package tkio.repository; import; import; import; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import tkio.model.Account; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Transactional public interface AccountRepository extends JpaRepository<Account, Long> { @Query(value = "select root_parent from account where id=?1", nativeQuery = true) BigInteger findRootParentByAccountId(Long accountId); @Query(value = "SELECT * from account where is_super_user is true and `status` = 1 and DATE_FORMAT(pub_date,'%Y-%m-%d') = ?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Account> findRootParentsByPubDate(String date); @Query(value = "SELECT * from account where is_super_user is true and `status` = 1 and past_date > ?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Account> findRootParentsUnPast(String today); @Query(value = "SELECT * from account where is_super_user is true and `status` = 1 and past_date < ?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Account> findRootParentsPast(String today); @Query(value = "SELECT * from account where is_super_user is true and `status` = 0", nativeQuery = true) List<Account> findRootParentsForbiden(); @Query(value = "SELECT * from account where is_super_user is true and bussinessman in ?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Account> findBussnissMan(List<Integer> bussinussIds); @Query(value = "select * from account where root_parent = ?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Account> findByRootParent(Long accountId); @Query(value = "select count(*) from account where root_parent = ?1 and create_time > ?2 and create_time < ?3", nativeQuery = true) BigInteger countByRootParent(Long accountId, String startDate, String endDate); @Query(value = "select * from account where email = ?1", nativeQuery = true) Account findByEmail(String email); @Query(value = "select email from account where is_super_user is true and email in ?1", nativeQuery = true) List<String> findEmailByEmails(List<String> accountsEmail); @Query(value = "" + "select,IF(group_concat(xy.appkey separator ',') is not NULL,group_concat(xy.appkey separator ','),'') as appkey " + "from(" + " select x.appkey,,," + " from(" + " select DISTINCT pid,," + " from(select id,email from account where id = root_parent and role_category <> 5 and email not in (select distinct email from manager.contract where platform='tkio'))a " + " join(select id,root_parent from account)b on " + " )y " + " left join app x " + " on " + ")xy " + "group by,", nativeQuery = true) List<Map<String,String>> findAllAccountAppKeys(); @Query(value = "" + "select,IF(group_concat(xy.appkey separator ',') is not NULL,group_concat(xy.appkey separator ','),'') as appkey " + "from(" + " select x.appkey,,," + " from(" + " select DISTINCT pid,," + " from(select id,email from account where id = root_parent and role_category <> 5 and email not in (select distinct email from manager.contract where platform='tkio')and email=?1)a " + " join(select id,root_parent from account)b on " + " )y " + " left join app x " + " on " + ")xy " + "group by,", nativeQuery = true) List<Map<String, String>> findAccountAppKeysByEmail(String email); }