/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define(['require', 'backbone', 'hbs!tmpl/glossary/GlossaryDetailLayoutView_tmpl', 'utils/Utils', 'utils/Messages', 'utils/Globals', 'utils/CommonViewFunction', 'collection/VGlossaryList' ], function(require, Backbone, GlossaryDetailLayoutViewTmpl, Utils, Messages, Globals, CommonViewFunction, VGlossaryList) { 'use strict'; var GlossaryDetailLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend( /** @lends GlossaryDetailLayoutView */ { _viewName: 'GlossaryDetailLayoutView', template: GlossaryDetailLayoutViewTmpl, /** Layout sub regions */ regions: { RSearchResultLayoutView: "#r_searchResultLayoutView", RTagTableLayoutView: "#r_tagTableLayoutView", RRelationLayoutView: "#r_relationLayoutView" }, templateHelpers: function() { return { isTermView: this.isTermView, isCategoryView: this.isCategoryView }; }, /** ui selector cache */ ui: { details: "[data-id='details']", editButton: "[data-id='editButton']", title: "[data-id='title']", shortDescription: "[data-id='shortDescription']", longDescription: "[data-id='longDescription']", categoryList: "[data-id='categoryList']", removeCategory: "[data-id='removeCategory']", categoryClick: "[data-id='categoryClick']", addCategory: "[data-id='addCategory']", termList: "[data-id='termList']", removeTerm: "[data-id='removeTerm']", termClick: "[data-id='termClick']", addTerm: "[data-id='addTerm']", tagList: "[data-id='tagListTerm']", removeTag: '[data-id="removeTagTerm"]', tagClick: '[data-id="tagClickTerm"]', addTag: '[data-id="addTagTerm"]', backButton: '[data-id="backButton"]' }, /** ui events hash */ events: function() { var events = {}; events["click " + this.ui.categoryClick] = function(e) { if (e.target.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() == "i") { this.onClickRemoveAssociationBtn(e); } else { var guid = $(e.currentTarget).data('guid'), gId = this.data.anchor && this.data.anchor.glossaryGuid, categoryObj = _.find(this.data.categories, { "categoryGuid": guid }); this.glossary.selectedItem = { "type": "GlossaryCategory", "guid": guid, "model": categoryObj }; Utils.setUrl({ url: '#!/glossary/' + guid, mergeBrowserUrl: false, urlParams: { gType: "category", viewType: "category", fromView: "glossary", gId: gId }, trigger: true, updateTabState: true }); } }; events["click " + this.ui.termClick] = function(e) { if (e.target.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() == "i") { this.onClickRemoveAssociationBtn(e); } else { var guid = $(e.currentTarget).data('guid'), gId = this.data.anchor && this.data.anchor.glossaryGuid, termObj = _.find(this.data.terms, { "termGuid": guid }); this.glossary.selectedItem = { "type": "GlossaryTerm", "guid": guid, "model": termObj }; Utils.setUrl({ url: '#!/glossary/' + guid, mergeBrowserUrl: false, urlParams: { gType: "term", viewType: "term", fromView: "glossary", gId: gId }, trigger: true, updateTabState: true }); } }; events["click " + this.ui.tagClick] = function(e) { if (e.target.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() == "i") { this.onClickTagCross(e); } else { Utils.setUrl({ url: '#!/tag/tagAttribute/' + e.currentTarget.textContent, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true }); } }; events["click " + this.ui.editButton] = function(e) { var that = this, model = this.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.get(this.guid); if (this.isGlossaryView) { CommonViewFunction.createEditGlossaryCategoryTerm({ "model": model, "isGlossaryView": this.isGlossaryView, "collection": this.glossaryCollection, "callback": function(sModel) { var data = sModel.toJSON(); model.set(data, { silent: true }); // update glossaryCollection that.data = data; that.renderDetails(that.data); that.glossaryCollection.trigger("update:details", { isGlossaryUpdate: true }); } }); } else { CommonViewFunction.createEditGlossaryCategoryTerm({ "isTermView": this.isTermView, "isCategoryView": this.isCategoryView, "model": this.data, "collection": this.glossaryCollection, "callback": function(data) { if (data.name != that.data.name) { var glossary = that.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.get(data.anchor.glossaryGuid); if (that.isTermView) { _.find(glossary.get('terms'), function(obj) { if (obj.termGuid == data.guid) { obj.displayText = data.name } }); } else if (!data.parentCategory) { _.find(glossary.get('categories'), function(obj) { if (obj.categoryGuid == data.guid) { obj.displayText = data.name } }); } that.options.categoryEvent.trigger("Success:TermRename", true); // that.glossaryCollection.trigger("test"); // that.glossaryCollection.trigger("update:details", { data: that.data }); } that.data = data; that.renderDetails(that.data); } }); } }; events["click " + this.ui.backButton] = function() { Utils.backButtonClick(); } events["click " + this.ui.addTerm] = 'onClickAddTermBtn'; events["click " + this.ui.addCategory] = 'onClickAddCategoryBtn'; events["click " + this.ui.addTag] = 'onClickAddTagBtn'; return events; }, /** * intialize a new GlossaryDetailLayoutView Layout * @constructs */ initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'guid', 'glossaryCollection', 'glossary', 'collection', 'typeHeaders', 'value', 'entityDefCollection', 'enumDefCollection', 'classificationDefCollection', 'searchVent', 'categoryEvent')); if (this.value && this.value.gType) { if (this.value.gType == "category") { this.isCategoryView = true; } else if (this.value.gType == "term") { this.isTermView = true; } else { this.isGlossaryView = true; } } this.selectedTermAttribute = null; }, onRender: function() { this.glossaryCollection.fetch({ reset: true, silent: true }); this.