package userio.repository;

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import userio.model.DataAuth;

import java.util.List;

public interface IODataAuthRepository extends JpaRepository<DataAuth, Long> {

    @Query(value = "select * from data_auth where account in ?1", nativeQuery = true)
    List<DataAuth> findDataAuthByAccount(List<Long> account);

    @Query(value = "select * from data_auth where account = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
    List<DataAuth> findDataAuthByAccount(Long account);

    @Query(value = "select * from data_auth where account = ?1 and app=?2", nativeQuery = true)
    List<DataAuth> findDataAuthByAccountAndApp(Long account, Long app);

    @Query(value = "select * from data_auth where account = ?2 and app in (select app from auth where create_account in ?1 and account = ?2)", nativeQuery = true)
    List<DataAuth> findDataAuthByCreateAccount(List<Long> createAccount, Long channelAccount);

    @Query(value = "delete from data_auth where account = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
    void deleteAuthByAccount(Long account);

    @Query(value = "select * from data_auth where app = ?1 and channel =?2 and campaign =?3", nativeQuery = true)
    List<DataAuth> listDataAuthByAppChnCam(Long app, Long channel, Long campain);

    Iterable<DataAuth> findByApp(Long id);

    @Query(value = "select account from data_auth where app = ?1 and channel =?2 and campaign =?3", nativeQuery = true)
    List<Long> listAccountByAppChnCam(Long app, Long channel, Long campain);

    @Query(value = "select * from data_auth where channel =?1", nativeQuery = true)
    List<DataAuth> listDataAuthByChannel(Long channel);

    @Query(value = "select * from data_auth where account = ?1 and app = ?2 and all_campaign = 1", nativeQuery = true)
    List<DataAuth> listByAllCampaign(Long account, Long app);