgnorePlugin, [/(regenerate\-unicode\-properties)|(elliptic)/, /node_modules/]); }; const hot = config => { config.plugin('hot-module-replacement').use(HotModuleReplacementPlugin, [{ multiStep: true }]); }; const html = async (config, args, env) => { const dev = env !== 'production'; const template = await htmlTemplate(args.indexHtml); config.plugin('html-plugin').use(miniHtmlWebpack, [{ context: Object.assign({}, args.htmlContext, { trimWhitespace: true }), template: ctx => { const doc = parseHtml({ ctx, dev, template, config: args }); return dev ? doc : minify(doc, { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, useShortDoctype: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true, keepClosingSlash: true, minifyJS: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyURLs: true }); } }]); }; const webpackBar = (config, args) => { config.plugin('webpackbar').use(webpackBarPlugin, [{ name: 'Docz', color: '#41b883' }]); }; const watchNodeModulesPlugin = config => { config.plugin('watch-missing-node-modules').use(watchMissingNodeModules, [appNodeModules]); }; const minifier = (config, args) => { config.optimization.minimizer('js').use(TerserPlugin, [{ terserOptions: { parse: { ecma: 8 }, compress: { ecma: 5, warnings: false, comparisons: false }, mangle: { safari10: true }, output: { ecma: 5, comments: false, ascii_only: true } }, parallel: true, cache: !args.debug, sourceMap: args.sourcemaps }]); }; const getBabelConfig = async (args, env, typescript) => { const isProd = env === 'production'; const isDev = env === 'development'; const localBabelRc = load('babel', { presets: [], plugins: [] }, false, true); const presets = [[require.resolve('babel-preset-react-app'), { typescript, flow: !args.typescript }]]; const defaultPlugins = [[require.resolve('babel-plugin-export-metadata'), { notUseSpecifiers: args.notUseSpecifiers }], [require.resolve('babel-plugin-named-asset-import'), { loaderMap: { svg: { ReactComponent: '@svgr/webpack?-prettier,-svgo![path]' } } }]]; const config = _merge(localBabelRc, { presets, babelrc: false, cacheCompression: args.debug ? false : isProd, cacheDirectory: !args.debug, cacheIdentifier: args.debug ? null : getCacheIdentifier(isProd ? 'production' : isDev && 'development', ['docz', 'docz-core']), compact: isProd, customize: require.resolve('babel-preset-react-app/webpack-overrides'), plugins: defaultPlugins.concat(!isProd ? [require.resolve('react-hot-loader/babel')] : []) }); const reduce = Plugin.reduceFromPlugins(args.plugins); const newConfig = reduce('modifyBabelRc', config, args); return args.modifyBabelRc(newConfig, args); }; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/camelcase */ const createConfig = (args, env) => async hooks => { const { debug } = args; const config = new Config(); const isProd = env === 'production'; const base = servedPath(args.base); const dist = getDist(args.dest); const srcPath = resolve(root, args.src); const publicPath = isProd ? base : '/'; /** * general */ config.context(root); config.set('mode', env); config.when(args.sourcemaps, cfg => cfg.devtool(isProd ? 'source-map' : 'cheap-module-eval-source-map'), cfg => cfg.devtool(false)); config.node.merge({ child_process: 'empty', dgram: 'empty', fs: 'empty', net: 'empty', tls: 'empty' }); /** * output */ const outputProd = output => output.filename('static/js/[name].[hash].js').sourceMapFilename('static/js/[name].[hash]').chunkFilename('static/js/[name].[chunkhash:8].js'); const outputDev = output => output.filename('static/js/[name].js').sourceMapFilename('static/js/[name]'); config.output.pathinfo(true).path(resolve(root, dist)).publicPath(publicPath).when(isProd, outputProd, outputDev).crossOriginLoading('anonymous').devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate(info => resolve(info.resourcePath).replace(/\\/g, '/')); /** * entries */ config.entry('app').when(!isProd, entry => entry.add(require.resolve('react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient'))).add(indexJs); /** * resolve */ config.resolve.set('symlinks', true); config.resolve.extensions.add('.web.js').add('.mjs').add('.js').add('.json').add('.web.jsx').add('.jsx').add('.mdx').end(); config.resolve.alias.set('react-native$', 'react-native-web'); const inYarnWorkspaces = __dirname.includes('/docz/core/docz-core'); const