$('.fontLoader-relative').show(); this.getData(); this.bindEvents(); }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; if (that.options.categoryEvent) { that.options.categoryEvent.on("Success:Term", function(options) { that.glossaryCollection.fetch({ reset: true, silent: true }); }) } }, onBeforeDestroy: function() { this.options.categoryEvent.off("Success:Term") }, getData: function() { if (this.isGlossaryView) { if (this.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.length) { this.data = this.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.get(this.guid).toJSON(); this.glossaryCollection.trigger("data:updated", $.extend(true, {}, this.data)); this.renderDetails(this.data); } else { this.listenTo(this.glossaryCollection.fullCollection, "reset ", function(skip) { var foundGlossary = this.glossaryCollection.fullCollection.get(this.guid); this.data = foundGlossary ? foundGlossary.toJSON() : null; this.glossaryCollection.trigger("data:updated", $.extend(true, {}, this.data)); if (this.data == null) { this.glossary.selectedItem = {}; Utils.setUrl({ url: '#!/glossary', mergeBrowserUrl: false, urlParams: null, trigger: true, updateTabState: true }); } this.renderDetails(this.data); }, this); } } else { Utils.showTitleLoader(this.$('.page-title .fontLoader'), this.ui.details); var getApiFunctionKey = "getCategory", that = this; if (this.isTermView) { getApiFunctionKey = "getTerm"; } this.glossaryCollection[getApiFunctionKey]({ "guid": this.guid, "ajaxOptions": { success: function(data) { if (that.isDestroyed) { return; } if (that.isTermView) { var obj = { "guid": that.guid, "entityDefCollection": that.entityDefCollection, "typeHeaders": that.typeHeaders, "tagCollection": that.collection, "enumDefCollection": that.enumDefCollection, "classificationDefCollection": that.classificationDefCollection, "glossaryCollection": that.glossaryCollection, "getSelectedTermAttribute": function() { return that.selectedTermAttribute; }, "setSelectedTermAttribute": function(val) { that.selectedTermAttribute = val; } } that.renderSearchResultLayoutView(obj); that.renderTagTableLayoutView(obj); that.renderRelationLayoutView(obj); } that.data = data; that.glossaryCollection.trigger("data:updated", $.extend(true, {}, data)); that.glossary.selectedItem.model = data; that.glossary.selectedItem.guid = data.guid; that.renderDetails(data) }, cust_error: function() {} } }); } }, renderDetails: function(data) { Utils.hideTitleLoader(this.$('.fontLoader'), this.ui.details); if (data) { this.ui.title.text(data.name || data.displayText || data.qualifiedName); this.ui.shortDescription.text(data.shortDescription); this.ui.longDescription.text(data.longDescription); this.generateCategories(data.categories); this.generateTerm(data.terms); this.generateTag(data.classifications); } else { this.ui.title.text("No Data found"); } }, generateCategories: function(data) { var that = this, categories = ""; _.each(data, function(val) { var name = _.escape(val.displayText); categories += '<span data-guid="' + val.categoryGuid + '"" class="btn btn-action btn-sm btn-icon btn-blue" data-id="categoryClick"><span title=' + name + '>' + name + '</span><i class="fa fa-close" data-id="removeCategory" data-type="category" title="Remove Category"></i></span>'; }); this.ui.categoryList.find("span.btn").remove(); this.ui.categoryList.prepend(categories); }, generateTerm: function(data) { var that = this, terms = ""; _.each(data, function(val) { var name = _.escape(val.displayText); terms += '<span data-guid="' + val.termGuid + '"" class="btn btn-action btn-sm btn-icon btn-blue" data-id="termClick"><span title=' + name + '>' + name + '</span><i class="fa fa-close" data-id="removeTerm" data-type="term" title="Remove Term"></i></span>'; }); this.ui.termList.find("span.btn").remove(); this.ui.termList.prepend(terms); }, generateTag: function(tagObject) { var that = this, tagData = ""; _.each(tagObject, function(val) { tagData += '<span class="btn btn-action btn-sm btn-icon btn-blue" data-id="tagClickTerm"><span title=' + val.typeName + '>' + val.typeName + '</span><i class="fa fa-close" data-id="removeTagTerm" data-type="tag" title="Remove