/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define(['require', 'hbs!tmpl/graph/PropagationPropertyModalView_tmpl', 'models/VRelationship', 'models/VEntity', 'modules/Modal', 'utils/Utils', 'utils/UrlLinks', 'utils/Messages' ], function(require, PropagationPropertyModalViewTmpl, VRelationship, VEntity, Modal, Utils, UrlLinks, Messages) { 'use strict'; var PropogationPropertyModal = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({ template: PropagationPropertyModalViewTmpl, templateHelpers: function() {}, regions: {}, ui: { propagationOptions: '[data-id="propagationOptions"]', edgeDetailName: '[data-id="edgeDetailName"]', propagationState: "[data-id='propagationState']", entityClick: "[data-id='entityClick']", editPropagationType: 'input[name="editPropagationType"]', PropagatedClassificationTable: "[data-id='PropagatedClassificationTable']" }, events: function() { var events = {}, that = this; events["change " + this.ui.propagationOptions] = function() { this.modalEdited = true; this.modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr("disabled", false); }; events["click " + this.ui.editPropagationType] = function(e) { if (this.modalEdited === true) { e.preventDefault(); that.notifyModal(); } }; events["change " + this.ui.editPropagationType] = function(e) { if (e.target.checked) { this.showPropagatedClassificationTable(); this.viewType = "table"; } else { this.showEditPropagation(); this.viewType = "flow"; } }; events["click " + this.ui.entityClick] = function(e) { var that = this, url = "", notifyObj = { modal: true, text: "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page ?", ok: function(argument) { that.modal.trigger('cancel'); Utils.setUrl({ url: url, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true }); }, cancel: function(argument) {} }, $el = $(e.currentTarget), guid = $el.parents('tr').data('entityguid'); if ($el.hasClass('entityName')) { url = '#!/detailPage/' + guid + '?tabActive=lineage'; } else { url = '#!/tag/tagAttribute/' + $el.data('name'); } Utils.notifyConfirm(notifyObj); }; events["change " + this.ui.propagationState] = function(e) { this.modalEdited = true; this.modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr("disabled", false); var $el = $(e.currentTarget).parents('tr'), entityguid = $el.data("entityguid"), classificationName = $el.find('[data-name]').data('name'); if (e.target.checked) { this.propagatedClassifications = _.reject(this.propagatedClassifications, function(val, key) { if (val.entityGuid == entityguid && classificationName == val.typeName) { that.blockedPropagatedClassifications.push(val); return true; } }); } else { this.blockedPropagatedClassifications = _.reject(this.blockedPropagatedClassifications, function(val, key) { if (val.entityGuid == entityguid && classificationName == val.typeName) { that.propagatedClassifications.push(val); return true; } }); } }; return events; }, /** * intialize a new PropogationPropertyModal Layout * @constructs */ initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'edgeInfo', 'relationshipId', 'lineageData', 'apiGuid', 'detailPageFetchCollection')); this.entityModel = new VRelationship(); this.VEntityModel = new VEntity(); this.modalEdited = false; this.viewType = 'flow'; var that = this, modalObj = { title: 'Enable/Disable Propagation', content: this, okText: 'Update', okCloses: false, cancelText: "Cancel", mainClass: 'modal-lg', allowCancel: true, }; this.modal = new Modal(modalObj) this.modal.open(); this.modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr("disabled", true); this.on('ok', function() { that.updateRelation(); }); this.on('closeModal', function() { this.modal.trigger('cancel'); }); this.updateEdgeView(this.edgeInfo); }, onRender: function() {}, updateEdgeView: function(options) { var obj = options.obj, fromEntity = this.lineageData.guidEntityMap[obj.fromEntityId], toEntity = this.lineageData.guidEntityMap[obj.toEntityId]; if (fromEntity && toEntity) { this.ui.edgeDetailName.html(fromEntity.displayText + " <span class='navigation-font'><i class='fa fa-long-arrow-right fa-color'></i></span> " + toEntity.displayText); } if (obj && obj.relationshipId) { this.showLoader(); this.getEdgeEntity({ id: obj.relationshipId, from: fromEntity, to: toEntity }); } }, getPropagationFlow: function(options) { var relationshipData = options.relationshipData, graphData = options.graphData, propagateTags = relationshipData.propagateTags; if (relationshipData.end1) { if (relationshipData.end1.guid == graphData.from.guid || propagateTags == "BOTH" || propagateTags == "NONE") { return propagateTags; } else { return propagateTags == "ONE_TO_TWO" ? "TWO_TO_ONE" : "ONE_TO_TWO"; } } else { return propagateTags; } }, getEdgeEntity: function(options) { var that = this, id = options.id, from = options.from, to = options.to, enableOtherFlow = function(relationshipObj) { var isTwoToOne = false; if (relationshipObj.propagateTags == "BOTH") { that.ui.propagationOptions.find('.both').show(); } else { that.ui.propagationOptions.find('.both').hide(); if (that.edgeInfo.obj.fromEntityId != relationshipObj.end1.guid && relationshipObj.propagateTags == "ONE_TO_TWO") { isTwoToOne = true; } else if (that.edgeInfo.obj.fromEntityId == relationshipObj.end1.guid && relationshipObj.propagateTags == "TWO_TO_ONE") { isTwoToOne = true; } if (isTwoToOne) { that.ui.propagationOptions.find('.TWO_TO_ONE').show(); } else { that.ui.propagationOptions.find('.TWO_TO_ONE').hide(); } } }, updateValue = function(relationshipData) { var relationshipObj = relationshipData.relationship; if (relationshipObj) { that.