Commit af0d3bd1 by kangxiaoshan


parent 0201c49f
......@@ -13,813 +13,823 @@ import java.util.List;
public class Contract {
private Long id;
private String product;
private String myBodyName;
private String myBodyCode;
private String customerBody;
private String email; //客户主账号
private String contractCode;
private int codeNum;
private String contractType; // 0 首次签约 1 续签 2 合同变更
private String startDate;
private String endDate;
private Long priceLevel;
private String priceLevelName;
private Double money; //合同金额
private Double rebate; //
private Long sale;
//产品 trackingio or adi ...
private String platform;
private String status; // 作废 先回款待录入
private String saleName;
private Double payMoney; // 回款金额
private Integer backStatus; // 1 未回款 2 部分回款 3 已回款
private Long invoice; // 开票次数
private BigDecimal invoiceMoney; // 发票金额
private String createName; // 创建人NAME
//合同类型 主套餐 or 增值套餐
private String type;
private Long priceName;
private Boolean old;
private Long extraFlow; // 优惠流量
private Long modifyAccount;
private Long createAccount;// 创建人id
private Date modifyTime;
private Date createTime;
private String ds;
private Boolean virtual;
private Long firstBackId;//先回款记录的id
private Long adjustmentFund;// 分摊收入调整金额 (*100的结果)
private String adjustmentFundForm; // 表单提交的值(分摊收入调整金额)
private Integer intervalUseDays;//区间使用天数
private Long incomeExcludingTax; //不含税收入 (*100的结果)
private Long intervaIncomeShare;//区间分摊收入(*100的结果)
private Long incomeShareAll;//分摊总收入(*100的结果)
private Long incomeGross;//累计总收入(*100的结果)合同自开始至选择的结束日期(分摊收入+调整金额)
private Integer shareSign;//标记是否计算分摊收入 1 计算 0 不计算
private String searchName;
private List<String> customBodyNames;
* 新增字段 20190427
private Long discountTimeLong; // 优惠时长
private String customerShort;// 客户简称
private String customerThird;// 三方客户
private int tradeType; // 行业id
private Long relationContract;// 关联合同id
private String relationCode;// 关联合同编号
private String hasDiscount;// 是否有优惠
private String typeId;// 合同类型 (保密协议、框架合同、结算单)
private String erroMessage;
private String tradeName;
private Long barrioId;//行政区域id
private String barrioName;//行政区域名称
private String belongGroup;//隶属集团
private Double trackFlow;//流量,tkio的,万单位
private Double unitPrice;//单价,tkio
private Double clickFlow;//区间点击数,tkio
private Boolean operate = true;
private String nextSignedDate;//绑定下一份合同的日期
private String nextSignedContractCode;//绑定的下一份合同编号
private String signedDate;//合同签订日:补充协议才有值
private double historyTkioFlow;//万单位,保留四位
private BigDecimal unitPriceAccurate;//16位的单价
private String validStartDate;//有效开始日
private String validEndDate;//有效结束日
private Double oneTimeRecognizedRevenue;//一次性确认收入
private Boolean oneTime;//是否计算一次性收入,0不计算
private int businessType; //业务类型 1 VIP 2 共管
private int agreementType; //协议类型 1 普通协议 2 框架协议
private String businessTypeName; //业务类型 1 VIP 2 共管
private String agreementTypeName; //协议类型 1 普通协议 2 框架协议
private String productType; //产品类型
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public Boolean getVirtual() {
return virtual;
public void setVirtual(Boolean virtual) {
this.virtual = virtual;
public Long getFirstBackId() {
return firstBackId;
public void setFirstBackId(Long firstBackId) {
this.firstBackId = firstBackId;
public String getProduct() {
return product;
public void setProduct(String product) {
this.product = product;
public String getMyBodyName() {
return myBodyName;
public void setMyBodyName(String myBodyName) {
this.myBodyName = myBodyName;
public String getMyBodyCode() {
return myBodyCode;
public void setMyBodyCode(String myBodyCode) {
this.myBodyCode = myBodyCode;
public String getCustomerBody() {
return customerBody;
public void setCustomerBody(String customerBody) {
this.customerBody = customerBody;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
public String getContractCode() {
return contractCode;
public void setContractCode(String contractCode) {
this.contractCode = contractCode;
public String getContractType() {
return contractType;
public void setContractType(String contractType) {
this.contractType = contractType;
private Long id;
private String product;
private String myBodyName;
private String myBodyCode;
private String customerBody;
private String email; //客户主账号
private String contractCode;
private int codeNum;
private String contractType; // 0 首次签约 1 续签 2 合同变更
private String startDate;
private String endDate;
private Long priceLevel;
private String priceLevelName;
private Double money; //合同金额
private Double rebate; //
private Long sale;
//产品 trackingio or adi ...
