module.exports = (input) => { if (!input) return []; if (typeof input !== "string" || input.match(/^\s+$/)) return []; const lines = input.split("\n"); if (lines.length === 0) return []; const files = []; let currentFile = null; let currentChunk = null; let deletedLineCounter = 0; let addedLineCounter = 0; let currentFileChanges = null; const normal = (line) => { currentChunk?.changes.push({ type: "normal", normal: true, ln1: deletedLineCounter++, ln2: addedLineCounter++, content: line, }); currentFileChanges.oldLines--; currentFileChanges.newLines--; }; const start = (line) => { const [fromFileName, toFileName] = parseFiles(line) ?? []; currentFile = { chunks: [], deletions: 0, additions: 0, from: fromFileName, to: toFileName, }; files.push(currentFile); }; const restart = () => { if (!currentFile || currentFile.chunks.length) start(); }; const newFile = () => { restart(); = true; currentFile.from = "/dev/null"; }; const deletedFile = () => { restart(); currentFile.deleted = true; = "/dev/null"; }; const index = (line) => { restart(); currentFile.index = line.split(" ").slice(1); }; const fromFile = (line) => { restart(); currentFile.from = parseOldOrNewFile(line); }; const toFile = (line) => { restart(); = parseOldOrNewFile(line); }; const toNumOfLines = (number) => +(number || 1); const chunk = (line, match) => { if (!currentFile) return; const [oldStart, oldNumLines, newStart, newNumLines] = match.slice(1); deletedLineCounter = +oldStart; addedLineCounter = +newStart; currentChunk = { content: line, changes: [], oldStart: +oldStart, oldLines: toNumOfLines(oldNumLines), newStart: +newStart, newLines: toNumOfLines(newNumLines), }; currentFileChanges = { oldLines: toNumOfLines(oldNumLines), newLines: toNumOfLines(newNumLines), }; currentFile.chunks.push(currentChunk); }; const del = (line) => { if (!currentChunk) return; currentChunk.changes.push({ type: "del", del: true, ln: deletedLineCounter++, content: line, }); currentFile.deletions++; currentFileChanges.oldLines--; }; const add = (line) => { if (!currentChunk) return; currentChunk.changes.push({ type: "add", add: true, ln: addedLineCounter++, content: line, }); currentFile.additions++; currentFileChanges.newLines--; }; const eof = (line) => { if (!currentChunk) return; const [mostRecentChange] = currentChunk.changes.slice(-1); currentChunk.changes.push({ type: mostRecentChange.type, [mostRecentChange.type]: true, ln1: mostRecentChange.ln1, ln2: mostRecentChange.ln2, ln: mostRecentChange.ln, content: line, }); }; const schemaHeaders = [ [/^diff\s/, start], [/^new file mode \d+$/, newFile], [/^deleted file mode \d+$/, deletedFile], [/^index\s[\da-zA-Z]+\.\.[\da-zA-Z]+(\s(\d+))?$/, index], [/^---\s/, fromFile], [/^\+\+\+\s/, toFile], [/^@@\s+-(\d+),?(\d+)?\s+\+(\d+),?(\d+)?\s@@/, chunk], [/^\\ No newline at end of file$/, eof], ]; const schemaContent = [ [/^-/, del], [/^\+/, add], [/^\s+/, normal], ]; const parseContentLine = (line) => { for (const [pattern, handler] of schemaContent) { const match = line.match(pattern); if (match) { handler(line, match); break; } } if ( currentFileChanges.oldLines === 0 && currentFileChanges.newLines === 0 ) { currentFileChanges = null; } }; const parseHeaderLine = (line) => { for (const [pattern, handler] of schemaHeaders) { const match = line.match(pattern); if (match) { handler(line, match); break; } } }; const parseLine = (line) => { if (currentFileChanges) { parseContentLine(line); } else { parseHeaderLine(line); } return; }; for (const line of lines) parseLine(line); return files; }; const fileNameDiffRegex = /a\/.*(?=["']? ["']?b\/)|b\/.*$/g; const gitFileHeaderRegex = /^(a|b)\//; const parseFiles = (line) => { let fileNames = line?.match(fileNameDiffRegex); return fileNames?.map((fileName) => fileName.replace(gitFileHeaderRegex, "").replace(/("|')$/, "") ); }; const qoutedFileNameRegex = /^\\?['"]|\\?['"]$/g; const parseOldOrNewFile = (line) => { let fileName = leftTrimChars(line, "-+").trim(); fileName = removeTimeStamp(fileName); return fileName .replace(qoutedFileNameRegex, "") .replace(gitFileHeaderRegex, ""); }; const leftTrimChars = (string, trimmingChars) => { string = makeString(string); if (!trimmingChars && String.prototype.trimLeft) return string.trimLeft(); let trimmingString = formTrimmingString(trimmingChars); return string.replace(new RegExp(`^${trimmingString}+`), ""); }; const timeStampRegex = /\t.*|\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(.\d+)?\s(\+|-)\d\d\d\d/; const removeTimeStamp = (string) => { const timeStamp = timeStampRegex.exec(string); if (timeStamp) { string = string.substring(0, timeStamp.index).trim(); } return string; }; const formTrimmingString = (trimmingChars) => { if (trimmingChars === null || trimmingChars === undefined) return "\\s"; else if (trimmingChars instanceof RegExp) return trimmingChars.source; return `[${makeString(trimmingChars).replace( /([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]/\\])/g, "\\$1" )}]`; }; const makeString = (itemToConvert) => (itemToConvert ?? "") + "";