{ "。": ".", ":": ":", "(": "(", ")": ")", ";": ";", "一": "One", "二": "Two", "三": "Three", "四": "Four", "五": "Fives", "六": "Six", "七": "Seven", "八": "Eight", "九": "Nine", "十": "Ten", "的": " of ", "亿": " Billion", "百万": " Million", "千": " Thousand", "无": "no", "进入灵犀": "Enter IO", "返回主页": "Home", "上传": "Upload", "上周": "Last week", "上月": "Last month", "下载": "Download", "严格": "strict", "事件": "event", "今日": "Today", "作弊": "cheat", "保存": "Save", "修改": "Modify", "停用": "Disable", "免费": "free", "全选": "Select All", "关闭": "Close", "分包": "Subpackage", "创意": "Creative", "删除": "Delete", "刷新": "Refresh", "取消": "Cancel", "取消:": "cancel:", "名称": "Name", "启用": "Enable", "地域": "area", "场景": "Scene", "型号": "model", "失败": "failure", "姓名": "Name", "媒体": "Media", "完成": "complete", "实时": "Real Time", "宽松": "Loose", "工具": "Tool", "已付": "Paid", "平台": "platform", "序号": "S/N", "应用": "application", "开启": "Open", "总览": "Overview", "手机": "Mobile", "折扣": "discount", "报表": "Report", "搜索": "search", "操作": "operating", "新建": "New", "日志": "Log", "日期": "Date", "昨日": "Yesterday", "普通": "commonly", "最新": "up to date", "最热": "Hottest", "未付": "unpaid", "本周": "This week", "本月": "this month", "权限": "Permission", "查看": "View", "正常": "normal", "活动": "Campaign", "测试": "test", "添加": "Add", "渠道": "Partner", "游戏": "game", "激活": "install", "订单": "Order", "状态": "status", "申请": "apply", "确定": "Ok", "确认": "Confirm", "类型": "Category", "编辑": "Edit", "网络": "network", "角色": "role ", "说明": "Description", "调试": "debug", "账号": "account", "返回": "return", "选择": "select", "配置": "Configuration", "链接": "link", "首次": "first", "验证": "verification", "备注:": "Remarks:", "备注": "Remarks", "渠道:": "channel:", "角色:": "role: ", "邮箱:": "E-mail:", "邮箱": "E-mail", "付费&活跃": "revenue & active", "付费&活跃标签": "revenue & Active tab", "激活/付费列表": "install/revenue list", "注:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 不可以输入": "e.g:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 cannot be entered", "已选0个活动": "not selected", "如:29099C43-12AE-47BC-A38A-C70476825312、864895025510569": "e.g: 29093C43-12AE-47BC-A38A-C70476825312, 864895025510569", "支持3个渠道授权": "Support 3 channel authorizations", "事件:": "Event:", "产品:": "Product:", "公司:": "Company:", "公司": "Company", "参数:": "parameter:", "名称:": "name:", "姓名:": "Name:", "密码:": "password:", "平台:": "platform:", "微信:": "WeChat:", "微信": "WeChat", "授权:": "Authorization:", "系统:": "system:", "网址:": "Website:", "账号:": "account:", "您的APPKEY:": "Your APPKEY:", "针对Android联运渠道等形式的投放方式,满足以安装包为单位的归因以及数据分析。在trackingio后台可以创建“分包”的监测形式,以渠道ID为唯一属性进行区分,接入SDK时封装的Channelid需要和“分包”时定义的渠道ID保持一致。其中,渠道ID由您自主定义。": "For the delivery method of the Android intermodal channel, etc., the attribution and data analysis in the installation package are satisfied. In the trackingio background, you can create a “subcontracting” monitoring form, which is distinguished by the channel ID as the unique attribute. The channelid encapsulated when accessing the SDK needs to be consistent with the channel ID defined when “subcontracting”. Among them, the channel ID is defined by you.", "体验DEMO": "Experience DEMO", "注:Demo数据为非真实业务数据,仅为企业提供可适用的业务场景参考。": "Note: Demo data is non-real business data, and only provides applicable business scenario reference for enterprises.", "渠道ID": "Channel ID", "设备ID": "Device ID", "渠道ID:": "Channel ID:", "账号ID:": "Account ID:", "转化ID、转化标签请前往对应渠道平台获取相应信息": "Conversion ID, conversion label, please go to the corresponding channel platform to get the corresponding information", "激活IP离散度设置:": "Activate the IP limit setting:", "点击IP离散度设置:": "Click the IP limit setting:", "更新LinkID": "Update LinkID", "新建ONELINK名称": "New ONELINK name", "新建ONELINK": "New ONELINK", "嵌入SDK": "SDK Integration", "接收URL:": "Receive URL:", "全部XX个渠道授权": "All XX channel authorizations", "全部": "All ", "个渠道授权": " channel authorizations", "如果appsecret发生变化,请及时更新,否则会影响推广活动的使用。": "If appsecret changes, please update it in time, otherwise it will affect the use of promotional activities.", "事件id": "Event id", "成功key:": "Success key:", "百度ocpc和百度cpc同属百度原生渠道,且共用账号,因此只需要绑定一次即可。绑定后在报表数据会分开展示。": "Baidu ocpc and Baidu cpc are both Baidu native channels and share accounts, so you only need to bind once. The data in the report will be displayed separately after binding.", "成功value:": "Success value:", "上一步": "Previous", "上传中": "uploading", "下一步": "Next", "下载人": "Download user", "中位数": "median", "仪表盘": "Dashboard", "全平台": "all platform", "全流量": "all flow", "关键词": "Keyword", "分辨率": "Resolution", "分链接": "tracking link", "切换至": "Switch", "创建人": "founder", "创意:": "creative:", "去停用": "disable", "去绑定": "binding", "子活动": "Ad Group", "子渠道": "Sub channel", "子账号": "Sub account", "完整版": "full version", "审核中": "in review", "小游戏": "minigame", "小程序": "applet", "已停用": "disable", "已启用": "Enable", "已失效": "Invalid", "已完成": "completed", "已弃用": "Disuse", "已授权": "authorizations", "已申请": "apply", "已绑定": "bind", "已调试": "Debug", "已过期": "expired", "已隐藏": "hidden", "并保存": "save", "待调试": "debug", "手机:": "Mobile:", "排序:": "Sort:", "推广:": "spread", "日志流": "Real Time Log", "普通版": "ordinary version", "月确定": "Monthly determination", "未开通": "nonactivated", "未授权": "unauthorized", "未激活": "Not installed", "注收比": "ROI", "活动组": "campaign group", "活跃度": "Activity", "激活率": "install rate", "生成中": "Generated", "用户群": "user group", "管理员": "Administrator", "类型:": "Type:", "自然:": "organic:", "设备名": "device name", "设备数": "device number", "设备量": "device number", "账户名": "account name", "运营商": "Operator", "题材:": "theme:", "标签数5": "Number of tag 5", "老设备*0.2": "Old device *0.2", "测试中...": "testing...", "二维码/链接": "QR code / link", "关键词/创意": "Keyword/creative", "关键词/创意ID": "Keyword / Creative ID", "关键词/创意ID批量上传": "Keyword / Creative ID Batch Upload", "关键词/创意ID批量管理": "Keywords/creative ID batch management", "关键词/创意名称": "Keyword/creative name", "显示全0数据": "Display all 0 data", "原密码:": "old password:", "输入原密码": "Enter the original password", "新密码:": "new password:", "渠道名:": "Channel name:", "适用于Android应用": "For Android apps", "仅支持Excel格式,编码为UTF-8": "Only supports Excel format, encoded as UTF-8", "适用于IOS应用": "Suitable for IOS applications", "留存、LTV、ARPU、付费等": "Retention, LTV, ARPU, Revenue, etc.", "电商、OTA、O2O等": "E-commerce, OTA, O2O, etc.", "子渠道id": "Subchannel ID", "其中,uac类型的推广活动必须要使用新模式才可以正确归因。": "Among them, the uac type of promotion must use the new model to be properly attributed.", "下载地址": "Download link", "下载地址:": "Download link:", "下载地址名称": "Download link name", "下载报表": "Download Report", "了解更多": "understand more", "了解详情": "Learn more", "事件名称": "Event name", "事件属性": "Event Attribute", "产品中心": "Product Center", "产品功能": "Product Features", "产品名称": "product name", "人群分析": "Crowd analysis", "付费意向": "Intention to pay", "付费": "Payment", "付费意愿": "Willingness to pay", "付费指标": "Paid indicator", "付费率:": "Revenue rate:", "付费率": "Revenue rate", "付费趋势": "Payment Trend", "任务列表": "task list", "优惠折扣": "Discount", "作弊激活": "Cheating install", "作弊点击": "Cheating click", "点击": "Click", "使用说明": "Instructions for use", "修改密码": "change Password", "修改成员": "Modify member", "修改活动": "Modify campaign", "全部产品": "All products", "共计条第": "Total number of articles", "共计": "Total number of ", "条": "", "关联明细": "Association details", "关键词:": "Key words:", "兴趣偏好": "Interest preference", "兴趣标签": "Interest tag", "分包推广": "Spread subpackage", "分包渠道": "Subpackage channel", "创建时间": "creat time", "到期提醒": "Expiration reminder", "前去绑定": "Go to bind", "前去配置": "Go to the configure", "包含事件": "Contain event", "发送成功": "Send success", "启动次数": "startup number", "回收分析": "Recovery Analysis", "回收指标": "Recycling indicator", "回本分析": "Recovery Analysis", "埋点管理": "Event MGT", "基础指标": "Basic indicator", "基础日期": "Base date", "基础费用": "Base fee", "处理列表": "Processing list", "如何获取": "How to get", "如何设置": "How to set", "客单价:": "Customer price:", "客单价": "Customer price", "对比日期": "Contrast date", "小程序码": "mini apps", "展示广告": "Display ad", "已选事件": "Selected event", "已选参数": "Selected parameter", "已选应用": "Selected application", "已选活动": "Selected campaign", "常规产品": "Conventional product", "常规渠道": "Regular channel", "广告平台": "Advertising platform", "应用市场": "Application market", "开启保护": "Turn on protection", "开始授权": "Start authorizing", "异常数据": "abnormal data", "归因查询": "Attribution Query", "总点击数": "Total clicks", "成员管理": "Member MGT", "批量上传": "Bulk upload", "批量停用": "Batch deactivate", "批量启用": "Batch enable", "批量导出": "Batch export", "批量编辑": "Batch edit", "技术保障": "Technical Support", "投放报告": "Delivery report", "投放账号": "Place account", "报表名称": "Report name", "拦截激活": "Intercept activation", "授权失败": "Authorization failure", "授权完成": "Authorization completed", "授权成功": "Authorized success", "授权渠道": "Authorized channel", "授权状态": "Authorization status", "推广活动": "Campaign", "推广类型": "Promotion type", "提交修改": "Submit changes", "提交成功": "Submitted successfully", "操作系统": "operating system", "操作记录": "Operation record", "收起菜单": "Collapse menu", "效果指标": "Performance indicator", "数据中立": "Data neutrality", "数据刷新": "Data refresh", "数据导出": "Data output", "数据总览": "Data overview", "数据更新": "Data Update", "数据权限": "Data Permission", "数据概览": "Data overview", "数据类型": "Type of data", "数据范围": "Data range", "数据详情": "Data details", "数据调试": "Data debugging", "新建产品": "New product", "新建导出": "New export", "新建成员": "New member", "新建活动": "New activity", "日志地址": "Log Address", "日志导出": "Export Log", "日志详情": "Log Details", "时间范围": "time limit", "普通账号": "Ordinary account", "暂无公告": "No announcement", "公告": "announcement", "更改模板": "Change template", "下载模板": "Download template", "未知渠道": "Unknown channel", "未知系统": "Unknown system", "未选事件": "Unselected event", "未选参数": "Unselected parameter", "未选活动": "Unselected event", "权限管理": "Authority MGT", "查看活动": "View event", "标签体系": "Label system", "标签数量": "Number of labels", "标签类型": "Label type", "核心指标": "Core indicator", "正在生成": "Generating", "活跃设备": "Active device", "测试成功": "testing successfully", "消费趋势": "Spend Trend", "添加产品": "Add product", "添加设备": "Add device", "渠道别名": "Channel alias", "渠道指标": "Channel indicator", "渠道活动": "Channel activity", "渠道管理": "Channel management", "渠道账号": "Channel account", "游戏偏好": "Game preference", "游戏题材": "Game theme", "演示内容": "Demo content", "激活设备": "Activate device", "点击劫持": "Clickjacking", "点击广告": "Click on the ad", "点击总数": "Total clicks", "点击授权": "Click authorization", "点击申请": "Click to apply", "现金余额": "cash balance", "生成失败": "Build failed", "电商产品": "E-commerce products", "留存指标": "Retention indicator", "登录使用": "Login to use", "登录": "Login", "登录信息": "login information", "直播产品": "Live product", "神马搜索": "God horse search", "科学算法": "Scientific algorithm", "稍后再说": "talk about it later", "立即使用": "use immediately", "立即创建": "Create Now", "立即开通": "Open immediately", "第周确定": "Weekly determination", "绑定产品": "Bundled product", "统计多维": "Statistical multidimensional", "编辑指标": "Edit indicator", "美术风格": "Art style", "联系人:": "Contact:", "联系电话": "contact number", "获取标签": "Get the label", "菜单权限": "Menu permissions", "行业模板": "Industry template", "订单详情": "order details", "认证授权": "certified", "设备名:": "Equipment name:", "设备品牌": "Equipment brand", "设备数量": "Equipment Quantity", "设备更新": "Device update", "设备系统": "Equipment system", "设置权限": "Setting permissions", "账号状态": "Account status", "账号管理": "Account MGT", "账户信息": "account information", "赠送余额": "Gift balance", "越狱情况": "Jailbreak situation", "转化指标": "Conversion indicator", "连接测试": "Connection test", "选择产品": "Select product", "选择应用": "Select application", "选择模板": "Select template", "遇到问题": "Encounter problems", "重新授权": "Reauthorization", "金融产品": "Financial product", "错误个数": "Number of errors", "验证码:": "Verification code", "高亮全选": "Highlight all", "高亮取消": "Highlight cancellation", "高级服务": "Advanced service", "功能优势:": "Functional advantages:", "完美应对:": "Perfect response", "测试失败重新测试并保存": "Test failed to retest and save", "短链地址(点击复制)": "Short chain address (click to copy)", "激活劫持/撞库": "Activate hijacking/collision library", "推广活动/子活动列表": "Promotion/sub-activity list", "按新设备/新标签单价的20%计费": "20% of the unit price of the new equipment / new label", "标签数≥5": "Number of labels ≥5", "产品名称:": "product name:", "产品类别:": "Product Category:", "创建类型:": "Create type:", "回传地址:": "Return address:", "应用标识:": "Application ID:", "归因结果:": "Attribution results:", "归因过程:": "Attribution process:", "当前展示:": "Current display:", "投放账号:": "Delivery account:", "接收地址:": "receiving address:", "数据范围:": "data range:", "时间范围:": "time limit:", "注册": "Registration", "注册日期:": "Registration date:", "渠道别名:": "Channel alias ", "渠道类型:": "Channel type:", "渠道账号:": "Channel account:", "渠道返点:": "Channel rebate:", "游戏类别:": "Game category:", "目标路径:": "Target path:", "确认密码:": "confirm password:", "账号别名:": "Account alias:", "近期登录:": "Recently logged in:", "还可展示:": "Can also show:", "连接测试:": "Connection test:", "选择产品:": "Select product:", "该模板正在被": "The template is being used by", "个账号使用,当前不可被删除。": " accounts and cannot be deleted currently.", "子活动列表新建子活动": "sub-activity list new sub-activity", "行为分析模块,提供事件、漏斗、留存、智能路径等多维度分析功能,帮您提升": "Behavior analysis module provides multi-dimensional analysis functions such as events, funnels, retention, and intelligent paths to help you improve", "=5个": "5", "人群分析线上协议": "Crowd analysis online agreement", "5个": "5", "否": "No", "是": "Yes", "(电商行业应用此项不生效。)": "(The e-commerce industry application does not take effect.)", "(非电商行业应用此项不生效。)": "(This is not valid for non-e-commerce industry applications.)", "(APPKEY是应用的唯一标识,用来集成到SDK中。)": "(APPKEY is the unique identifier of the application and is used to integrate into the SDK.)", "(请先选择订单指标)": "(Please select the order indicator first)", "(已全面支持游戏行业)": "(Full support for the game industry)", "*仅支持自定义渠道和SEM渠道选择": "*Only support custom channel and SEM channel selection", "+1.0元/每设备": "+1.0 yuan / per device", "复制": "Copy", "已勾选本页X条,勾选全部Y条": "This page is checked {{X}},", "已勾选本页": "This page is checked ", "条,": ",", "勾选全部": " check all the tags ", "已勾选全部": "checked all the tags ", "条。": ".", "取消勾选": "Uncheck", "温馨提示": "Tips", "已选个活动": "Selected events to ", "已选X个活动": " events selected", "全选所有活动": "Select all events", "该产品下已存在该下载地址,修改完成后,这2组分别用不同下载地址的推广活动/子活动将会共用同一个,以后修改下载地址将会被一起修改。": "The download address already exists under the product. After the modification is completed, the promotion/sub-activity of the two groups with different download addresses will share the same one, and the download address will be modified later. Will be modified together.", "请选择已绑定投放账号,点击授权后可直接应用于回本分析功能,如果没有需要绑定的账号,请先到渠道管理中绑定投放账号。": "Please select the bundled delivery account. Click on the authorization to apply it directly to the return analysis function. If there is no account to be bound, please first bind the delivery account to the channel management.", "您上传的表格中,共有的": "The duplicate data of the", "组的重复数据,我们将为每组重复数据创建1条子活动。": "group in the table you uploaded, we will create 1 sub-activity for each set of duplicate data.", "上传数据过多,系统最多支持1000行数据,1000行后内容将不会为您创建子活动。": "Excessive upload data, the system supports up to 1000 rows of data, 1000 rows will not create sub-activities for you.", "您的第等": "Your second", "条数据与已创建子活动重复,我们将自动为您跳过该部分子活动的创建。": "The data is duplicated with the created sub-activity, and we will automatically skip the creation of that part of the sub-activity for you.", "个创意与已创建子活动重复在SEM类广告中,子活动分类通常被称为创意,创意须以回车结束;如果想创建多个创意,可以输入多个,每个创意都须以回车键结束,我们将会为您创建对应个数的子活动。": "Creating and creating sub-activities are repeated in SEM ads. Sub-activity categories are often called creatives, and creatives must end with a carriage return. If you want to create multiple ideas, you can enter multiple, each creative must End with the Enter key, we will create a corresponding number of sub-activities for you.", "在SEM类广告中,子活动分类通常被称为创意,创意须以回车结束;如果想创建多个创意,可以输入多个,每个创意都须以回车键结束,我们将会为您创建对应个数的子活动。": "In SEM ads. Sub-activity categories are often called creatives, and creatives must end with a carriage return. If you want to create multiple ideas, you can enter multiple, each creative must End with the Enter key, we will create a corresponding number of sub-activities for you.", "个创意与已创建子活动重复": "Creating and creating sub-activities are repeated ", "活动名称后缀是指在批量创建时为了区别不同推广活动而添加的数字后缀,假设填写推广活动名称为“首页轮播”,则若批量创建,样式为“首页轮播_n”。