Classification"></i></span>'; }); this.ui.tagList.find("span.btn").remove(); this.ui.tagList.prepend(tagData); }, onClickAddTermBtn: function(e) { var that = this; require(['views/glossary/AssignTermLayoutView'], function(AssignTermLayoutView) { var glossary = that.glossaryCollection; if (that.value && that.value.gId) { var foundModel = that.glossaryCollection.find({ guid: that.value.gId }); if (foundModel) { glossary = new VGlossaryList([foundModel.toJSON()], { comparator: function(item) { return item.get("name"); } }); } } var view = new AssignTermLayoutView({ categoryData: that.data, associatedTerms: that.data && that.data.terms && that.data.terms.length > 0 ? that.data.terms : [], isCategoryView: that.isCategoryView, callback: function() { that.getData(); }, glossaryCollection: glossary }); view.modal.on('ok', function() { that.hideLoader(); }); }); }, onClickAddCategoryBtn: function(e) { var that = this; require(['views/glossary/AssignTermLayoutView'], function(AssignTermLayoutView) { var glossary = that.glossaryCollection; if (that.value && that.value.gId) { var foundModel = that.glossaryCollection.find({ guid: that.value.gId }); if (foundModel) { glossary = new VGlossaryList([foundModel.toJSON()], { comparator: function(item) { return item.get("name"); } }); } } var view = new AssignTermLayoutView({ termData: that.data, isTermView: that.isTermView, callback: function() { that.getData(); }, glossaryCollection: glossary }); view.modal.on('ok', function() { that.hideLoader(); }); }); }, onClickAddTagBtn: function(e) { var that = this; require(['views/tag/AddTagModalView'], function(AddTagModalView) { var tagList = []; _.map(that.data.classifications, function(obj) { if (obj.entityGuid === that.guid) { tagList.push(obj.typeName); } }); var view = new AddTagModalView({ guid: that.guid, tagList: tagList, callback: function() { if (that.searchVent) { that.searchVent.trigger("Classification:Count:Update"); } that.getData(); }, showLoader: that.showLoader.bind(that), hideLoader: that.hideLoader.bind(that), collection: that.classificationDefCollection, enumDefCollection: that.enumDefCollection }); }); }, onClickTagCross: function(e) { var that = this, tagName = $(e.currentTarget).text(), termName = this.data.name; CommonViewFunction.deleteTag(_.extend({}, { msg: "<div class='ellipsis-with-margin'>Remove: " + "<b>" + _.escape(tagName) + "</b> assignment from" + " " + "<b>" + _.escape(termName) + "?</b></div>", titleMessage: Messages.removeTag, okText: "Remove", showLoader: that.showLoader.bind(that), hideLoader: that.hideLoader.bind(that), tagName: tagName, guid: that.guid, callback: function() { if (that.searchVent) { that.searchVent.trigger("Classification:Count:Update"); } that.getData(); } })); }, onClickRemoveAssociationBtn: function(e) { var $el = $(e.currentTarget), guid = $el.data('guid'), name = $el.text(), that = this; CommonViewFunction.removeCategoryTermAssociation({ selectedGuid: guid, model: that.data, collection: that.glossaryCollection, msg: "<div class='ellipsis-with-margin'>Remove: " + "<b>" + _.escape(name) + "</b> assignment from" + " " + "<b>" + _.escape(that.data.name) + "?</b></div>", titleMessage: Messages.glossary[that.isTermView ? "removeCategoryfromTerm" : "removeTermfromCategory"], isCategoryView: that.isCategoryView, isTermView: that.isTermView, buttonText: "Remove", showLoader: that.hideLoader.bind(that), hideLoader: that.hideLoader.bind(that), callback: function() { that.getData(); } }); }, showLoader: function() { Utils.showTitleLoader(this.$('.page-title .fontLoader'), this.ui.details); }, hideLoader: function() { Utils.hideTitleLoader(this.$('.page-title .fontLoader'), this.ui.details); }, renderTagTableLayoutView: function(options) { var that = this; require(['views/tag/TagDetailTableLayoutView'], function(TagDetailTableLayoutView) { if (that.RTagTableLayoutView) { that.RTagTableLayoutView.show(new TagDetailTableLayoutView(_.extend({}, options, { "entityName": that.ui.title.text(), "fetchCollection": that.getData.bind(that), "entity": that.data }))); } }); }, renderSearchResultLayoutView: function(options) { var that = this; require(['views/search/SearchResultLayoutView'], function(SearchResultLayoutView) { var value = { 'tag': "PII", 'searchType': 'basic' }; if (that.RSearchResultLayoutView) { that.RSearchResultLayoutView.show(new SearchResultLayoutView(_.extend({}, options, { "value": { "searchType": "basic", "term": that.data.qualifiedName }, "fromView": "glossary" }))); } }); }, renderRelationLayoutView: function(options) { var that = this; require(['views/glossary/TermRelationAttributeLayoutView'], function(TermRelationAttributeLayoutView) { if (that.RRelationLayoutView) { that.RRelationLayoutView.show(new TermRelationAttributeLayoutView(_.extend({}, options, { "entityName": that.ui.title.text(), "fetchCollection": that.getData.bind(that), "data": that.data }))); } }); }, }); return GlossaryDetailLayoutView; });