doczDependenciesDir = inYarnWorkspaces ? join(__dirname, '../../../../node_modules') : ownNodeModules; config.resolve.modules.add('node_modules').add(doczDependenciesDir).add(srcPath).add(root).merge(get('node.path').split(delimiter).filter(Boolean)); config.resolveLoader.set('symlinks', true).modules // prioritize our own .add('node_modules').add(doczDependenciesDir).add(root); /** * loaders */ const jsBabelrc = await getBabelConfig(args, env); const tsBabelrc = await getBabelConfig(args, env, true); config.when(args.sourcemaps, cfg => sourceMaps(cfg, args)); js(config, args, jsBabelrc); mdx(config, args, jsBabelrc); images(config); svg(config); media(config); fonts(config); await html(config, args, env); assets(config, args, env); ignore(config); injections(config, args, env); isProd && hot(config); config.when(debug, cfg => analyzer(cfg)); config.when(!isProd, cfg => watchNodeModulesPlugin(cfg)); config.when(!debug && !isProd, cfg => webpackBar(cfg, args)); /** * typescript setup */ config.when(args.typescript, cfg => { cfg.resolve.extensions.prepend('.ts').prepend('.tsx').end(); ts(cfg, args, tsBabelrc); }); /** * optimization */ config.optimization.nodeEnv(env).namedModules(true).minimize(isProd).splitChunks({ cacheGroups: { vendor: { test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/, name: 'vendors', chunks: 'all' } } }); config.performance.hints(false); config.when(isProd, cfg => minifier(cfg, args)); hooks.onCreateWebpackChain(config, !isProd, args); args.onCreateWebpackChain(config, !isProd, args); return config.toConfig(); }; const devServerConfig = (hooks, args) => { const srcPath = resolve(root, args.src); const publicDir = resolve(root, args.public); const nonExistentDir = resolve(__dirname, 'non-existent'); return { publicPath: '/', compress: true, logLevel: args.debug ? 'debug' : 'silent', clientLogLevel: args.debug ? 'info' : 'none', contentBase: [nonExistentDir], watchContentBase: true, hot: true, quiet: !args.debug, open: true, watchOptions: { ignored: ignoredFiles(srcPath) }, overlay: false, host:, port: args.port, historyApiFallback: { disableDotRule: true }, disableHostCheck: true, before(app, server) { app.use('/public', static$1(publicDir)); app.use(evalSourceMapMiddleware(server)); app.use(errorOverlayMiddleware()); hooks.onPreCreateApp(app); }, after(app) { hooks.onCreateApp(app); } }; }; const useYarn = existsSync(appYarnLock); const server = args => async (config, hooks) => ({ start: async () => { const serverConfig = devServerConfig(hooks, args); const protocol = process.env.HTTPS === 'true' ? 'https' : 'http'; const appName = require(packageJson).name; const useTypescript = args.typescript; const urls = prepareUrls(protocol,, args.port); const devSocket = { warnings: warnings => devServer.sockWrite(devServer.sockets, 'warnings', warnings), errors: errors => devServer.sockWrite(devServer.sockets, 'errors', errors) }; const compiler = createCompiler({ appName, config, devSocket, urls, useYarn, useTypescript, webpack }); const devServer = new WebpackDevServer(compiler, serverConfig); return devServer.listen(args.port,, err => { if (err) return logger__default.fatal(err); hooks.onServerListening(devServer); }); } }); const FSR = require('react-dev-utils/FileSizeReporter'); const formatWebpackMessages = require('react-dev-utils/formatWebpackMessages'); const { measureFileSizesBeforeBuild, printFileSizesAfterBuild } = FSR; const WARN_AFTER_BUNDLE_GZIP_SIZE = 512 * 1024; const WARN_AFTER_CHUNK_GZIP_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; const hasCiEnvVar = () => get('ci', false, { parse: true }); const copyPublicFolder = async (dest, publicDir) => { if (await pathExists(publicDir)) { await copy(publicDir, distPublic(dest), { dereference: true, filter: file => file !== indexHtml }); } }; const compile = config => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let compiler; try { compiler = webpack(config); } catch (err) { onError(err); } compiler &&, stats) => { if (err) reject(err); resolve(stats); }); }); const builder = async (config, previousFileSizes) => new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const stats = await compile(config); const messages = formatWebpackMessages(stats.toJson({}, true)); if (messages.errors.length) { return reject(new Error(messages.errors.join('\n\n'))); } if (hasCiEnvVar() && messages.warnings.length) { warn('\nTreating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true.