package mobvista.dmp.common

import mobvista.dmp.util.DateUtil
import org.apache.commons.cli.{BasicParser, Options}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, SparkSession}

import scala.collection.mutable

  * @package: mobvista.dmp.common
  * @author: wangjf
  * @date: 2020/4/9
  * @time: 2:39 下午
  * @email:
  * @phone: 152-1062-7698
class InstallListDailyV2 extends CommonSparkJob with Serializable {

  def commandOptions(): Options = {
    val options = new Options()
    options.addOption("date", true, "date")
    options.addOption("output", true, "output")
    options.addOption("coalesce", true, "coalesce")

  override protected def run(args: Array[String]): Int = {
    val parser = new BasicParser()
    val options = commandOptions()
    val commandLine = parser.parse(options, args)
    val date = commandLine.getOptionValue("date")
    val output = commandLine.getOptionValue("output")
    val coalesce = commandLine.getOptionValue("coalesce")

    val spark = SparkSession
      .config("spark.rdd.compress", "true")
      .config("spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown", "true")
      .config("", "snappy")
      .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "s3://mob-emr-test/spark-warehouse")
      .config("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")

    try {
      val before_date = DateUtil.getDayByString(date, "yyyyMMdd", -1)

      //  val update_date = DateUtil.format(DateUtil.parse(date, "yyyyMMdd"), "yyyy-MM-dd")

      //  val before_update_date = DateUtil.format(DateUtil.parse(before_date, "yyyyMMdd"), "yyyy-MM-dd")

      val update_date = DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getDay(date, "yyyyMMdd", -14), "yyyy-MM-dd")

      FileSystem.get(new URI(s"s3://mob-emr-test"), spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).delete(new Path(output), true)

      val activeDev = spark.sql(active_sql.replace("@date", date)
        .replace("@update_date", update_date)
        .replace("@before_date", before_date))


      spark.udf.register("merge", merge _)
      //  spark.udf.register("filterInstall", filterInstall _)
      spark.udf.register("udf_mergeExtData", _)
      sql = sql.replace("@date", date).replace("@before_date", before_date)
      val df = spark.sql(sql)

        .option("orc.compress", "snappy")

    } finally {
      if (spark != null) {

    * 先筛选近1天的活跃设备,再进行 LEFT SEMI JOIN 获取近1天设备的安装列表数据
  val active_sql: String =
      |SELECT device_id
      | FROM
      |   (SELECT LOWER(device_id) device_id
      |     FROM dwh.dmp_install_list
      |     WHERE dt = '@date' AND business NOT IN ('ga','other','14days','day') AND update_date >= '@update_date'
      |   UNION
      |   SELECT LOWER(device_id) device_id
      |     FROM dwh.dmp_install_list
      |     WHERE dt = '@before_date' AND business IN ('ga','other') AND update_date >= '@update_date'
      |   ) all
      |GROUP BY device_id

    * 以全量数据为准进行合并,计算近14天的活跃设备信息
  var sql: String =
      |SELECT device_id, MAX(device_type) device_type, MAX(platform) platform, MAX(country) country, merge(COLLECT_SET(install_list)) install_list,
      | udf_mergeExtData(COLLECT_SET(CONCAT_WS('#', ext_data, update_date, business))) ext_data, CONCAT_WS(',',COLLECT_SET(business)) merge_bus, MAX(update_date) update_date
      | FROM
      |   (SELECT LOWER(device_id) device_id,device_type,platform,country,install_list,ext_data,update_date,business
      |     FROM dwh.dmp_install_list d LEFT SEMI JOIN active_dev a ON LOWER(d.device_id) = a.device_id
      |     WHERE dt = '@date' AND business NOT IN ('ga','other','14days','day')
      |   UNION
      |   SELECT LOWER(device_id) device_id,device_type,platform,country,install_list,ext_data,update_date,business
      |     FROM dwh.dmp_install_list d LEFT SEMI JOIN active_dev a ON LOWER(d.device_id) = a.device_id
      |     WHERE dt = '@before_date' AND business IN ('ga','other')
      |   ) all
      |GROUP BY device_id

  import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  def merge(installList: mutable.WrappedArray[String]): String = {
    val installJSONObject = new JSONObject
    installList.iterator.foreach(install => {
      val installMap = MobvistaConstant.String2JSONObject(install).asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, String]].asScala
      installMap.retain((k, v) => !installJSONObject.containsKey(k) || installJSONObject.getString(k).compareTo(v) < 0).foreach(kv => {
        //  && !k.equalsIgnoreCase("0000000000") && !k.equalsIgnoreCase("com.nonepkg.nonepkg")
        installJSONObject.put(kv._1, kv._2)

  def filterInstall(installList: String): Boolean = {

object InstallListDailyV2 {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    new InstallListDailyV2().run(args)