起始默认值是您填写的推广活动名称下可用后缀的最小值。": "Activity name suffix refers to the digital suffix added to distinguish different promotion activities during batch creation. If the name of the promotion activity is “Home Carousel”, if it is created in batch, the style is “Home Carousel_n”. The starting default is the minimum of the available suffixes under the campaign name you filled out.", "元/每设备": "yuan / per device", "请输入子创意": "Please enter a sub-creative", "配置权限": "Configuration permission", "1.下载SDK": "1.SDK dwonload", "1.主账号/管理员可以绑定投放账号,子应用管理员/其他子账号(有该渠道权限)可以在已绑定投放账号内添加/删除权限内产品。": "1. The primary account/administrator can bind the delivery account, and the sub-application administrator/other sub-account (with the channel permission) can add/delete the in-privileged product in the bound delivery account.", "1.仔细检查APPKEY是否填写正确,是否多输入了空格等字符。": "1. Check carefully if APPKEY is filled in correctly, and if more characters such as spaces are entered.", "1.授权有效期为2年,为了不影响数据的准确性,请在授权到期前再次认证;届时我们也会提前30天为您发送邮件通知。": "1. The authorization period is 2 years. In order not to affect the accuracy of the data, please re-certify before the authorization expires; we will also send you an email notification 30 days in advance.", "1.设置为白名单IP后,将不会参与防作弊黑名单库的计算。": "1. After setting as a whitelist IP, it will not participate in the calculation of the anti-cheating blacklist library.", "1.打开集成好的客户端,SDK将自动帮助收集数据。": "1. Open the integrated client and the SDK will automatically help collect data.", "1.为了您的数据归因不受影响,linkID发生变化,请及时更新。": "1. In order for your data attribution to be unaffected, the linkID changes, please update it in time.", "1.为了不影响您的使用,如果账号/密码变更,请及时进行重新授权。": "1. In order not to affect your use, if the account/password changes, please re-authorize it in time.", "1.在这里管理和授权渠道投放账号,媒体和ROI数据及报表请在对应的产品下查看。如果您绑定投放账号的密码或者授权发生变化,请及时更新,否则会导致渠道数据无法同步。": "1. Manage and authorize channels to place accounts here. Media and ROI data and reports should be viewed under the corresponding products. If you change the password or authorization of the delivery account, please update it in time, otherwise the channel data will not be synchronized.", "1.根据全网的设备和广告主投放数据来实现防作弊功能,此处的防作弊等级是根据多个反作弊策略交叉实现的,越严格的设置,对作弊的控制越强。": "1. Anti-cheating function is implemented according to the equipment and advertisers of the whole network. The anti-cheat level here is implemented according to multiple anti-cheat strategies. The stricter the setting, the stronger the control of cheating.", "1天内单个IP下达到“设置激活个数”以上的激活,这些激活将被系统标记为异常。": "Activation of \"Set Activations\" above a single IP within 1 day will be flagged as abnormal by the system.", "1天内单个IP下达到“设置点击个数”以上的点击,这些点击将被系统标记为异常。": "Clicks above \"Set Clicks\" under a single IP within 1 day, these clicks will be marked as abnormal by the system.", "1、服务内容": "1. Service Content ", "乙方为甲方提供的人群分析服务是指:甲方可根据自身业务需求,选定甲方用户设备范围,由乙方对设备打上相应的数据标签后返回给甲方,从而方便甲方对其用户进行精细化营销和运营服务。": "Party B provides the crowd analysis service provided by Party A. Party A can select the scope of Party A's user equipment according to its own business needs. Party B will return the corresponding data label to Party A and return it to Party A. The company conducts refined marketing and operation services for its users. ", "乙方支持甲方选择单个应用的用户设备,或者多个应用的用户设备,对设备进行排重后再打上数据标签。甲方可以选择某应用下全量用户或某段时间的用户,由乙方对用户设备打上数据标签。": " Party B supports Party A in selecting a user device for a single application, or a user device for multiple applications, and then weighting the device and then tagging the data. Party A can select the full amount of users or users of a certain period of time in an application, and Party B will put data labels on the user equipment.", "2、服务价格": "2, service price", "2.对该账号进行权限配置,以完成账号创建。": "2. Configure the permissions for the account to complete the account creation.", "2.保存5分钟后可生效。": "2. It will take effect after 5 minutes of storage.", "2.集成SDK": "2. The primary account/administrator can bind the delivery account, and the sub-application administrator/other sub-account (with the channel authority) can add/delete the in-privileged product in the bound delivery account.", "2.主账号/管理员可以绑定投放账号,子应用管理员/其他子账号(有该渠道权限)可以在已绑定投放账号内添加/删除权限内产品。": "2. The primary account/administrator can bind the delivery account, and the sub-application administrator/other sub-account (with the channel authority) can add/delete the in-privileged product in the bound delivery account.", "2.投放账号后方如有": "2. If there is an account after the account is placed", "2.检查您的测试设备是否网络正常。": "2. Check if your test equipment is working properly.", "2.为了您的数据归因不受影响,如果账号/密码变更,请及时进行重新授权。": "2. In order for your data attribution to be unaffected, if the account/password changes, please re-authorize it in time.", "2.如果您的推广活动在多个投放账号下投放,需要绑定所有投放账号。": "2. If your promotion is served under multiple delivery accounts, you need to bind all delivery accounts.", "2.在任意平台有数据量产生后,您可随时完成调试,进入正式数据报表。": "2. After the data volume is generated on any platform, you can complete the debugging at any time and enter the official data report.", "2.为了方便您的使用,建议绑定您在渠道投放的主账号,供子应用管理员和子账号绑定/删除授权产品使用。": "2. In order to facilitate your use, it is recommended to bind the primary account you are using in the channel for sub-application administrators and sub-accounts to bind/delete authorized products.", "2.如果此处设置过全渠道的防作弊等级,再分别针对单个渠道设置,此处显示的作弊等级不变,但右上角不会再出现“已设置为全渠道参数”字样。": "2. If the omnichannel anti-cheat level is set here, and then set for a single channel separately, the cheat level displayed here will not change, but the words “already set to omnichannel parameter” will no longer appear in the upper right corner.", "20+类型偏好:卡牌、射击、策略等": "20+ type preference: card, shooting, strategy, etc.", "10+题材偏好:三国、武侠、仙侠等": "10+ theme preferences: Three Kingdoms, martial arts, Xianxia, etc.", "10+美术偏好:写实、卡通、像素等": "10+ art preferences: realistic, cartoon, pixel, etc.", "2018.5.25之前绑定的广点通账号需要重新授权,才可以正常使用。": "The Tencent social ads account that was bound before 2018.5.25 needs to be re-authorized before it can be used normally.", "2018年6月1号之前购买享受总价优惠": "Purchase before June 1st, 2018 to enjoy the total price discount", "3.一个APP最多显示1000条测试数据,且保留最近7天数据。": "3. An APP displays up to 1000 test data and retains the last 7 days of data.", "3.数据调试": "3. The hot cloud http://log.reyun.com is not added to the small program background request legitimate domain name.", "3.未将热云http://log.reyun.com加入到小程序后台request合法域名中。": "3. If there is an account after the account is placed", "3.投放账号后方如有": "3. In order to facilitate your use, it is recommended to bind the primary account you are using in the channel for sub-application administrators and sub-accounts to bind/delete authorized products.", "3.为了方便您的使用,建议绑定您在渠道投放的主账号,供子应用管理员和子账号绑定/删除授权产品使用。": "3. In order to facilitate your use, it is recommended to bind the primary account you are using in the channel for sub-application administrators and sub-accounts to bind/delete authorized products.", "3、权利和义务": "", "3.1甲方的权利义务": "", "3.1.1甲方应根据合同先支付标签调用产品服务费用。": "", "3.1.2甲方不得在任何情况下以任何理由向甲方非业务直接相关工作人员,以及任何外部人员或单位透露与本协议有关的任何内容。": "", "3.1.3甲方在签收数据后,应向乙方出具签收确认函。本合同有效期内,甲方所支付的人群分析产品费用,一经签收确认,不得退款。": "", "3.2乙方的权利义务": "", "3.2.1乙方保证人群分析产品所提交的全部数据信息均从合法渠道获得且已获得合法授权,涉及公民个人信息的(例如手机号码等)数据已经获得被收集人充分同意和授权,且不存在超授权范围使用的情形,否则由此造成的损失由乙方自行承担。": "", "3.2.2乙方承诺严格遵守所适用的关于保护用户信息、个人信息和隐私权及保障网络安全运行等方面的法律法规。": "", "3.2.3如因乙方获取、使用、共享数据信息违法违规,或未采取必要的技术保护措施,导致数据泄露等产生的全部后果由乙方自行承担,如因此给本平台造成任何损失的,由您全额赔偿,包括直接损失和间接损失等。": "", "4.知识产权": "", "4.1乙方人群分析产品系乙方自主开发所有,其知识产权归乙方单独所有。本协议的生效和履行,不构成乙方对上述知识产权的转让或放弃。甲方仅可在本合同的范围内使用乙方平台。": "", "4.2甲方同意乙方可在其宣传资料(包括但不限于网页、印刷资料、录音等)中使用甲方的企业名称、商标、标识或其他任何类似文字或图形,使用目的仅限于以说明甲方正在或者曾经使用乙方的人群分析产品。": "", "5.保密条款": "", "5.1双方在订立本协议前后以及本协议履行过程中知悉的对方的商业秘密、知识产权、客户资料等所有信息和经声明的保密资料,无论本协议是否成立,任何一方均不得泄露或擅自使用。否则,违约方应就由此给守约方造成的损害承担相应赔偿责任。": "", "5.2未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向协议外第三方披露协议他方的资料,不得将协议、与协议有关的计划和项目书等资料泄露给任何第三人,但已为公众知晓的信息、乙方上市或者新三板挂牌需要强制性披露或双方一致同意对外公布的信息除外。": "", "5.3本协议项下双方的保密义务不因本协议提前终止或期限届满而解除。双方仍需遵守本合同之保密条款,履行其所承诺的保密义务,直到另一方同意其解除此项义务,或保密信息非因任何一方违反保密义务而为公众所知时为止。": "", "6、不可抗力6.1由于不可抗力,如火灾、地震、台风、洪水等自然灾害及其他不可预见、不可避免、不可克服因素,导致不能完全或部分履行本协议义务,受不可抗力影响的一方或双方不承担违约责任,但应在不可抗力发生后48小时内通知对方,并在其后5工作日内向对方提供有效证明文件。": "", "6.2受不可抗力影响的签约一方或双方有义务采取措施,将因不可抗力造成的损失降低到最低程度。": "", "6.3因主要条款受不可抗力影响,而使协议无法履行时,双方协商一致可书面解除本协议,双方均不承担违约责任。": "", "6.4本协议执行过程中遇有国家法律法规调整,按调整后的国家法律法规执行。": "", "7.争议解决方式": "", "7.1在双方就本合同项下条款的解释和履行发生争议时,双方应以善意通过协商解决该争议。": "", "7.2如协商不成,任何一方均有权向协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院通过诉讼解决。": "", "7.3本合同的订立、效力、执行和解释及争议的解决均应适用中国法律。": "", "8.附则": "", "8.1如有未尽事宜或对本协议有任何修改,可由协议双方协商一致,签订补充协议予以明确。补充协议经双方有权签字人签字并加盖公章或协议专用章后生效,为本协议不可分割的组成部分,与本协议具有同等的法律效力。": "", "8.2本协议中的每一个条款均为各自独立的条款,故若任何一条款被裁定无效,均不影响其余条款的法律效力。": "", "4.投放账号后方如有": "4. If there is an account after posting", "4.请务必在接入前,将热云http://log.reyun.com加入微信小程序后台request合法域名中。": "4. Please be sure to add the hot cloud http://log.reyun.com to the WeChat applet background request legal domain name before accessing.", "4000元/月": "4000 yuan / month", "50万-200万设备按总价90%计费,200万以上设备按总价80%计费": "500,000-200,000 devices are charged at 90% of the total price, and more than 2 million devices are charged at 80% of the total price.", "50万-200万设备量将享受9折优惠,200万以上设备量将享受8折优惠。": "500,000-200,000 equipment will enjoy 10% discount, and more than 2 million equipment will enjoy 20% discount.", "5折": "50% off", "数据预估": "Data estimate", "订单生成": "Order generation", "最多可展示10个标签的数据!": "Display up to 10 labels of data!", "修改产品": "Modify product", "产品": "Product", "修改渠道": "Modify channel", "新建渠道": "New channel", "新建活动组": "New activity group", "修改推广回调": "Modify promotion callback", "新建推广回调": "New promotion callback", "APP事件管理": "APP event management", "ASM延迟归因": "ASM Delayed Attribution", "Android、iOS短链格式为:产品/渠道/推广活动。": "Android, iOS short-chain format is: product / channel / promotion.", "Android短链": "Android short chain", "H5产品": "H5 products", "IDFA情况": "IDFA situation", "ID批量管理": "ID batch management", "IOS短链": "IOS short chain", "IOS选择:": "IOS selection:", "IOS(已选个)Android(已选个)《人群分析服务协议》": "IOS (selected) Android (selected) \"Crowd Analysis Service Agreement\"", "IP地址": "IP address", "IP白名单管理": "IP whitelist management", "IP防作弊状态:": "IP anti-cheating status:", "IP白名单": "IP Whitelist", "IP白名单列表": "IP whitelist list", "ROI趋势": "ROI Trend", "SEM渠道": "SEM channel", "SEM推广详情": "SEM promotion details", "SEM渠道名称": "SEM channel name", "TOP5渠道的核心数据趋势": "Core data trends for TOP5 channels", "TOP指标": "TOP indicator", "TrackingIO优势": "TrackingIO advantage", "目前提供了下面六个产品体验Demo,点击即可查看。": "currently offers the following six product experience demos, click to view.", "支持不同行业的监测指标,您可以根据自己的产品分类选择对应的统计报表模板。": " supports monitoring indicators for different industries. You can select the corresponding statistical report template according to your product classification.", "TrackingIO为您提供了一系列的统计工具,旨在帮您分析不同时间,不同地域,不同渠道的用户质量,便于您为产品的发展做决策,帮您挣钱。": "TrackingIO provides you with a series of statistical tools designed to help you analyze the quality of users in different time, different regions and different channels, so that you can make decisions for the development of products and help you make money.", "TrackingIO独立于渠道方和开发者,帮您做精准的广告效果数据统计,使用自有研究的一套完善的反作弊体系,提供中立的广告效果监测服务。": "TrackingIO is independent of the channel and developers, helping you to do accurate advertising performance statistics, using a comprehensive anti-cheat system of your own research, to provide neutral advertising effectiveness monitoring services.", "advertiserId、password、bundle_id由Ironsource的优化师提供": "advertiserId, password, bundle_id are provided by Ironsource's optimizer", "adwords渠道iOS产品将切换新归因模式,新模式下只需绑定渠道投放账号,无需要创建推广活动。": "The adwords channel iOS product will switch to the new attribution mode. In the new mode, you only need to bind the channel to serve the account. There is no need to create a promotion.", "bundleid为应用唯一标识,格式为:com.yourcompany.xxxxxx,": "The bundleid is the unique identifier of the application, and the format is com.yourcompany.xxxxxx.", "bundle编码:": "Bundle code:", "eCPA趋势": "eCPA Trend", "iOS设备单价为上述价格的120%,安卓设备单价为上述价格的100%": "The unit price of iOS equipment is 120% of the above price, and the unit price of Android equipment is 100% of the above price.", "marketing API和方案一不可同时使用,绑定投放账号前,请先停用已创建方案一短链。": "The marketing API and the solution cannot be used at the same time. Before binding the account, please disable the short-chain of the created solution.", "marketing API和方案一不可同时使用,检测到您账号下有正在启用的推广活动,绑定投放账号前,": "The marketing API and the solution cannot be used at the same time. It is detected that there is a promotion campaign that is enabled under your account. Before binding the account,", "onelink短链(点击复制)": "Onelink short chain (click to copy)", "onelink有主副之分,创建onelink的app为主app,被关联的app为副app,我们在副app对应的onelink上加了一个“副”的标识,且不可编辑,编辑需要在主app处编辑。": "Onelink has the main and deputy points. The onelink app is created as the main app, and the associated app is the sub app. We add a “deputy” logo to the onelink corresponding to the sub app, and it cannot be edited. The editing needs to be at the main app. edit.", "onelink仅支持朋友圈,微博或自定义渠道和SEM渠道等推广使用;onelink仅支持自定义渠道和SEM渠道下的短链。": "Onelink only supports the circle of friends, Weibo or custom channels and SEM channels; onelink only supports short channels under custom channels and SEM channels.", "onelink:由于开发者有时在朋友圈推广,不需要区分安卓和ios,仅需要一条链接推广,因此我们将安卓和ios的短链合并生成一条新的链接,我们叫做onelink。": "Onelink: Since developers sometimes promote in the circle of friends, there is no need to distinguish between Android and iOS. Only one link promotion is needed. Therefore, we combine the short chain of Android and ios to generate a new link. We call it onelink.", "激活/付费详情": "Activation / Payment Details ", "付费时间周期:": "Payment Period:", "应用调试成功后30天内,可以在产品设置中修改模板,修改后将按新模板的核心指标展示数据。": "Within 30 days after successful application debugging, the template can be modified in the product settings. After modification, the data will be displayed according to the core indicators of the new template. ", "修改模板后,仪表盘和报表中的统计指标将变为新的模板指标,历史数据将无法查看。": "After modifying the template, the statistical indicators in the dashboard and report will become the new template indicators, and the historical data will not be viewable.", "元": "yuan", "副": "vice", "包": "pkg", "周": "week", "月": "month", "有": "Have", "提示": "Prompt", "页": " Page", "页/页": "Page/page", "日期范围:": "date range:", "近14天": "Nearly 14 days", "近30天": "Nearly 30 days", "近30天多花费": "More than 30 days spent", "近30天激活总数": "Total activation in the last 30 days", "激活总数": "Total activation", "近30天点击总数": "Nearly 30 days of total clicks", "近30天作弊激活数": "Nearly 30 days of cheating activation", "近30天作弊激活占比": "Nearly 30 days of cheating activation", "近3个月活跃设备": "Active equipment in the past 3 months", "近7天": "Nearly 7 days", "近7天累计数据": "Accumulated data for nearly 7 