Commit 37ebb5dc by kangxiaoshan

dmp 收入上传

parent 1395b186
package common.controller;
import common.model.DmpIncome;
import common.model.User;
import common.service.DmpIncomeService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import security.annotation.CurrentAccount;
import util.ResultModel;
//DMP 收入管理
public class DmpIncomeController {
DmpIncomeService dmpIncomeService;
public ResultModel listByContract(String contractCode) {
return ResultModel.OK(dmpIncomeService.listByCode(contractCode));
public ResultModel listByDs(String start, String end) {
return ResultModel.OK(dmpIncomeService.listByDs(start, end));
public ResultModel updateItem(@RequestBody DmpIncome dmpIncome) {
return ResultModel.OK(dmpIncomeService.update(dmpIncome));
public ResultModel deleteItem(Long id) {
return ResultModel.OK(dmpIncomeService.delete(id));
public ResultModel uploadList(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file, @PathVariable String platform, @CurrentAccount User loginAccount) {
return ResultModel.OK();
package common.model;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import java.util.Date;
public class DmpIncome {
private Long id;
private String contractCode;
private String incomeMonth;//收入月份
private String period;//结算周期
private String sysSettlement;//系统结算
private String monthSettlement;//按月结算
private String confirmSettlement;//确认结算
private String taxRate;//税率
private Date createTime;
private Date modifyTime;
private String uploadUser;
//contract_code, my_body_name, customer_body, customer_short, business_type, agreement_type
private String myBodyName,
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getContractCode() {
return contractCode;
public void setContractCode(String contractCode) {
this.contractCode = contractCode;
public String getIncomeMonth() {
return incomeMonth;
public void setIncomeMonth(String incomeMonth) {
this.incomeMonth = incomeMonth;
public String getPeriod() {
return period;
public void setPeriod(String period) {
this.period = period;
public String getSysSettlement() {
return sysSettlement;
public void setSysSettlement(String sysSettlement) {
this.sysSettlement = sysSettlement;
public String getMonthSettlement() {
return monthSettlement;
public void setMonthSettlement(String monthSettlement) {
this.monthSettlement = monthSettlement;
public String getConfirmSettlement() {
return confirmSettlement;
public void setConfirmSettlement(String confirmSettlement) {
this.confirmSettlement = confirmSettlement;
public String getTaxRate() {
return taxRate;
public void setTaxRate(String taxRate) {
this.taxRate = taxRate;
public Date getCreateTime() {
return createTime;
public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
this.createTime = createTime;
public Date getModifyTime() {
return modifyTime;
public void setModifyTime(Date modifyTime) {
this.modifyTime = modifyTime;
public String getUploadUser() {
return uploadUser;
public void setUploadUser(String uploadUser) {
this.uploadUser = uploadUser;
public String getMyBodyName() {
return myBodyName;
public void setMyBodyName(String myBodyName) {
this.myBodyName = myBodyName;
public String getCustomerBody() {
return customerBody;
public void setCustomerBody(String customerBody) {
this.customerBody = customerBody;
public String getCustomerShort() {
return customerShort;
public void setCustomerShort(String customerShort) {
this.customerShort = customerShort;
public String getBusinessType() {
return businessType;
public void setBusinessType(String businessType) {
this.businessType = businessType;
public String getAgreementType() {
return agreementType;
public void setAgreementType(String agreementType) {
this.agreementType = agreementType;
......@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ public interface ContractRepository extends JpaRepository<Contract, Long> {
@Query(value = "select contract_code,my_body_code,sale,platform from contract where contract_code in ?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<Object[]> findByContractCode(List<String> codesList);
@Query(value = "select contract_code, my_body_name, customer_body, customer_short, business_type, agreement_type from contract where platform = 'dmp' and contract_code in ?1", nativeQuery = true)
List<Object[]> findByDmpContractCode(List<String> codesList);
@Query(value = "select * from contract where ((start_date <= ?1 and end_date >= ?1) or (start_date <= ?2 and end_date >= ?2) or (start_date >= ?1 and end_date <= ?2) or (start_date <= ?1 and end_date >= ?2)) and platform=?3 and status!='del' and (share_sign = 1 or share_sign is null) ", nativeQuery = true)
List<Contract> findShareContranctByDate3(String startDate, String endDate, String platform);
package common.repository;
import common.model.DmpIncome;
import java.util.List;
public interface DmpIncomeRepository extends JpaRepository<DmpIncome, Long> {
@Query(value = "select * from dmp_income where contract_code = ?1 order by income_month", nativeQuery = true)
List<DmpIncome> findByContractCode(String contractCode);
@Query(value = "select * from dmp_income where income_month >= ?1 and income_month <=?2 order by income_month", nativeQuery = true)
List<DmpIncome> findByContractDs(String start, String end);
@Query(value = "select * from dmp_income where contract_code = ?1 and income_month =?2 limit 1 ", nativeQuery = true)
DmpIncome findByCodeMonth(String contractCode, String incomeMonth);
package common.service;
import common.model.DmpIncome;
import common.model.User;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import util.ResultModel;
import java.util.List;
public interface DmpIncomeService {
List<DmpIncome> listByCode(String contractCode);
List<DmpIncome> listByDs(String start, String end);
HSSFWorkbook exportIncomeList(String startDate, String endDate, String bodyCode, String serchName);
DmpIncome update(DmpIncome dmpIncome);
Long delete(Long id);
