/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define(['require', 'backbone', 'hbs!tmpl/entity/CreateEntityLayoutView_tmpl', 'utils/Utils', 'collection/VTagList', 'collection/VEntityList', 'models/VEntity', 'modules/Modal', 'utils/Messages', 'moment', 'utils/UrlLinks', 'collection/VSearchList', 'utils/Enums', 'utils/Globals', 'daterangepicker' ], function(require, Backbone, CreateEntityLayoutViewTmpl, Utils, VTagList, VEntityList, VEntity, Modal, Messages, moment, UrlLinks, VSearchList, Enums, Globals) { var CreateEntityLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend( /** @lends CreateEntityLayoutView */ { _viewName: 'CreateEntityLayoutView', template: CreateEntityLayoutViewTmpl, templateHelpers: function() { return { guid: this.guid }; }, /** Layout sub regions */ regions: {}, /** ui selector cache */ ui: { entityName: "[data-id='entityName']", entityList: "[data-id='entityList']", entityInputData: "[data-id='entityInputData']", toggleRequired: 'input[name="toggleRequired"]', assetName: "[data-id='assetName']", entityInput: "[data-id='entityInput']", entitySelectionBox: "[data-id='entitySelectionBox']", }, /** ui events hash */ events: function() { var events = {}; events["change " + this.ui.entityList] = "onEntityChange"; events["change " + this.ui.toggleRequired] = function(e) { this.requiredAllToggle(e.currentTarget.checked) }; return events; }, /** * intialize a new CreateEntityLayoutView Layout * @constructs */ initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'guid', 'callback', 'showLoader', 'entityDefCollection', 'typeHeaders', 'searchVent')); var that = this, entityTitle, okLabel; this.selectStoreCollection = new Backbone.Collection(); this.collection = new VEntityList(); this.entityModel = new VEntity(); if (this.guid) { this.collection.modelAttrName = "createEntity" } this.asyncReferEntityCounter = 0; this.required = true; if (this.guid) { entityTitle = 'Edit entity'; okLabel = 'Update'; } else { entityTitle = 'Create entity'; okLabel = 'Create'; } this.modal = new Modal({ title: entityTitle, content: this, cancelText: "Cancel", okText: okLabel, allowCancel: true, okCloses: false, width: '50%' }).open(); this.modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr("disabled", true); this.modal.on('ok', function(e) { that.modal.$el.find('button.ok, button.cancel').attr("disabled", true); that.okButton(); }); this.modal.on('closeModal', function() { that.modal.trigger('cancel'); }); }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset", function() { this.entityCollectionList(); }, this); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'error', function() { this.hideLoader(); }, this); }, onRender: function() { this.bindEvents(); if (!this.guid) { this.bindRequiredField(); } this.showLoader(); this.fetchCollections(); this.$('.toggleRequiredSwitch').hide(); }, bindRequiredField: function() { var that = this; this.ui.entityInputData.on("keyup change", "textarea", function(e) { var value = this.value; if (!value.length && $(this).hasClass('false')) { $(this).removeClass('errorClass'); that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop("disabled", false); } else { try { if (value && value.length) { JSON.parse(value); $(this).removeClass('errorClass'); that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop("disabled", false); } } catch (err) { $(this).addClass('errorClass'); that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop("disabled", true); } } }); this.ui.entityInputData.on('keyup change', 'input.true,select.true', function(e) { if (this.value !== "") { if ($(this).data('select2')) { $(this).data('select2').$container.find('.select2-selection').removeClass("errorClass"); } else { $(this).removeClass('errorClass'); } if (that.ui.entityInputData.find('.errorClass').length === 0) { that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop("disabled", false); } } else { that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop("disabled", true); if ($(this).data('select2')) { $(this).data('select2').