private String platform;
private String status; // 作废 先回款待录入
private String saleName;
private Double payMoney; // 回款金额
private Integer backStatus; // 1 未回款 2 部分回款 3 已回款
private Long invoice; // 开票次数
private BigDecimal invoiceMoney; // 发票金额
private String createName; // 创建人NAME
//合同类型 主套餐 or 增值套餐
private String type;
private Long priceName;
private Boolean old;
private Long extraFlow; // 优惠流量
private Long modifyAccount;
private Long createAccount;// 创建人id
private Date modifyTime;
private Date createTime;
private String ds;
private Boolean virtual;
private Long firstBackId;//先回款记录的id
private Long adjustmentFund;// 分摊收入调整金额 (*100的结果)
private String adjustmentFundForm; // 表单提交的值(分摊收入调整金额)
private Integer intervalUseDays;//区间使用天数
private Long incomeExcludingTax; //不含税收入 (*100的结果)
private Long intervaIncomeShare;//区间分摊收入(*100的结果)
private Long incomeShareAll;//分摊总收入(*100的结果)
private Long incomeGross;//累计总收入(*100的结果)合同自开始至选择的结束日期(分摊收入+调整金额)
private Integer shareSign;//标记是否计算分摊收入 1 计算 0 不计算
private String searchName;
private List<String> customBodyNames;
* 新增字段 20190427
private Long discountTimeLong; // 优惠时长
private String customerShort;// 客户简称
private String customerThird;// 三方客户
private int tradeType; // 行业id
private Long relationContract;// 关联合同id
private String relationCode;// 关联合同编号
private String hasDiscount;// 是否有优惠
private String typeId;// 合同类型 (保密协议、框架合同、结算单)
private String erroMessage;
private String tradeName;
private Long barrioId;//行政区域id
private String barrioName;//行政区域名称
private String belongGroup;//隶属集团
private Double trackFlow;//流量,tkio的,万单位
private Double unitPrice;//单价,tkio
private Double clickFlow;//区间点击数,tkio
private Boolean operate = true;
private String nextSignedDate;//绑定下一份合同的日期
private String nextSignedContractCode;//绑定的下一份合同编号
private String signedDate;//合同签订日:补充协议才有值
private double historyTkioFlow;//万单位,保留四位
private BigDecimal unitPriceAccurate;//16位的单价
private String validStartDate;//有效开始日
private String validEndDate;//有效结束日
private Double oneTimeRecognizedRevenue;//一次性确认收入
private Boolean oneTime;//是否计算一次性收入,0不计算
private int businessType; //业务类型 1 VIP 2 共管
private int agreementType; //协议类型 1 普通协议 2 框架协议
private String businessTypeName; //业务类型 1 VIP 2 共管
private String agreementTypeName; //协议类型 1 普通协议 2 框架协议
private String productType; //产品类型
private String acceptanceAmount;//验收金额
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public Boolean getVirtual() {
return virtual;
public void setVirtual(Boolean virtual) {
this.virtual = virtual;
public Long getFirstBackId() {
return firstBackId;
public void setFirstBackId(Long firstBackId) {
this.firstBackId = firstBackId;
public String getProduct() {
return product;
public void setProduct(String product) {
this.product = product;
public String getMyBodyName() {
return myBodyName;
public void setMyBodyName(String myBodyName) {
this.myBodyName = myBodyName;
public String getMyBodyCode() {
return myBodyCode;
public void setMyBodyCode(String myBodyCode) {
this.myBodyCode = myBodyCode;
public String getCustomerBody() {
return customerBody;
public void setCustomerBody(String customerBody) {
this.customerBody = customerBody;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
public String getContractCode() {
return contractCode;
public void setContractCode(String contractCode) {
this.contractCode = contractCode;
public String getContractType() {
return contractType;
public void setContractType(String contractType) {
this.contractType = contractType;
public String getStartDate() {
return startDate;
public String getStartDate() {
return startDate;
public void setStartDate(String stratDate) {
this.startDate = stratDate;
public void setStartDate(String stratDate) {
this.startDate = stratDate;
public String getEndDate() {
return endDate;
public String getEndDate() {
return endDate;
public void setEndDate(String endDate) {
this.endDate = endDate;
public void setEndDate(String endDate) {
