/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ define(['require', 'backbone', 'hbs!tmpl/business_catalog/TreeLayoutView_tmpl', 'utils/Utils', 'collection/VCatalogList', 'utils/CommonViewFunction', 'utils/Messages', 'utils/UrlLinks' ], function(require, Backbone, TreeLayoutView_tmpl, Utils, VCatalogList, CommonViewFunction, Messages, UrlLinks) { 'use strict'; var TreeLayoutView = Backbone.Marionette.LayoutView.extend( /** @lends TreeLayoutView */ { _viewName: 'TreeLayoutView', template: TreeLayoutView_tmpl, /** Layout sub regions */ regions: {}, /** ui selector cache */ ui: { Parent: '[data-id="Parent"]', childList: '[data-id="childList"]', liClick: 'li a[data-href]', backTaxanomy: '[data-id="backTaxanomy"]', expandArrow: '[data-id="expandArrow"]', searchTermInput: '[data-id="searchTermInput"]', refreshTaxanomy: '[data-id="refreshTaxanomy"]', descriptionAssign: '[data-id="descriptionAssign"]', }, /** ui events hash */ events: function() { var events = {}; events['dblclick ' + this.ui.liClick] = function(e) { this.changeArrowState(e); }; events['click ' + this.ui.liClick] = function(e) { var that = this; that.addActiveClass(e); that.url = $(e.currentTarget).data('href'); if (this.viewBased) { Utils.setUrl({ url: '#!/taxonomy/detailCatalog' + that.url, mergeBrowserUrl: false, updateTabState: function() { return { taxonomyUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; }, trigger: true }); } }; events['click ' + this.ui.backTaxanomy] = 'backButtonTaxanomy'; events['click ' + this.ui.refreshTaxanomy] = 'refreshButtonTaxanomy'; events['click ' + this.ui.expandArrow] = 'changeArrowState'; events["change " + this.ui.searchTermInput] = function() { var termUrl = this.termCollection.url.split("/", 5).join("/") + "/" + this.ui.searchTermInput.val().split(".").join("/terms/"); this.fetchCollection(termUrl, true); if (this.viewBased) { Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/taxonomy/detailCatalog" + termUrl, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true, updateTabState: function() { return { taxonomyUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; } }); } }; return events; }, /** * intialize a new TreeLayoutView Layout * @constructs */ initialize: function(options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'url', 'viewBased')); this.parentCollection = new VCatalogList(); this.childCollection = new VCatalogList(); this.taxanomy = new VCatalogList(); this.termCollection = new VCatalogList(); }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; this.listenTo(this.parentCollection, 'reset', function() { if (this.parentCollection.fullCollection.models.length) { this.generateTree(true); } else { if (Utils.getUrlState.isTaxonomyTab() || Utils.getUrlState.isInitial()) { this.createDefaultTaxonomy(); } } }, this); this.listenTo(this.childCollection, 'reset', function() { this.generateTree(); }, this); this.listenTo(this.taxanomy, 'reset', function() { this.searchResult(); }, this); this.listenTo(this.termCollection, 'reset', function() { this.termSearchData(); }, this); this.listenTo(this.childCollection, 'error', function(model, response) { this.hideLoader(); }, this); this.listenTo(this.parentCollection, 'error', function(model, response) { this.hideLoader(); }, this); }, onRender: function() { var that = this; this.bindEvents(); that.ui.backTaxanomy.hide(); this.fetchCollection(this.url, true); this.$el.on("click", '.termPopoverList li', function(e) { that[$(this).find("a").data('fn')](e); }); $('body').click(function(e) { if (that.$('.termPopoverList').length) { if ($(e.target).hasClass('termPopover')) { return; } that.$('.termPopover').popover('hide'); } }); this.fetchTaxanomyCollections(); if (!this.viewBased) { this.ui.descriptionAssign.show(); } else { this.ui.descriptionAssign.hide(); } }, backButtonTaxanomy: function(e) { var that = this; this.backButton = true; var dataURL = this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li[data-id="Parent"]').find("a").data('href').split("/terms"); var backUrl = dataURL.pop(); if (dataURL.join("/terms").length) { this.ui.backTaxanomy.show(); var currentURL = "#!/taxonomy/detailCatalog" + dataURL.join("/terms"); this.fetchCollection(dataURL.join("/terms"), true); this.url = dataURL.join("/terms"); if (this.viewBased) { Utils.setUrl({ url: currentURL, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true, updateTabState: function() { return { taxonomyUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; } }); } } }, manualRender: function(url) { var splitUrl = this.url.split('/terms'); if (url && this.url != url) { if (splitUrl.length > 1 && splitUrl[splitUrl.length - 1] == "") { var checkUrl = splitUrl; checkUrl.pop(); if (url != checkUrl) { this.fetchCollection(url, true); } } else if (Utils.getUrlState.getQueryParams() && Utils.getUrlState.getQueryParams().load == "true") { if (this.viewBased) { Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/taxonomy/detailCatalog" + url, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: false, updateTabState: function() { return { taxonomyUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; } }); } this.fetchCollection(url, true); } else { this.fetchCollection(url, true); } } if (!url && Utils.getUrlState.isTaxonomyTab()) { this.selectFirstElement(); } }, changeArrowState: function(e) { var scope = this.