$container.find('.select2-selection').addClass("errorClass"); } else { $(this).addClass('errorClass'); } } }); }, bindNonRequiredField: function() { var that = this; this.ui.entityInputData.off('keyup change', 'input.false,select.false').on('keyup change', 'input.false,select.false', function(e) { if (that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop('disabled') && that.ui.entityInputData.find('.errorClass').length === 0) { that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop("disabled", false); } }); }, decrementCounter: function(counter) { if (this[counter] > 0) { --this[counter]; } }, fetchCollections: function() { if (this.guid) { this.collection.url = UrlLinks.entitiesApiUrl({ guid: this.guid }); this.collection.fetch({ reset: true }); } else { this.entityCollectionList(); } }, entityCollectionList: function() { this.ui.entityList.empty(); var that = this, name = "", value; if (this.guid) { this.collection.each(function(val) { name += Utils.getName(val.get("entity")); that.entityData = val; }); this.ui.assetName.html(name); var referredEntities = this.entityData.get('referredEntities'); var attributes = this.entityData.get('entity').attributes; _.map(_.keys(attributes), function(key) { if (_.isObject(attributes[key])) { var attrObj = attributes[key]; if (_.isObject(attrObj) && !_.isArray(attrObj)) { attrObj = [attrObj]; } _.each(attrObj, function(obj) { if (obj.guid && !referredEntities[obj.guid]) { ++that.asyncReferEntityCounter; that.collection.url = UrlLinks.entitiesApiUrl({ guid: obj.guid }); that.collection.fetch({ success: function(data, response) { referredEntities[obj.guid] = response.entity; }, complete: function() { that.decrementCounter('asyncReferEntityCounter'); if (that.asyncReferEntityCounter === 0) { that.onEntityChange(null, that.entityData); } }, silent: true }); } }); } }); if (this.asyncReferEntityCounter === 0) { this.onEntityChange(null, this.entityData); } } else { var str = '<option disabled="disabled" selected>--Select entity-type--</option>'; this.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.each(function(val) { var name = Utils.getName(val.toJSON()); if (Globals.entityTypeConfList && name.indexOf("__") !== 0) { if (_.isEmptyArray(Globals.entityTypeConfList)) { str += '<option>' + name + '</option>'; } else { if (_.contains(Globals.entityTypeConfList, val.get("name"))) { str += '<option>' + name + '</option>'; } } } }); this.ui.entityList.html(str); this.ui.entityList.select2({}); this.hideLoader(); } }, capitalize: function(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }, requiredAllToggle: function(checked) { if (checked) { this.ui.entityInputData.addClass('all').removeClass('required'); this.ui.entityInputData.find('div.true').show(); this.ui.entityInputData.find('fieldset div.true').show(); this.ui.entityInputData.find('fieldset').show(); this.required = false; } else { this.ui.entityInputData.addClass('required').removeClass('all'); this.ui.entityInputData.find('fieldset').each(function() { if (!$(this).find('div').hasClass('false')) { $(this).hide(); } }); this.ui.entityInputData.find('div.true').hide(); this.ui.entityInputData.find('fieldset div.true').hide(); this.required = true; } }, onEntityChange: function(e, value) { var that = this, typeName = value && value.get('entity') ? value.get('entity').typeName : null; if (!this.guid) { this.showLoader(); } this.ui.entityInputData.empty(); if (typeName) { this.collection.url = UrlLinks.entitiesDefApiUrl(typeName); } else if (e) { this.collection.url = UrlLinks.entitiesDefApiUrl(e.target.value); this.collection.modelAttrName = 'attributeDefs'; } this.collection.fetch({ success: function(model, data) { that.supuertypeFlag = 0; that.subAttributeData(data) }, complete: function() { //that.initilizeElements(); }, silent: