---+ Import API The general approach is: * Consumer makes a ZIP file available for import operation. See details below for the 2 flavors of the API. * The API if successful, will return the results of the operation. * Error will be returned on failure of the call. ---+++ Import ZIP File Using POST |*Title*|*Import API*| | _Example_ | See Examples sections below. | | _Description_|Provide the contents of the file to be imported in the request body.| | _URL_ |_api/atlas/admin/import_ | | _Method_ |_POST_ | | _URL Parameters_ |_None_ | | _Data Parameters_|_None_| | _Success Response_ | _!AtlasImporResult_ is returned as JSON. See details below.| |_Error Response_|Errors that are handled within the system will be returned as _!AtlasBaseException_. | ---+++ Import ZIP File Available on Server |*Title*|*Import API*| | _Example_ | See Examples sections below. | | _Description_|Provide the path of the file to be imported.| | _URL_ |_api/atlas/admin/importfile_ | | _Method_ |_POST_ | | _URL Parameters_ |_None_ | | _Data Parameters_|_None_| | _Success Response_ | _!AtlasImporResult_ is returned as JSON. See details below.| |_Error Response_|Errors that are handled within the system will be returned as _!AtlasBaseException_. | |_Notes_| The file to be imported needs to be present on the server at the location specified by the _FILENAME_ parameter.| __Method Signature for Import__ <verbatim> @POST @Path("/import") @Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8") @Consumes("multipart/form-data") </verbatim> __Method Signature for Import File__ <verbatim> @POST @Path("/importfile") @Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8") @Consumes("application/json") </verbatim> __Import Options__ Please see __[[Import-API-Options][here]]__ for the available options during import process. __!AtlasImportResult Response__ The API will return the results of the import operation in the format defined by the _!AtlasImportResult_: * _!AtlasImportParameters_: This contains a collection of name value pair of the options that are applied during the import operation. * _Metrics_: Operation metrics. These include details on the number of types imported, number of entities imported, etc. * _Processed Entities_: Contains list of GUIDs for the entities that were processed. * _Operation Status_: Overall status of the operation. Values are _SUCCESS_, PARTIAL_SUCCESS, _FAIL_. ---+++ Examples Using CURL Calls The call below performs Import of _!QuickStart_ database using POST. <verbatim> curl -g -X POST -u adminuser:password -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -F request=@importOptions.json -F data=@quickStartDB.zip "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/import" </verbatim> The _request_ parameter is optional. If import has to be run without any options use: <verbatim> curl -g -X POST -u adminuser:password -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -F data=@quickStartDB.zip "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/import" </verbatim> The call below performs Import of _!QuickStart_ database using a ZIP file available on server. <verbatim> curl -X POST -u adminuser:password -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d ./importOptions.json "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/admin/importFile" > quickStartDB-import-result.json </verbatim> Below is the _!AtlasImportResult_ JSON for an import that contains _hive_db_. The _processedEntities_ contains the _guids_ of all the entities imported. The _metrics_ contain a breakdown of the types and entities imported along with the operation performed on them viz. _created_ or _updated_. <verbatim> { "request": { "options": {} }, "userName": "admin", "clientIpAddress": "", "hostName": "", "timeStamp": 1491285622823, "metrics": { "duration": 9143, "typedef:enum": 0, "typedef:struct": 0, "entity:hive_column:created": 461, "entity:hive_storagedesc:created": 20, "entity:hive_process:created": 12, "entity:hive_db:created": 5, "entity:hive_table:created": 20, "entity:hdfs_path:created": 2, "typedef:entitydef": 0, "typedef:classification": 3 }, "processedEntities": [ "2c4aa713-030b-4fb3-98b1-1cab23d9ac81", "e4aa71ed-70fd-4fa7-9dfb-8250a573e293", ... "ea0f9bdb-1dfc-4e48-9848-a006129929f9", "b5e2cb41-3e7d-4468-84e1-d87c320e75f9" ], "operationStatus": "SUCCESS" } </verbatim>