#! /bin/bash # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # @file :merge_dmp.sh # @author :liushuai # @revision:2017-03-06 10:45 # @desc :3天前的M系统,dsp,ga数据整合到一起 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # source ../prd_env.sh LOG_TIME=$(date +%Y%m%d -d "-3 day $ScheduleTime") year=${LOG_TIME:0:4} month=${LOG_TIME:4:2} day=${LOG_TIME:6:2} hive_cmd " use dev; drop table tmp_dmp; create table if not exists tmp_dmp as select distinct nvl(nvl(a.device_id,b.device_id),c.device_id) device_id, nvl(nvl(a.device_type,b.device_type),c.id_type) device_type, nvl(nvl(a.country ,b.country),c.country_code) country from ( select device_id,device_type,country from dwh.ods_ga_device_total where year='${year}' and month='${month}' and day='${day}' and device_id is not null ) a FULL JOIN ( select device_id,device_type,country from dwh.dm_profile_total where type='dsp' and year='${year}' and month='${month}' and day='${day}' and device_id is not null ) b on a.device_id=b.device_id and a.device_type=b.device_type Full JOIN ( select device_id,id_type,country_code from dwh.ods_adn_device_total where year='${year}' and month='${month}' and day='${day}' and device_id is not null ) c on a.device_id=c.device_id and a.device_type=c.id_type; " if [ $? -ne 0 ];then exit 255 fi