true }); }, renderAttribute: function(object) { var that = this, visitedAttr = {}, attributeObj = object.attributeDefs, isAllAttributeOptinal = true, isAllRelationshipAttributeOptinal = true, attributeDefList = attributeObj.attributeDefs, relationshipAttributeDefsList = attributeObj.relationshipAttributeDefs, attributeHtml = "", relationShipAttributeHtml = "", fieldElemetHtml = '', commonInput = function(object) { var value = object.value, containerHtml = ''; containerHtml += that.getContainer(object); return containerHtml; }; if (attributeDefList.length || relationshipAttributeDefsList.length) { _.each(attributeDefList, function(value) { if (value.isOptional === false) { isAllAttributeOptinal = false; } attributeHtml += commonInput({ "value": value, "duplicateValue": false, "isAttribute": true }); }); _.each(relationshipAttributeDefsList, function(value) { if (value.isOptional === false) { isAllRelationshipAttributeOptinal = false; } if (visitedAttr[value.name] === null) { // on second visited set it to true;and now onwords ignore if same value come. var duplicateRelationship = _.where(relationshipAttributeDefsList, { name: value.name }); var str = '<option value="">--Select a Relationship Type--</option>'; _.each(duplicateRelationship, function(val, index, list) { str += '<option>' + _.escape(val.relationshipTypeName) + '</option>'; }); var isOptional = value.isOptional; visitedAttr[value.name] = '<div class="form-group"><select class="form-control row-margin-bottom entityInputBox ' + (value.isOptional === true ? "false" : "true") + '" data-for-key= "' + value.name + '"> ' + str + '</select></div>'; } else { relationShipAttributeHtml += commonInput({ "value": value, "duplicateValue": true, "isRelation": true }); // once visited set it to null; visitedAttr[value.name] = null; } }); if (attributeHtml.length) { fieldElemetHtml += that.getFieldElementContainer({ "htmlField": attributeHtml, "attributeType": true, "alloptional": isAllAttributeOptinal }); } if (relationShipAttributeHtml.length) { fieldElemetHtml += that.getFieldElementContainer({ "htmlField": relationShipAttributeHtml, "relationshipType": true, "alloptional": isAllRelationshipAttributeOptinal }); } if (fieldElemetHtml.length) { that.ui.entityInputData.append(fieldElemetHtml); _.each(_.keys(visitedAttr), function(key) { if (visitedAttr[key] === null) { return; } var elFound = that.ui.entityInputData.find('[data-key="' + key + '"]'); elFound.prop('disabled', true); elFound.parent().prepend(visitedAttr[key]); }); } else { fieldElemetHtml = "<h4 class='text-center'>Defination not found</h4>"; that.ui.entityInputData.append(fieldElemetHtml); } } that.ui.entityInputData.find("select[data-for-key]").select2({}).on('change', function() { var forKey = $(this).data('forKey'), forKeyEl = null; if (forKey && forKey.length) { forKeyEl = that.ui.entityInputData.find('[data-key="' + forKey + '"]'); if (forKeyEl) { if (this.value == "") { forKeyEl.val(null).trigger('change'); forKeyEl.prop("disabled", true); } else { forKeyEl.prop("disabled", false); } } } }); return false; }, subAttributeData: function(data) { var that = this, attributeInput = "", alloptional = false, attributeDefs = Utils.getNestedSuperTypeObj({ seperateRelatioshipAttr: true, attrMerge: true, data: data, collection: this.entityDefCollection }); if (attributeDefs && attributeDefs.relationshipAttributeDefs.length) { attributeDefs.attributeDefs = _.filter(attributeDefs.attributeDefs, function(obj) { if (_.find(attributeDefs.relationshipAttributeDefs, { name: obj.name }) === undefined) { return true; } }) } if (attributeDefs.attributeDefs.length || attributeDefs.relationshipAttributeDefs.length) { this.$('.toggleRequiredSwitch').show(); this.$('.entity-list').removeClass('col-sm-12').addClass('col-sm-8'); } else { this.$('.toggleRequiredSwitch').hide(); this.