---+ Configuring Apache Atlas ---++ Introduction All configuration in Atlas uses java properties style configuration. ---++ Application Properties The main configuration file is application.properties which is in the *conf* dir at the deployed location. It consists of the following sections: ---+++ Graph Database Configs ---++++ Graph persistence engine This section sets up the graph db - titan - to use a persistence engine. Please refer to <a href="http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/docs/titan/0.5.4/titan-config-ref.html">link</a> for more details. The example below uses BerkeleyDBJE. <verbatim> atlas.graph.storage.backend=berkeleyje atlas.graph.storage.directory=data/berkley </verbatim> ---++++ Graph Search Index This section sets up the graph db - titan - to use an search indexing system. The example configuration below setsup to use an embedded Elastic search indexing system. <verbatim> atlas.graph.index.search.backend=elasticsearch atlas.graph.index.search.directory=data/es atlas.graph.index.search.elasticsearch.client-only=false atlas.graph.index.search.elasticsearch.local-mode=true atlas.graph.index.search.elasticsearch.create.sleep=2000 </verbatim> ---+++ Hive Lineage Configs The higher layer services like hive lineage, schema, etc. are driven by the type system and this section encodes the specific types for the hive data model. # This models reflects the base super types for Data and Process <verbatim> atlas.lineage.hive.table.type.name=DataSet atlas.lineage.hive.process.type.name=Process atlas.lineage.hive.process.inputs.name=inputs atlas.lineage.hive.process.outputs.name=outputs ## Schema atlas.lineage.hive.table.schema.query=hive_table where name=?, columns </verbatim> ---+++ Security Properties ---++++ SSL config The following property is used to toggle the SSL feature. <verbatim> atlas.enableTLS=false </verbatim>