"use strict"; var LIVERELOAD_PORT, lrSnippet, mountFolder; /*解决跨域问题*/ var proxySnippet = require('grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils').proxyRequest; LIVERELOAD_PORT = 35728; /*页面自动刷新,即代码有修改页面就自动刷新*/ lrSnippet = require("connect-livereload")({ port: LIVERELOAD_PORT }); mountFolder = function(connect, dir) { return connect["static"](require("path").resolve(dir)); }; module.exports = function(grunt) { var yeomanConfig; /*自动读取并加载项目 packge.json 文件中 devDependencies 配置下以 grunt-* 开头的依赖库*/ require("load-grunt-tasks")(grunt); /*构建完成后,会给出每个任务的耗时及占总耗时的百分比*/ require("time-grunt")(grunt); yeomanConfig = { app: "src/main/websrc", dist: "dist", docs: "documentation" }; grunt.initConfig({ yeoman: yeomanConfig, watch: { compass: { files: ["<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/**/*.{scss,sass}"], tasks: ["compass:server"] }, livereload: { options: { livereload: LIVERELOAD_PORT //或者true }, files: [ "<%= yeoman.app %>/index.html", "<%= yeoman.app %>/template/**/*.html", "<%= yeoman.app %>/js/**/*.js", "<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/**/*.scss", ".tmp/styles/**/*.css", "<%= yeoman.app %>/images/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}" ] } }, connect: { proxies: [{ context: ['/api'], host: 'localhost', // host: '', port: 8091, https: false, xforward: true, hideHeaders: ['x-removed-header'] }], options: { port: 9008, hostname: "*" }, livereload: { options: { middleware: function (connect) { return [lrSnippet, mountFolder(connect, ".tmp"), mountFolder(connect, yeomanConfig.app), proxySnippet]; } } }, test: { options: { middleware: function (connect) { return [mountFolder(connect, ".tmp"), mountFolder(connect, "test")]; } } }, dist: { options: { middleware: function (connect) { //return [mountFolder(connect, yeomanConfig.dist)]; return [lrSnippet, mountFolder(connect, yeomanConfig.dist), proxySnippet]; } } } }, open: { server: { url: "http://localhost:<%= connect.options.port %>" } }, clean: { dist: { files: [ { dot: true, src: [".tmp", "<%= yeoman.dist %>/*", "!<%= yeoman.dist %>/.git*"] } ] }, all: [".tmp", ".sass-cache", "readme.md", "node_modules", ".git"], server: ".tmp" }, jshint: { //代码质量检查 options: { jshintrc: ".jshintrc" }, all: ["Gruntfile.js", "<%= yeoman.app %>/app/**/*.js"] }, injector: { // JS/CSS 自动注入工具, 可以自动将 JS/CSS 的引用注入到 HTML 文件中 options: { relative: true }, local_dependencies: { files: { "<%= yeoman.app %>/index.html": [ "<%= yeoman.app %>/app/**/*.module.js", "<%= yeoman.app %>/app/**/*.js", "!" + "<%= yeoman.app %>/**/*.spec.js", "<%= yeoman.app %>/**/*.css" ] } } }, compass: { options: { sassDir: "<%= yeoman.app %>/styles", cssDir: ".tmp/styles", imagesDir: "<%= yeoman.app %>/images/", javascriptsDir: "<%= yeoman.app %>/js", httpFontsPath: "fonts", relativeAssets: true }, dist: { options: { outputStyle: 'compressed', debugInfo: false, noLineComments: true } }, server: { options: { debugInfo: true } }, forvalidation: { options: { debugInfo: false, noLineComments: false } } }, useminPrepare: { html: ["<%= yeoman.app %>/index.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/login.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/activation.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/failure.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/forget.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/register.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/success.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/resetpwd.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/olduser.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/demo.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/home.html","<%= yeoman.app %>/main.html"], options: { dest: "<%= yeoman.dist %>", flow: { steps: { js: ["concat"], css: ["concat"] //concat,cssmin }, post: [] } } }, usemin: { html: ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/**/*.html"], options: { dirs: ["<%= yeoman.dist %>"], blockReplacements: { css:function (block) { var final_name = block.dest; final_name += "?r="+Math.random(); var media = block.media ? ' media="' + block.media + '"' : ''; return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + final_name + '"' + media + '>';//此处为css标签的定制 }, js:function (block) { var final_name = block.dest; final_name += "?r="+Math.random(); var defer = block.defer ? 'defer ' : ''; var async = block.async ? 