\n' + 'Most CI servers set it automatically.\n'); return reject(new Error(messages.warnings.join('\n\n'))); } return resolve({ stats, previousFileSizes, warnings: messages.warnings }); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); const onSuccess = (dist, { stats, previousFileSizes, warnings }) => { if (warnings.length) { log(); warn('Compiled with warnings.\n'); warn(warnings.join('\n\n')); warn('\nSearch for the ' + chalk$1.underline(chalk$1.yellow('keywords')) + ' to learn more about each warning.'); warn('To ignore, add ' + chalk$1.cyan('// eslint-disable-next-line') + ' to the line before.\n'); } log(); log(`File sizes after gzip:\n`); printFileSizesAfterBuild(stats, previousFileSizes, dist, WARN_AFTER_BUNDLE_GZIP_SIZE, WARN_AFTER_CHUNK_GZIP_SIZE); log(); }; const onError = err => { log(); fatal(err); process.exit(1); log(); }; const build = async (config, dist, publicDir) => { const interactive = new Signale({ interactive: true, scope: 'build' }); try { interactive.start('Creating an optimized bundle'); await ensureDir(dist); const previousFileSizes = await measureFileSizesBeforeBuild(dist); await emptyDir(dist); await copyPublicFolder(dist, publicDir); const result = await builder(config, previousFileSizes); interactive.success('Build successfully created'); onSuccess(dist, result); } catch (err) { fatal(chalk$'Failed to compile.\n')); onError(err); } }; const bundler = (args, env) => new Bundler({ args, build, config: createConfig(args, env), server: server(args) }); /** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var chalk = require('chalk'); var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; var spawn = require('cross-spawn'); var opn = require('opn'); // var OSX_CHROME = 'google chrome'; const Actions = Object.freeze({ NONE: 0, BROWSER: 1, SCRIPT: 2 }); function getBrowserEnv() { // Attempt to honor this environment variable. // It is specific to the operating system. // See for documentation. const value = process.env.BROWSER; let action; if (!value) { // Default. action = Actions.BROWSER; } else if (value.toLowerCase().endsWith('.js')) { action = Actions.SCRIPT; } else if (value.toLowerCase() === 'none') { action = Actions.NONE; } else { action = Actions.BROWSER; } return { action, value }; } function executeNodeScript(scriptPath, url) { const extraArgs = process.argv.slice(2); const child = spawn('node', [scriptPath, ...extraArgs, url], { stdio: 'inherit' }); child.on('close', code => { if (code !== 0) { console.log(); console.log('The script specified as BROWSER environment variable failed.')); console.log(chalk.cyan(scriptPath) + ' exited with code ' + code + '.'); console.log(); return; } }); return true; } function startBrowserProcess(browser, url) { // If we're on OS X, the user hasn't specifically // requested a different browser, we can try opening // Chrome with AppleScript. This lets us reuse an // existing tab when possible instead of creating a new one. const shouldTryOpenChromeWithAppleScript = process.platform === 'darwin' && (typeof browser !== 'string' || browser === OSX_CHROME); if (shouldTryOpenChromeWithAppleScript) { try { // Try our best to reuse existing tab // on OS X Google Chrome with AppleScript execSync('ps cax | grep "Google Chrome"'); execSync('osascript openChrome.applescript "' + encodeURI(url) + '"', { cwd: __dirname, stdio: 'ignore' }); return true; } catch (err) {// Ignore errors. } } // Another special case: on OS X, check if BROWSER has been set to "open". // In this case, instead of passing `open` to `opn` (which won't work), // just ignore it (thus ensuring the intended behavior, i.e. opening the system browser): // if (process.platform === 'darwin' && browser === 'open') { browser = undefined; } // Fallback to opn // (It will always open new tab) try { var options = { app: browser, wait: false }; opn(url, options).catch(() => {}); // Prevent `unhandledRejection` error. return true; } catch (err) { return false; } } /** * Reads the BROWSER environment variable and decides what to do with it. Returns * true if it opened a browser or ran a node.js script, otherwise false. */ function openBrowser(url) { const { action, value } = getBrowserEnv(); switch (action) { case Actions.NONE: // Special case: BROWSER="none" will prevent opening completely. return false; case Actions.SCRIPT: return executeNodeScript(value, url); case Actions.BROWSER: return startBrowserProcess(value, url); default: throw new Error('Not implemented.'); } } const mapToArray = (map = []) => Object.entries(map).map(entry => entry && { key: entry[0], value: entry[1] }).filter(Boolean); const updateEntries = entries => async p => { const prev = _get('entries', p.getState()); const map = await entries.get(); if (map && !equal(prev, map)) { await Entries.writeImports(map); p.setState('entries', mapToArray(map)); } }; const state = (entries, config, dev) => { const src = relative(root, config.src); const files = Array.isArray(config.files) ? => join(src, filePath)) : join(src, config.files); const ignored = config.watchIgnore || /(((^|[\/\\])\..+)|(node_modules))/; const watcher =, { cwd: root, ignored, persistent: true }); watcher.setMaxListeners(Infinity); return { id: 'entries', start: async params => { const update = updateEntries(entries); await update(params); if (dev) { watcher.on('add', async () => update(params)); watcher.on('change', async () => update(params)); watcher.on('unlink', async () => update(params)); watcher.on('raw', async (event, path, details) => { if (details.event === 'moved' && details.type === 'directory') { await update(params); } }); } }, close: () => { watcher.close(); } }; }; const getInitialConfig = config => { const pkg = readJsonSync(appPackageJson, { throws: false }); const repoUrl = getRepoUrl(); return { title: config.title, description: config.description, menu:, version: get$1(pkg, 'version'), repository: repoUrl, native: config.native, codeSandbox: config.codeSandbox, themeConfig: config.themeConfig, separator: config.separator }; }; const update = async (params, initial, { config }) => { const next = config ? loadFrom(resolve(config), initial, true, true) : load('docz', initial, true, true); params.setState('config', next); }; const state$1 = (config, dev) => { const initial = getInitialConfig(config); const glob = config.config || finds('docz'); const ignored = config.watchIgnore || /(((^|[\/\\])\..+)|(node_modules))/; const watcher =, { cwd: root, ignored, persistent: true }); watcher.setMaxListeners(Infinity); return { id: 'config', start: async params => { const fn = async () => update(params, initial, config); await update(params, initial, config); if (dev) { watcher.on('add', fn); watcher.on('change', fn); watcher.on('unlink', fn); } }, close: () => { watcher.close(); } }; }; const throwError = err => { logger__default.fatal(`Error parsing static types`); logger__default.error(err); }; const jsParser = (files, config) => { const resolver = config.docgenConfig.resolver || reactDocgen.resolver.findAllExportedComponentDefinitions; const parseFilepathProps = filepath => { const handlers = reactDocgen.defaultHandlers.concat([externalProptypesHandler(filepath), actualNameHandler]); try { const code = readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8'); const props = reactDocgen.parse(code, resolver, handlers); return { key: normalize(filepath), value: props }; } catch (err) { if (config.debug) throwError(err); return null; } }; return; }; const digest = str => createHash('md5').update(str).digest('hex'); const cacheFilepath = join(cache, 'propsParser.json'); const readCacheFile = () => readJSONSync(cacheFilepath, { throws: false }); function checkFilesOnCache(files) { const cache = readCacheFile(); if (_isEmpty(cache)) return files; return files.filter(filepath => { const normalized = normalize(filepath); const hash = digest(readFileSync(normalized, 'utf-8')); const found = _get(normalized, cache); return found && hash !== found.hash; }); } function writePropsOnCache(items) { const cache = readCacheFile(); const newCache = items.reduce((obj, { key: filepath, value }) => { const normalized = normalize(filepath); const hash = digest(readFileSync(normalized, 'utf-8')); return Object.assign({}, obj, { [normalized]: { hash, props: value } }); }, {}); outputJSONSync(cacheFilepath, Object.assign({}, cache, newCache)); } function getPropsOnCache() { const cache = readCacheFile(); if (_isEmpty(cache)) { warn('Any cache was found with your props definitions'); warn("We'll parse your components to get props from them"); warn('Depending on your components, this could take while...'); return []; } return Object.entries(cache).map(([key, value]) => ({ key, value: _get('props', value) })); } const mergeWithCache = (cache, props) => { const keys ='key')); return cache.filter(item => !