days", "例:https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/xxxxx/id1032170871则apple_appid为1032170871,如果apple_appid暂时无法获取,请输入任意9-10位的数字,待应用上线后,请修改": "For example: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/xxxxx/id1032170871, the apple_appid is 1032170871. If the apple_appid is temporarily unavailable, please enter any number from 9-10 digits. After the application goes online, please modify it.", "此IP设置主要针对防作弊卫士部分,设置为IP白名单后,不会被加入IP黑名单库,对应点击也就不会参与防作弊卫士功能的匹配。": "This IP setting is mainly for the anti-cheat guard part. After being set to IP whitelist, it will not be added to the IP blacklist library, and the corresponding click will not participate in the matching of the anti-cheating guard function.", "(ONELINK仅支持朋友圈,微博,自定义渠道或SEM渠道等推广使用)": "(ONELINK only supports friends, microblogs, custom channels or SEM channels, etc.)", "在SEM里,关键词即为子活动。": "In the SEM, the keyword is a sub-activity.", "由iOS/Android工程师提供": "Provided by iOS/Android engineers", "该onelink名称在该主账号下已存在,请重新输入": "The onelink name already exists under the primary account. Please re-enter", "至": " To ", "开始生成": "Start generation on", "点击查看": "Click to view", "投放账号ID:": "Delivery account ID:", "投放账号ID": "Delivery account ID", "投放渠道ID": "Distribution channel ID", "产品状态": "product status", "百度原生OCPC_分包渠道同一个投放账号akey相同,如果不同投放账号,需要分别创建。": "Baidu's native OCPC_ sub-package channel is the same as the same account akey. If you have different accounts, you need to create them separately.", "百度原生OCPC渠道同一个投放账号akey相同,如果不同投放账号,需要分别创建。": "Baidu's native OCPC channel is the same as the same account akey. If you have different accounts, you need to create them separately.", "启动次数TOP10": "Number of starts TOP10", "活跃设备TOP10": "Active device TOP10", "激活设备TOP10": "Activate device TOP10", "请选择该adwords账号下创建的推广活动涉及到的产品,并填写LinkID。": "Please select the product involved in the promotion created under the adwords account and fill in the LinkID.", "广点通、adwords渠道新模式通过接口回调获得的推广活动无短链也无编辑操作。": "The promotion of the new mode of the POINT and adwords channels through the interface callback has no short chain and no editing operation.", "回传账号id": "Return account id", "事件属性数": "Number of event attributes", "事件种类数": "Number of events", "作弊激活量": "Cheating activation", "作弊点击量": "Cheating traffic", "使用流程:": "manual:", "修改子活动": "Modify child activity", "全面的呵护": "Comprehensive care", "分析维度:": "Analysis dimension:", "分渠道趋势": "Channel trend", "分链接推广": "Sub-link promotion", "初始行为:": "Initial behavior:", "单价(元)": "Unit price (yuan)", "去配置权限": "Go to configure permissions", "回访行为:": "Return visit behavior:", "大点击作弊": "Big click cheating", "如何获取?": "How to get it?", "子活动列表": "Sub-activity list", "子活动名称": "Child activity name", "填写子活动名称": "Fill in child activity name", "子活动导出": "Ad Group Export", "子活动数量": "Number of child activities", "子渠道名称": "Subchannel name", "子渠道管理": "Subchannel management", "小程序产品": "Small program product", "展示事件:": "Show event:", "展示属性:": "Display attributes:", "已选择应用": "Selected application", "已选标签:": "Selected label:", "待调试产品": "Product to be debugged", "总价(元)": "Total price (yuan)", "手机号码:": "cellphone number:", "按创意查看": "View by idea", "按激活汇总": "Press to activate summary", "按点击汇总": "Summary by click", "汇总": "Summary", "排重点击数": "Counting clicks", "推广新增量": "Promote new additions", "推广注册量": "Promotion registration", "推广激活量": "Promotion activation amount", "推广点击量": "Promote traffic", "推广访问量": "Promotion visits", "收入总值:": "Total income:", "数据筛选:": "Data screening:", "新建子活动": "New sub-activity", "显示维度:": "Display dimensions:", "权限模板:": "Permission template:", "权限配置:": "Rights Profile:", "权限配置": "Rights Profile", "来源活动:": "Source activity:", "来源渠道:": "Source channel:", "模拟器刷量": "Simulator brush", "注册总数:": "Total number of registrations:", "测试并保存": "Test and save", "演示时间。": "Demonstration time.", "点击去停用": "Click to disable", "状态筛选:": "Status filter:", "生成二维码": "Generate QR code", "用户属性数": "Number of user attributes", "留存均值:": "Retention mean:", "白名单设备": "Whitelist device", "第步:取消": "Step 1: Cancel", "美术风格:": "Art style:", "联系方式:": "Contact information:", "联系电话:": "contact number:", "自定义渠道": "Custom channel", "自然注册量": "Natural registration", "自然量注册": "Natural quantity registration", "自然量激活": "Natural quantity activation", "自然量": "Natural quantity", "获取此功能": "Get this feature", "获取验证码": "get verification code", "追踪短链:": "Tracking short chains:", "选择渠道:": "Select channel: ", "错误提示:": "Error message:", "问题答案:": "Answer:", "问题验证:": "Problem verification:", "防作弊卫士": "Anti-cheating Guard", "您正在删除": "You are deleting the ", "渠道关键词/创意id上传任务记录,是否确认删除?删除后只是删除任务记录,并不会影响已上传内容。": "channel keyword/creative id upload task record, do you confirm the deletion? After deleting, it just deletes the task record and does not affect the uploaded content.", "渠道关键词/创意id上传任务记录,是否确认删除?": "channel keyword/creative id upload task record, do you confirm the deletion?", "删除后只是删除任务记录,并不会影响已上传内容。": " After deleting, it just deletes the task record and does not affect the uploaded content.", "渠道关键词/创意id上传任务记录,该任务还没上传完成,删除后将不再处理,是否确认删除?": "channel keyword/creative id upload task record. The task has not been uploaded yet. It will not be processed after deletion. Is the deletion confirmed? ", "删除后在SEM推广详情中该关键词会显示id,是否确认删除?": " After deleting, the keyword will display id in the SEM promotion details. Do you want to confirm the deletion?", "设备管理": "Equipment management", "成员账号,请确认。取消": "member account, please confirm. cancel", "上传关键词/创意ID文件": "Upload keyword/creative ID file", "下载关键词/创意ID模板": "Download Keyword / Creative ID Template", "仅支持输入2-100(包含2和100)之间正整数": "Only supports a positive integer between 2-100 (including 2 and 100)", "关联子账号:": "Associated sub-accounts:", "启用状态码:": "Enable status code:", "广告主编码:": "Advertiser code:", "成功状态码:": "Success status code:", "激活有效期:": "Activation period:", "有效期至:": "Valid until:", "注销": "Logout", "点击有效期:": "Click validity period:", "选择用户群:": "Select a user base:", "生成数据源ID": "Generate data source ID", "行为数据源ID": "Behavior data source ID", "行为数据源ID:": "Behavior Data Source ID:", "请输入设备ID:": "Please enter the device ID:", "新建白名单IP": "New whitelist IP", "编辑白名单": "Edit whitelist", "您的第": "Your ", "行等": " line and other ", "条数据上传错误,请重新上传。匹配规则为:": " data upload errors, please re-upload. The matching rule is: ", "下载地址仅支持输入以http://或https://开头的链接地址,且不可为空。": "The download address only supports input of the link address starting with http:// or https://, and cannot be empty.", "一级推广单元": "Primary promotion unit", "三级推广单元": "Three-level promotion unit", "下载地址管理": "Download address management", "二级推广单元": "Secondary promotion unit", "付费时间段:": "Paid time period:", "作弊数据设置": "Cheat data setting", "修改投放账号": "Edit delivery account", "全方位防护中": "All-round protection", "全选搜索结果": "Select all search results", "分包推广详情1": "Subcontract Promotion Details", "分包推广详情": "Subcontract", "创建单个活动": "Create a single event", "创建导出时间": "Create export time", "创建批量活动": "Create a batch event", "包含活动数量": "Contains the number of activities", "单个渠道设置": "Single channel setting", "历史全量设备": "Historical full equipment", "回传账号名称": "Return account name", "填写账号信息": "Fill in account information", "多维标签体系": "Multidimensional label system", "子应用管理员": "Sub-application manager", "子活动名称:": "Sub-activity name:", "导出数据数量": "Export data quantity", "小程序二维码": "Small program QR code", "展示归因设置": "Show attribution settings", "常规渠道名称": "Regular channel name", "广告效果监测": "Advertising effectiveness monitoring", "广告效果监控(年流量):": "Advertising effectiveness monitoring (Annual flow):", "应用于全渠道": "Applied to omnichannel", "总激活设备数": "Total number of active devices", "恢复默认设置": "Restore default settings", "投放账号列表": "Placement account list", "投放账号别名": "Place account alias", "投放账号授权": "Delivery account authorization", "按关键词查看": "View by keyword", "授权到期时间": "Authorization expiration time", "推广回调管理": "Promotion Callback MGT", "推广活动名称": "Promotion name", "推广活动导出": "Promotional activity export", "推广活动数量": "Number of promotions", "推广活动管理": "Promotion MGT", "推广活动详情": "Promotion Details", "提取日志说明": "Extract log description", "支付设备数:": "Number of payment devices:", "收费标准说明": "Rates", "新增虚拟事件": "Add a virtual event", "新建投放账号": "New placement account", "新建推广活动": "New promotion", "最后测试时间": "Final test time", "有效点击总数": "Total number of valid clicks", "权限配置模板": "Permission configuration template", "次均访问时长": "Average access time", "注册、付费等": "Registration, payment, etc.", "测试日志总数": "Total test logs", "海量设备数据": "Massive equipment data", "渠道推广管理": "Channel promotion management", "渠道效果对比-": "Partner Comparison-", "渠道效果对比": "Partner Comparison", "渠道数据详情": "Channel data details", "渠道自身流量": "Channel self traffic", "激活回调管理": "Activate callback management", "激活延迟分析": "Activation Delay Analysis", "激活时间段:": "Activation time period:", "生成人群标签": "Generate crowd tag", "用户群:": "User group:", "系统": "System", "用户行为分析": "User Behavior Analysis", "精准定位人群": "Accurately positioned people", "绑定投放账号": "Bind the account", "自动生成日志": "Automatically generate logs", "虚拟事件名称": "Virtual event name", "虚拟事件": "Virtual event", "虚拟事件管理": "Virtual event management", "订单提交成功": "order submission successful", "调试设备列表": "Debug device list", "设备列表": " device list", "还未开通权限": "Not yet open", "连接测试失败": "Connection test failed", "连接测试成功": "Connection test succeeded", "适用于小程序": "Suitable for small programs", "选择渠道活动": "Select channel activity", "通用事件属性": "General event attribute", "重新上传覆盖": "Re-upload coverage", "防作弊等级:": "Anti-cheating level:", "(游戏行业)": "(game industry)", "支持主流渠道:": "Support mainstream channels:", "了解标签体系": "Understanding the labeling system", "展示监测短链(点击": "Display monitoring short chain (click", ")": ")", "点击监测短链(点击复制)": "Click to monitor short chain (click to copy)", "查看推广活动/子活动列表": "View promotion/sub-activity list", "创建活动数量:": "Create activity number:", "展示监测短链:": "Show monitoring short chain:", "应用下载地址:": "Application download address:", "投放账号别名:": "Place an account alias:", "推广活动名称:": "Promotion name:", "推广活动渠道:": "Promotional channels:", "核心模板指标:": "Core template indicators:", "渠道账号密码:": "Channel account password:", "点击监测短链:": "Click to monitor the short chain:", "选择推广活动:": "Choose a promotion:", "选择标签类型:": "Select the tag type:", "您正在删除1个IP。是否确认删除?": "You are deleting an IP. Do you confirm the deletion?", "个IP。是否确认删除?": " IPs. Do you confirm the deletion?", "您正在删除": "You are deleting ", "一键全渠道设置": "One-button omnichannel setting", "上月事件总次数": "Total number of events last month", "产品无搜索结果": "Product has no search results", "仍然使用方案一": "Still using plan one", "修改分包子活动": "Modify sub-package activity", "元的投放预算。": "Meta budget.", "反作弊数据分析": "Anti-cheat data analysis", "工作室真机刷量": "Studio real machine brush", "归因回溯期设置": "Attribution lookback window settings", "手动创建子活动": "Manually create child activities", "批量导入子活动": "Bulk import sub-activity", "排重激活设备数": "Number of active devices", "推广活动组名称": "Promotion group name", "推广活动组管理": "Promotion Group MGT", "支付订单总数:": "Total number of orders paid:", "支付订单总额:": "Pay the total order amount:", "新建分包子活动": "New sub-package activity", "新建推广活动组": "New promotion group", "新建自定义回调": "New custom callback", "新设备付费分布": "New device payment distribution", "新设备付费趋势": "New device payment trend", "未查到激活信息": "No activation information found", "本月事件总次数": "Total number of events this month", "潜在用户群分析": "Potential user group analysis", "激活时间周期:": "Activation time period:", "自动生成日志:": "Automatically generate logs:", "自定义回调管理": "Custom callback management", "自定义埋点指标": "Custom Buried Point Indicator", "自定义渠道名称": "Custom channel name", "订单状态:完成": "Order status: completed", "这个活动?返回": "this activity? return", "连接测试并保存": "Connect test and save", "适用行业:游戏": "Applicable industry: games", "重新测试并保存": "Retest and save", "防作弊卫士设置": "Anti-cheating Guard Set", "创建时间:": "Create Time: ", "时间": "Time", "滑动/点击加载更多(共": "slide/click to load more (a total of ", "个产品)": " products)", "暂无": "no", "我们": "We", "服务器每天上午10点以后,可以请求热云的服务器下载前一天的数据。": "The server can request the hot cloud server to download the data of the previous day after 10 am every day.", "我们已经合作了180家渠道": "We have partnered with 180 channels", "推广活动组名称:": "Promotion group name:", "设备防作弊状态:": "Equipment anti-cheating status:", "访问设备既不是ios又不是Android时,跳转的落地页,可填写官网等。": "When the access device is neither ios nor Android, the landing page of the jump can be filled in the official website.", "失败原因可能是token过期或绑定渠道账号无该产品权限。": "The reason for the failure may be that the token expires or the channel account is not bound to the product.", "下载地址修改确认": "Download address modification confirmation", "事件留存漏斗分析": "Event retention funnel analysis", "修改权限配置模板": "Modify the permission configuration template", "刷量行为无所遁形": "Brushing behavior is invisible", "回本分析功能申请": "Return to the analysis function application", "套餐流量已超限额": "Package traffic has exceeded the limit", "您有条新公告公告": "You have a new announcement", "所属推广活动名称": "Name of the promotion", "新建权限配置模板": "New permission configuration template", "新设备已付费情况": "New device paid", "权限配置模板名称": "Privilege configuration template name", "添加事件属性筛选": "Add event attribute filtering", "渠道效果数据分析": "Channel performance data analysis", "点击了解使用方式": "Click to find out how to use it", "热云数据运营团队": "Hot Cloud Data Operations Team", "独立活动创建权限": "Independent activity creation permission", "百度账号登录验证": "Baidu account login verification", "确定删除该产品?": "Are you sure you want to delete this product?", "确定删除该数据?": "Are you sure you want to delete this data?", "编辑绑定投放账号": "Edit binding account", "行业看单数据分析": "Industry single data analysis", "连接测试中。。。": "Connection test. . .", "重新发送激活邮件": "Resend activation email", "高活跃和非高活跃": "Highly active and non-highly active", "(核心监测指标)": "(core monitoring indicators)", "支持主流广告平台:": "Support mainstream advertising platforms:", "权限配置模板名称:": "Permission configuration template name:", "您的账号还没开通\"行为分析\"部分权限,如需要使用该部分功能,请联系热云商务。": "Your account has not yet opened the \"Behavioral Analysis\" section. If you need to use this part of the function, please contact Hot Cloud Business.", "展示是否参与归因:": "Show whether or not to participate in attribution:", "广告作弊模型设置:": "Ad cheat model settings:", "是否需要兴趣偏好:": "Do you need interest preferences:", "活动名称后缀范围:": "Activity name suffix range:", "适用行业:电商、OTA、O2O等": "Applicable industries: e-commerce, OTA, O2O, etc.", "当前用户推广来源TOP10": "Current user promotion source TOP10", "潜在用户推广来源TOP10": "Potential user promotion source TOP10", "要获取数据的账号id,详见": "To get the account id of the data, see", "小程序的路径,如pages/index/index。": "The path to the applet, such as pages/index/index.", "三国、仙侠、武侠等": "Three Kingdoms, Xian Xia, Martial Arts, etc.", "上传子渠道名称文件": "Upload sub-channel name file", "全渠道恢复默认设置": "Omnichannel recovery default settings", "全渠道推广参数设置": "Omnichannel promotion parameter settings", "渠道推广参数设置": "Channel promotion parameter settings", "推广参数设置": "Promotion parameter settings", "完成调试,保存新建": "Complete debugging, save new", "已设置为全渠道参数": "Has been set to omnichannel parameters", "批量修改子渠道名称": "Bulk edit sub-channel name", "有哪些企业正在使用": "Which companies are using", "确定删除该子渠道?": "Are you sure you want to delete this subchannel?", "确定删除该活动组?": "Are you sure you want to delete this activity group?", "确认恢复默认设置?": "Confirm to restore the default settings?", "资讯、直播、社交等": "Information, live broadcast, social, etc.", "金融、房产、汽车等": "Finance, real estate, cars, etc.", "防作弊卫士引导页面": "Anti-Cheat Guard Guide Page", "防作弊黑名单库设置": "Configuration of Fraud Protection", "防作弊黑名单库": "Blacklist of Fraud Protection", "需要在上一步中授权": "Need to authorize the ", "渠道请先在数据配置中选择付费指标": " channel in the previous step, please select the payment indicator in the data configuration first.", "如无返点值,请输入0": "If there is no return value, please enter 0", "当前全部渠道中,除10": "Currently all channels, except 10", "等": "etc", "白名单设备添加成功15分钟后可生效。": "The whitelist device can take effect after 15 minutes of successful addition.", "激活匹配点击有效期:": "Activate match click validity period:", "支持流量包括:手百APP,贴吧APP。": "Support traffic includes: Hand 100 app, Post app.", "创意仅支持输入符合GBK汉字编码标准的简体中文、大写字母、小写字母、阿拉伯数字、空格符、特殊字符,长度限制40字符以内。": "The idea only supports inputting Simplified Chinese, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, Arabic numerals, space characters, special characters that conform to the GBK Chinese character coding standard, and the length is limited to 40 characters.", "查看集成文档并下载SDK": "View the integration documentation and download the SDK", "确认将": "Confirm that", "修改为": "is changed to", "修改该下载地址后,所有使用该下载地址的已启用的推广活动/子活动下载地址都将更新为修改后的值,请谨慎操作。": "After modifying the download address, all enabled promotion/sub-activity download addresses using the download address will be updated to the modified values. Please be cautious.", "下载渠道名称文件模板": "Download channel name file template", "全网大数据应用,带来": "Whole network big data application brings", "全选独立活动创建权限": "Select all independent activities to create permissions", "回本分析平台授权管理": "Back to the analysis platform authorization management", "复古、二次元、写实等": "Retro, secondary, realistic, etc.", "您正在修改下载地址,": "You are modifying the download address.", "您账号无最新渠道权限": "Your account does not have the latest channel permissions", "您账号无最热渠道权限": "Your account has no hottest channel permissions", "申请商务免费现场演示": "Apply for a free live demo of business", "留存、注册率、付费等": "Retention, registration rate, payment, etc.", "由于通讯社交广告平台7月5日起切换为marketingAPI,且腾讯社交广告平台不支持marketingAPI和方案一同时使用,检测到您选择应用下有正在启用的方案一的推广活动,绑定投放账号前,请先停用已创建的方案一的短链。": "Since the communication social advertising platform switched to marketingAPI from July 5th, and the Tencent social advertising platform does not support the marketing API and the program one at the same time, it detects that you have selected the application under the promotion of the program one, before binding the account, Please disable the short chain of scenario one you have created.", "推广短链:": "Short link of campaign:", "Android选择:": " Android choice:", "关键词仅支持输入符合GBK汉字编码标准的简体中文、大写字母、小写字母、阿拉伯数字、中划线(-)、点(.)字符,长度限制40字符以内,且不可为空。": "The keyword only supports input Simplified Chinese, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, Arabic numerals, underscores (-), and dot (.) characters that conform to the GBK Chinese character encoding standard. The length is limited to 40 characters and cannot be empty.", "汽车之家后台配置计划ID、单元ID和feedbackURL暂不对外开放,需要联系汽车之家销售人员和热云技术团队确认对接方案。": "The car home background configuration plan ID, unit ID and feedbackURL are not open to the public. You need to contact the car home sales staff and the thermal cloud technology team to confirm the docking plan.", "多维度全方位的策略覆盖": "Multi-dimensional and comprehensive strategy coverage", "服务续订": "Service Renewal", "确定删除这个活动?返回": "Are you sure you want to delete this event? return", "角色扮演、射击、卡牌等": "Role playing, shooting, cards, etc.", "高付费和非高付费的意愿": "High willingness and non-high pay willingness", "(广告与行为分析平台)": "(Advertising and Behavior Analysis Platform)", "广告与行为分析平台": "Advertising and Behavior Analysis Platform", "(有效点击)": "(effective clicks)", "有效点击": "effective clicks", "点击总数:": "total clicks:", "上传文件需要包括关键词/创意id、与id对应的中文名称,且必须按照模板顺序上传,否则将不会变更成功。您可以只上传“关键词id和名称”或“创意id和名称”,或者全部上传,关键词2列与创意2列无关联关系。": "The upload file needs to include the keyword/creative id, the Chinese name corresponding to the id, and must be uploaded in the order of the template, otherwise the change will not be successful. You can upload only \"keyword id and name\" or \"creative id and name\", or upload all. The keyword 2 column has no relationship with the creative 2 column.", "在这个页面内上传关键词/创意id对应的中文名称,推广活动下具体的关键词/创意将也会同步显示中文名称。": "Upload the Chinese name corresponding to the keyword/creative id in this page. The specific keywords/creatives under the promotion will also display the Chinese name synchronously.", "失败原因可能未及时更新linkID。": "The reason for the failure may not update the linkID in time.", "广告平台一键授权,使用trackingio回本分析了解从广告出价和预算消耗到后续的用户转化和付费。": "The advertising platform is licensed with one click, using trackingio to analyze this analysis from ad bid and budget consumption to subsequent user conversions and payments.", "所选标签类型:": "Selected Label Type:", "兴趣偏好:": "Interest preference:", "推广活动:渠道:激活设备": "Promotion: Channel: Activate device", "申请付费版": "Apply for Paid Edition", "激活匹配点击的回溯天数。": "Activate the number of backtracking days for matching clicks.", "目前仅支持导出昨日数据。": "Currently only exporting yesterday's data is supported.", "秒后可发送提交信息并预约": "Send the submission and make an appointment in seconds", "(适用于小程序、小游戏)": "(applicable to small programs, small games)", "腾讯社交广告(广点通)于2018年7月5日不再支持新增转化API方案一,需要切换为marketingAPI进行投放。": "Tencent Social Advertising (GuangDongTong) no longer supports the new conversion API solution on July 5, 2018. It needs to be switched to the marketing API for delivery.", "目前我们的整套系统建立在Hadoop生态之上,使用自有研发的ETL执行引擎来对任务进行调度,为您使用TrackingIO系统提供优质的技术保障。": "At present, our entire system is built on the Hadoop ecosystem. We use our own ETL execution engine to schedule tasks and provide you with excellent technical support for using the TrackingIO system.", "天激活匹配点击的回溯天数。": "Days activates the number of backtracking days for matching clicks.", "建议填写可以区分位置的名称": "It is recommended to fill in a name that can distinguish between locations", "打开自动生成日志【开关】。": "Open the automatic generation log [switch].", "请确定是否删除该下载报表?": "Please confirm whether to delete the download report?", "请确定是否删除该日志导出?": "Please confirm whether to delete the log export?", "高效识别作弊点击和设备,让": "Efficiently identify cheating clicks and devices, let", "上传文件包括需要包括子渠道id、与对应的子渠道名称,且必须按照模板顺序上传,否则将不会变更成功;": "The upload file includes the sub-channel id and the corresponding sub-channel name, and must be uploaded in the template order, otherwise the change will not be successful;", "同一事件不可重复创建推广回调": "The same event can not be repeated to create a promotion callback", "同步新下载地址到所有推广活动": "Synchronize new download addresses to all promotions", "请先在数据配置中选择付费指标": "Please select the payment indicator in the data configuration first.", "请确定是否删除该子活动导出?": "Please decide to delete this sub-event export?", "适用行业:资讯、直播、社交等": "Applicable industries: information, live broadcast, social, etc.", "适用行业:金融、房产、汽车等": "Applicable industries: finance, real estate, automobiles, etc.", "(有效点击)实时收入用户行为": "(effective click) real-time revenue user behavior", "第一列必须为落地页(访问地址/应用下载地址),第2列必须为关键词列,第3列必须为创意列。": "The first column must be a landing page (access address/application download address), the second column must be a keyword column, and the third column must be a creative column.", "标签的兴趣偏好分为高、中、低3个等级,高代表用户对某个标签的兴趣强,低代表用户对某个标签的兴趣弱。": "The interest preferences of the tag are divided into three levels: high, medium, and low. High means that the user has a strong interest in a certain tag, and low means that the user has a weak interest in a tag.", "您的账户正在审核中,一般情况72小时内可以审核完成,有问题请联系技术支持邮箱support@reyun.com": "Your account is under review, and the general situation can be completed within 72 hours. If you have any questions, please contact technical support email support@reyun.com", "您购买的广告效果监控“”中的{{trackAll}}K点击已经用完,为了不影响您的正常使用,请尽快联系商务续订服务。流量用尽后我们将会继续支持您的数据上报和接收,但数据展示服务将暂时无法使用。防作弊卫士发现您正在遭受作弊数据的侵袭,启用防作弊卫士后每月会为您节省": "The {{trackAll}}K click in the ad performance monitoring \"\" you purchased has been used up. In order not to affect your normal use, please contact the business renewal service as soon as possible. We will continue to support your data escalation and receipt once the traffic is exhausted, but the data display service will be temporarily unavailable. Anti-Cheat Guardian discovers that you are suffering from cheating data and will save you every month after you enable anti-cheating guards.", "授权完成前,请不要关闭此窗口。": "Do not close this window until the authorization is complete.", "渠道推广参数设置归因回溯期设置": "Channel promotion parameter settings attribution lookback window settings", "请前往对应渠道平台获取相应信息": "Please go to the corresponding channel platform to get the corresponding information.", "列表内展示了所有已启用推广活动/子活动使用的唯一下载地址,如果某个下载地址发生变化,可以在此处进行统一修改。修改过后,使用该下载地址的已启用的推广活动/子活动的下载地址均更新为最新值。": "The list shows the unique download addresses for all enabled campaigns/sub-activity. If a download address changes, it can be modified here. After the edit, the download address of the enabled promotion/sub-activity using the download address is updated to the latest value.", "我们专业的商务用半小时给您讲解trackingio产品,": "Our professional business will explain the trackingio products to you in half an hour.", "如继续使用老模式,请忽略此提示。": "If you continue to use the old mode, please ignore this prompt.", "将全部渠道各项参数设置为统一值。": "Set all channel parameters to a uniform value.", "让您快速的了解产品的功能和使用。": "Let you quickly understand the features and use of the product.", "连接测试失败,请检查并重新绑定。": "The connection test failed, please check and re-bind.", "如果上传的内容中存已修改的关键词/创意id,将会被重新按照此次上传内容重新覆盖修改。": "If the uploaded keyword/creative id is stored in the uploaded content, it will be re-overwritten and modified according to the uploaded content.", "列表内展示的是正在启用的推广活动/子活动,对应下载地址的修改也只针对已启用推广活动/子活动。": "The list shows the campaigns/sub-activities that are being enabled, and the edits to the download address are only for campaigns/sub-activities that are enabled.", "推广短链:下载地址:默认下载地址:": "Promotion short chain: Download address: default download address:", "如果上传的内容中存已修改的子渠道id,将会被重新按照此次上传内容重新覆盖修改。": "If the uploaded sub-channel id is saved in the uploaded content, it will be re-overwritten and modified according to the uploaded content.", "产品转化,为产品决策提供数据支持。": "Product conversion, providing data support for product decisions.", "导出文件不存在,是否需要重新生成?": "The export file does not exist. Do you need to regenerate it?", "此应用的数据将彻底删除,无法恢复!": "The data for this app will be completely deleted and cannot be recovered!", "百度投放账号授权,需要进行如下验证": "Baidu's account authorization, you need to verify the following", "订单数、订单金额、客单价、付费率等": "Order quantity, order amount, customer unit price, payment rate, etc.", "防作弊等级修改后,第二天零点生效。": "After the anti-cheating level is modified, the zero point will take effect the next day.", "推广活动数量为相同渠道中,某子渠道id下对应的推广活动数量,在推广活动详情内按子渠道查看时,选择某一子渠道可查看对应推广活动数据。": "The number of promotion activities is the number of promotion activities corresponding to a sub-channel id in the same channel. When viewing the sub-channels in the promotion details, select a sub-channel to view the corresponding promotion activity data.", "投放账号列表投放账号列表回传投放账号": "Delivery account list delivery account list return delivery account", "回传投放账号": "Return delivery account", "在设定有效期内,同一设备多次激活计为1个激活数,若超出这个有效期计为一个新的激活,此规则只用于激活数的计算。": "During the set validity period, the same device is activated as one activation number multiple times. If this validity period is exceeded as a new activation, this rule is only used for the calculation of the activation number.", "在设定有效期内,同一设备多次点击计为1个点击数,若超出这个有效期计为一个新的点击,此规则用于排重点击的计算。": "During the set validity period, the same device counts multiple clicks as one click. If the validity period is exceeded as a new click, this rule is used to count the click calculation.", "此地址可填写在新浪扶翼后台以获取转化ID和TOKEN": "This address can be filled in the Sina Fu wing background to get the conversion ID and TOKEN", "只有上报付费事件的设备才会有付费意愿。": "Only devices that report a payment event will have a willingness to pay.", "您每天都因为作弊数据而蒙受巨大经济损失": "You suffer huge economic losses every day because of cheating data.", "此应用的部分数据将彻底删除,无法恢复!": "Some of the data for this app will be completely removed and cannot be recovered!", "我们将只为您处理表格内第一张工作表的前2列、前1000行数据(除第1行表头),超出该区域的数据将不会为您进行名称修改;": "We will only process the first 2 columns and the first 1000 rows of the first worksheet in the table (except the header of the first row). Data beyond this area will not be modified for you;", "我们将只为您处理表格内第一张工作表的前3列、前1000行数据,超出该区域的数据将不会为您创建子活动。": "We will only process the first 3 columns and the first 1000 rows of the first worksheet in the table for you. Data outside this area will not create sub-activities for you.", "我们将只为您处理表格内第一张工作表的前4列数据(除第1行表头),超出该区域的数据将不会为您进行名称修改;": "We will only process the first 4 columns of the first worksheet in the table (except the header of the first row). Data outside this area will not be modified for you;", "该模板正在被账号使用,当前不可被删除。": "This template is used by an account and cannot be deleted now.", ",请通知成员在72小时内完成激活。": "Please inform the member to complete the activation within 72 hours.", ",为了账号可以正常使用,您需要进行以下操作:": ",In order for the account to work normally, you need to do the following: ", "账号创建完成,激活邮件已发送至": "The account is created, the activation email has been sent to ", ",邮箱为": ", and the email address is ", "1.请让成员查收邮件并激活账号;": "1. Please ask the member to check the email and activate the account.", "此链接是用于“百度关键词搜索”的投放链接": "This link is a delivery link for \"Baidu keyword search\"", "产品类别选择后将不能再做修改,请谨慎填写。": "After the product category is selected, it cannot be modified. Please fill it out carefully.", "企业级防作弊保护,为您的流量购买保驾护航。": "Enterprise-level anti-cheating protection to protect your traffic purchases.", "授权完成后,请您根据授权情况点击下面按钮。": "After the authorization is completed, please click the button below according to the authorization.", "上传子活动文件": "Upload sub-activity file", "新:": "New: ", "旧:": "Old: ", "新": "New", "旧": "Old", "订单金额:": "Order Amount:", "人群分析是基于广告主的第一方数据,提供现有APP(调试完成)设备的人群标签服务。": "Crowd analysis is based on the first-party data of the advertiser, providing a crowd tag service for existing APP (debug-completed) devices.", "科学的分析方法才是评估广告推广的唯一方法,TrackingIO帮您做更深入的数据探究,发现优质的推广渠道,让您的广告费花有所值,帮您省钱。": "The scientific analysis method is the only way to evaluate advertising promotion. TrackingIO will help you to conduct more in-depth data exploration, find high-quality promotion channels, make your advertising expenses cost-effective, and help you save money.", "如果您需要为代理、渠道创建账号,请选择此项。": "Select this if you need to create an account for an agent or channel.", "我对防作弊卫士很感兴趣,请通过如下方式联系我": "I am very interested in anti-cheating guards, please contact me as follows", "请输入联系方式,我们会尽快联系您,并预约现场": "Please enter the contact information, we will contact you as soon as possible, and make an appointment", "个渠道外,其他渠道防作弊数据设置等级均为“严格": "Outside the channels, the other levels of anti-cheat data are set to \"strict\"", "关闭后再开启,会将全部渠道重置为普通作弊等级。": "Turning it off and on will reset all channels to the normal cheat level.", "您正在删除模板": "You are deleting the template ", ",删除后不可恢复,确认删除?": ". After deletion, it cannot be restored. Confirm the deletion?", "您正在将": "Are you removing ", "的手机": "'s phone ", "从设备白名单移除,是否确认删除?": " from the device whitelist, are you sure to delete it?", "您正在将的手机从设备白名单移除,是否确认删除?": "Are you removing the phone from the device whitelist, are you sure to delete it?", "我需要续订回本分析功能,请通过如下方式联系我。": "I need to renew this analysis function, please contact me as follows.", "数据调试结束后上报的数据才进入正常的数据统计。": "The data reported after the data debugging is completed enters the normal data statistics.", "为了确保准确的归因结果,需要您去广点通进行授权。": "In order to ensure accurate attribution results, you need to go to the Broadband to authorize.", "商务演示已提交申请,请等待公司的商务人员联系您。": "The business presentation has been submitted, please wait for the company's business staff to contact you.", "我需要续订防作弊卫士功能,请通过如下方式联系我。": "I need to renew the anti-cheating guard function. Please contact me as follows.", "您当前是回收分析普通版或是未付费完整版,最多绑定3个渠道,当前已达上限。