$('.entity-list').removeClass('col-sm-8').addClass('col-sm-12'); } //make a function call. this.renderAttribute({ attributeDefs: attributeDefs }); if (this.required) { this.ui.entityInputData.find('fieldset div.true').hide() this.ui.entityInputData.find('div.true').hide(); } if (!('placeholder' in HTMLInputElement.prototype)) { this.ui.entityInputData.find("input,select,textarea").placeholder(); } that.initilizeElements(); }, initilizeElements: function() { var that = this; this.$('input[data-type="date"]').each(function() { if (!$(this).data('daterangepicker')) { var dateObj = { "singleDatePicker": true, "showDropdowns": true }; if (that.guid) { dateObj["startDate"] = this.value } $(this).daterangepicker(dateObj); } }); this.initializeValidation(); if (this.ui.entityInputData.find('fieldset').length > 0 && this.ui.entityInputData.find('select.true,input.true').length === 0) { this.requiredAllToggle(this.ui.entityInputData.find('select.true,input.true').length === 0); if (!this.guid) { // For create entity bind keyup for non-required field when all elements are optional this.bindNonRequiredField(); } } this.$('select[data-type="boolean"]').each(function(value, key) { var dataKey = $(key).data('key'); if (that.entityData) { var setValue = that.entityData.get("entity").attributes[dataKey]; this.value = setValue; } }); this.addJsonSearchData(); }, initializeValidation: function() { // IE9 allow input type number var regex = /^[0-9]*((?=[^.]|$))?$/, // allow only numbers [0-9] removeText = function(e, value) { if (!regex.test(value)) { var txtfld = e.currentTarget; var newtxt = txtfld.value.slice(0, txtfld.value.length - 1); txtfld.value = newtxt; } } this.$('input[data-type="int"],input[data-type="long"]').on('keydown', function(e) { // allow only numbers [0-9] if (!regex.test(e.currentTarget.value)) { return false; } }); this.$('input[data-type="int"],input[data-type="long"]').on('paste', function(e) { return false; }); this.$('input[data-type="long"],input[data-type="int"]').on('keyup click', function(e) { removeText(e, e.currentTarget.value); }); this.$('input[data-type="date"]').on('hide.daterangepicker keydown', function(event) { if (event.type) { if (event.type == 'hide') { this.blur(); } else if (event.type == 'keydown') { return false; } } }); }, getContainer: function(object) { var value = object.value, entityLabel = this.capitalize(_.escape(value.name)); return '<div class=" row ' + value.isOptional + '"><span class="col-sm-3">' + '<label><span class="' + (value.isOptional ? 'true' : 'false required') + '">' + entityLabel + '</span><span class="center-block ellipsis-with-margin text-gray" title="Data Type : ' + value.typeName + '">' + '(' + Utils.escapeHtml(value.typeName) + ')' + '</span></label></span>' + '<span class="col-sm-9">' + (this.getElement(object)) + '</input></span></div>'; }, getFieldElementContainer: function(object) { var htmlField = object.htmlField, attributeType = object.attributeType ? object.attributeType : false, relationshipType = object.relationshipType ? object.relationshipType : false, alloptional = object.alloptional, typeOfDefination = (relationshipType ? "Relationships" : "Attributes"); return '<div class="attribute-dash-box ' + (alloptional ? "alloptional" : "") + ' "><span class="attribute-type-label">' + (typeOfDefination) + '</span>' + htmlField + '</div>'; }, getSelect: function(object) { var value = object.value, entityValue = object.entityValue, isAttribute = object.isAttribute, isRelation = object.isRelation; if (value.typeName === "boolean") { return '<select class="form-control row-margin-bottom ' + (value.isOptional === true ? "false" : "true") + '" data-type="' + value.typeName + '" data-attribute="' + isAttribute + '" data-relation="' + isRelation + '" data-key="' + value.name + '" data-id="entityInput">' + '<option value="">--Select true or false--</option><option value="true">true</option>' + '<option value="false">false</option></select>'; } else { var