this.endDate = endDate;
public Long getPriceLevel() {
return priceLevel;
public Long getPriceLevel() {
return priceLevel;
public void setPriceLevel(Long priceLevel) {
this.priceLevel = priceLevel;
public void setPriceLevel(Long priceLevel) {
this.priceLevel = priceLevel;
public Double getMoney() {
return money;
public Double getMoney() {
return money;
public void setMoney(Double money) { = money;
public void setMoney(Double money) { = money;
public Double getRebate() {
return rebate;
public Double getRebate() {
return rebate;
public void setRebate(Double rebate) {
this.rebate = rebate;
public void setRebate(Double rebate) {
this.rebate = rebate;
public Long getSale() {
return sale;
public Long getSale() {
return sale;
public void setSale(Long sale) { = sale;
public void setSale(Long sale) { = sale;
public String getPlatform() {
return platform;
public String getPlatform() {
return platform;
public void setPlatform(String platform) {
this.platform = platform;
public void setPlatform(String platform) {
this.platform = platform;
public Long getModifyAccount() {
return modifyAccount;
public Long getModifyAccount() {
return modifyAccount;
public void setModifyAccount(Long modifyAccount) {
this.modifyAccount = modifyAccount;
public void setModifyAccount(Long modifyAccount) {
this.modifyAccount = modifyAccount;
public Long getCreateAccount() {
return createAccount;
public Long getCreateAccount() {
return createAccount;
public void setCreateAccount(Long createAccount) {
this.createAccount = createAccount;
public void setCreateAccount(Long createAccount) {
this.createAccount = createAccount;
public Date getModifyTime() {
return modifyTime;
public Date getModifyTime() {
return modifyTime;
public void setModifyTime(Date modifyTime) {
this.modifyTime = modifyTime;
public void setModifyTime(Date modifyTime) {
this.modifyTime = modifyTime;
public Date getCreateTime() {
return createTime;
public Date getCreateTime() {
return createTime;
public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
this.createTime = createTime;
public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
this.createTime = createTime;
public String getDs() {
return ds;
public String getDs() {
return ds;
public void setDs(String ds) {
this.ds = ds;
public void setDs(String ds) {
this.ds = ds;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public Double getPayMoney() {
return payMoney;
public void setPayMoney(Double payMoney) {
this.payMoney = payMoney;
public Long getInvoice() {
return invoice;
public BigDecimal getInvoiceMoney() {
return invoiceMoney;
public void setInvoiceMoney(BigDecimal invoiceMoney) {
this.invoiceMoney = invoiceMoney;
public void setInvoice(Long invoice) {
this.invoice = invoice;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public Boolean getOld() {
return old;
public Long getExtraFlow() {
return extraFlow;
public void setExtraFlow(Long extraFlow) {
this.extraFlow = extraFlow;
public void setOld(Boolean old) {
this.old = old;
public int getCodeNum() {
return codeNum;
public void setCodeNum(int codeNum) {
this.codeNum = codeNum;
public Long getPriceName() {
return priceName;
public void setPriceName(Long priceName) {
this.priceName = priceName;
public String getSaleName() {
return saleName;
public void setSaleName(String saleName) {
this.saleName = saleName;
public String getPriceLevelName() {
return priceLevelName;
public String getRelationCode() {
return relationCode;
public void setRelationCode(String relationCode) {
this.relationCode = relationCode;
public String getHasDiscount() {
return hasDiscount;
public void setHasDiscount(String hasDiscount) {
this.hasDiscount = hasDiscount;
public String getErroMessage() {
return erroMessage;
public void setErroMessage(String erroMessage) {
this.erroMessage = erroMessage;
public void setPriceLevelName(String priceLevelName) {
this.priceLevelName = priceLevelName;
public String getCreateName() {
return createName;
