diff --git a/tkdm_data_active_summary_day.sql b/tkdm_data_active_summary_day.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1dcc95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tkdm_data_active_summary_day.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+insert overwrite table tkdm.tkdm_data_active_summary_day partition(ds='2017-02-26') 
+select /*+ mapjoin(b) */ a.appid,
+       a.cid,
+       a.dupnum_click_all,
+       a.num_install,
+       round(a.num_install / a.dupnum_click_all,4) as ins_rate,
+       b.category_id,
+       b.category_name,
+       b.isgame
+(select appid,
+       cid,
+       sum(dupnum_click_all) as dupnum_click_all,
+       sum(num_install) as num_install
+     from tkio.tkio_rpt_channel_compare_day
+     where ds='2017-02-26' and dt='2017-02-26' and 
+           campaignid !='_default_' and 
+           cid!=-2
+     group by appid,cid
+     having sum(dupnum_click_all) > 10
+) as a 
+(select appid,
+        category_id,
+        category_name,
+        isgame
+     from tkio_v2.tkio_dp_app_info
+     where ds ='2017-02-26'
+) as b on a.appid=b.appid
+create EXTERNAL table tkdm_data_active_summary_day(
+appid string,
+cid int,
+dupnum_click_all int,
+num_install int,
+ins_rate double,
+category_id int,
+category_name string,
+isgame int
+PARTITIONED BY (ds string)
+location 's3://reyuntkio/warehouse/tkio/tkdm.db/tkdm_data_active_summary_day'