$("input[name='propagateRelation'][value=" + that.getPropagationFlow({ "relationshipData": relationshipObj, "graphData": options }) + "]").prop('checked', true); enableOtherFlow(relationshipObj); that.showBlockedClassificationTable(relationshipData); that.hideLoader({ buttonDisabled: true }); } } this.ui.propagationOptions.find('li label>span.fromName').text(from.typeName); this.ui.propagationOptions.find('li label>span.toName').text(to.typeName); if (id === this.ui.propagationOptions.attr("entity-id")) { return; } this.ui.propagationOptions.attr("entity-id", id); if (this.apiGuid[id]) { updateValue(this.apiGuid[id]); } else { if (this.edgeCall && this.edgeCall.readyState != 4) { this.edgeCall.abort(); } this.edgeCall = this.entityModel.getRelationship(id, { success: function(relationshipData) { that.apiGuid[relationshipData.relationship.guid] = relationshipData; updateValue(relationshipData); }, cust_error: function() { that.hideLoader(); } }); } }, updateRelation: function() { var that = this, entityId = that.ui.propagationOptions.attr('entity-id'), PropagationValue = this.$("input[name='propagateRelation']:checked").val(), relationshipProp = {}; if (PropagationValue === this.ui.propagationOptions.attr("propagation")) { return; } this.ui.propagationOptions.attr("propagation", PropagationValue); if (this.viewType == "flow") { relationshipProp = { "propagateTags": that.getPropagationFlow({ "relationshipData": _.extend({}, this.apiGuid[entityId].relationship, { 'propagateTags': PropagationValue }), "graphData": { from: { guid: this.edgeInfo.obj.fromEntityId } } }) } } else { relationshipProp = { "blockedPropagatedClassifications": this.blockedPropagatedClassifications, "propagatedClassifications": this.propagatedClassifications }; } this.showLoader(); this.entityModel.saveRelationship({ data: JSON.stringify(_.extend({}, that.apiGuid[entityId].relationship, relationshipProp)), success: function(relationshipData) { if (relationshipData) { that.hideLoader({ buttonDisabled: true }); that.modal.trigger('cancel'); that.apiGuid[relationshipData.guid] = relationshipData; that.detailPageFetchCollection(); Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "Propagation flow updated succesfully." }); } }, cust_error: function() { that.hideLoader(); } }); }, showBlockedClassificationTable: function(options) { var that = this, propagationStringValue = "", classificationTableValue = "", relationship = options.relationship, referredEntities = options.referredEntities, getEntityName = function(guid) { var entityObj = referredEntities[guid], name = guid; if (entityObj) { name = Utils.getName(entityObj) + " (" + entityObj.typeName + ")"; } return "<a class='entityName' data-id='entityClick'>" + name + "</a>"; }, getTableRow = function(options) { var val = options.val, fromBlockClassification = options.fromBlockClassification; return "<tr data-entityguid=" + val.entityGuid + "><td class='text-center w30'><a class='classificationName' data-id='entityClick' title='" + val.typeName + "' data-name='" + val.typeName + "''>" + val.typeName + "</a></td><td class='text-center'>" + getEntityName(val.entityGuid) + "</td><td class='text-center w30'><input type='checkbox' " + (fromBlockClassification ? "checked" : "") + " data-id='propagationState' class='input'></td></tr>"; }; this.blockedPropagatedClassifications = _.isUndefined(relationship.blockedPropagatedClassifications) ? [] : _.clone(relationship.blockedPropagatedClassifications); this.propagatedClassifications = _.isUndefined(relationship.propagatedClassifications) ? [] : _.clone(relationship.propagatedClassifications); _.each(this.blockedPropagatedClassifications, function(val, key) { propagationStringValue += getTableRow({ "val": val, fromBlockClassification: true }); }); _.each(this.propagatedClassifications, function(val, key) { propagationStringValue += getTableRow({ "val": val, fromBlockClassification: false }); }); classificationTableValue = "<table class='attriTable'><tr><th class='w30'>Classification</th><th>Entity Name</th><th class='w30'>Block Propagatation</th>" + propagationStringValue + "</table>"; this.ui.PropagatedClassificationTable.append(_.isEmpty(propagationStringValue) ? "No Records Found." : classificationTableValue); }, showLoader: function() { this.modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr("disabled", true); this.$('.overlay').removeClass('hide').addClass('show'); }, hideLoader: function(options) { var buttonDisabled = options && options.buttonDisabled; this.modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr("disabled", buttonDisabled ? buttonDisabled : false); this.$('.overlay').removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); }, notifyModal: function(options) { var that = this, notifyObj = { modal: true, text: "It looks like you have edited something. If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.", ok: function(argument) { that.viewType = that.ui.editPropagationType.is(":checked") ? "flow" : "table"; that.ui.editPropagationType.prop("checked", that.viewType === "flow" ? false : true).trigger("change"); that.modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr("disabled", true); }, cancel: function(argument) { that.viewType = that.ui.editPropagationType.is(":checked") ? "table" : "flow"; } }; Utils.notifyConfirm(notifyObj); }, showEditPropagation: function() { this.$('.editPropagation').show(); this.$('.propagatedClassificationTable').hide(); this.modal.$el.find('.modal-title').text("Enable/Disable Propagation"); }, showPropagatedClassificationTable: function() { this.$('.editPropagation').hide(); this.$('.propagatedClassificationTable').show(); this.modal.$el.find('.modal-title').text("Select Classifications to Block Propagation"); } }); return PropogationPropertyModal; });