ResultModel uploadFile(MultipartFile file, String platform, User loginAccount);
package common.service.impl;
import common.model.DmpIncome;
import common.model.User;
import common.repository.ContractRepository;
import common.repository.DmpIncomeRepository;
import common.service.DmpIncomeService;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.util.StopWatch;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import util.ResultModel;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
public class DmpIncomeServiceImpl implements DmpIncomeService {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DmpIncomeServiceImpl.class);
DmpIncomeRepository dmpIncomeRepository;
ContractRepository contractRepository;
DataSource dataSource;
public List<DmpIncome> listByCode(String contractCode) {
List<DmpIncome> dmpIncomes = dmpIncomeRepository.findByContractCode(contractCode);
return dmpIncomes;
public List<DmpIncome> listByDs(String start, String end) {
List<DmpIncome> dmpIncomes = dmpIncomeRepository.findByContractDs(start, end);
List<String> codes = -> v.getContractCode()).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<Object[]> contracts = contractRepository.findByDmpContractCode(codes);
Map<String, Object[]> names = -> v[0] + "", v -> v, (v1, v2) -> v1));
for (DmpIncome dmpIncome : dmpIncomes) {
Object[] nameItem = names.get(dmpIncome.getCreateTime());
//my_body_name, customer_body, customer_short, business_type, agreement_type
if (nameItem != null) {
dmpIncome.setMyBodyName(nameItem[1] + "");
dmpIncome.setCustomerBody(nameItem[2] + "");
dmpIncome.setCustomerShort(nameItem[3] + "");
dmpIncome.setBusinessType(nameItem[4] + "");
dmpIncome.setAgreementType(nameItem[5] + "");
return dmpIncomes;
public HSSFWorkbook exportIncomeList(String startDate, String endDate, String bodyCode, String serchName) {
List<DmpIncome> dmpIncomes = this.listByDs(startDate, endDate);
dmpIncomes =
.filter(v -> !StringUtils.isEmpty(bodyCode) && bodyCode.equals(v.getMyBodyName()))
.filter(v -> StringUtils.isEmpty(serchName) && (v.getContractCode().contains(serchName) || v.getCustomerBody().contains(serchName)))
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##,##0.00");
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();//这里也可以设置sheet的Name
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();
HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
String[] title = "我方签约主体,收入月份,签约方,客户简称,合同编号,业务类型,结算周期,系统结算,按月结算,税率,确认收入".split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
String[] bussinesName = new String[]{"", "VIP", "共管"};
for (int j = 0; j < dmpIncomes.size(); j++) {
HSSFRow rowBody = sheet.createRow(j + 1);
DmpIncome income = dmpIncomes.get(j);
String[] dataItem = new String[]{
income.getMyBodyName(), income.getIncomeMonth(), income.getCustomerBody(),
income.getCustomerShort(), income.getContractCode(), bussinesName[Integer.parseInt(income.getBusinessType())],
income.getPeriod(), income.getSysSettlement(), income.getMonthSettlement(),
income.getTaxRate(), income.getConfirmSettlement()
for (int w = 0; w < dataItem.length; w++) {
return workbook;
public DmpIncome update(DmpIncome dmpIncome) {
if (dmpIncome.getId() == null) {
return null;
DmpIncome dbItem = dmpIncomeRepository.findOne(dmpIncome.getId());
return dbItem;
public Long delete(Long id) {
if (id == null) {
return null;
return id;
public ResultModel uploadFile(MultipartFile file, String platform, User loginAccount) {
InputStream stream = null;
Workbook workbook = null;
try {
stream = file.getInputStream();
workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(stream);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("", e);
} finally {
if (stream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("", e);
if (workbook == null) {
return ResultModel.ERROR("获取上传文件错误");
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
Row row = sheet.getRow(0);
String sheetTitle = "合同编号\t收入月份\t结算周期\t系统结算\t按月结算\t税率\t确认收入";
int titleLength = sheetTitle.split("\t").length;
StringBuffer titleUp = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < titleLength; i++) {
if (i > 0) titleUp.append("\t");
if (!titleUp.toString().equals(sheetTitle)) {
return ResultModel.ERROR("模板表头错误");
int rowNumber = sheet.getLastRowNum();
if (rowNumber <= 1) {
return ResultModel.ERROR("文件为空");
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(30);
CompletableFuture[] futures = Stream.iterate(1, n -> n + 1).limit(rowNumber - 1).map(index ->
() -> saveDmpIncomeItem(sheet, index, loginAccount), executorService)
.exceptionally((t) -> null)
).toArray(size -> new CompletableFuture[size]);
stopWatch.stop();"dmp income upload {} line data use all {}s ", rowNumber - 1, stopWatch.getTotalTimeSeconds());
return ResultModel.OK();
private DmpIncome saveDmpIncomeItem(Sheet sheet, int index, User user) {
//" line index {}", index);
Row rowItem = sheet.getRow(index);
//合同编号 收入月份 结算周期 系统结算 按月结算 税率 确认收入
DmpIncome income = new DmpIncome();
income.setContractCode(getCellStringValue(rowItem, 0));
income.setIncomeMonth(getCellStringValue(rowItem, 1));
income.setPeriod(getCellStringValue(rowItem, 2));
income.setSysSettlement(getCellStringValue(rowItem, 3));
income.setMonthSettlement(getCellStringValue(rowItem, 4));
income.setTaxRate(getCellStringValue(rowItem, 5));
income.setConfirmSettlement(getCellStringValue(rowItem, 6));
// 时间 上传人
income.setCreateTime(new Date());
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(income.getContractCode())) {
return null;
DmpIncome one = dmpIncomeRepository.findByCodeMonth(income.getContractCode(), income.getIncomeMonth());
if (one != null) {
// 同一合同同一月份不重复保存
return null;
return income;
private String getCellStringValue(Row row, int index) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(index);
return cell == null ? "" : cell.toString();
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