'async ' : ''; return '<script ' + defer + async + 'src="' + final_name + '"><\/script>';//次处为js标签的定制 } } } }, htmlmin: { dist: { options: {}, files: [ { expand: true, cwd: "<%= yeoman.app %>", src: ["*.html", "template/**/*.html"], dest: "<%= yeoman.dist %>" } ] } }, copy: { dist: { files: [ { expand: true, dot: true, cwd: "<%= yeoman.app %>", dest: "<%= yeoman.dist %>", src: [ "data/**/*", "font/**/*", "images/**/*", "**/*.html", "template/**/*.png", "template/**/*.jpg", "*.ico" ] }, { expand: true, cwd: ".tmp/images", dest: "<%= yeoman.dist %>/images", src: ["generated/*"] }, { expand: true, cwd: "", dest: "<%=yeoman.dist%>", src: ["Gruntfile.js",'test/**/*'] } ] }, styles: { // expand: true, // cwd: "<%= yeoman.app %>/styles", // dest: ".tmp/styles/", // src: "**/*.css" } }, concurrent: { server: ["compass:server", "copy:styles"], dist: ["compass:dist", "copy:styles", "htmlmin"] }, cssmin: { options: { keepSpecialComments: '0' }, build: { files:{ "<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/index.css":[".tmp/styles/*.css","<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/*.css","!.tmp/styles/login.css","!.tmp/styles/home.css"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/login.css":[".tmp/styles/login.css"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/home.css":[".tmp/styles/home.css"] } } }, concat: { options: { separator: grunt.util.linefeed + ';' + grunt.util.linefeed }, // cssbuild: { // src: ".tmp/styles/*.css", // dest: "<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/app.css" // }, dist: {} }, uglify: { options: { mangle: true, //混淆变量名 compress: { drop_console: true } }, dist: { // if do this uglify for app, the app can not start up files: { "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/app.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/app.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/ui.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/ui.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/lgui.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/lgui.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/regui.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/regui.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/change.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/change.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/failure.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/failure.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/forget.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/forget.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/register.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/register.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/success.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/success.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/resetpwd.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/resetpwd.js"], "<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/olduser.js": ["<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/olduser.js"] } } }, mock: { //currently just list all mock api in this files, we need to separate them based the module. your_target: { options: { port: 9001, delay: 200, cookie: {}, placeholders: { getNumArr: function (len) { //返回len个随机整数 var arr = []; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ arr.push(this.d1000()); } return arr; }, getFloatArr: function (len) { //返回len个随机浮点数 var arr = []; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ arr.push(this.float(0,100,0,2)); } return arr; }, getLastDates: function (len,hasToday) { //返回最近len天数据,hasToday为true从今天开始往前推 var arr = []; var dd = new Date(),d = dd.getDate(); var m = d,start = 1,end = len; if(hasToday && hasToday==true){ start = 0; end -= 1; } for(var i=start;i<=end;i++){ var day = m - i; if(day == 0){ dd.setDate(m-i); m += dd.getDate(); } else{ dd.setDate(m-i); } arr.unshift(this.date(dd,'YYYY-MM-DD')); } return arr; }, getLastDay: function (len) { //返回最近第len天,0是当天 var dd = new Date(),d = dd.getDate(); dd.setDate(d-len); return this.date(dd,'YYYY-MM-DD') }, getLastMonth: function (len) { //返回最近第len月的第一天,0是当月,eg:2017-03-01 var dd = new Date(),m = dd.getMonth(); dd.setMonth(m-len); dd.setDate(1); return this.date(dd,'YYYY-MM-DD') }, getLastWeek: function (len) { //返回最近第几周的周一,0是当周的周一 var dd = new Date(),d = dd.getDate(),w = dd.getDay(); w = w == 0 ? 7 : w; dd.setDate(d-w+1-len*7); return this.date(dd,'YYYY-MM-DD'); }, getHourData: function (num,hour) { //根据小时对比返回当前应显示数 var nh = new Date().getHours(); if(nh>=hour){ return num; } else{ return 0; } } }, route: { } }, cwd: './test/mocks', src: ['*.json'] } } }); // grunt.registerTask("docs", function() { // return grunt.task.run(["jade:docs", "connect:docs", "open", "watch"]); // }); grunt.registerTask("server", function(target) { if (target === "dist") { return grunt.task.run(["serve:dist"]); } return grunt.task.run(["serve"]); }); grunt.registerTask("serve", function(target) { if (target === "dist") { //return grunt.task.run(["build", "open", "connect:dist:keepalive"]); return grunt.task.run(["build", "configureProxies", "connect:dist:keepalive" , "open"]); } return grunt.task.run(["clean:server", "concurrent:server", "configureProxies", "connect:livereload", "open", "watch"]); }); grunt.registerTask("build", ["clean:dist", "useminPrepare", "concurrent:dist", "copy:dist", "concat", "cssmin", "uglify", "usemin"]); return grunt.registerTask("default", ["build"]); };