splitTypeName = value.typeName.split("<"); if (splitTypeName.length > 1) { splitTypeName = splitTypeName[1].split(">")[0]; } else { splitTypeName = value.typeName; } return '<select class="form-control row-margin-bottom entityInputBox ' + (value.isOptional === true ? "false" : "true") + '" data-type="' + value.typeName + '" data-attribute="' + isAttribute + '" data-relation="' + isRelation + '" data-key="' + value.name + '" data-id="entitySelectData" data-queryData="' + splitTypeName + '">' + (this.guid ? entityValue : "") + '</select>'; } }, getTextArea: function(object) { var value = object.value, setValue = object.entityValue, isAttribute = object.isAttribute, isRelation = object.isRelation, structType = object.structType; try { if (structType && entityValue && entityValue.length) { var parseValue = JSON.parse(entityValue); if (_.isObject(parseValue) && !_.isArray(parseValue) && parseValue.attributes) { setValue = JSON.stringify(parseValue.attributes); } } } catch (err) {} return '<textarea class="form-control entityInputBox ' + (value.isOptional === true ? "false" : "true") + '"' + ' data-type="' + value.typeName + '"' + ' data-key="' + value.name + '"' + ' data-attribute="' + isAttribute + '"' + ' data-relation="' + isRelation + '"' + ' placeholder="' + value.name + '"' + ' data-id="entityInput">' + setValue + '</textarea>'; }, getInput: function(object) { var value = object.value, entityValue = object.entityValue, isAttribute = object.isAttribute, isRelation = object.isRelation; return '<input class="form-control entityInputBox ' + (value.isOptional === true ? "false" : "true") + '"' + ' data-type="' + value.typeName + '"' + ' value="' + entityValue + '"' + ' data-key="' + value.name + '"' + ' data-attribute="' + isAttribute + '"' + ' data-relation="' + isRelation + '"' + ' placeholder="' + value.name + '"' + ' data-id="entityInput">'; }, getElement: function(object) { var value = object.value, isAttribute = object.isAttribute, isRelation = object.isRelation, typeName = value.typeName, entityValue = ""; if (this.guid) { var dataValue = this.entityData.get("entity").attributes[value.name]; if (_.isObject(dataValue)) { entityValue = JSON.stringify(dataValue); } else { if (dataValue) { entityValue = dataValue; } if (value.typeName === "date") { if (dataValue) { entityValue = moment(dataValue).format("MM/DD/YYYY"); } else { entityValue = moment().format("MM/DD/YYYY"); } } } } if ((typeName && this.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: typeName })) || typeName === "boolean" || typeName.indexOf("array") > -1) { return this.getSelect({ "value": value, "entityValue": entityValue, "isAttribute": isAttribute, "isRelation": isRelation }); } else if (typeName.indexOf("map") > -1) { return this.getTextArea({ "value": value, "entityValue": entityValue, "isAttribute": isAttribute, "isRelation": isRelation, "structType": false }); } else { var typeNameCategory = this.typeHeaders.fullCollection.findWhere({ name: typeName }); if (typeNameCategory && typeNameCategory.get('category') === 'STRUCT') { return this.getTextArea({ "value": value, "entityValue": entityValue, "isAttribute": isAttribute, "isRelation": isRelation, "structType": true }); } else { return this.getInput({ "value": value, "entityValue": entityValue, "isAttribute": isAttribute, "isRelation": isRelation, }); } } }, okButton: function() { var that = this; this.showLoader({ editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox: true }); this.parentEntity = this.ui.entityList.val(); var entityAttribute = {}, referredEntities = {}, relationshipAttribute = {}; var extractValue = function(value, typeName) { if (!value) { return value; } if (_.isArray(value)) { var parseData = []; _.map(value, function(val) { parseData.push({ 'guid': val, 'typeName': typeName }); }); } else { var parseData = { 'guid': value, 'typeName': typeName }; } return parseData; } try { this.ui.entityInputData.find("input,select,textarea").each(function() { var value = $(this).val(), el = this; if ($(this).val() && $(this).val().trim) { value = $(this).val().trim(); } if (this.nodeName === "TEXTAREA") { try { if (value && value.length) { JSON.parse(value); $(this).removeClass('errorClass'); } } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.message); $(this).addClass('errorClass'); } } // validation if ($(this).hasClass("true")) { if (value == "" || value == undefined) { if ($(this).data('select2')) { $(this).data('select2').