package common.repository; import common.model.Contract; import common.model.Role; import; import; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Transactional public interface ContractRepository extends JpaRepository<Contract, Long> { @Query(value="select count(*) from contract where ds = ?1",nativeQuery=true) BigInteger countNumByDs(String ds); @Query(value="select count(*) from contract where email = ?1 and platform = ?2",nativeQuery=true) BigInteger countNumByEmail(String email, String platfrom); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByDs(String startDate, String endDate, String platfrom); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and create_account in ?4 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByDsAndRoile(String startDate, String endDate, String platfrom, List<Long> userids); @Query(value="select * from contract where contract_code = ?1",nativeQuery=true) Contract findByCode(String contract_code); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where platform = ?1 and type = 'main'",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByPlatform(String platform); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where platform = ?1 and email = ?2 and type = ?3",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByPlatformAndEmail(String platform, String email, String type); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where platform = ?1 and email = ?2 and type = ?3 order by ds,end_date desc limit 1",nativeQuery=true) Contract findByPlatformAndEmailLimit1(String platform, String email,String type); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where platform = ?1 and email = ?2 and type = ?3 and price_level = ?4 order by ds desc limit 1",nativeQuery=true) Contract findByPlatformAndEmailAndPricelevelLimit1(String platform, String email,String type, Long priceLevel); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where platform = ?1 and email = ?2 and (status = 'wait' or status = 'executing') and type = 'main' order by ds desc limit 1",nativeQuery=true) Contract findByPlatformAndEmailLimitVaild(String platform, String email); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where start_date = ?1 and status <> 'cancel'",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByStartDate(String startDate); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where end_date <= ?1 and (status <> 'end' or status <> 'cancel')",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByEndDate(String endDate); @Query(value = "select count(*) from contract where my_body_code = ?1",nativeQuery = true) BigInteger findcountContract(String platform); @Query(value = "select new map( as id, c.contractCode as contractCode ) from Contract c where c.platform in ?1 and c.contractCode is not null and c.contractCode <> 'null' and c.status <>'del'") List<Map> contractCodePlatform(List<String> platform); @Query(value = "select * from contract where platform = ?1 and contract_code = ?2",nativeQuery = true) Contract findByCodePlatform(String contractCode, String platform); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform in ?3 and id in ?4 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByDsRelation(String startDate, String endDate, List<String> platform, List<String> contractIds); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform in ?3 and create_account in ?4 and id in ?5 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByDsAndRoileRelation(String startDate, String endDate, List<String> platform, List<Long> create_account, List<String> contractIds); @Query(value = "select new map( as id, c.contractCode as contractCode ) from Contract c where c.platform in ?1 and c.contractCode is not null and c.contractCode <> 'null' ") List<Contract> contractCodePlatformNot(List<String> plats, List<Long> ids); @Query(value = "select contract_code from contract where my_body_code = ?1 order by code_num desc limit 1",nativeQuery = true) String findLastCode(String code); @Query(value = "select * from contract where id = ?1 union all select * from contract where id = ?2",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findByTwoIds(Long relationContract, Long relationContract1); @Query(value="SELECT * from contract where platform =?1 and email = ?2 and (status <> 'end' or status <> 'cancel')",nativeQuery=true) List<Contract> findByPlatformAndEmailStatus(String platgorm, String email); @Query(value = "select * from contract where contract_code =?2 and platform = ?1 ",nativeQuery = true) Contract findOneByCode(String platform, String contractId); @Query(value = "select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform in ?3 and my_body_code in ?4 and id in ?5 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findByDsContractBody(String startDate, String endDate, List<String> platforms, List bodyids, List<String> ids); @Query(value = "select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and my_body_code in ?4 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findByDsContractBody(String startDate, String endDate, String platform, List bodyids); @Query(value = "select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform = ?3 and sale in ?4 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findByDsContractSalse(String startDate, String endDate, String platform, List salseid); @Query(value = "select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and start_date <= ?2 and platform in ?3 and sale in ?4 and id in ?5 and status!='del' order by ds desc",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findByDsContractSalse(String startDate, String endDate, List<String> platforms, List salseid, List<String> ids); @Query(value = "select contract_code,my_body_code,sale,platform from contract where contract_code in ?1",nativeQuery = true) List<Object[]> findByContractCode(List<String> codesList); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and strat_date <=?2 and end_date >= ?2 and create_time >= ?2 and platform=?3",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findShareContranctByDate(String startDate, String endDate, String platform); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and strat_date <=?2 and end_date >= ?2 and create_time >= ?2 and platform=?3 and my_body_code = ?4",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findShareContranctByDate(String startDate, String endDate, String platform, String bodyCode); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and strat_date <=?2 and end_date >= ?2 and create_time >= ?2 and platform=?3 and (my_body_name like %?5% or customer_body like %?5% or contract_code like %?5%)",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findShareContranctByDateSerche(String startDate, String endDate, String platform, String serchName); @Query(value="select * from contract where start_date >= ?1 and strat_date <=?2 and end_date >= ?2 and create_time >= ?2 and platform=?3 and my_body_code = ?4 and (my_body_name like %?5% or customer_body like %?5% or contract_code like %?5%)",nativeQuery = true) List<Contract> findShareContranctByDate(String startDate, String endDate, String platform, String bodyCode, String serchName); }