_contains(item.key, keys)).concat(props); }; const removeFromCache = filepath => { const cache = readCacheFile(); outputJSONSync(cacheFilepath, _omit(filepath, cache)); }; const getInitialFilesMap = () => { const cache = readCacheFile(); if (_isEmpty(cache)) return new Map(); const map = new Map(); _entries(cache).forEach(([filepath]) => { const exist = pathExistsSync(filepath); if (!exist) { removeFromCache(filepath); } else { map.set(filepath, { text: readFileSync(filepath, 'utf-8'), version: 0 }); } }); return map; }; let languageService = null; const filesMap = getInitialFilesMap(); function getTSConfigFile(tsconfigPath) { const basePath = dirname(tsconfigPath); const configFile = ts$1.readConfigFile(tsconfigPath, ts$1.sys.readFile); return ts$1.parseJsonConfigFileContent(configFile.config, ts$1.sys, basePath, {}, tsconfigPath); } function loadFiles(filesToLoad) { filesToLoad.forEach(filepath => { const normalized = normalize(filepath); const found = filesMap.get(normalized); filesMap.set(normalized, { text: readFileSync(normalized, 'utf-8'), version: found ? found.version + 1 : 0 }); }); } function createServiceHost(compilerOptions, files) { return { getScriptFileNames: () => { return [...files.keys()]; }, getScriptVersion: fileName => { const file = files.get(fileName); return file && file.version.toString() || ''; }, getScriptSnapshot: fileName => { if (!existsSync$1(fileName)) { return undefined; } let file = files.get(fileName); if (file === undefined) { const text = readFileSync(fileName).toString(); file = { version: 0, text }; files.set(fileName, file); } return ts$1.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(file.text); }, getCurrentDirectory: () => process.cwd(), getCompilationSettings: () => compilerOptions, getDefaultLibFileName: options => ts$1.getDefaultLibFilePath(options), fileExists: ts$1.sys.fileExists, readFile: ts$1.sys.readFile, readDirectory: ts$1.sys.readDirectory }; } const parseFiles = (files, config, tsconfig) => { const opts = { propFilter(prop) { if (prop.parent == null) return true; const propFilter = config.docgenConfig.propFilter; const val = propFilter && _isFunction(propFilter) && propFilter(prop); return !prop.parent.fileName.includes('node_modules') || Boolean(val); }, componentNameResolver(exp, source) { const componentNameResolver = config.docgenConfig.resolver; const val = componentNameResolver && _isFunction(componentNameResolver) && componentNameResolver(exp, source); return val; } }; loadFiles(files); const parser = reactDocgenTs.withCustomConfig(tsconfig, opts); const compilerOptions = _get('options', getTSConfigFile(tsconfig)); const programProvider = () => { if (languageService) return languageService.getProgram(); const servicesHost = createServiceHost(compilerOptions, filesMap); const documentRegistry = ts$1.createDocumentRegistry(); languageService = ts$1.createLanguageService(servicesHost, documentRegistry); return languageService.getProgram(); }; return => ({ key: normalize(filepath), value: parser.parseWithProgramProvider(filepath, programProvider) })); }; const tsParser = (files, config, tsconfig) => { if (!tsconfig) return null; const filesToLoad = checkFilesOnCache(files); const propsOnCache = getPropsOnCache(); if (!filesToLoad.length) return propsOnCache; const next = parseFiles(filesToLoad, config, tsconfig); writePropsOnCache(next); return mergeWithCache(propsOnCache, next); }; const docgen = async (files, config) => { const tsconfig = await findup('tsconfig.json', { cwd: root }); return config.typescript ? tsParser(files, config, tsconfig) : jsParser(files, config); }; const getPattern = config => { const { ignore, src: source, typescript: ts, docgenConfig: docgenConfig } = config; const src = relative(root, docgenConfig.searchPath ? docgenConfig.searchPath : source); return => `!**/${entry}`).concat([join(src, ts ? '**/*.{ts,tsx}' : '**/*.{js,jsx,mjs}'), '!**/node_modules', '!**/doczrc.js']); }; const removeFilepath = (items, filepath) => items.filter(item => item.key !