public void setCreateName(String createName) {
this.createName = createName;
public Long getDiscountTimeLong() {
return discountTimeLong;
public void setDiscountTimeLong(Long discountTimeLong) {
this.discountTimeLong = discountTimeLong;
public String getCustomerShort() {
return customerShort;
public void setCustomerShort(String customerShort) {
this.customerShort = customerShort;
public String getCustomerThird() {
return customerThird;
public void setCustomerThird(String customerThird) {
this.customerThird = customerThird;
public int getTradeType() {
return tradeType;
public void setTradeType(int tradeType) {
this.tradeType = tradeType;
public Long getRelationContract() {
return relationContract;
public void setRelationContract(Long relationContract) {
this.relationContract = relationContract;
public String getTypeId() {
return typeId;
public void setTypeId(String typeId) {
this.typeId = typeId;
public String getTradeName() {
return tradeName;
public void setTradeName(String tradeName) {
this.tradeName = tradeName;
public Long getAdjustmentFund() {
return adjustmentFund;
public void setAdjustmentFund(Long adjustmentFund) {
this.adjustmentFund = adjustmentFund;
public Integer getIntervalUseDays() {
return intervalUseDays;
public void setIntervalUseDays(Integer intervalUseDays) {
this.intervalUseDays = intervalUseDays;
public Long getIncomeExcludingTax() {
return incomeExcludingTax;
public void setIncomeExcludingTax(Long incomeExcludingTax) {
this.incomeExcludingTax = incomeExcludingTax;
public Long getIntervaIncomeShare() {
return intervaIncomeShare;
public void setIntervaIncomeShare(Long intervaIncomeShare) {
this.intervaIncomeShare = intervaIncomeShare;
public Long getIncomeShareAll() {
return incomeShareAll;
public void setIncomeShareAll(Long incomeShareAll) {
this.incomeShareAll = incomeShareAll;
public String getAdjustmentFundForm() {
return adjustmentFundForm;
public void setAdjustmentFundForm(String adjustmentFundForm) {
this.adjustmentFundForm = adjustmentFundForm;
public Long getBarrioId() {
return barrioId;
public void setBarrioId(Long barrioId) {
this.barrioId = barrioId;
public String getBelongGroup() {
return belongGroup;
public void setBelongGroup(String belongGroup) {
this.belongGroup = belongGroup;
public Integer getBackStatus() {
return backStatus;
public void setBackStatus(Integer backStatus) {
this.backStatus = backStatus;
public String getSearchName() {
return searchName;
public void setSearchName(String searchName) {
this.searchName = searchName;
public List<String> getCustomBodyNames() {
return customBodyNames;
public void setCustomBodyNames(List<String> customBodyNames) {
this.customBodyNames = customBodyNames;
public Integer getShareSign() {
return shareSign;
public void setShareSign(Integer shareSign) {
this.shareSign = shareSign;
public String getBarrioName() {
return barrioName;
public void setBarrioName(String barrioName) {
this.barrioName = barrioName;
public Double getTrackFlow() {
return trackFlow;
public void setTrackFlow(Double trackFlow) {
this.trackFlow = trackFlow;
public Double getUnitPrice() {
return unitPrice;
public void setUnitPrice(Double unitPrice) {
this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
public Double getClickFlow() {
return clickFlow;
public void setClickFlow(Double clickFlow) {
this.clickFlow = clickFlow;
public Long getIncomeGross() {
return incomeGross;
public void setIncomeGross(Long incomeGross) {
this.incomeGross = incomeGross;
public Boolean getOperate() {
return operate;
public void setOperate(Boolean operate) {
this.operate = operate;
public String getNextSignedDate() {
return nextSignedDate;
public void setNextSignedDate(String nextSignedDate) {
this.nextSignedDate = nextSignedDate;
public String getNextSignedContractCode() {
return nextSignedContractCode;
public void setNextSignedContractCode(String nextSignedContractCode) {
this.nextSignedContractCode = nextSignedContractCode;
