{ "enumDefs": [ { "name": "TermAssignmentStatus", "description": "TermAssignmentStatus defines how much the semantic assignment should be trusted.", "typeVersion": "1.0", "elementDefs": [ { "value": "DISCOVERED", "ordinal": 0, "description": "DISCOVERED means that the semantic assignment was added by a discovery engine." }, { "value": "PROPOSED", "ordinal": 1, "description": "PROPOSED means that the semantic assignment was proposed by person - they may be a subject matter expert, or consumer of the Referenceable asset" }, { "value": "IMPORTED", "ordinal": 2, "description": "IMPORTED means that the semantic assignment has been imported from outside of the open metadata cluster" }, { "value": "VALIDATED", "ordinal": 3, "description": "VALIDATED means that the semantic assignment has been reviewed and is highly trusted." }, { "value": "DEPRECATED", "ordinal": 4, "description": "DEPRECATED means that the semantic assignment is being phased out. There may be another semantic assignment to the Referenceable that will ultimately replace this one." }, { "value": "OBSOLETE", "ordinal": 5, "description": "OBSOLETE means that the semantic assignment is no longer in use," }, { "value": "OTHER", "ordinal": 6, "description": "OTHER means that the semantic assignment value does not match any of the other Term Assignment Status values" } ] } ], "structDefs": [], "classificationDefs": [], "entityDefs": [], "relationshipDefs": [ { "name": "SemanticAssignment", "description": "SemanticAssignment is a relationship used to assign a term to a referenceable object. This means that the term describes the meaning of the referenceable object. The semantic assignment needs to be a controlled relationship when glossary definitions are used to provide classifications for the data assets and hence define how the data is to be governed.", "typeVersion": "1.0", "attributeDefs": [ { "name": "description", "description": "The description field can be used to add details about the semantic assignment.", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 0, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": true }, { "name": "expression", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 0, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": true }, { "name": "status", "typeName": "TermRelationshipStatus", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 0, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": true }, { "name": "confidence", "description": "The confidence attribute in the semantic assignment stores the level of confidence (0-100%) in the correctness of the semantic assignment - it is typically used by discovery engines.", "typeName": "int", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 0, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": true }, { "name": "createdBy", "description": "The semantic assignment is created by the user (person or engine) identified by the createdBy attribute.", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 0, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": true }, { "name": "steward", "description": "The steward is the person responsible for assessing the semantic assignment and deciding if it should be approved or not.", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 0, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": true }, { "name": "source", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 0, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": true } ], "relationshipCategory": "ASSOCIATION", "propagateTags": "ONE_TO_TWO", "endDef1": { "type": "GlossaryTerm", "name": "assignedEntities", "isContainer": false, "cardinality": "SET", "isLegacyAttribute": false }, "endDef2": { "type": "Referenceable", "name": "meanings", "isContainer": false, "cardinality": "SET", "isLegacyAttribute": false }, "relationshipLabel": "r:SemanticAssignment" } ] }