/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.metadata.json import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList import org.apache.metadata.{ITypedStruct, Struct, BaseTest} import org.apache.metadata.storage.StructInstance import org.apache.metadata.storage.StructInstance import org.apache.metadata.types._ import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.junit.Assert import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.native.Serialization.{read, write => swrite} import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._ class SerializationTest extends BaseTest { private[metadata] var structType: StructType = null private[metadata] var recursiveStructType: StructType = null @Before override def setup { super.setup structType = ms.getTypeSystem.getDataType(classOf[StructType], BaseTest.STRUCT_TYPE_1).asInstanceOf[StructType] recursiveStructType = ms.getTypeSystem.getDataType(classOf[StructType], BaseTest.STRUCT_TYPE_2).asInstanceOf[StructType] } @Test def test1 { val s: Struct = BaseTest.createStruct(ms) val ts: ITypedStruct = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED) Assert.assertEquals(ts.toString, "{\n\ta : \t1\n\tb : \ttrue\n\tc : \t1\n\td : \t2\n\te : \t1\n\tf : \t1\n\tg : \t1\n\th : \t1.0\n\ti : \t1.0\n\tj : \t1\n\tk : \t1\n\tl : \tWed Dec 10 18:35:58 PST 2014\n\tm : \t[1, 1]\n\tn : \t[1.1, 1.1]\n\to : \t{b=2.0, a=1.0}\n}") implicit val formats = org.json4s.native.Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new TypedStructSerializer + new BigDecimalSerializer + new BigIntegerSerializer //Json representation val ser = swrite(ts) Assert.assertEquals(ser, "{\"$typeName$\":\"t1\",\"e\":1,\"n\":[1.1,1.1],\"h\":1.0,\"b\":true,\"k\":1,\"j\":1,\"d\":2,\"m\":[1,1],\"g\":1,\"a\":1,\"i\":1.0,\"c\":1,\"l\":\"2014-12-11T02:35:58.440Z\",\"f\":1,\"o\":{\"b\":2.0,\"a\":1.0}}") // Typed Struct read back val ts1 = read[StructInstance](ser) Assert.assertEquals(ts1.toString, "{\n\ta : \t1\n\tb : \ttrue\n\tc : \t1\n\td : \t2\n\te : \t1\n\tf : \t1\n\tg : \t1\n\th : \t1.0\n\ti : \t1.0\n\tj : \t1\n\tk : \t1\n\tl : \tThu Dec 11 00:00:00 PST 2014\n\tm : \t[1, 1]\n\tn : \t[1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625, 1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625]\n\to : \t{b=2.0, a=1.0}\n}") } @Test def test2 { val s: Struct = BaseTest.createStruct(ms) val ts: ITypedStruct = structType.convert(s, Multiplicity.REQUIRED) implicit val formats = org.json4s.native.Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new TypedStructSerializer + new BigDecimalSerializer + new BigIntegerSerializer val ts1 = read[StructInstance]( """ {"$typeName$":"t1","e":1,"n":[1.1,1.1],"h":1.0,"b":true,"k":1,"j":1,"d":2,"m":[1,1],"g":1,"a":1,"i":1.0, "c":1,"l":"2014-12-03T19:38:55.053Z","f":1,"o":{"b":2.0,"a":1.0}}""") // Typed Struct read from string Assert.assertEquals(ts1.toString, "{\n\ta : \t1\n\tb : \ttrue\n\tc : \t1\n\td : \t2\n\te : \t1\n\tf : \t1\n\tg : \t1\n\th : \t1.0\n\ti : \t1.0\n\tj : \t1\n\tk : \t1\n\tl : \tWed Dec 03 00:00:00 PST 2014\n\tm : \t[1, 1]\n\tn : \t[1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625, 1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625]\n\to : \t{b=2.0, a=1.0}\n}") } @Test def testTrait { val A: HierarchicalTypeDefinition[TraitType] = createTraitTypeDef("A", null, BaseTest.createRequiredAttrDef("a", DataTypes.INT_TYPE), BaseTest.createOptionalAttrDef("b", DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE), BaseTest.createOptionalAttrDef("c", DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE), BaseTest.createOptionalAttrDef("d", DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE)) val B: HierarchicalTypeDefinition[TraitType] = createTraitTypeDef("B", ImmutableList.of[String]("A"), BaseTest.createOptionalAttrDef("b", DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE)) val C: HierarchicalTypeDefinition[TraitType] = createTraitTypeDef("C", ImmutableList.of[String]("A"), BaseTest.createOptionalAttrDef("c", DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE)) val D: HierarchicalTypeDefinition[TraitType] = createTraitTypeDef("D", ImmutableList.of[String]("B", "C"), BaseTest.createOptionalAttrDef("d", DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE)) defineTraits(A, B, C, D) val DType: TraitType = ms.getTypeSystem.getDataType(classOf[TraitType], "D").asInstanceOf[TraitType] val s1: Struct = new Struct("D") s1.set("d", 1) s1.set("c", 1) s1.set("b", true) s1.set("a", 1) s1.set("A.B.D.b", true) s1.set("A.B.D.c", 2) s1.set("A.B.D.d", 2) s1.set("A.C.D.a", 3) s1.set("A.C.D.b", false) s1.set("A.C.D.c", 3) s1.set("A.C.D.d", 3) val s: Struct = BaseTest.createStruct(ms) val ts: ITypedStruct = DType.convert(s1, Multiplicity.REQUIRED) implicit val formats = org.json4s.native.Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new TypedStructSerializer + new BigDecimalSerializer + new BigIntegerSerializer // Typed Struct : Assert.assertEquals(ts.toString, "{\n\td : \t1\n\tb : \ttrue\n\tc : \t1\n\ta : \t1\n\tA.B.D.b : \ttrue\n\tA.B.D.c : \t2\n\tA.B.D.d : \t2\n\tA.C.D.a : \t3\n\tA.C.D.b : \tfalse\n\tA.C.D.c : \t3\n\tA.C.D.d : \t3\n}") // Json representation : val ser = swrite(ts) Assert.assertEquals(ser, "{\"$typeName$\":\"D\",\"A.C.D.d\":3,\"A.B.D.c\":2,\"b\":true,\"A.C.D.c\":3,\"d\":1,\"A.B.D.b\":true,\"a\":1,\"A.C.D.b\":false,\"A.B.D.d\":2,\"c\":1,\"A.C.D.a\":3}") val ts1 = read[StructInstance]( """ {"$typeName$":"D","A.C.D.d":3,"A.B.D.c":2,"b":true,"A.C.D.c":3,"d":1, "A.B.D.b":true,"a":1,"A.C.D.b":false,"A.B.D.d":2,"c":1,"A.C.D.a":3}""") // Typed Struct read from string: Assert.assertEquals(ts1.toString, "{\n\td : \t1\n\tb : \ttrue\n\tc : \t1\n\ta : \t1\n\tA.B.D.b : \ttrue\n\tA.B.D.c : \t2\n\tA.B.D.d : \t2\n\tA.C.D.a : \t3\n\tA.C.D.b : \tfalse\n\tA.C.D.c : \t3\n\tA.C.D.d : \t3\n}") } }