public String getSignedDate() {
return signedDate;
public void setSignedDate(String signedDate) {
this.signedDate = signedDate;
public double getHistoryTkioFlow() {
return historyTkioFlow;
public void setHistoryTkioFlow(double historyTkioFlow) {
this.historyTkioFlow = historyTkioFlow;
public BigDecimal getUnitPriceAccurate() {
return unitPriceAccurate;
public void setUnitPriceAccurate(BigDecimal unitPriceAccurate) {
this.unitPriceAccurate = unitPriceAccurate;
public String getValidStartDate() {
return validStartDate;
public void setValidStartDate(String validStartDate) {
this.validStartDate = validStartDate;
public String getValidEndDate() {
return validEndDate;
public void setValidEndDate(String validEndDate) {
this.validEndDate = validEndDate;
public Double getOneTimeRecognizedRevenue() {
return oneTimeRecognizedRevenue;
public void setOneTimeRecognizedRevenue(Double oneTimeRecognizedRevenue) {
this.oneTimeRecognizedRevenue = oneTimeRecognizedRevenue;
public Boolean getOneTime() {
return oneTime;
public void setOneTime(Boolean oneTime) {
this.oneTime = oneTime;
public String toString() {
return "Contract{" +
"id=" + id +
", product='" + product + '\'' +
", myBodyName='" + myBodyName + '\'' +
", myBodyCode='" + myBodyCode + '\'' +
", customerBody='" + customerBody + '\'' +
", email='" + email + '\'' +
", contractCode='" + contractCode + '\'' +
", codeNum=" + codeNum +
", contractType='" + contractType + '\'' +
", startDate='" + startDate + '\'' +
", endDate='" + endDate + '\'' +
", priceLevel=" + priceLevel +
", priceLevelName='" + priceLevelName + '\'' +
", money=" + money +
", rebate=" + rebate +
", sale=" + sale +
", platform='" + platform + '\'' +
", status='" + status + '\'' +
", saleName='" + saleName + '\'' +
", payMoney=" + payMoney +
", backStatus=" + backStatus +
", invoice=" + invoice +
", invoiceMoney=" + invoiceMoney +
", createName='" + createName + '\'' +
", type='" + type + '\'' +
", priceName=" + priceName +
", old=" + old +
", extraFlow=" + extraFlow +
", modifyAccount=" + modifyAccount +
", createAccount=" + createAccount +
", modifyTime=" + modifyTime +
", createTime=" + createTime +
", ds='" + ds + '\'' +
", virtual=" + virtual +
", firstBackId=" + firstBackId +
", adjustmentFund=" + adjustmentFund +
", adjustmentFundForm='" + adjustmentFundForm + '\'' +
", intervalUseDays=" + intervalUseDays +
", incomeExcludingTax=" + incomeExcludingTax +
", intervaIncomeShare=" + intervaIncomeShare +
", incomeShareAll=" + incomeShareAll +
", incomeGross=" + incomeGross +
", shareSign=" + shareSign +
", searchName='" + searchName + '\'' +
", customBodyNames=" + customBodyNames +
", discountTimeLong=" + discountTimeLong +
", customerShort='" + customerShort + '\'' +
", customerThird='" + customerThird + '\'' +
", tradeType=" + tradeType +
", relationContract=" + relationContract +
", relationCode='" + relationCode + '\'' +
", hasDiscount='" + hasDiscount + '\'' +
", typeId='" + typeId + '\'' +
", erroMessage='" + erroMessage + '\'' +
", tradeName='" + tradeName + '\'' +
", barrioId=" + barrioId +
", barrioName='" + barrioName + '\'' +
", belongGroup='" + belongGroup + '\'' +
", trackFlow=" + trackFlow +
", unitPrice=" + unitPrice +
", clickFlow=" + clickFlow +
", operate=" + operate +
", nextSignedDate='" + nextSignedDate + '\'' +
", nextSignedContractCode='" + nextSignedContractCode + '\'' +
", signedDate='" + signedDate + '\'' +
", historyTkioFlow=" + historyTkioFlow +
", unitPriceAccurate=" + unitPriceAccurate +
", validStartDate='" + validStartDate + '\'' +
", validEndDate='" + validEndDate + '\'' +
public int getBusinessType() {
return businessType;
public void setBusinessType(int businessType) {
this.businessType = businessType;
public int getAgreementType() {
return agreementType;
public void setAgreementType(int agreementType) {
this.agreementType = agreementType;
public String getBusinessTypeName() {
return businessTypeName;