== filepath); const initial = (config, pattern) => async p => { const { filterComponents } = config; const files = await glob(pattern, { cwd: root }); const filtered = filterComponents ? filterComponents(files) : files; const metadata = await docgen(filtered, config); p.setState('props', metadata); }; const change = (p, config) => async filepath => { const prev = _get('props', p.getState()); const metadata = await docgen([filepath], config); const filtered = metadata.filter(_propEq('key', filepath)); const next = removeFilepath(prev, filepath).concat(filtered); p.setState('props', next); }; const remove = p => async filepath => { const prev = _get('props', p.getState()); const next = removeFilepath(prev, filepath); p.setState('props', next); }; const state$2 = (config, dev) => { const pattern = getPattern(config); const ignored = config.watchIgnore || /(((^|[\/\\])\..+)|(node_modules))/; const watcher =, { cwd: root, ignored, persistent: true }); watcher.setMaxListeners(Infinity); return { id: 'props', start: async params => { const addInitial = initial(config, pattern); await addInitial(params); if (dev) { watcher.on('change', change(params, config)); watcher.on('unlink', remove(params)); } }, close: () => { watcher.close(); } }; }; var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ entries: state, config: state$1, props: state$2 }); process.setMaxListeners(Infinity); const dev = async args => { const env = get('node.env'); const config = await parseConfig(args); const bundler$1 = bundler(config, env); const entries = new Entries(config); const { websocketHost, websocketPort } = config; const bundlerConfig = await bundler$1.mountConfig(env); const app = await bundler$1.createApp(bundlerConfig); try { await Entries.writeApp(config, true); await Entries.writeImports((await entries.get())); } catch (err) { fatal('Failed to build your files'); error(err); process.exit(1); } const server = await app.start(); const dataServer = new DataServer(); const socket = new Socket(server, websocketHost, websocketPort); if (config.propsParser) dataServer.register([state$2(config, true)]); dataServer.register([state$1(config, true), state(entries, config, true)]); try { await dataServer.start(); if ( || args.o) openBrowser(`http://${}:${config.port}`); } catch (err) { fatal('Failed to process data server'); error(err); dataServer.close(); process.exit(1); } socket.onConnection((_, emit) => { const subscribe = dataServer.onStateChange(action => { emit(action.type, action.payload); }); return () => subscribe(); }); onSignal(async () => { dataServer.close(); server.close(); }); server.on('close', async () => { dataServer.close(); }); }; const build$1 = async args => { const env = get('node.env'); const config = await parseConfig(args); const entries = new Entries(config); const bundler$1 = bundler(config, env); const bundlerConfig = await bundler$1.mountConfig(env); const run = Plugin.runPluginsMethod(config.plugins); const dataServer = new DataServer(); if (config.propsParser) dataServer.register([state$2(config)]); dataServer.register([state$1(config), state(entries, config)]); try { await Entries.writeApp(config, false); await Entries.writeImports((await entries.get())); await dataServer.start(); await run('onPreBuild', config); await bundler$; await run('onPostBuild', config); dataServer.close(); } catch (err) { error(err); process.exit(1); dataServer.close(); } }; const serve = async args => { const config = await parseConfig(args); const dist = getDist(config.dest); spawn$1.sync('serve', ['-s', dist], { stdio: 'inherit' }); }; const cli = () => { return command('dev', 'initialize docz dev server', setArgs, async args => { setEnv('development'); await dev(args); }).command('build', 'build dir as static site', setArgs, async args => { setEnv('production'); await build$1(args); process.exit(); }).command('serve', 'serve dir as static site', setArgs, async args => { setEnv('production'); await build$1(args); await serve(args); process.exit(); }).demandCommand().help().wrap(72).epilog('for more information visit').showHelpOnFail(false, 'whoops, something went wrong! run with --help').argv; }; /** cli exports */ export { DataServer, Entries, Entry, Plugin, cli, createPlugin, getBaseConfig, parseConfig, setArgs, index as states };