Commit ba33fc72 by fan.jiang

fix lazada bug

parent eea56463
......@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ class EtlLazadaActivitionDaily extends CommonSparkJob {
val sql2=
|select device_id,country
|select lower(device_id) device_id,lower(country) country
|from dwh.ods_dmp_user_info where dt = '${today}' and last_req_day >= '${last_req_day}' and business not in ('other', 'ali_acquisition', 'ali_activation', 'adn_install')
| and device_type='gaid'
| and platform='android'
| group by device_id,country
| group by lower(device_id),lower(country)
val dfCache: DataFrame = spark.sql(sql2).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
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