如果需要绑定该渠道,请取消其他渠道的绑定或者升级套餐至完整版。": "You are currently in the normal version of the recycling analysis or the full version of the unpaid, up to 3 channels, which has reached the upper limit. If you need to bind this channel, please unbind the other channels or upgrade the package to the full version.", "目前新老模式并行,如想体验新模式,可直接前去配置adwords投放账号。": "At present, the old and new models are parallel. If you want to experience the new model, you can go directly to the adwords to place the account.", "开启后优先按照点击进行归因,如果没有点击,则按照last impression进行归因。": "When turned on, priority is given to attribution by click. If there is no click, attribution is based on lastimpression.", "直接点击复制对应类型的日志地址,发送请求即可下载。": "Click directly to copy the corresponding type of log address, send a request to download.", "天开启后优先按照点击进行归因,如果没有点击,则按照lastimpression进行归因。": "When the day is turned on, it is prioritized by click. If there is no click, it is attributed by lastimpression.", "已经集成,依然查阅不到任何数据?请仔细检查下述事项:": "Already integrated, still can't see any data? Please double check the following:", "感谢您在问卷调研期间的支持,第一笔订单享受五折优惠!": "Thank you for your support during the survey, and enjoy 50% discount on the first order!", "主账号仅允许创建": "The master account can create ", "个产品,如需升级请联系商务。": "products only. Please contact the commercial personnel to upgrade.", "已调试产品": "Debugged product", "如果已绑定渠道账号内未投放该推广活动,则需要继续绑定。": "If the promotion is not served in the bundled channel account, you will need to continue to bind.", "广告效果监测与用户行为分析平台,帮市场省钱,助产品赚钱": "Advertising performance monitoring and user behavior analysis platform to help the market save money and help products make money", "我们还没有接收到来自您的任何数据,请继续进行集成工作。": "We have not received any data from you, please continue with the integration work.", "表头匹配有错误,请按照模板表头内文字检查更新后重新上传。": "There is an error in the header matching. Please check the update in the header of the template header and upload it again.", "账户名:": "Account Name: ", "创建人:": " Created by: ", "最后编辑人:": "Last Editor: ", "最后编辑时间:": "Last Edited: ", "若填写的下载地址与列表内某下载地址相同,则完成修改后,这2组分别使用不同下载地址的推广活动/子活动将会共用同一个,以后修改下载地址将会被一起修改。": "If the download address is the same as a download address in the list, after the modification is completed, the promotion/sub-activity of the two groups using different download addresses will share the same one, and the modified download address will be modified together.", "人群内每个用户的活跃程度,可通过活跃度,精准查找有效用户。": "The active level of each user in the crowd can accurately find effective users through activeness.", "推广活动创建成功,请联系母账号拥有者绑定神马搜索官方账号。": "If the promotion is created successfully, please contact the parent account owner to bind the Shenma search official account.", "您上传的表格中所有行数据均未匹配成功,请检查更新后重新上传。": "All the rows in the table you uploaded did not match successfully. Please check the update and upload again.", "您还未绑定广点通的投放账号,需要先到渠道管理中绑定投放账号。": "You have not yet bound the delivery account of GuangDongTong. You need to bind the account to the channel management first.", "推广活动创建成功,需要绑定您在神马投放该推广活动的渠道账号。": "If the promotion is created successfully, you need to bind the channel account you placed in Shenma.", "监测,实时数据监测,帮您实时监控推广数据,及时调整广告策略;": "Monitoring, real-time data monitoring, help you monitor and promote data in real time, and adjust advertising strategies in a timely manner;", "请先停用已创建方案一短链。如果该锻炼已经弃用,请忽略此提示。": "Please disable the created scenario short chain first. If the workout is deprecated, ignore this prompt.", "请您使用模板导入,否则可能会导致您导入的数据无法识别。": "Please use template import, otherwise your imported data may not be recognized.", "对已授权账号重新授权失败情况下,我们会为您保存之前的授权结果。": "In case of failure to reauthorize an authorized account, we will save the previous authorization result for you.", "授权后,账号能够在该功能页面内看到其他渠道的数据,请谨慎设置。": "After the authorization, the account can see the data of other channels in the function page, please set it carefully.", "效果,渠道价值分析,帮您深入分析渠道数据,筛选优质的推广渠道。": "Results, channel value analysis, help you analyze channel data in depth, and filter high-quality promotion channels.", "届时我们的销售将联系您签约付费,收到款项后您既可以下载人群标签。": "At that time, our sales will contact you to sign up for the payment. After receiving the payment, you can download the crowd label.", "目前新老模式并行,如想体验新模式,可直接前去配置广点通渠道账号。": "At present, the old and new modes are parallel. If you want to experience the new mode, you can go directly to configure the wide-channel channel account.", "请选择该广点通账号下创建的推广活动涉及到的产品,并填写应用标识。": "Please select the products involved in the promotion created under the Guangtong account and fill in the application ID.", "如果渠道投放账号密码有所修改,请及时更新,否则会导致数据无法获取。": "If the channel account password has been modified, please update it in time, otherwise the data will not be available.", "账号已创建,下一步请前去为该账号进行权限配置,以完成该账号的授权。": "The account has been created. Next, please go to the account for the account configuration to complete the authorization of the account.", "个渠道,其他渠道防作弊数据设置状态均为“开启”。当前全部渠道中,除10>等": "Except for XX partners, the fraud protection of other partners is set as “open” Among all current partners, except for 10>etc.", "基于广告主的第一方数据,产出多维人群标签,助力精准营销和精细化运营。": "Based on the first-party data of advertisers, multi-dimensional crowd labels are produced to help precision marketing and refined operations.", "渠道已是我们的合作渠道,您可在新建推广活动中直接使用前往创建推广活动": "Channels are already our channel of cooperation, you can use them directly to create promotions in new promotions.", "您上传表格中的子活动均与系统内已创建子活动重复,请检查更新后重新上传。": "The sub-activities in your upload form are duplicated with the created sub-activities in the system. Please check the update and re-upload.", "计划一般是您在渠道方创建的推广计划,推广活动一般对应渠道方的广告单元。": "A plan is generally a promotion plan that you create on the channel side, and the promotion activity generally corresponds to the channel's ad unit.", "防作弊卫士发现您正在遭受作弊数据的侵袭,启用防作弊卫士后每月会为您节省": "Anti-Cheat Guardian discovers that you are suffering from cheating data and will save you every month after you enable anti-cheating guards.", "为了方便您的使用,各账号下上传内容均显示在这个页面,且对主账号下关键词/创意id生效。": "In order to facilitate your use, the upload content under each account is displayed on this page, and the keyword/creative id under the main account is effective.", "如果您有多个产品需要测试,仅需添加一次即可应用于全部产品,无需重复添加。": "If you have multiple products that need to be tested, you only need to add them once to apply to all products without having to add them repeatedly.", "标签化付费意向洞察将付费人群按高、低倾向进行分类,帮助您做更精准的营销。": "Tabular payment intentions categorize paying people by high and low propensity to help you do more accurate marketing.", "标识,代表该渠道的投放账号绑定未成功,可能是更改密码等原因,请重新绑定。": "The identifier indicates that the delivery account binding on the channel is unsuccessful. The password may be changed. Please re-bind.", "广点通渠道将切换新归因模式,新模式下只需绑定渠道账号,不需要创建推广活动。": "The wide-point channel will switch to the new attribution mode. In the new mode, you only need to bind the channel account, and you don't need to create a promotion.", "您可以自定义该类型账号的产品、渠道、推广活动数据权限以及导航菜单等功能权限。": "You can customize the product, channel, campaign data permissions, and navigation menus for this type of account.", "渠道账号是为渠道方查看投放数据配置的账号,渠道账号仅有查看授权产品的授权渠道/推广活动权限,不具备创建权限。": "The channel account is an account configured for the channel to view the delivery data. The channel account only has the authorization channel/promotion right to view the authorized product, and does not have the creation permission.", "您购买的“回本分析完整版”即将到期,到期后默认恢复为普通版,启用消耗量最高的3个渠道,其他渠道账号停用。为了不影响你的使用,请及时续费。": "The “Return Analysis Full Version” you purchased will expire soon. After default, it will be restored to the normal version by default. The 3 channels with the highest consumption will be enabled, and other channel accounts will be disabled. In order not to affect your use, please renew your subscription in a timely manner.", "设备列表防作弊卫士发现您正在遭受作弊数据的侵袭,启用防作弊卫士后每月会为您节省": "Device List Anti-Cheat Guardian finds that you are suffering from cheating data, saving you the anti-cheating guards every month", "根据生成规则,系统内已存在以等为后缀的推广活动名称,请更换推广活动名称或后缀区段。": "According to the generative rule, the campaign name with the suffix of “etc.” is existed. Please change the campaign name or the suffix segment.", "等为后缀的推广活动名称,请更换推广活动名称或后缀区段。": "” is existed. Please change the campaign name or the suffix segment.", "根据生成规则,系统内已存在以": "According to the generative rule, the campaign name with the suffix of “", "为后缀的推广活动名称,请更换推广活动名称或后缀区段。": " is existed. Please change the campaign name or the suffix segment.", "推广方式:": "Way of promotion:", "您可以为子应用选择该权限,该类型拥有公司下某些应用管理、查看权限,以及成员管理权限。": "You can choose this permission for a sub-application that has some application management, view permissions, and member management permissions under the company.", "点击广告到应用激活的时间差值在“设置时间”的设备,激活将被系统标记为异常激活。": "Clicking on the ad to the app to activate the time difference in the 'set time' device, the activation will be marked as abnormal activation by the system.", "对渠道账号进行配置后,可以查看在该渠道投放推广活动的回本分析情况,目前支持的渠道为:XXX/XXX。": "After configuring the channel account, you can view the return analysis of the promotion activities in the channel. Currently, the supported channels are: XXX/XXX.", "您的第等条数据与已创建子活动重复,将自动为您跳过该部分子活动的创建。是否确认跳过?取消": "Your second piece of data is duplicated with the created child activity and will automatically skip the creation of that part of the child activity. Do you confirm skipping? cancel", "未检测到子活动数据(空文件、只包含表头、或第一个工作表内无数据),请检查更新后重新上传。": "No sub-activity data is detected (empty file, only header, or no data in the first worksheet), please check the update and re-upload.", "看单,行业概览查看,帮您整理行业数据报表,快速了解产品用户情况;工具,事件分析工具,分析app的事件,留存,漏斗,用户画像等数据,详细了解用户行为。": "View orders, industry overview view, help you organize industry data reports, quickly understand product users; tools, event analysis tools, analysis app events, retention, funnels, user portraits and other data, to understand user behavior.", "应用全网广告投放大数据,多维度策略全面覆盖,为广告主提供企业级的防作弊保护,让作弊行为无所遁形。": "Applying full-network advertising to deliver big data, comprehensive coverage of multi-dimensional strategies, providing advertisers with enterprise-level anti-cheating protection, so that cheating is invisible.", "支持分别对”归因回溯期“”展示归因“进行全渠道统一参数值设置,设置后默认所有渠道均为设置的参数值。": "Support for \"attribution lookback window\" \"display attribution\" for omni-channel unified parameter value setting, after setting all default channels are set parameter values.", "设备量和价格预估中,预计明天早晨八点可生成结果。您可以关闭当前页面,数据估算完成后会给您发送邮件通知。": "In the equipment quantity and price estimate, it is expected that the results will be generated at 8:00 tomorrow morning. You can close the current page and send you an email notification when the data is estimated.", "分包渠道子活动功能可以对比相同分包渠道在不同位置的效果,与分链接推广活动类似,通过追踪短链实现位置的追踪。": "The sub-package channel sub-activity function can compare the effect of the same sub-contracting channel in different locations, similar to the sub-link promotion activity, and track the position by tracking the short chain.", "标识,代表该投放账号下有未连接测试成功产品(对应产品名称后也会有此标识),请检查更新投放账号下绑定的产品。": "The logo indicates that there is an unconnected test successful product under the delivery account (this ID will also be available after the product name is selected). Please check the product that is bound under the update account.", "授权广告平台,一站式查看多个广告平台的消费情况,快速了解从投放到激活,以及后续的注册、消费等数据,有效评估ROI和回本周期。": "Authorized advertising platform, one-stop view of the consumption situation of multiple advertising platforms, quickly understand the data from delivery to activation, and subsequent registration, consumption, etc., effectively evaluate the ROI and return cycle.", "服务到期时间:如果有渠道或推广活动未给您授权,下方报表中的数据将不包括这部分未授权渠道和未授权推广活动的数据。": "Service Expiration: If there are channels or promotions that are not authorized by you, the data in the following report will not include data for this part of unauthorized channels and unauthorized promotions.", "如果有渠道或推广活动未给您授权,下方报表中的数据将不包括这部分未授权渠道和未授权推广活动的数据。": "If there are channels or promotions that are not authorized by you, the data in the following report will not include data for this part of unauthorized channels and unauthorized promotions.", "服务到期时间:": "Service Expiration:", "请谨慎勾选,该类型将拥有公司下所有应用管理、查看权限,以及产品、成员、渠道管理、推广参数管理权限,且最多可新建3个管理员。": "Please carefully check, this type will have all application management, viewing rights, and product, member, channel management, promotion parameter management permissions, and up to 3 new administrators.", "请谨慎勾选,该类型将拥有公司下所有应用管理、查看权限,以及产品、成员、渠道管理、推广参数管理权限,且最多默认为3个管理员,如需提升管理员上限,请联系热云技术支持。": "Please carefully check, this type will have all application management, viewing rights, and product, member, channel management, promotion parameter management rights under the company, and up to 3 administrators by default, if you need to increase the administrator limit, please Contact hot cloud technical support.", "在这里添加和管理你的白名单测试设备,白名单设备可重复激活(注册)完成联调测试,所产生的测试数据当日计算,隔日清零。": "Add and manage your whitelist test device here. The whitelist device will not participate in the calculation of activation period, activation dispersion, etc. in real-time calculation, and will not perform offline calculation.", "您正在停用": "You are disabling ", "个活动,停用后将不能查看该活动以后的推广相关数据,且将为您关闭子账号对该推广活的权限。是否确认停用?": " events. After deactivating, you will not be able to view the promotion-related data for the event, and will close the sub-account for the promotion. Do you confirm deactivation? ", "您正在停用1个活动,停用后将不能查看该活动以后的推广相关数据,且将为您关闭子账号对该推广活的权限。是否确认停用?": "You are disabling an event. After deactivating, you will not be able to view the promotion-related data for the event, and will close the sub-account for the promotion. Do you confirm deactivation? ", "数据有效期设置": " Data validity period setting", "自定义渠道管理": "Custom channel management", "启用这个活动?": "Enable this event?", "您正在停用渠道,停用后将会自动为您删除对应的推广回掉,启用后需要重新配置。是否确认停用?该渠道下有个正在启用的推广活动,当前不可被停用,请先停用对应推广活动。|产品列表绑定产品": "You are disabling the channel. When you disable it, it will automatically delete the corresponding promotion for you. If it is enabled, you need to reconfigure it. Do you confirm deactivation? There is an active promotion under this channel, which cannot be disabled at this time. Please disable the corresponding promotion first. |Product List Binding Products", "渠道,停用后将会自动为您删除对应的推广回掉,启用后需要重新配置。是否确认停用?": " channel. When you disable it, it will automatically delete the corresponding promotion for you. If it is enabled, you need to reconfigure it. Do you confirm deactivation? ", "该渠道下有1个正在启用的推广活动,当前不可被停用,请先停用对应推广活动。": "There is an active promotion under this channel, which cannot be disabled at this time. Please disable the corresponding promotion first.", "该渠道下有": "There are ", "个正在启用的推广活动,当前不可被停用,请先停用对应推广活动。": " active promotion under this channel, which cannot be disabled at this time. Please disable the corresponding promotion first.", "绑定产品": "Binding Products", "产品列表": "Product List", "1天": "1 day", "天": " days", "半年(183天)": "Half a year (183 days)", "一年(365天)": "One year (365 days)", "永久": "permanent", "小于": "Less than ", "1秒": " 1 second", "秒": "seconds", "分钟": "minutes", "1分钟": "1 minute", "默认下载地址:": "Default download link:", "1、服务内容乙方为甲方提供的人群分析服务是指:甲方可根据自身业务需求,选定甲方用户设备范围,由乙方对设备打上相应的数据标签后返回给甲方,从而方便甲方对其用户进行精细化营销和运营服务。乙方支持甲方选择单个应用的用户设备,或者多个应用的用户设备,对设备进行排重后再打上数据标签。甲方可以选择某应用下全量用户或某段时间的用户,由乙方对用户设备打上数据标签。