$('[data-id="expandArrow"]'); if (e) { scope = $(e.currentTarget); } if (scope.is('a')) { var url = scope.data('href'); scope = scope.parent().find("i.toggleArrow"); } else if (scope.is('i')) { var url = scope.parent().find("a").data('href'); } if (scope.hasClass('fa-angle-down')) { scope.toggleClass('fa-angle-right fa-angle-down'); this.ui.childList.hide(); } else { if (e && $(e.currentTarget).parents('li.parentChild').length) { scope.parent('li').find('.tools .taxanomyloader').show(); this.url = url; this.fetchCollection(url, true); if (this.viewBased) { Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/taxonomy/detailCatalog" + url, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true, updateTabState: function() { return { taxonomyUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; } }); } } else { scope.toggleClass('fa-angle-right fa-angle-down'); this.ui.childList.show(); } } }, fetchCollection: function(url, isParent) { if (url) { this.url = url; } else { var parentURL = this.ui.Parent.find('a').data('href'); if (parentURL) { this.url = parentURL; } else { this.url = UrlLinks.taxonomiesApiUrl(); } } this.showLoader(); if (isParent) { this.parentCollection.url = this.url; this.parentCollection.fullCollection.reset(undefined, { silent: true }); this.parentCollection.fetch({ reset: true, cache: true }); } else { this.childCollection.url = this.url + "?hierarchy/path:."; this.childCollection.fullCollection.reset(undefined, { silent: true }); this.childCollection.fetch({ reset: true, cache: true }); } }, showLoader: function() { this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li.active .tools .taxanomyloader').show(); this.$('.contentLoading').show(); }, hideLoader: function() { this.$('.taxanomyloader').hide(); this.$('.contentLoading').hide(); }, addActiveClass: function(e) { this.$('ul.taxonomyTree').find('li').removeClass('active'); if (e.jquery) { e.parent('li').addClass('active'); } else { if (e.currentTarget) { $(e.currentTarget).parent('li').addClass('active'); } else { if ($(e).parent.length) { $(e).parent('li').addClass('active'); } else { $(e).parents('li').addClass('active'); } } } }, fetchTaxanomyCollections: function() { this.taxanomy.fetch({ reset: true }); }, refreshButtonTaxanomy: function() { this.fetchTaxanomyCollections(); var url = ""; if (this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('.active').parents('.parentChild').length) { url = this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('.active a').data('href').split("/").slice(0, -2).join("/"); this.refresh = this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('.active a').data('href'); } else { url = this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('.active a').data('href'); this.refresh = this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('.active a').data('href'); } this.fetchCollection(url, true); }, searchResult: function() { var that = this; _.each(this.taxanomy.models, function(model, key) { var name = model.get('name'); that.termCollection.url = UrlLinks.taxonomiesTermsApiUrl(name) }); this.termCollection.fetch({ reset: true }); }, termSearchData: function() { var that = this; var str = '<option></option>'; this.termCollection.fullCollection.comparator = function(model) { return model.get('name'); }; this.termCollection.fullCollection.sort().each(function(model) { str += '<option>' + model.get('name') + '</option>'; }); this.ui.searchTermInput.html(str); // this.ui.searchTermInput.setAttribute('data-href' : that.termCollection.url); this.ui.searchTermInput.select2({ placeholder: "Search Term", allowClear: true }); }, onSearchTerm: function() { Utils.setUrl({ url: '#!/search/searchResult', urlParams: { query: this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li.active').find("a").data('name'), searchType: "dsl", dslChecked: true }, updateTabState: function() { return { searchUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; }, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true }); }, selectFirstElement: function() { var dataURL = this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li[data-id="Parent"]').find("a").data('href'); if (dataURL) { this.url = dataURL; if (this.viewBased && Utils.getUrlState.isTaxonomyTab()) { Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/taxonomy/detailCatalog" + dataURL, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true, updateTabState: function() { return { taxonomyUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; } }); } } }, generateTree: function(isParent) { var parentLi = "", childLi = "", that = this; function createTaxonomy(url) { var href = false; _.each(that.parentCollection.fullCollection.models, function(model, key) { if (model.get('terms')) { href = model.get('terms').href; } else if (model.get('href')) { href = model.get('href') + "/terms"; } var hrefUrl = "/api" + model.get('href').split("/api")[1]; if (hrefUrl) { var backUrlCheck = hrefUrl.split("taxonomies/"); if (backUrlCheck.length > 1) { if (backUrlCheck[1].split("/terms").length <= 1) { that.ui.backTaxanomy.hide(); } else { that.ui.backTaxanomy.show(); } } } var name = Utils.checkTagOrTerm(model.get('name'), true); if (name.name) { // data-name="<space>'<tagName>'" Space is required for DSL search Input if (that.viewBased) { parentLi = '<div class="tools"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin-custom taxanomyloader"></i><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h termPopover"></i></div><i class="fa fa-angle-right toggleArrow" data-id="expandArrow" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '"></i><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '" data-name="`' + model.get('name') + '`">' + name.name + '</a>'; } else { parentLi = '<div class="tools"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin-custom taxanomyloader"></i></div><i class="fa fa-angle-right toggleArrow" data-id="expandArrow" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '"></i><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '" data-name="`' + model.get('name') + '`">' + name.name + '</a>'; } } }); if (href) { var hrefUrl = "/api" + href.split("/api")[1]; that.fetchCollection(hrefUrl); } that.ui.childList.html(''); that.ui.Parent.addClass('active'); that.ui.Parent.html(parentLi); } function createTerm() { that.childCollection.fullCollection.comparator = function(model) { return model.get('name').toLowerCase(); }; that.childCollection.fullCollection.sort().each(function(model, key) { var name = Utils.checkTagOrTerm(model.get('name'), true); var hrefUrl = "/api" + model.get('href').split("/api")[1]; if (name.name) { if (that.viewBased) { childLi += '<li class="children"><div class="tools"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin-custom taxanomyloader"></i><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h termPopover" ></i></div><i class="fa fa-angle-right toggleArrow" data-id="expandArrow" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '"></i><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '" data-name="`' + model.get('name') + '`">' + name.name + '</a></li>'; } else { childLi += '<li class="children"><div class="tools"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin-custom taxanomyloader"></i></div><i class="fa fa-angle-right toggleArrow" data-id="expandArrow" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '"></i><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-href="' + hrefUrl + '" data-name="`' + model.get('name') + '`">' + name.name + '</a></li>'; } } }); that.ui.childList.html(childLi); } if (isParent) { createTaxonomy(); } else { this.changeArrowState(); createTerm(); if (Utils.getUrlState.isInitial() || Utils.getUrlState.getQueryUrl().lastValue == "taxonomy") { this.selectFirstElement(); } if (this.refresh) { this.addActiveClass(this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('a[data-href="' + this.refresh + '"]')); this.refresh = undefined; } } this.hideLoader(); if (this.viewBased) { this.$('.termPopover').popover({ placement: 'bottom', html: true, trigger: 'manual', container: this.$el, template: '<div class="popover fixedPopover fade bottom in"><div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"></div></div>', content: function() { var li = "<li class='listTerm'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i> <a href='javascript:void(0)' data-fn='onAddTerm'>Create Subterm</a></li>"; /* "<li class='listTerm' ><i class='fa fa-arrow-right'></i> <a href='javascript:void(0)' data-fn='moveTerm'>Move Term</a></li>" + "<li class='listTerm' ><i class='fa fa-edit'></i> <a href='javascript:void(0)' data-fn='onEditTerm'>Edit Term</a></li>" +*/ var termDataURL = Utils.getUrlState.getQueryUrl().hash.split("terms"); if (termDataURL.length > 1) { li = "<li class='listTerm' ><i class='fa fa-search'></i> <a href='javascript:void(0)' data-fn='onSearchTerm'>Search Assets</a></li>" + li; li += "<li class='listTerm'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i> <a href='javascript:void(0)' data-fn='deleteTerm'>Delete Term</a></li>"; } return "<ul class='termPopoverList'>" + li + "</ul>"; } }); this.$('.termPopover').off('click').on('click', function(e) { // if any other popovers are visible, hide them e.preventDefault(); that.$('.termPopover').not(this).popover('hide'); $(this).popover('show'); }); } }, onAddTerm: function(e) { var that = this; require([ 'views/business_catalog/AddTermLayoutView', 'modules/Modal' ], function(AddTermLayoutView, Modal) { var view = new AddTermLayoutView({ url: that.