public void setBusinessTypeName(String businessTypeName) {
this.businessTypeName = businessTypeName;
public String getAgreementTypeName() {
return agreementTypeName;
public void setAgreementTypeName(String agreementTypeName) {
this.agreementTypeName = agreementTypeName;
public String getProductType() {
return productType;
public void setProductType(String productType) {
this.productType = productType;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public Double getPayMoney() {
return payMoney;
public void setPayMoney(Double payMoney) {
this.payMoney = payMoney;
public Long getInvoice() {
return invoice;
public BigDecimal getInvoiceMoney() {
return invoiceMoney;
public void setInvoiceMoney(BigDecimal invoiceMoney) {
this.invoiceMoney = invoiceMoney;
public void setInvoice(Long invoice) {
this.invoice = invoice;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public Boolean getOld() {
return old;
public Long getExtraFlow() {
return extraFlow;
public void setExtraFlow(Long extraFlow) {
this.extraFlow = extraFlow;
public void setOld(Boolean old) {
this.old = old;
public int getCodeNum() {
return codeNum;
public void setCodeNum(int codeNum) {
this.codeNum = codeNum;
public Long getPriceName() {
return priceName;
public void setPriceName(Long priceName) {
this.priceName = priceName;
public String getSaleName() {
return saleName;
public void setSaleName(String saleName) {
this.saleName = saleName;
public String getPriceLevelName() {
return priceLevelName;
public String getRelationCode() {
return relationCode;
public void setRelationCode(String relationCode) {
this.relationCode = relationCode;
public String getHasDiscount() {
return hasDiscount;
public void setHasDiscount(String hasDiscount) {
this.hasDiscount = hasDiscount;
public String getErroMessage() {
return erroMessage;
public void setErroMessage(String erroMessage) {
this.erroMessage = erroMessage;
public void setPriceLevelName(String priceLevelName) {
this.priceLevelName = priceLevelName;
public String getCreateName() {
return createName;
public void setCreateName(String createName) {
this.createName = createName;
public Long getDiscountTimeLong() {
return discountTimeLong;
public void setDiscountTimeLong(Long discountTimeLong) {
this.discountTimeLong = discountTimeLong;
public String getCustomerShort() {
return customerShort;
public void setCustomerShort(String customerShort) {
this.customerShort = customerShort;
public String getCustomerThird() {
return customerThird;
public void setCustomerThird(String customerThird) {
this.customerThird = customerThird;
public int getTradeType() {
return tradeType;
public void setTradeType(int tradeType) {
this.tradeType = tradeType;
public Long getRelationContract() {
return relationContract;
public void setRelationContract(Long relationContract) {
this.relationContract = relationContract;
public String getTypeId() {
return typeId;
public void setTypeId(String typeId) {
this.typeId = typeId;
public String getTradeName() {
return tradeName;
public void setTradeName(String tradeName) {
this.tradeName = tradeName;
public Long getAdjustmentFund() {
return adjustmentFund;
public void setAdjustmentFund(Long adjustmentFund) {
this.adjustmentFund = adjustmentFund;
public Integer getIntervalUseDays() {
return intervalUseDays;
public void setIntervalUseDays(Integer intervalUseDays) {
this.intervalUseDays = intervalUseDays;
public Long getIncomeExcludingTax() {
return incomeExcludingTax;
public void setIncomeExcludingTax(Long incomeExcludingTax) {
this.incomeExcludingTax = incomeExcludingTax;
public Long getIntervaIncomeShare() {
return intervaIncomeShare;
public void setIntervaIncomeShare(Long intervaIncomeShare) {
this.intervaIncomeShare = intervaIncomeShare;
public Long getIncomeShareAll() {
return incomeShareAll;
public void setIncomeShareAll(Long incomeShareAll) {
this.incomeShareAll = incomeShareAll;
public String getAdjustmentFundForm() {
return adjustmentFundForm;