2、服务价格": "1. Service Content Party B provides the crowd analysis service provided by Party A. Party A can select the scope of Party A's user equipment according to its own business needs. Party B will return the corresponding data label to Party A and return it to Party A. The company conducts refined marketing and operation services for its users. Party B supports Party A in selecting a user device for a single application, or a user device for multiple applications, and then weighting the device and then tagging the data. Party A can select the full amount of users or users of a certain period of time in an application, and Party B will put data labels on the user equipment. 2, service price", "激活率均值": "Mean Install", "新增独立访客总数": "Total New Unique Visitors", "新增独立访客": "New Unique Visitors", "排重点击IP总数": "Unique Click IP", "正在同步报表数据,请稍后查看。": "Report Data is Synchronizing. Please Check Later.", "启用失败": "Failed to Enable", "启用成功,数据将在启用1个小时之后更新": "Enabled Successfully. The Data will be Updated after 1 Hour", "申请失败": "Failed to Apply", "申请成功": "Applied Successfully", "启用成功": "Enabled Successfully", "停用成功": "Disabled Successfully", "停用失败": "Failed to Disable", "数据保存失败。": "Failed to Save Data", "渠道异常": "Fraud Partner", "参数为空": "NULL", "所选渠道为空或不正确": "Selected Partner is Null or Incorrect", "连接测试超时,请点击重试": "Connect Test Times Out. Please Click to Retry", "支持输入汉字、数字、大小写字母、下划线、中划线,最多20字符。": "Support to Input Chinese Words, Numbers, Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, Underscore, and Strikethrough. Max Allowed 20 Characters.", "请选择渠道": "Please Select the Partner", "请选择产品": "Please Select the Product", "已启用账号": "Enabled Account", "已停用账号": "Disenabled Account", "删除成功": "Deleted Successfully", "复制成功": "Copied Successfully", "复制失败": "Failed to Replication", "请选择游戏类型": "Please Select Game Type", "请选择游戏题材": "Please Select Game Theme", "请选择美术风格": "Please Select Art Style", "请选择应用分类": "Please Select APP Category", "应用分类-细分分类": "App Classification - Subdivide Classification", "查看并下载SDK": "Check and Download SDK", "所有推广活动的下载地址将同步更新。": "All Promotional Download Links will be Updated Simultaneously.", "bundleid已存在": "bundleid Exists", "请输入9-10位数字": "Please Enter 9-10 Digits", "添加成功": "Added Successfully", "修改成功": "Modified Successfully", "未知错误": "Unknown Error", "全部设备": "All Devices", "应用名称": "AppName", "SDK版本": "SDK Version", "调试完成": "Debugging Completed", "系统已存在,不可再创建。": "Already Exists in the System and cannot be Created Again.", "创建失败,appid或appsecret错误,": "Failed to Create, Invalid appid or appsecret", "全部角色": "All Roles", "配置成功": "Configured Successfully", "请设置": "Please Set", "请选择应用": "Please Select App", "不筛选投放账号": "Do not Screen Management Accounts", "该应用权限由管理员添加,您无此应用权限": "The Application Permission is Added by the Administrator. You do not Have this Application Permission", "您已对该账号应用“X”权限模板,不可再做修改": "You Have Applied the \"X\" Permission Template to this Account, which cannot be Modified", "您已对该账号应用“": "You Have Applied the \"", "”权限模板,不可再做修改": "\" Permission Template to this Account, which cannot be Modified", "勾选后可以查看仪表盘和报表中的自然量数据统计。": "Select to Check Organic in Dash Board and Reports.", "勾选后可以查看仪表盘和报表中的留存数据统计。": "Select to Check Retention in Dash Board and Reports.", "勾选后可以查看仪表盘和报表中的订单数据统计。": "Select to Check Orders in Dash Board and Reports.", "勾选后可以查看仪表盘和报表中与付费相关的数据统计。": "Select to Check Payments in Dash Board and Reports.", "勾选后可以查看仪表盘和渠道效果对比中的TOP指标数据统计。": "Select to Check TOP Indicator Data in Dash Board and Partner Effect Comparison.", "自定义权限": "Customized Permission ", "最多可添加3个管理员": "Up to 3 Administrators can be Added", "该邮箱已创建": "Email has been Created", "请选择角色": "Please Select Role ", "请填写姓名": "Please Fill in Your Name", "当前角色账号不能修改为渠道账号": "Current Role Account cannot be Changed to Partner Account", "渠道账号不能修改为其他角色账号": "Partner Account cannot be Changed to Other Role Account", "该账号已激活,不支持删除,您可以在右侧操作区对账号进行停用。": "This Account has been Activated and Deletion is not Supported. You can Deactivate the Account in the Right Operation Area.", "渠道账号管理": "Partner Account Management", "子账号管理": "Sub-account Management", "请选择": "Please Select ", "全选表示选中该渠道下的所有活动,包括已创建的和之后新增的活动": "Select All Means that All Activities of the Partner are Selected, including those Created and Added Later", "勾选第三步“权限设置”中推广活动的编辑权限,即可具备创建该渠道推广活动权限": "Select the Edit Permission in Promotion Activity in Step 3 \"Permission Setting\", and You will Have the Permission to Create the Promotion Activity for this Partner", "请填写角色名称": "Please Fill in the Role Name", "请输入12位以内的中英文或数字": "Please Input Chinese and English Words or Numbers with no more than 12 Characters", "请设置权限": "Please Set Permission", "该角色名称已存在": "This Role Name already Exists", "超过限定值,无法添加": "Exceeded the Limitation, cannot be Added", "删除失败,该自定义角色下有子账号!": "Failed to Delete. There are Sub-Accounts under this Role Account!", "该账号为子账号不可注册为渠道账号": "This Account is a Sub-Account and cannot be Registered as a Partner Account", "该邮箱已存在": "This Email already Exists", "该账号已过期": "The Account has already Expired", "该账号未激活,暂时无法授权": "The Account is not Activated and cannot be Authorized Temporarily", "请填写邮箱": "Please Fill in the Email", "请输入20位以内的中英文或数字": "Please Input no more than 20-charater Chinese and English Words or Numbers", "最多可输入100字": "Max Allowed 100 Words", "已为该账号发送激活邮件,请在72小时内联系相关人员激活并设置密码": "An Activation Email has been Sent for this Account. Please Contact Relevant Person within 72 Hours to Activate and Set the Password", "请输入16位字符以内的中英文或数字": "Please Input Chinese and English Words or Numbers. Max Allowed 16 Characters.", "支持输入汉字、大小写字母、数字、下划线、中划线、间隔号点(·),长度限制40字符以内": "Support to Input Chinese Words, Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Underlines, Strikethroughs, and Interpunct (·). Max Allowed 40 Characters.", "名称重复": "Duplicate Name Exists", "支持16位内汉字或32位内字母数字": "Support Maximum 16-character Chinese Words or 32-character English Letters and Numbers", "填写数值过大或过小(取值范围[0.01-100])": "The Filling Value is too Large or too Small (Value Range is [0.01-100])", "账号或密码错误,请检查更新后重新创建": "The Account or Password is Incorrect, Please Recreate after Checking and Updating", "请先选择平台": "Please Select Platform First", "请至少选择一个平台": "Please Select At Least One Platform", "合法性为仅支持输入数字,长度不限": "Only Support Valid Numbers without Limiting the Length.", "该账号id已被绑定到其他渠道账号,请到对应账号进行修改": "ID of this Account has been Bound to Other Partner Account. Please Use Related Account for Modification", "该渠道账号别名已经被占用": "This Nickname of the Partner Account has been Used", "请先完成当前产品测试,再添加下一个产品。": "Please Complete the Current Product Test before Adding Another Product.", "点击右侧按钮获取行为数据源ID": "Click the Button on the Right to Get the Behavior Data Source ID", "该账号别名已存在,请更换。": "This Nickname already Exists. Please Change It.", "含非法字符或过长(支持输入汉字、大小写字母、数字、下划线、中划线,长度限制40字符以内)": "Contain Invalid Characters or Characters are too Long (Support to Input Chinese Words, Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Underlines, and strikethroughs. Max Allowed 40 Characters.)", "该LinkID已存在,请更换。": "This LinkID already Exists. Please Change It.", "请至少选择一个推广活动": "Please Select at least One Promotion Activity", "未有上传失败的行。": "No row is Failed to Upload.", "X行未成功上传,可能原因是关键词/创意id和名称有值为空或过长,请检查更新。": "Failed to Upload Row X. The Possibly Reason is the Keyword/Creative ID and Name is Null or too Long. Please Check and Update Again.", "X行未成功上传,请检查更新。": "Failed to Upload Row X. Please Check and Update Again.", "请选择一条数据": "Please Select a Piece of Data", "进行中": "Loading", "系统异常": "System Error", "全部类型": "All Types", "网络超时,请重新上传": "Network Timeout. Please Upload Again", "上传成功": "Uploaded Successfully", "渠道或者产品信息没有取到。": "Partner Information or Product Information is not Available.", "请先上传文件": "Please Upload the File First", "仅支持excel": "Only Support Excel", "文件不能大于500M": "The File cannot be Larger than 500M", "请先选择渠道": "Please Select Partner First", "未取到订单ID": "No Order ID was Obtained", "请选择用户群": "Please Select User Group", "请至少选择一个产品": "Please Select at Least One Product", "请至少选择一种标签权重": "Please Select at Least One Html Label", "请至少选择一种类型标签": "Please Select at Least One Type Label", "出现错误!": "Error!", "信息填写不完整,请检查更新。": "Information is Incomplete. Please Check and Update.", "支持输入汉字、大小写字母、数字,最多20个字符,不可为空": "Support to Input Chinese Words, Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, and Numbers. It should within 20 Characters and cannot be NULL.", "您当前appkey未绑定adwords账号的linkID,请先进行绑定再配置。": "Your Current Appkey is not Bound to the Linkid of Adwords Account. Please Bind before Configuring.", "请输入关键字搜索": "Please Enter Keywords to Search", "关键字搜索": "Keywords Search", "数据没有选中!": "The Data is not selected!", "最多添加50个白名单设备!": "Add at Most 50 Whitelist Device!", "支持输入汉字、大小写字母、数字、下划线、中划线、间隔号点(·),长度限制40字符以内。": "Support to Input Chinese Words, Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Underlines, Strikethroughs, and Interpunct (·). Max Allowed 40 Characters.", "请输入设备名": "Please Enter the Device Name", "仅支持大小写字母、数字、中划线。": "Only Support Uppercase and Lowercase Letters, Numbers, and Strikethroughs.", "请输入IDFA": "Please Input IDFA", "输入idfa搜索": "Please Input idfa Search", "仅支持大小写字母、数字。": "Only Support Uppercase and Lowercase Letters and Numbers.", "该名称AID/IDFA值已存在,请检查更新。": "The AID/IDFA Value of this Name Already Exists. Please Check and Update Again.", "已存在,请检查更新。": " Already Exists. Please Check and Update Again.", "该名称": "The Name", "该值": "This Value", "AID/IDFA值": "AID/IDFA Value", "IMEI值": "IMEI Value", "Android ID值": "Android ID Value", "修改前后下载地址相同,系统将不会做修改。": "The Download Address is the Same before and after Modification, and cannot be Modified by the System.", "修改前后下载地址名称相同,系统将不会做修改。": "The Download Address Name is the Same before and after Modification, and cannot be Modified by the System.", "不能为空": "Cannot be NULL", "你没有XX产品权限,不能删除。": "You do not Have the Permission to Delete the Product.", "你没有": "You do not Have ", "产品权限,不能删除。": " the Permission to Delete the Product.", "是否删除 “XX” ONELINK?": "Delete \"XX\" ONELINK?", "” ONELINK?": "\" ONELINK?", "当前没有Android App,不能创建onelink。": "No Android App Currently, Onelink cannot be Created.", "当前没有iOS App,不能创建onelink。": "No iOS App Currently, Onelink cannot be Created.", "当前iOS App的自定义渠道和SEM渠道下没有推广活动,不能创建onelink。": "As there is no campaign under the customized partner and the SEM partner of the current iOS App, onelink cannot be created.", "当前Android App的自定义渠道和SEM渠道下没有推广活动,不能创建onelink。": "As there is no campaign under the customized partner and the SEM partner of the current Android App, onelink cannot be created.", "该主账号Android App的自定义渠道和SEM渠道下没有推广活动,不能创建onelink。": "As there is no campaign under the customized partner and the SEM partner of the Android App under the primary account number, onelink cannot be created.", "该主账号iOS App的自定义渠道和SEM渠道下没有推广活动,不能创建onelink。": "As there is no campaign under the customized partner and the SEM partner of the iOS App under the primary account number, onelink cannot be created.", "你没有XX产品权限,不能编辑。": "You can not edit XX product without permissions.", "产品权限,不能编辑。": " product without permissions.", "仅支持20汉字内的中文,英文,数字,下划线,中划线": "Only Chinese, English, numbers, low lines and hyphens are supported and limited to a length of 20 Chinese characters", "仅支持http://或https://开头": "Only link beginning with http:// or https:// is supported", "请选择iOS活动": "Please select an iOS event", "请选择Android渠道": "Please select an Android partner", "请选择iOS渠道": "Please select an iOS partner", "请选择iOS产品": "Please select an iOS product", "请选择Android产品": "Please select an Android product", "请选择Android活动": "Please select an Android event", "是否停用 “XX” 子活动?": "Do you want to disable the “XX” Ad Group?", "是否停用 “": "Do you want to disable the “", "是否启用 “XX” 子活动?": "Do you want to enable the “XX” Ad Group?", "是否启用 “": "Do you want to enable the \"", "” 子活动?": "\" Ad Group?", "输入关键词或创意搜索": "Enter keywords or creative search", "请输入关键词": "Please enter keywords", "请输入名称或短链搜索": "Please enter a name or short chain search", "请输入名称": "Please enter a name", "导出成功,正在为您下载!稍后请到”数据导出-子活动导出“中查看下载进度": "Export succeeded and downloading for you! Please check the download progress later in \"Data Export - Ad Group Export\"", "导出失败": "Export failed", "创意个数不能超过100": "The number of creative items cannot exceed 100", "创意过长(长度限制40字符以内)": "Creative item is too long (40 characters at most)", "不能重复哦": "Can't repeat", "文件不能大于1M": "File can not be larger than 1M", "系统异常,请重新上传。": "The system is abnormal. Please upload it again.", "请先上传数据": "Please upload data first", "成功为您创建1000个子活动": "Successfully create 1000 Ad Groups for you", "含非法字符或过长(支持输入汉字、大小写字母、数字、中划线、点,长度限制40字符以内)": "Contains illegal characters or is too long (Chinese characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens and dots are supported and limited to a length of less than 40 characters)", "url不合法(支持输入以http://或https://开头的链接地址)": "Url is illegal (link address starting with http:// or https:// is supported)", "创意与已创建子活动重复,请检查": "Creative and created Ad Groups are exactly the same. Please check it", "关键词与已创建子活动重复,请检查": "Keywords and created Ad Groups are exactly the same. Please check it", "重复": "Exactly the same", "全部渠道": "All partners", "请选要批量修改的渠道": "Please select the partner to be modified in bulk.", "该推广活动下包含1个子活动,当前不可被停用,请先停用该推广活动的子活动。": "As there are Ad Groups under the campaign, it can not be disabled at present. Please disable the Ad Groups of the campaign first", "该推广活动下包含": "As there are ", "个子活动,当前不可被停用,请先停用该推广活动的子活动。": " Ad Groups under the campaign, it can not be disabled at present. Please disable the Ad Groups of the campaign first", "您正在停用“": "You are disabling ", "”停用后将不能查看该活动以后的推广相关数据,且将为您关闭子账号对该推广活的权限。是否确认停用?": ". After disabling, you are not allowed to view relevant campaign data, and the sub-account permission for the campaign is accordingly closed. Confirm disabling?", "”停用后将不在接收该活动以后的所有点击(展示)数据,已拥有该活动权限的账号,查看此数据不受影响。