$container.find('.select2-selection').addClass("errorClass") } else { $(this).addClass('errorClass'); } that.hideLoader(); throw new Error("Please fill the required fields"); return; } } var dataTypeEnitity = $(this).data('type'), datakeyEntity = $(this).data('key'), typeName = $(this).data('querydata'), attribute = $(this).data('attribute') == 'undefined' ? false : true, relation = $(this).data('relation') == 'undefined' ? false : true, typeNameCategory = that.typeHeaders.fullCollection.findWhere({ name: dataTypeEnitity }), val = null; // Extract Data if (dataTypeEnitity && datakeyEntity) { if (that.entityDefCollection.fullCollection.find({ name: dataTypeEnitity })) { val = extractValue(value, typeName); } else if (dataTypeEnitity === 'date' || dataTypeEnitity === 'time') { val = Date.parse(value); } else if (dataTypeEnitity.indexOf("map") > -1 || (typeNameCategory && typeNameCategory.get('category') === 'STRUCT')) { try { if (value && value.length) { parseData = JSON.parse(value); val = parseData; } } catch (err) { $(this).addClass('errorClass'); throw new Error(datakeyEntity + " : " + err.message); return; } } else if (dataTypeEnitity.indexOf("array") > -1 && dataTypeEnitity.indexOf("string") === -1) { val = extractValue(value, typeName); } else { if (_.isString(value)) { if (value.length) { val = value; } else { val = null; } } else { val = value; } } if (attribute) { entityAttribute[datakeyEntity] = val; } else if (relation) { relationshipAttribute[datakeyEntity] = val; } } else { var dataRelEntity = $(this).data('forKey'); if (dataRelEntity && relationshipAttribute[dataRelEntity]) { if (_.isArray(relationshipAttribute[dataRelEntity])) { _.each(relationshipAttribute[dataRelEntity], function(obj) { if (obj) { obj["relationshipType"] = $(el).val(); } }); } else { relationshipAttribute[dataRelEntity]["relationshipType"] = $(this).val(); } } } }); var entityJson = { "entity": { "typeName": (this.guid ? this.entityData.get("entity").typeName : this.parentEntity), "attributes": entityAttribute, "relationshipAttributes": relationshipAttribute, "guid": (this.guid ? this.guid : -1) }, "referredEntities": referredEntities }; this.entityModel.createOreditEntity({ data: JSON.stringify(entityJson), type: "POST", success: function(model, response) { that.modal.close(); var msgType = that.guid ? "editSuccessMessage" : "addSuccessMessage"; Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "Entity" + Messages.getAbbreviationMsg(false, msgType) }); if (that.guid && that.callback) { that.callback(); } else { if (that.searchVent) { that.searchVent.trigger("Entity:Count:Update"); } if (model.mutatedEntities && model.mutatedEntities.CREATE && _.isArray(model.mutatedEntities.CREATE) && model.mutatedEntities.CREATE[0] && model.mutatedEntities.CREATE[0].guid) { Utils.setUrl({ url: '#!/detailPage/' + (model.mutatedEntities.CREATE[0].guid), mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true }); } } }, complete: function() { that.hideLoader({ editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox: true }); that.modal.$el.find('button.ok, button.cancel').attr("disabled", false); } }); } catch (e) { Utils.notifyError({ content: e.message }); that.hideLoader({ editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox: true }); } }, showLoader: function(options) { var editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox = options && options.editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox; this.