public void setAdjustmentFundForm(String adjustmentFundForm) {
this.adjustmentFundForm = adjustmentFundForm;
public Long getBarrioId() {
return barrioId;
public void setBarrioId(Long barrioId) {
this.barrioId = barrioId;
public String getBelongGroup() {
return belongGroup;
public void setBelongGroup(String belongGroup) {
this.belongGroup = belongGroup;
public Integer getBackStatus() {
return backStatus;
public void setBackStatus(Integer backStatus) {
this.backStatus = backStatus;
public String getSearchName() {
return searchName;
public void setSearchName(String searchName) {
this.searchName = searchName;
public List<String> getCustomBodyNames() {
return customBodyNames;
public void setCustomBodyNames(List<String> customBodyNames) {
this.customBodyNames = customBodyNames;
public Integer getShareSign() {
return shareSign;
public void setShareSign(Integer shareSign) {
this.shareSign = shareSign;
public String getBarrioName() {
return barrioName;
public void setBarrioName(String barrioName) {
this.barrioName = barrioName;
public Double getTrackFlow() {
return trackFlow;
public void setTrackFlow(Double trackFlow) {
this.trackFlow = trackFlow;
public Double getUnitPrice() {
return unitPrice;
public void setUnitPrice(Double unitPrice) {
this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
public Double getClickFlow() {
return clickFlow;
public void setClickFlow(Double clickFlow) {
this.clickFlow = clickFlow;
public Long getIncomeGross() {
return incomeGross;
public void setIncomeGross(Long incomeGross) {
this.incomeGross = incomeGross;
public Boolean getOperate() {
return operate;
public void setOperate(Boolean operate) {
this.operate = operate;
public String getNextSignedDate() {
return nextSignedDate;
public void setNextSignedDate(String nextSignedDate) {
this.nextSignedDate = nextSignedDate;
public String getNextSignedContractCode() {
return nextSignedContractCode;
public void setNextSignedContractCode(String nextSignedContractCode) {
this.nextSignedContractCode = nextSignedContractCode;
public String getSignedDate() {
return signedDate;
public void setSignedDate(String signedDate) {
this.signedDate = signedDate;
public double getHistoryTkioFlow() {
return historyTkioFlow;
public void setHistoryTkioFlow(double historyTkioFlow) {
this.historyTkioFlow = historyTkioFlow;
public BigDecimal getUnitPriceAccurate() {
return unitPriceAccurate;
public void setUnitPriceAccurate(BigDecimal unitPriceAccurate) {
this.unitPriceAccurate = unitPriceAccurate;
public String getValidStartDate() {
return validStartDate;
public void setValidStartDate(String validStartDate) {
this.validStartDate = validStartDate;
public String getValidEndDate() {
return validEndDate;
public void setValidEndDate(String validEndDate) {
this.validEndDate = validEndDate;
public Double getOneTimeRecognizedRevenue() {
return oneTimeRecognizedRevenue;
public void setOneTimeRecognizedRevenue(Double oneTimeRecognizedRevenue) {
this.oneTimeRecognizedRevenue = oneTimeRecognizedRevenue;
public Boolean getOneTime() {
return oneTime;
public void setOneTime(Boolean oneTime) {
this.oneTime = oneTime;
public String toString() {
return "Contract{" +
"id=" + id +
", product='" + product + '\'' +
", myBodyName='" + myBodyName + '\'' +
", myBodyCode='" + myBodyCode + '\'' +
", customerBody='" + customerBody + '\'' +
", email='" + email + '\'' +
", contractCode='" + contractCode + '\'' +
", codeNum=" + codeNum +
", contractType='" + contractType + '\'' +
", startDate='" + startDate + '\'' +
", endDate='" + endDate + '\'' +
", priceLevel=" + priceLevel +
", priceLevelName='" + priceLevelName + '\'' +
", money=" + money +
", rebate=" + rebate +
", sale=" + sale +
", platform='" + platform + '\'' +
", status='" + status + '\'' +
", saleName='" + saleName + '\'' +
", payMoney=" + payMoney +
", backStatus=" + backStatus +
", invoice=" + invoice +
", invoiceMoney=" + invoiceMoney +
", createName='" + createName + '\'' +