是否确认停用?": ". After deactivation, it will not receive all click (display) data after the event, and the account that already has the activity permission will not be affected. Do you confirm deactivation?", "是否启用“": "Enable ", "”活动?": " Ad Group?", "该推广活动短链地址正在被onelink使用,当前不可被停用,请先修改或删除对应该推广活动的onelink短链": "The short-chain address of the campaign is being used by onelink and thus cannot be disabled at present. Please modify or delete the onelink short chain corresponding to the campaign.", "停用推广活动下含有子活动,不可被停用,请先停用该推广活动的子活动": "As there are Ad Groups under the campaign, it can not be disabled. Please disable the Ad Groups of the campaign first", "您选择的推广活动中包含正在被onelink使用的推广活动,不可批量停用,请重新选择或先删除对应推广活动的onelink短链": "As there are campaigns being used by onelink among those campaigns you select, bulk deactivation is not allowed. Please re-select or delete the onelink short chain of the corresponding campaign.", "请输入>=1整数": "Please enter an integer >=1 ", "请输入>=2且<=100整数": "Please enter an integer >=2 but <=100 ", "个以上": "More than ", "原密码输入错误,请重新输入": "The original password you entered is invalid, please enter again.", "两次密码不一致,请重新输入": "The passwords do not match, please enter again", "新旧密码一致,请重新修改密码": "The original password is consistent with the new password, please modify the password", "请输入正确的邮箱格式": "Please enter the correct E-mail format", "该新邮箱已存在,请更换新邮箱": "The new E-mail already exists. Please replace it with a new one.", "发送邮件失败": "Failed to send mail", "注册邮箱已激活,不可再修改": "Registered E-mail has been activated and cannot be modified", "注册邮箱错误,请修改": "Registered E-mail is invalid, please correct your entry", "邮箱最长48位": "The length of E-mail should not exceed 48 bits", "该账号密码不可修改": "The account password cannot be modified.", "账号不存在": "The account does not exist", "邮箱未注册过账号": "This Email has not been registered", "邮件发送失败": "Mail failed", "该邮箱已注册": "The E-mail has been registered", "注册失败": "Registration failed", "邮件发送失败,请重新注册": "Mail failed, please re-register", "非法链接": "Illegal link", "链接已失效": "Link has expired", "密码不能修改": "Password cannot be modified", "修改密码失败": "Password modification failed", "您已提交过申请,请不要重复提交": "You have already submitted your application, please do not submit it again", "验证码有误,请重新输入": "The verification code is incorrect. Please enter again", "今日请求次数过多,请稍后再试。": "Too many requests today, please try again later.", "验证码过期,请重新获取": "The verification code has expired, please acquire again", "申请提交失败,请重新提交": "Submission failed, please submit again", "查看设备": "View device", "请输入设备ID": "Please enter the device ID", "不筛选": "Do not filter ", "不筛选推广活动状态": "Do not filter campaign status", "推广活动状态": "campaign status", "已启用推广活动": "Campaign enabled", "已停用推广活动": "Campaign disabled", "搜索子渠道名称或ID": "Search for a sub-channel name or ID", "渠道效果对比-渠道数据详情": "Partner Comparison - partner data details", "渠道效果对比-激活趋势": "Partner Comparison - install trend", "不筛选渠道账号": "Do not filter partner account", "不筛选计划": "Do not filter plan", "不筛选推广活动": "Do not filter campaign", "不筛选渠道": "Do not filter partners", "系统版本": "System version", "网络类型": "Network type", "地域分布": "Geographical distribution", "激活延迟分析-": "Install delay analysis -", "保存成功,修改后第二天零点生效。": "Saved successfully and it will take effect at zero clock in the next day after the modification.", "保存成功": "Saved successfully", "是否删除 “XX” 这个IP地址?": "Do you want to delete the \"XX\" IP address?", "是否删除": "Do you want to delete the ", "这个IP地址?": " IP address?", "搜索后,所选内容将清除": "After the search, contents selected will be cleared", "输入名称或短链搜索": "Enter a name or short chain search", "IP地址已存在": "IP address already exists", "修改成功,5分钟后可生效。": "The modification succeeds and will take effect after 5 minutes.", "添加成功,5分钟后可生效。": "The addition succeeds and will take effect after 5 minutes.", "当前开关已关闭,不可下载,请打开后第二天10点以后重试": "The current switch is off and cannot be downloaded. Please try again after 10:00 in the next day after switching on", "文件不存在": "The file does not exist", "推广-登录列表": "Campaign - login list", "防作弊卫士激活": "Fraud Installs", "推广-付费列表": "Campaign -paid list", "推广-订单列表": "Campaign -order list", "指定活动": "Designated event", "指定活动组": "Designated event group", "指定渠道": "Designated partner", "所有推广数据": "All campaign data", "所有作弊数据": "All fraud data", "付费列表": "Paid list", "注册列表": "Registration list", "推广-激活列表": "Campaign - install list", "推广-注册列表": "Campaign - Registration list", "导出文件不存在,请等待重新生成": "The file exported does not exist, please wait for regeneration", "分包活动详情": "Subcontracting details", "已获取用户": "User acquired", "全部投放账号": "All accounts casted", "投放": "Casted", "非投放": "Non-casted", "X个渠道": "X partners", "注收比导出功能正在升级,暂时不可用,预计本周六可正常使用。": "Ranged export function is being upgraded and temporarily unavailable. It is expected to be available again this Saturday.", "相对时间": "Relative time", "绝对时间": "Absolute time", "后续付费": "Subsequent payment", "后续付费1天": "1st day payment", "注册/付费详情": "Registration/payment details", "没有控制权限": "No control authority", "防作弊相关信息查询为空": "Query about fraud protection-related information is empty", "信息没填全或数据格式有误,请检查": "The information is incomplete or the data format is incorrect. Please check", "仅支持数字,大小写字母,且至少包含其中2种,长度限制为6-18位": "Only supports numbers, lowercase letters, and uppercase letters, and must contain at least two of the three forms; length should be 6 to 18 characters.", "开通防作弊功能": "Fraud protection enabled", "防作弊功能过期": "Fraud protection expired", "未开通防作弊功能": "Fraud protection not enabled", "每页X条": "{{X}} items/page", "导出成功,请到数据导出-下载报表处进行下载": "Export succeeded, please go to the Data Export-Report Download to download the report", "请1分钟后再点": "Click again after 1 minute.", "饼状图只适用于有分组的事件分析。": "Pie Graph is only available for analysis of grouped events.", "当前选择框不可操作。": "The current selection box is not operational.", "漏斗步骤不能少于2步": "Funnel should have at least 2 steps", "信息没填全或数据有误,请检查": "The information is incomplete or the data is incorrect. Please check", "输入搜索关键词": "Enter search keywords", "请选择用户属性": "Please select a user attribute", "请选择事件属性": "Please select an event attribute", "请输入一个属性过滤条件": "Please enter an attribute filter condition", "转化率": "Conversion rate", "个数:": "Number:", "转化成功率:": "Successful conversion rate:", "到": "to:", "主账号": "Primary account number", "推广活动,推广活动组,渠道,子渠道,子账号,关键字,创意,付费激活周期": "Campaigns, campaign groups, partners, sub-channels, sub-accounts, keywords, creative, paid install cycles", "分组": "Group", "按设备看": "View by device", "按账号看": "View by account", "活跃总数": "Total Actives", "登录总数": "Total Logins", "PV总数": "Total PV", "UV总数": "Total UV", "名称已存在": "The name already exists", "机型": "Device Type", "事件ID": "Event id", "留存": "Retention", "验证码不正确": "The verification code is incorrect.", "金额": "Amount", "次留": "1st Day Retention", "三留": "3rd Day Retention", "七留": "7th Day Retention", "设备型号": "Device Type", "日期范围不能大于X天": "The date range cannot exceed {{X}} days.", "超出最小可选日期限制了": "Exceed the minimum range of selectable date", "帮助中心": "Help center", "立即注册": "Sign up now", "还没有账号?": "Don't have an account yet? ", "记住密码": "Remember password", "自动登录7天": "Automatic login for 7 days", "忘记密码?": "Forget password?", "请输入验证码": "please enter verification code", "请输入您的密码": "please enter your password", "请输入您的注册邮箱": "please enter your registered email address", "历史最高活跃:": "The highest level of activity:", "请输入apple_appid": "Please input apple_appid", "搜索产品名称或APPKEY": "Search product name or APPKEY", "搜索产品": "Search Product", "基础日期与对比日期不能为同一天": "The basic date and the reference date cannot be the same day", "已激活成功": "Activated successfully", "京ICP备14021832号": "J. ICP B. No.14021832", "立即登录": "Log in immediately", "请输入新密码": "Please input the new password", "请再次输入新密码": "Please input the new password again", "修改密码链接已失效": "The link for password modification is invalid.", "请联系母账号": "Please contact the master account", "重新发送邮件": "Re-send the E-mail", "发送邮件成功": "The E-mail is sent successfully", "立即登录邮箱": "Log in the E-mail immediately", "邮箱(建议使用工作邮箱)": "E-mail (The work E-mail is recommended)", "密码(6-18位至少包含数字、大小写字母中两种)": "Password(6-18 digits, including at least two types of digits, capital and lower-case letters)", "重新输入密码": "Re-enter the password", "您的团队或者公司名称": "Name of your group or company", "您的姓名": "Your name", "完成注册": "Complete the registration", "已经有账号?": "Already have an account?", "请点击邮箱的链接完成账号注册!": "Please click the link in your E-mail to complete the registration!", "重新发一封": "Resend", "X秒后可重新发送": "Resend after X seconds", "邮箱填错了?": "Wrong E-mail?", "更改邮箱": "Change the E-mail", "根据您填写信息,": "According to the submitted information,", "根据您填写信息,您可能是渠道/媒体人员,如需查看广告主在您的渠道投放数据,请联系对应广告主在热云后台为您开通渠道账号。开通后直接登录即可,不需要重新注册账号。": "According to the submitted information, you may be partner/media personnel. If you want to check the data injected to your channel, please contact the corresponding advertiser to obtain the Reyun partner account. You can directly log in with that account. Re-registration is not needed.", "完成注册。": "Complete the registration.", "注册邮箱": "E-mail for registration", "请输入注册邮箱": "Please input the E-mail for registration", "新邮箱": "New E-mail", "请输入新邮箱": "Please input the new E-mail", "发送验证邮箱": "Send to verify the E-mail", "跳过,下次再显示": "Skip, display next time", "发送激活邮件": "Send the activation E-mail", "活跃用户": "Active user", "该账户未激活,请点击激活。": "This account is not activated. Please click to activate.", "发送激活邮箱": "Send the activation E-mail", "热云旗下产品": "Products of Reyun", "博客": "Blogs", "文档中心": "Document center", "申请演示": "Apply for DEMO", "应用管理": "App management", "数据驱动2.0时代产品,打通市场投放和产品用户行为数据": "A product of data-driven 2.0 era, integrating Ad injecting and user behavior data of products", "帮市场省钱,助产品赚钱": "Save the marketing fee, boost the product earnings.", "全网防作弊": "Network-wide fraud protection", "完善的反作弊体系助您过滤无效的广告数据,精准的广告数据统计为您提供中立的广告效果监测。": "The complete fraud protection system filters invalid Ad data for you. Accurate statistics of Ad data provide a neutral advertising effect monitoring for you.", "推广渠道归因": "Partner attribution", "科学的分析方法帮您计算推广或渠道带来的价值,深入的数据研究助您探索优质渠道。": "The system calculates the value brought by campaign or partner with scientific analysis method, and assists in finding high-quality partners with in-depth data research.", "事件、留存、漏斗等多维分析工具帮您分析不同渠道、不同特征用户的行为及用户质量,助您深入了解您的用户,并寻找产品改进的突破点。": "Multi-dimensional analysis tools, including event, retention and funnel, etc., analyze the behavior and quality of users from different partners and with different features. You can better understand your user and find a breakthrough point for product improvement.", "大数据引擎": "Big data engine", "整套系统建立在Hadoop生态之上,使用自有研发的ETL执行引擎来对任务进行调度,为您提供优质的技术保障。": "The whole system is built on Hadoop and schedules tasks with the self-developed ETL execution engine, which provides high-quality technical support for you.", "看单,行业概览查看,帮您整理行业数据报表,快速了解产品用户情况;": "Check order, check industry overview, assist in reorganizing industry data report, quickly understand users of the product;", "工具,事件分析工具,分析app的事件,留存,漏斗,用户画像等数据,详细了解用户行为。": "Tool, even analysis tool, analyze app-related events, retention, funnel, user portrait data, have a detailed understanding of user behavior.", "我们已经合作了近600家渠道": "600+ cooperative partners", "首页": "Home page", "游戏运营支撑平台": "Game operation supporting platform", "移动广告效果检测平台": "Mobile Ad effect testing platform", "关于我们": "About us", "公司介绍": "Company introduction", "职位招聘": "Recruitment", "微信关注": "WeChat", "公众号": "Official Account", "公众号:": "Official Account:", "友情链接": "Links", "友情链接:": "Links:", "总部": "Headquarter", "北京市朝阳区望京东园四区绿地中心中国锦11号楼4002-4003室": "Room 4002-4003, Building 11, Zhongguojin, Greenland Center,4th Block Wangjing East Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing", "华南区": "South China district", "广州市天河区天河路490号壬丰大厦3209室": "Room 3209, Renfeng Building, No. 490 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou", "京公网安备11010502032980号": "J.G.W.A.B. No. 11010502032980", "咨询": "Consulting", "热线电话": "Hotline", "商务咨询": "Business consulting", "找回密码": "Retrieve password", "我们将会给您的电子邮箱发送一个新的密码,有效期为72小时,请及时登录并修改密码!": "We’ll send a new password to your E-mail. The validity is 72h. Please log in and modify the password in time!", "请输入邮箱": "Please input the E-mail", "该子账号未激活,若未收到激活邮件,请联系主账号。": "This sub-account is not activated. Please contact the master account if you do not receive the activation E-mail.", "激活失败": "Activation failed", "激活链接已失效": "The activation link became invalid.", "重新激活": "Re-activation", "注册激活": "Activate the registration", "激活邮件已发送至您的邮箱:": "The activation E-mail was sent to your E-mail:", "激活邮件发送失败,请检查您的邮箱:": "The activation E-mail fails to send. Please check your E-mail:", "没有收到邮件?": "Not receive the E-mail?", "新邮箱:": "New E-mail:", "发送验证邮件": "Send to verify the E-mail", "我知道了": "I see", "TrackingIO已经支持展示的监测,创建推广活动后会生成点击和展示监测短链,请将对应的链接添加至广告平台的监测地址栏中。如果您需要对展示做归因,请在“推广参数管理”中进行设置。": "TrackingIO can monitor the impression. After the campaign is created, the short link for monitoring clicks and impressions will be generated. Please add the corresponding link to the monitoring address of the advertising platform. Please set up in “Promotion Parameter Management” if you want to perform attribution analysis for impressions.", "当前产品的套餐流量已用尽,待客户续费后可以恢复查看": "The present product is out of traffic. The client can check after renewal.", "当前产品的服务已到期,待客户续费后可以恢复查看": "The service of the present product was due. The client can check after renewal.", "您购买的广告效果监控“包年套餐": "Your advertising effect monitoring \"yearly package ", "”已经到期,为了不影响您的正常使用,请尽快联系商务续订服务。服务到期后我们将会继续支持您的数据上报和接收,但数据展示服务将暂时无法使用。": "\" was due. To ensure normal use, please contact the commercial personnel to renew the service ASAP. After expiration, we’ll continuously support your data reporting and reception, but the data display is unavailable temporarily.", "您购买的广告效果监控“": "Your advertising effect monitoring \"", "”将在明天过期,为了不影响您的正常使用,请尽快联系商务续订服务。服务到期后我们将会继续支持您的数据上报和接收,但数据展示服务将暂时无法使用。": "\" will be overdue tomorrow. To ensure normal use, please contact the commercial personnel to renew the service ASAP. After expiration, we’ll continuously support your data reporting and reception, but the data display is unavailable temporarily.", "”将在": "” will be expired in ", "一个月": "one month ", "后(": " (", ")到期,为了不影响您的正常使用,请尽快联系商务续订服务。服务到期后我们将会继续支持您的数据上报和接收,但数据展示服务将暂时无法使用。": "). To ensure normal use, please contact the commercial personnel to renew the service ASAP. After expiration, we’ll continuously support your data reporting and reception, but the data display is unavailable temporarily.", "您购买的“": "You have run out of \"", "”已经用完,账号将自动退出,为了不影响您的正常使用,请尽快联系商务续订服务。流量用尽后我们将会继续支持您的数据上报和接收,但数据展示服务将暂时无法使用。": "\". The account will be logged out automatically. To ensure normal use, please contact the commercial personnel to renew the service ASAP. After the traffic is exhausted, we’ll continuously support your data reporting and reception, but the data display is unavailable temporarily.", "您购买的广告效果监控“X”中的Y K点击已经用完,为了不影响您的正常使用,请尽快联系商务续订服务。流量用尽后我们将会继续支持您的数据上报和接收,但数据展示服务将暂时无法使用。": "You have run out of {{Y}} K clicks of advertising effect monitoring “{{X}}”. To ensure normal use, please contact the commercial personnel to renew the service ASAP. After the traffic is exhausted, we’ll continuously support your data reporting and reception, but the data display is unavailable temporarily.", "您购买的广告效果监控“X”中的Y K点击已经使用,为了不影响您的正常使用,请尽快联系商务续订服务。