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li.active').find("a").data("href"), model: new that.parentCollection.model() }); var modal = new Modal({ title: 'Create Sub-term', content: view, okCloses: true, showFooter: true, allowCancel: true, okText: 'Create', }).open(); modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr('disabled', true); modal.on('ok', function() { that.saveAddTerm(view); }); view.ui.termName.on('keyup', function() { if (this.value.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop('disabled', true); view.ui.termName.addClass("addTermDisable"); view.$('.alertTerm').show(); } else { modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop('disabled', false); view.ui.termName.removeClass("addTermDisable"); view.$('.alertTerm').hide(); } }); view.on('closeModal', function() { modal.trigger('cancel'); }); }); }, saveAddTerm: function(view) { var that = this; var url = view.url; view.model.url = url + "/terms/" + view.ui.termName.val(); this.showLoader(); view.model.set({ description: view.ui.termDetail.val() }).save(null, { success: function(model, response) { that.create = true; that.fetchTaxanomyCollections(); that.fetchCollection(url, true); Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "Term " + view.ui.termName.val() + Messages.addSuccessMessage }); }, complete: function() { that.hideLoader(); } }); }, deleteTerm: function(e) { var termName = this.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li.active a').data("name"), assetName = $(e.target).data("assetname"), that = this, modal = CommonViewFunction.deleteTagModel({ msg: "<div class='ellipsis'>Delete: " + "<b>" + _.escape(termName) + "?</b></div>" + "<p class='termNote'>Assets mapped to this term will be unclassified.</p>", titleMessage: Messages.deleteTerm, buttonText: "Delete" }); modal.on('ok', function() { that.deleteTermData(e); }); modal.on('closeModal', function() { modal.trigger('cancel'); }); }, deleteTermData: function(e) { var that = this; this.showLoader(); require(['models/VCatalog'], function(VCatalog) { var termModel = new VCatalog(), url = that.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li.active a').data('href'); var termName = that.$('.taxonomyTree').find('li.active a').text(); termModel.deleteTerm(url, { skipDefaultError: true, success: function(data) { Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "Term " + termName + Messages.deleteSuccessMessage }); var termURL = url.split("/").slice(0, -2).join("/"); if (that.viewBased) { Utils.setUrl({ url: "#!/taxonomy/detailCatalog" + termURL, mergeBrowserUrl: false, trigger: true, updateTabState: function() { return { taxonomyUrl: this.url, stateChanged: true }; } }); } that.fetchCollection(termURL, true); }, cust_error: function(model, response) { var message = "Term " + termName + Messages.deleteErrorMessage; if (response && response.responseJSON) { message = response.responseJSON.errorMessage; } Utils.notifyError({ content: message }); }, complete: function() { that.hideLoader(); } }); }); }, moveTerm: function() { var that = this; require([ 'views/business_catalog/MoveTermLayoutView', 'modules/Modal' ], function(MoveTermLayoutView, Modal) { var view = new MoveTermLayoutView({ taxanomyCollection: that.collection }); var modal = new Modal({ title: 'Move Term', content: view, okCloses: true, showFooter: true, allowCancel: true, okText: 'Move', }).open(); // modal.on('ok', function() { // that.saveAddTerm(view); // }); view.on('closeModal', function() { modal.trigger('cancel'); }); }); }, createDefaultTaxonomy: function() { var that = this; require([ 'views/business_catalog/AddTermLayoutView', 'modules/Modal' ], function(AddTermLayoutView, Modal) { var view = new AddTermLayoutView({ url: UrlLinks.taxonomiesApiUrl(), model: new that.parentCollection.model(), defaultTerm: true }); var modal = new Modal({ title: 'Taxonomy', content: view, okCloses: true, showFooter: true, allowCancel: true, okText: 'Create', }).open(); modal.$el.find('button.ok').attr('disabled', true); modal.on('ok', function() { that.saveDefaultTaxonomy(view); }); view.ui.termName.on('keyup', function() { if (this.value.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop('disabled', true); view.ui.termName.addClass("addTermDisable"); view.$('.alertTerm').show(); } else { modal.$el.find('button.ok').prop('disabled', false); view.ui.termName.removeClass("addTermDisable"); view.$('.alertTerm').hide(); } }); view.on('closeModal', function() { modal.trigger('cancel'); }); }); }, saveDefaultTaxonomy: function(view) { var that = this; var url = view.url; view.model.url = url + "/" + view.ui.termName.val(); this.showLoader(); view.model.set({ description: view.ui.termDetail.val() }).save(null, { skipDefaultError: true, success: function(model, response) { that.fetchCollection(view.model.url, true); Utils.notifySuccess({ content: "Default taxonomy " + view.ui.termName.val() + Messages.addSuccessMessage }); }, cust_error: function(model, response) { Utils.notifyError({ content: "Default taxonomy " + view.ui.termName.val() + Messages.addErrorMessage }); }, complete: function() { that.hideLoader(); } }); } }); return TreeLayoutView; });