", type='" + type + '\'' +
", priceName=" + priceName +
", old=" + old +
", extraFlow=" + extraFlow +
", modifyAccount=" + modifyAccount +
", createAccount=" + createAccount +
", modifyTime=" + modifyTime +
", createTime=" + createTime +
", ds='" + ds + '\'' +
", virtual=" + virtual +
", firstBackId=" + firstBackId +
", adjustmentFund=" + adjustmentFund +
", adjustmentFundForm='" + adjustmentFundForm + '\'' +
", intervalUseDays=" + intervalUseDays +
", incomeExcludingTax=" + incomeExcludingTax +
", intervaIncomeShare=" + intervaIncomeShare +
", incomeShareAll=" + incomeShareAll +
", incomeGross=" + incomeGross +
", shareSign=" + shareSign +
", searchName='" + searchName + '\'' +
", customBodyNames=" + customBodyNames +
", discountTimeLong=" + discountTimeLong +
", customerShort='" + customerShort + '\'' +
", customerThird='" + customerThird + '\'' +
", tradeType=" + tradeType +
", relationContract=" + relationContract +
", relationCode='" + relationCode + '\'' +
", hasDiscount='" + hasDiscount + '\'' +
", typeId='" + typeId + '\'' +
", erroMessage='" + erroMessage + '\'' +
", tradeName='" + tradeName + '\'' +
", barrioId=" + barrioId +
", barrioName='" + barrioName + '\'' +
", belongGroup='" + belongGroup + '\'' +
", trackFlow=" + trackFlow +
", unitPrice=" + unitPrice +
", clickFlow=" + clickFlow +
", operate=" + operate +
", nextSignedDate='" + nextSignedDate + '\'' +
", nextSignedContractCode='" + nextSignedContractCode + '\'' +
", signedDate='" + signedDate + '\'' +
", historyTkioFlow=" + historyTkioFlow +
", unitPriceAccurate=" + unitPriceAccurate +
", validStartDate='" + validStartDate + '\'' +
", validEndDate='" + validEndDate + '\'' +
public int getBusinessType() {
return businessType;
public void setBusinessType(int businessType) {
this.businessType = businessType;
public int getAgreementType() {
return agreementType;
public void setAgreementType(int agreementType) {
this.agreementType = agreementType;
public String getBusinessTypeName() {
return businessTypeName;
public void setBusinessTypeName(String businessTypeName) {
this.businessTypeName = businessTypeName;
public String getAgreementTypeName() {
return agreementTypeName;
public void setAgreementTypeName(String agreementTypeName) {
this.agreementTypeName = agreementTypeName;
public String getProductType() {
return productType;
public void setProductType(String productType) {
this.productType = productType;
public String getAcceptanceAmount() {
return acceptanceAmount;
public void setAcceptanceAmount(String acceptanceAmount) {
this.acceptanceAmount = acceptanceAmount;
......@@ -16,4 +16,6 @@ public interface DmpIncomeRepository extends JpaRepository<DmpIncome, Long> {
@Query(value = "select * from dmp_income where contract_code = ?1 and income_month =?2 limit 1 ", nativeQuery = true)
DmpIncome findByCodeMonth(String contractCode, String incomeMonth);
......@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ import java.util.List;
public interface PdIncomeRepository extends JpaRepository<PdIncome, Long> {
@Query(value = "select * from pd_income where contract_code = ? order by input_date desc ", nativeQuery = true)
List<PdIncome> findByContractCode(String code);
@Query(value = "select * from pd_income where contract_code = ? order by input_date desc ", nativeQuery = true)
List<PdIncome> findByContractCode(String code);
@Query(value = "select * from pd_income where settlement_date > ?1 and settlement_date < ?2", nativeQuery = true)
List<PdIncome> findByDs(String startDate, String endDate);
@Query(value = "select * from pd_income where settlement_date > ?1 and settlement_date < ?2", nativeQuery = true)
List<PdIncome> findByDs(String startDate, String endDate);
@Query(value = "select contract_code, sum(acceptance_amount) from pd_income where contract_code in ?1 group by contract_code", nativeQuery = true)
List<Object[]> findGroupWithCode(List codes);
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