/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define(['require', 'backbone', 'hbs!tmpl/site/Statistics_tmpl', 'hbs!tmpl/site/Statistics_Notification_table_tmpl', 'hbs!tmpl/site/entity_tmpl', 'modules/Modal', 'models/VCommon', 'utils/UrlLinks', 'collection/VTagList', 'utils/CommonViewFunction', 'utils/Enums', 'moment', 'utils/Utils', 'moment-timezone' ], function(require, Backbone, StatTmpl, StatsNotiTable, EntityTable, Modal, VCommon, UrlLinks, VTagList, CommonViewFunction, Enums, moment, Utils) { 'use strict'; var FavoriteView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend( /** @lends AboutAtlasView */ { template: StatTmpl, /** Layout sub regions */ regions: { RSaveSearchBasic: "[data-id='r_saveSearchBasic']", RSaveSearchAdvance: "[data-id='r_saveSearchAdvance']" }, /** ui selector cache */ ui: {}, /** ui events hash */ events: function() {}, /** * intialize a new AboutAtlasView Layout * @constructs */ initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, options); var that = this; var modal = new Modal({ title: 'Statistics', content: this, okCloses: true, okText: "Close", showFooter: true, allowCancel: false, width: "60%", headerButtons: [{ title: "Refresh Data", btnClass: "fa fa-refresh", onClick: function() { modal.$el.find('.header-button .fa-refresh').tooltip('hide').prop('disabled', true).addClass('fa-spin'); that.fetchMetricData({ update: true }); } }] }).open(); modal.on('closeModal', function() { modal.trigger('cancel'); }); this.modal = modal; }, bindEvents: function() {}, fetchMetricData: function(options) { that.RSaveSearchBasic.show(new SaveSearchView(_.extend(obj, { isBasic: true, collection: saveSearchBaiscCollection.fullCollection }))); that.RSaveSearchAdvance.show(new SaveSearchView(_.extend(obj, { isBasic: false, collection: saveSearchAdvanceCollection.fullCollection }))); }, onRender: function() { this.fetchMetricData(); }, genrateStatusData: function(stateObject) { var that = this, stats = {}; _.each(stateObject, function(val, key) { var keys = key.split(":"), key = keys[0], subKey = keys[1]; if (stats[key]) { stats[key][subKey] = val; } else { stats[key] = {}; stats[key][subKey] = val; } }); return stats; }, renderEntities: function(options) { var that = this, data = options.data, entityData = data.entity, activeEntities = entityData.entityActive || {}, deletedEntities = entityData.entityDeleted || {}, stats = {}, activeEntityCount = 0, deletedEntityCount = 0, createEntityData = function(opt) { var entityData = opt.entityData, type = opt.type; _.each(entityData, function(val, key) { var intVal = _.isUndefined(val) ? 0 : val; if (type == "active") { activeEntityCount += intVal; } else { deletedEntityCount += intVal; } intVal = _.numberFormatWithComa(intVal) if (stats[key]) { stats[key][type] = intVal; } else { stats[key] = {}; stats[key][type] = intVal; } }) }; createEntityData({ "entityData": activeEntities, "type": "active" }) createEntityData({ "entityData": deletedEntities, "type": "deleted" }); if (!_.isEmpty(stats)) { that.ui.entityCard.html( EntityTable({ "data": _.pick(stats, (_.keys(stats).sort())), }) ); that.$('[data-id="activeEntity"]').html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComa(activeEntityCount) + ")"); that.$('[data-id="deletedEntity"]').html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComa(deletedEntityCount) + ")"); that.ui.entityHeader.html(" (" + _.numberFormatWithComa(data.general.entityCount) + ")"); } }, renderStats: function(options) { var that = this, data = this.genrateStatusData(options.valueObject), generalData = options.dataObject, createTable = function(obj) { var tableBody = '', enums = obj.enums, data = obj.data; _.each(data, function(value, key, list) { tableBody += '<tr><td>' + key + '</td><td class="">' + that.getValue({ "value": value, "type": enums[key] }) + '</td></tr>'; }); return tableBody; }; if (data.Notification) { var tableCol = [{ label: "Total <br> (from " + (that.getValue({ "value": data.Server["startTimeStamp"], "type": Enums.stats.Server["startTimeStamp"], })) + ")", key: "total" }, { label: "Current Hour <br> (from " + (that.getValue({ "value": data.Notification["currentHourStartTime"], "type": Enums.stats.Notification["currentHourStartTime"], })) + ")", key: "currentHour" }, { label: "Previous Hour", key: "previousHour" }, { label: "Current Day <br> (from " + (that.getValue({ "value": data.Notification["currentDayStartTime"], "type": Enums.stats.Notification["currentDayStartTime"], })) + ")", key: "currentDay" }, { label: "Previous Day", key: "previousDay" } ], tableHeader = ["count", "AvgTime", "EntityCreates", "EntityUpdates", "EntityDeletes", "Failed"]; that.ui.notificationCard.html( StatsNotiTable({ "enums": Enums.stats.Notification, "data": data.Notification, "tableHeader": tableHeader, "tableCol": tableCol, "getTmplValue": function(argument, args) { var pickValueFrom = argument.key.concat(args); if (argument.key == "total" && args == "EntityCreates") { pickValueFrom = "totalCreates"; } else if (argument.key == "total" && args == "EntityUpdates") { pickValueFrom = "totalUpdates"; } else if (argument.key == "total" && args == "EntityDeletes") { pickValueFrom = "totalDeletes"; } else if (args == "count") { pickValueFrom = argument.key; } var returnVal = data.Notification[pickValueFrom]; return returnVal ? _.numberFormatWithComa(returnVal) : 0; } }) ); that.ui.notificationSmallCard.html( createTable({ "enums": Enums.stats.Notification, "data": _.pick(data.Notification, 'lastMessageProcessedTime', 'offsetCurrent', 'offsetStart') }) ); } if (data.Server) { that.ui.serverCard.html( createTable({ "enums": _.extend(Enums.stats.Server, Enums.stats.ConnectionStatus, Enums.stats.generalData), "data": _.extend( _.pick(data.Server, 'startTimeStamp', 'activeTimeStamp', 'upTime', 'statusBackendStore', 'statusIndexStore'), _.pick(generalData, 'collectionTime')) }) ); } }, getValue: function(options) { var value = options.value, type = options.type; if (type == 'time') { return Utils.millisecondsToTime(value); } else if (type == 'day') { return moment.tz(value, moment.tz.guess()).format("MM/DD/YYYY h:mm A z"); } else if (type == 'number') { return _.numberFormatWithComa(value); } else if (type == 'millisecond') { return _.numberFormatWithComa(value) + " millisecond/s"; } else if (type == "status-html") { return '<span class="connection-status ' + value + '"></span>'; } else { return value; } } }); return StatisticsView; });