/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define(["require", "backbone", "hbs!tmpl/business_metadata/EnumCreateUpdateItemView_tmpl", "utils/Utils", "utils/UrlLinks"], function( require, Backbone, EnumCreateUpdateItemViewTmpl, Utils, UrlLinks ) { "use strict"; return Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend( /** @lends GlobalExclusionListView */ { template: EnumCreateUpdateItemViewTmpl, /** Layout sub regions */ regions: {}, /** ui selector cache */ ui: { enumTypeSelectorContainer: "[data-id='enumTypeSelectorContainer']", enumSelector: "[data-id='enumSelector']", enumValueSelectorContainer: "[data-id='enumValueSelectorContainer']", valueSelector: "[data-id='valueSelector']", enumCancleBtn: "[data-id='enumCancleBtn']", enumOkBtn: "[data-id='enumOkBtn']" }, /** ui events hash */ events: function() { var events = {}; events["change " + this.ui.enumSelector] = function(e) { this.model.set({ enumValues: e.target.value.trim() }); }; events["change " + this.ui.enumSelector] = function(e) { var emumValue = this.ui.enumSelector.select2("data")[0] ? this.ui.enumSelector.select2("data")[0].text : this.ui.enumSelector.val(); if (emumValue == "" || emumValue == null) { this.ui.enumValueSelectorContainer.hide(); } else { this.ui.enumValueSelectorContainer.show(); this.showEnumValues(emumValue); } }; events["change " + this.ui.valueSelector] = function(e) {}; events["click " + this.ui.enumCancleBtn] = function(e) { if (this.options.closeModal) { this.options.closeModal(); return; } this.ui.enumValueSelectorContainer.hide(); this.ui.enumSelector.val("").trigger("change"); this.ui.enumCancleBtn.attr("disabled", "true"); }; events["click " + this.ui.enumOkBtn] = function(e) { this.ui.enumCancleBtn.attr("disabled", "true"); this.onUpdateEnum(); }; return events; }, /** * intialize a new GlobalExclusionComponentView Layout * @constructs */ initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, "businessMetadataDefCollection", "enumDefCollection")); }, onRender: function() { this.ui.enumValueSelectorContainer.hide(); this.bindEvents(); this.emumTypeSelectDisplay(); if (!this.options.closeModal) { this.ui.enumCancleBtn.attr("disabled", "true"); this.ui.enumCancleBtn.text("Clear"); } }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; this.listenTo(this.enumDefCollection, 'reset', function() { that.emumTypeSelectDisplay(); }) }, showEnumValues: function(enumName) { var enumValues = "", selectedValues = [], selectedEnum = this.enumDefCollection.fullCollection.findWhere({ name: enumName }), selectedEnumValues = selectedEnum ? selectedEnum.get("elementDefs") : null; _.each(selectedEnumValues, function(enumVal, index) { selectedValues.push(_.unescape(enumVal.value)); enumValues += "<option>" + enumVal.value + "</option>"; }); this.ui.enumCancleBtn.removeAttr("disabled"); this.ui.valueSelector.empty(); this.ui.valueSelector.append(enumValues); this.ui.valueSelector.val(selectedValues); this.ui.valueSelector.select2({ placeholder: "Select Enum value", allowClear: false, tags: true, multiple: true }); }, emumTypeSelectDisplay: function() { var enumTypes = ""; this.enumDefCollection.fullCollection.each(function(model, index) { enumTypes += "<option>" + _.escape(model.get("name")) + "</option>"; }); this.ui.enumSelector.empty(); this.ui.enumSelector.append(enumTypes); this.ui.enumSelector.val(""); this.ui.enumSelector.select2({ placeholder: "Select Enum name", tags: true, allowClear: true, multiple: false, templateResult: this.formatSearchResult }); }, formatSearchResult: function(state) { if (!state.id) { return state.text; } if (!state.element) { return $("<span>Create new enum : <strong> " + _.escape(state.text) + "</strong></span>"); } else { return $("<span>" + _.escape(state.text) + "</span>"); } }, validationEnum: function() { var selectedEnumName = this.ui.enumSelector.val(), selectedEnumValues = this.ui.valueSelector.val(); if (selectedEnumName == "" || selectedEnumName == null) { this.ui.enumOkBtn.hideButtonLoader(); Utils.notifyInfo({ content: "Please enter the Enumeration Name" }); return true; } if (selectedEnumValues == "" || selectedEnumValues == null) { this.ui.enumOkBtn.hideButtonLoader(); Utils.notifyInfo({ content: "Please enter the Enum values" }); return true; } }, onUpdateEnum: function(view, modal) { var that = this, selectedEnumName = this.ui.enumSelector.val(), selectedEnumValues = this.ui.valueSelector.val(), enumName = this.enumDefCollection.fullCollection.findWhere({ name: selectedEnumName }), isPutCall = false, isPostCallEnum = false, enumDefs = []; if (this.validationEnum()) { return; } this.ui.enumOkBtn.showButtonLoader(); this.ui.enumSelector.attr("disabled", "true"); this.ui.valueSelector.attr("disabled", "true"); this.ui.enumCancleBtn.attr("disabled", "true"); if (enumName) { var enumDef = enumName.get("elementDefs"); if (enumDef.length === selectedEnumValues.length) { _.each(enumDef, function(enumVal, index) { if (selectedEnumValues.indexOf(enumVal.value) === -1) { isPutCall = true; } }); } else { isPutCall = true; } } else { isPostCallEnum = true; } var elementValues = []; _.each(selectedEnumValues, function(inputEnumVal, index) { elementValues.push({ ordinal: index + 1, value: _.escape(inputEnumVal) }); }); enumDefs.push({ name: selectedEnumName, elementDefs: elementValues }); this.json = { enumDefs: enumDefs }; var apiObj = { sort: false, success: function(model, response) { that.ui.enumValueSelectorContainer.hide(); if (isPostCallEnum) { that.enumDefCollection.add(model.enumDefs[0]); Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "Enumeration " + selectedEnumName + " added successfully" }); } else { var foundEnum = that.enumDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ guid: model.enumDefs[0].guid }) if (foundEnum) { foundEnum.set(model.enumDefs[0]); } Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "Enumeration " + selectedEnumName + " updated successfully" }); } that.enumDefCollection.fetch({ reset: true }); if (that.options.onUpdateEnum) { //callback from BusinessMetadataAttributeItemView that.options.onUpdateEnum(); } that.ui.enumCancleBtn.attr("disabled", "true"); }, silent: true, reset: true, complete: function(model, status) { that.emumTypeSelectDisplay(); that.ui.enumOkBtn.hideButtonLoader(); that.ui.enumSelector.removeAttr("disabled"); that.ui.valueSelector.removeAttr("disabled"); if (that.options.closeModal) { that.options.closeModal(); } } }; $.extend(apiObj, { contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify(this.json) }); if (isPostCallEnum) { this.businessMetadataDefCollection.constructor.nonCrudOperation.call(this, UrlLinks.typedefsUrl().defs, "POST", apiObj); } else if (isPutCall) { this.businessMetadataDefCollection.constructor.nonCrudOperation.call(this, UrlLinks.typedefsUrl().defs, "PUT", apiObj); } else { Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "No updated values" }); that.ui.enumOkBtn.hideButtonLoader(); that.ui.enumSelector.removeAttr("disabled"); that.ui.valueSelector.removeAttr("disabled"); if (that.options.closeModal) { that.options.closeModal(); } } } } ); });