流量用尽后我们将会继续支持您的数据上报和接收,但数据展示服务将暂时无法使用。": "Your {{Y}} K clicks of advertising effect monitoring \"{{X}}\" have been used. To ensure normal use, please contact the commercial personnel to renew the service ASAP. After the traffic is exhausted, we’ll continuously support your data reporting and reception, but the data display is unavailable temporarily.", "您购买的广告效果监控“X”中的Y K点击已经使用,按照您近期的使用量,预计剩余流量将在'Z'天内用尽,请关注您的套餐流量使用情况,并联系商务续订服务。": "Your {{Y}} K clicks of advertising effect monitoring \"{{X}}\" have been used. According to your recent consumption, the rest traffic will be consumed within '{{Z}}' days. Please pay attention to the traffic use of your package and contact the commercial personnel to renew the service.", "注册会员": "Register member", "升级套餐,请联系商务": "Please contact the commercial personnel to upgrade the package", "广告效果监控:": "Advertising effect monitoring: ", "已使用流量": " traffic consumed", "我们当前正在为开发者做更多的权限和安全设计,为了您的账户安全,请激活您的邮箱。": "We are currently working on more permissions and security for developers. For your account security, please activate your email address.", "中文": "Chinese", "英文": "English", "登录趋势": "Login Trend", "TOP10新增独立访客渠道": "Top 10 Partners with most Unqiue Visitors", "DAU趋势": "DAU Trend", "TOP10点击渠道": "Top 10 Partners with the most Clicks", "TOP10激活渠道": "Top 10 Partners with the most Installs", "TOP10收入渠道": "Top 10 Partners with the most Revenue", "支付设备趋势": "Paid Device Trend", "支付总额趋势": "Total Payment Trend", "支付客单价趋势": "Units per Transaction (Paid) Trend", "订单付费率趋势": "Order Payment Rate Trend", "TOP10支付订单渠道": "Top 10 Partners with most Paid Orders", "TOP10支付总额渠道": "Top 10 Partners with most Payments", "TOP10支付客单价渠道": "Top 10 Partners with most Units per Transaction", "TOP10订单付费率渠道": "Top 10 Partners with highest Order Payment Rate", "访问次数趋势": "Visit Trend", "新增用户趋势": "New User Trend", "流量趋势": "Traffic Trend", "跳出率": "Bounce Rate", "次日留存趋势": "2nd Day Retention Trend", "TOP10访问渠道": "Top 10 Partners with most Visits", "Top10新增用户渠道": "Top 10 Partners with most New Users", "TOP10访问场景": "Top 10 Senario with most Visits", "TOP10新增场景": "Top 10 Senario with most New Users", "TOP10收入场景": "Top 10 Senario with most Revenue", "实时点击": "Real Time Clicks", "实时UV": "Real Time UV", "实时PV": "Real Time PV", "实时IP": "Real Time IP", "实时收入": "Real Time Revenue", "实时付费人数": "Real Time Paid Users", "实时激活": "Real Time Installs", "实时排重点击": "Real Time Unique Clicks", "实时DAU": "Real Time DAU", "收入": "Revenue", "实时付费设备数": "Real Time paid Device", "实时支付订单数": "Real Time Paid Orders", "实时支付总额": "Real Time Payments", "实时新增用户付费率(每小时)": "Real Time User Payment Rate", "实时激活设备付费率(每小时)": "Real Time Device Payment Rate", "实时访问次数": "Real Time Visits", "实时新增用户": "Real Time New Users", "实时pv": "Real Time PV", "实时uv": "Real Time UV", "实时跳出率": "Real Time Bounce Rate", "实时总付费": "Real Time Payments", "实时付费用户数": "Real Time Paid Users", "基础TOP5": "Top 5", "流量TOP5": "Top 5 Traffic", "新增独立访客TOP5": "Top 5 Partners with most Unqiue Visitors", "点击趋势": "Click Trend", "PV趋势": "PV Trend", "UV趋势": "UV Trend", "IP趋势": "IP Trend", "新增独立访客趋势": "New Unique Visitor Trend", "付费人数趋势": "Paid User Trend", "激活率TOP5": "Top 5 Partners with the highest Install Rate", "留存TOP5": "Top 5 Partners with the highest Retention Rate", "转化TOP5": "Top 5 Convension", "激活趋势": "Install Trend", "激活率趋势": "Install Rate Trend", "付费设备数趋势": "Top 10 Partners with the most Paid Devices", "收入趋势": "Revenue Trend", "跳出率趋势": "Bounce Rate Trend", "流量top5": "Top 5 Traffic", "访问次数": "Number of Visits", "新增用户": "New Installs", "PV": "PV", "UV": "UV", "注册趋势": "Register Trend", "付费用户趋势": "Paid User Trend", "所有": "All ", "详情自然量": "Organic", "支付订单趋势": "Paid Order Trend", "PV总数','UV总数','独立IP总数'": "Total PV, Total UV, Unique IP Clicks", "推广活动/渠道中自然量说明,点击问号查看": "Organic description (campaign/partner), click ? to check ", "输入搜索关键字": "Input search keywords", "搜索关键字": "Search Keywords", "请选择推广活动渠道": "Select campaign partner", "请输入渠道ID": "Input partner ID", "请输入渠道名": "Input partner name", "请输入广告主编码": "Input main AD code", "请输入bundle编码": "Input bundle code", "请输入推广活动名称": "Input campaign name ", "请输入推广活动名称搜索": "Please input campaign name search", "请输入应用下载地址": "Input APP download address", "请输入批量创建活动": "Input batch creation campaign", "请输入小程序的目标路径": "Input APP target path", "请输入小程序ID": "Input APP ID", "请输入下载地址": "Please enter download address", "请输入IMEI": "Please Input IMEI", "请输入姓名": "Please enter your name", "请输入Android ID": "Please Input Android ID", "请输入onelink、仅支持中文、英文、数字、下划线、中划线": "Input onelink (Only Chinese, English, Numerials, Underline and Strike)", "输入子渠道id/子渠道名称搜索": "Input Sub-channel ID/Search Sub-channel name to search", "输入推广活动组名称搜索": "Search campaign group name to search", "请输入推广活动组名称": "Input campaigns group name", "输入活动名搜索": "Search campaign name to search", "输入渠道名搜索": "Search by partner name", "必须以http://或https://开头": "Must start with http:// or https://", "请输入成功key": "Input success key", "请输入成功value": "Input success value", "请输入成功状态码": "Input success code", "输入渠道搜索": "Search partner to search", "输入名称搜索": "Search name to search", "输入埋点名称搜索": "Search burial name to search", "新建成功": "Successfully created", "批量删除": "Batch Delete", "必填": "Entry required", "请输入": "Please input ", "该值": "The Value of this Name ", "输入渠道、状态进行搜索": "Search by partner, status", "输入ID、关键词/创意名搜索": "Search by ID, keywords, nickname", "输入IP地址搜索": "Search by IP address", "关键词创意id批量替换模板": "Templa+D8:D46te of creative ID mass replacement with keywords", "关键词模板": "Keyword template", "子渠道名称文件模板": "Sub-channel name file template", "第": "x page", "第": " ", "上一页": "Previous page", "请输入应用名称": "Please enter application name", "请输入小程序密钥": "Please enter applet password", "未设置": "Not set", "请输入广点通投放平台的登录账号": "Please enter login account on Guangdiantong ad platform", "请输入在广点通SPA投放平台的账号ID": "Please enter account ID on Guangdiantong SPA ad platform", "建议填写可以区别不同投放账号的名称": "Name that can be distinguished from other ad accounts is suggested", "请输入应用标识": "Please enter application identification", "请输入投放账号别名": "Please enter ad account alias", "请输入在渠道方投放的账号": "Please enter ad account of the partner", "请输入在渠道方的登录密码": "Please enter login password of the partner", "请输入网址": "Please enter web address", "请输入投放账号": "Please enter ad account", "请输入投放账号ID": "Please enter ad account ID", "请输入LinkID": "Please enter LinkID", "渠道已是我们的合作渠道,您可在新建推广活动中直接使用": "This partner has been previously registered as our partner, you can use it directly in \"create new campaign\"", "前往创建推广活动": "Proceed to 'create new campaign'", "名称不合法或过长": "The entered name was inappropriate or too long", "以http://或https://开头的合法url": "Proper url that starts with http:// or https://", "6-20位数字,字母,下划线或中划线,须以数字或字母开头": "6-20 combinations of numbers, letters, underlines, or dashes; must start with a number or letter", "您的姓名,支持16位内汉字或32位内字母数字": "Your name, within 16 Chinese characters or 32 alphabetical letters or numbers", "公司名称,支持48位内汉字或96位内字母数字": "Company name, within 48 Chinese characters or 96 alphabetical letters or numbers", "请输入正确QQ号码": "Please enter an appropriate QQ number", "输入数字": "Enter numbers", "请输入48位以内的正确邮箱": "Please enter the proper e-mail address within 48 characters", "输入小写字母": "Enter lower-case letters", "格式不对": "Incorrect format", "40字符以内": "Within 40 characters", "含特殊字符或过长": "Special characters included or too long", "自定义设备名称,便于识别不同设备": "Customize your device name to help differentiate yours with the others", "号码有误": "Incorrect number", "支持数字和“.”": "Supports numbers and \".\"", "输入账户名或姓名搜索": "Search with account name or name", "糟糕,网络不畅": "How terrible, the network is not smooth", "您可以点击": "You can click ", "或稍后再试": "or try again later.", "刷新1": " to refresh ", "糟糕,您访问的页面不存在啦!": "How terrible, the page you visited doesn't exist!", "最多8个汉字": "Up to 8 Chinese characters", "管理员权限数量已达上限": "The number of administrator privileges has reached the upper limit", "已经绑定产品": "The product has been bound", "未绑定": "Unbound", "养老": "Pension", "推广-自定义事件": "Promotion - custom events", "您购买的“高级防作弊”功能还有": "The Advanced Anti-Cheat function you purchased will be expired in", "天即将过期,如需签订,请及时联系商务。": "days. If you need to sign, please contact the business in time.", "抱歉,当前内容或标题和模板不一致,请检查后重新上传!": "Sorry, the current content or title and template are inconsistent, please check and re-upload!", "流量 = 点击流量 + 展示流量": "Traffic = Click Traffic + Show Traffic", "请输入8位以内的中英文、数字、下划线或英文横线": "Please enter Chinese and English, numbers, underscores or English horizontal lines within 8 digits.", "如下产品已绑定账号,如多个账号投放同一产品只绑定一个账号即可,无需重复绑定": "The following products have been bound to an account. For example, if multiple accounts are served on the same product, only one account can be bound, and no duplicate binding is required.", "移动广告监测": "Mobile advertising", "京ICP备17012310号": "Beijing ICP No. 17012310", "验证码错误": "Verification code error", "用户名或密码不正确": "Username or password incorrect", "不筛选媒体名称": "Do not filter media names", "请勾选同意协议": "Do not filter placement accounts", "注收比-激活/付费详情": "Ranged Payment - Install/Payment Details", "还没通过审核": "Not yet reviewed", "请输入白名单IP": "Please input white list IP", "主账号过期": "Main account expires", "入门套餐": "Getting started package", "基础套餐": "Basic package", "进阶套餐": "Advanced package", "高级套餐": "Advanced package", "包年套餐": "Annual plan", "企业私有化部署版": "Enterprise privatization deployment version", "超包年套餐": "Super annual package", "顶级套餐": "Top package", "试用套餐": "Trial package", "高级套餐_200APP": "Advanced Package _200APP", "超包年套餐_500APP": "Super Annual Plan _500APP", "进阶套餐_150APP": "Advanced Package _150APP", "进阶套餐_200APP": "Advanced Package _200APP", "顶级套餐_300APP": "Top package _300APP", "SaaS免费版": "SaaS Free Edition", "SaaS进阶版": "SaaS Advanced Edition", "SaaS专业版": "SaaS Pro", "SaaS企业版": "SaaS Enterprise Edition", "SaaS超级企业版": "SaaS Super Enterprise Edition", "SaaS顶级企业版": "SaaS top enterprise edition", "正在使用": "is using", "(正在使用)": "(is using) ", "《广点通方案一》": "《Tencent Social Ads Option One》", "《广点通方案二》": "《Tencent Social Ads Option Two》", "已绑定应用列表": "Bounded app list", "选择广点通对接方式": "Select Plan", "广点通方案一": "Tencent Social Ads Option One", "广点通方案二(默认)": "Tencent Social Ads Option Two(Default)", "将广告主上报的所有转化数据上报给腾讯社交广告,腾讯社交广告与点击数据进行关联,并归因处理。更改后将不会接受任何广点通点击,当日更改,隔日生效。": "Report all conversion data reported by advertisers to Tencent social ads, Tencent social ads are associated with click data, and attribution processing.No Wide-Point Click will be accepted after the change. The change will take effect the next day.", "先将广告主上报的转化数据与广点通后台获取到的点击数据进行关联,然后将关联到的转化数据上报给腾讯社交广告,广点通进行归因处理。更改后,隔天生效,请谨慎选择。": "Firstly, the conversion data reported by the advertiser is associated with the click data obtained by the Guangxuan background, and then the associated conversion data is reported to the Tencent social advertisement, and the point-to-point processing is performed.The change will take effect the next day. Please choose carefully.", "将广告主上报的所有转化数据上报给腾讯社交广告,腾讯社交广告与点击数据进行关联,并归因处理。更改后热云将不会使用广点通feedbackurl传来的点击数据进行归因,当日更改,隔日生效。": "All conversion data reported by the advertiser is reported to the Tencent social advertisement, and the Tencent social advertisement is associated with the click data and attributed to the attribution. After the change, the hot cloud will not use the click data from the feedthrough url to attribute it, and it will change on the same day.", "注:请点击《已绑应用列表》中-您创建所有应用对应的feedback URL填写到广点通后台,可点击至帮助文档查看。如没有将feedback URL填写至渠道后台,将无法归因。": "Note: Please click on the 'Binded Application List' - you can create a feed URL corresponding to all applications to fill in the wide-point background, you can click to help the documentation. If the feedback URL is not filled in the channel backend, it will not be attributed.", "注:请点击《已绑应用列表》中-您创建所有应用对应的feedback URL填写到广点通后台,可点击至": "Note: Please click on the 'Binded Application List' - you can create a feed URL corresponding to all applications to fill in the wide-point background, you can click to ", "查看。如没有将feedback URL填写至渠道后台,将无法归因。": "If the feedback URL is not filled in the channel backend, it will not be attributed.", "帮助文档": "Help Document", "多个账号投放同一产品只绑定一个账号即可,无需重复绑定。": "If multiple accounts are served on the same product, only one account can be bound, and no duplicate binding is required", "查看已绑定产品:": "View bound products:", "广点通应用列表": "Tencent Social Ads Product List", "如使用广点通方案一、请将热云生成的feedback URL填写至广点通后台,如不填写会导致无法正常归因。如果在广点通后台有多个投放账号,请确保每个投放账号下都填写feedback URL,否则点击无法全量接收。": "If you use the wide-point solution, please fill in the feedback URL generated by the hot cloud to the wide-point background. If you do not fill it, it will not be properly attributed.If there are multiple delivery accounts in the background of the wide-point communication, please make sure that the feedback URL is filled in under each delivery account, otherwise the click cannot receive the full amount.", "注:任选一种方案即可,建议选择方案二": "Note: You can choose one option, it is recommended to choose option two.", "注:方案一与方案二不可同时使用,需选择其中一种进行监测。": "Note: Option 1 and Option 2 cannot be used at the same time, and one of them should be selected for monitoring.", "渠道名称已存在": "Channel name already exists", "是否需要导出详情?": "Need to export data details ?", "下载设置": "Settings", "导出详情": "Output Details", "更改对接方案": "Change docking scheme", "当前使用方案": "Current usage plan", "方案一": "Programme I", "方案二": "Programme II", "广点通列表操作": "Wide point pass list operation", "您所选日期超过30天,如果数据量过大导致无法导出,建议关闭": "Please close the data selected for more than 30 days.If the amount of data is too large to be exported, it is recommended to turn it off.", "【数据导出】-【下载报表】-下载设置": "[Data Export] - [Download Report] - Download", "中的详情": "Settings Details.", "好的": "OK", "我对X很感兴趣,请通过如下方式联系我。": "I am very interested in {{X}}, please contact me by the following way.", "产品将切换到新归因模式,新模式下只需绑定渠道投放账号,无需创建推广活动,点击前去配置adwords投放账号。": "The product will switch to the new attribution mode. In the new mode, you only need to bind the channel to deliver the account. You don't need to create a promotion. Click to configure the adwords placement account.", "UAC 模式": "UAC mode", "自动导出推广活动:": "Automatically export campaigns", "新建推广活动后,自动导出活动文件": "Automatically export event files after creating a new promotion", "新建推广活动后,不导出活动文件": "Activity files are not exported after a new promotion is created", "启用Deeplink": "Enable Deeplink", "深度链接自定义URL Scheme:": "Deep Link Custom URL Scheme", "子域:": "domain", "启用App Links 支持深度链接": "Enable App Links to support deep links", "启用Universal Link 支持深度链接": "Enable Universal Link to support deep links", "该子域已被占用,请尝试使用其他子域": "The domain is already occupied. Please try another domain", "如果使用DeepLink功能,您还有未配置参数": "If use the DeepLink function, you still have unconfigured parameters", "是否配置": "Is it configured", "DeepLink参数配置": "DeepLink parameter configuration", "如果使用DeepLink功能,请联系主账号配置DeepLink通用参数": "If use the DeepLink function, Please contact the main account to configure DeepLink configuration parameters.", "批量修改下载地址": "Batch Modification of Download Addres", "原下载地址:": "Original download address:", "请输入新下载地址": "Please enter a new download addres", "请输入下载地址名称": "Please enter the name of the download address", "下载地址名称:": "Download address name:", "全选推广活动": "All-Election Promotion Activitie", "全部推广活动": "All promotion activities", "已选推广活动": "Selected Promotion Activitie", "全选子活动": "Total Selection Activities", "全部子活动": "All sub-activities", "已选子活动": "Selected Subactivities", "搜索推广活动": "Search Promotion Activities", "搜索子活动": "Search sub-activity", "已选子活动X个": "{{X}} selected sub-activities", "已选推广活动X个": "{{X}} selected promotional activitie", "请勿将展示链接作为点击链接使用,使用展示监测链接会大幅度消耗套餐流量,请谨慎使用。": "Do not use the impression link as a click link. Using the impression monitoring link will consume a lot of package traffic. Please use it with caution.", "调起有效期:": "Wake-up period", "在设定有效期内,同一设备多次调起计为1个调起数,若超出这个有效期计为一个新的调起,此规则只用于调起数的计算。": "During the set validity period, the same device wakes up as one wake-up number. If it exceeds this valid period as a new wake-up, this rule is only used for the calculation of the wake-up number.", "调起": "Wake up", "scheme结合universal link技术实现一键调起app直达指定页面,兼容主流社交平台、浏览器。": "scheme combined with universal link technology to achieve a one-click wake-up app directly to the specified page, compatible with mainstream social platforms, browsers.", "特征:": "Features", "一键调起": "One-click wake-up", "直达指定页面": "Direct to the specified page", "优化老用户投放": "Optimize old user delivery", "申请数据": "Application data", "我需要分析调起数据,请通过如下方式联系我": "I need to analyze the wakeup data, please contact me as follows", "近7天调起量": "Nearly 7 days wake up", "数据显示中": "Data display", "如需查看【调起】数据,请在高级服务中申请,申请后开始进行计算": "To view the [Wake-up] data, please start the calculation after applying for the application in the Advanced Service.", "下载日期详情设置": "Download Date Details Settings", "下载渠道维度设置": "Dimension Settings of Download Channels", "单次使用时长分布": "Per Session Duration Distribution", "使用时长分布": "Total Sessions Duration distribution", "App页面浏览时长分布": "In-App Page View Duration Distribution", "使用频率分布": "Sessions Frequency Distribution", "请选择日期": "Please select a date", "清除": "Clear", "用户参与度": "User engagement", "选择页面:": "Select page:", "请选择pageid": "Please select pageid" }