$('.entityLoader').addClass('show'); this.$('.entityInputData').hide(); if (this.guid || editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox) { this.ui.entitySelectionBox.hide(); } }, hideLoader: function(options) { var editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox = options && options.editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox this.$('.entityLoader').removeClass('show'); this.$('.entityInputData').show(); if (this.guid || editVisiblityOfEntitySelectionBox) { this.ui.entitySelectionBox.show(); } // To enable scroll after selecting value from select2. this.ui.entityList.select2('open'); this.ui.entityList.select2('close'); }, addJsonSearchData: function() { var that = this; this.$('select[data-id="entitySelectData"]').each(function(value, key) { var $this = $(this), keyData = $(this).data("key"), typeData = $(this).data("type"), queryData = $(this).data("querydata"), skip = $(this).data('skip'), placeholderName = "Select a " + typeData + " from the dropdown list"; $this.attr("multiple", ($this.data('type').indexOf("array") === -1 ? false : true)); // Select Value. if (that.guid) { var dataValue = that.entityData.get("entity").attributes[keyData], entities = that.entityData.get("entity").attributes, relationshipType = that.entityData.get("entity").relationshipAttributes[keyData], referredEntities = that.entityData.get("referredEntities"), selectedValue = [], select2Options = []; if (dataValue) { if (_.isObject(dataValue) && !_.isArray(dataValue)) { dataValue = [dataValue]; } _.each(dataValue, function(obj) { if (_.isObject(obj) && obj.guid && referredEntities[obj.guid]) { var refEntiyFound = referredEntities[obj.guid]; refEntiyFound['id'] = refEntiyFound.guid; if (!Enums.entityStateReadOnly[refEntiyFound.status]) { select2Options.push(refEntiyFound); selectedValue.push(refEntiyFound.guid); } } }); if (!_.isUndefined(relationshipType)) { if (relationshipType && relationshipType.relationshipAttributes && relationshipType.relationshipAttributes.typeName) { that.$("select[data-for-key=" + keyData + "]").val(relationshipType.relationshipAttributes.typeName).trigger("change"); } } } // Array of string. if (selectedValue.length === 0 && dataValue && dataValue.length && ($this.data('querydata') === "string")) { var str = ""; _.each(dataValue, function(obj) { if (_.isString(obj)) { selectedValue.push(obj); str += '<option>' + _.escape(obj) + '</option>'; } }); $this.html(str); } } else { $this.val([]); } var select2Option = { placeholder: placeholderName, allowClear: true, tags: ($this.data('querydata') == "string" ? true : false) } var getTypeAheadData = function(data, params) { var dataList = data.entities, foundOptions = []; _.each(dataList, function(obj) { if (obj) { if (obj.guid) { obj['id'] = obj.guid; } foundOptions.push(obj); } }); return foundOptions; } if ($this.data('querydata') !== "string") { _.extend(select2Option, { ajax: { url: UrlLinks.searchApiUrl('attribute'), dataType: 'json', delay: 250, data: function(params) { return { attrValuePrefix: params.term, // search term typeName: queryData, limit: 10, offset: 0 }; }, processResults: function(data, params) { return { results: getTypeAheadData(data, params) }; }, cache: true }, templateResult: function(option) { var name = Utils.getName(option, 'qualifiedName'); return name === "-" ? option.text : name; }, templateSelection: function(option) { var name = Utils.getName(option, 'qualifiedName'); return name === "-" ? option.text : name; }, escapeMarkup: function(markup) { return markup; }, data: select2Options, minimumInputLength: 1 }); } $this.select2(select2Option); if (selectedValue) { $this.val(selectedValue).trigger("change"); } }); if (this.guid) { this.bindRequiredField(); this.bindNonRequiredField(); } this.hideLoader(); } }); return CreateEntityLayoutView; });