Commit df09760c by yangfuwei


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package AdThreeAnalysis;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class AdActionButton extends JceStruct {
public String icon;
public String tips;
public AdActionButton() {
this.icon = ""; = "";
public AdActionButton(String arg2, String arg3) {
this.icon = ""; = "";
this.icon = arg2; = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.icon = arg3.b(0, false); = arg3.b(1, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.icon != null) {
arg3.a(this.icon, 0);
if( != null) {
arg3.a(, 1);
package AdThreeAnalysis;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class AdCorner extends JceStruct {
static Map<String, AdActionButton> cache_actionButton = new HashMap();
static PackageAction cache_packageAction = new PackageAction();
public Map<String, AdActionButton> actionButton = null;
public String appIconUrl = "";
public String appName = "";
public PackageAction packageAction = null;
public String packageName = "";
public AdCorner(Map<String, AdActionButton> map, PackageAction packageAction, String str, String str2, String str3) {
this.actionButton = map;
this.packageAction = packageAction;
this.packageName = str;
this.appIconUrl = str2;
this.appName = str3;
public AdCorner() {
this.actionButton = null;
this.packageAction = null;
this.packageName = "";
this.appIconUrl = "";
this.appName = "";
public final void writeTo(d dVar) {
if (this.actionButton != null) {
dVar.a(this.actionButton, 0);
if (this.packageAction != null) {
dVar.a(this.packageAction, 1);
if (this.packageName != null) {
dVar.a(this.packageName, 2);
if (this.appIconUrl != null) {
dVar.a(this.appIconUrl, 3);
if (this.appName != null) {
dVar.a(this.appName, 4);
static {
AdActionButton adActionButton = new AdActionButton();
cache_actionButton.put("", adActionButton);
public final void readFrom(c cVar) {
this.actionButton = (Map) cVar.a(cache_actionButton, 0, false);
this.packageAction = (PackageAction) cVar.a(cache_packageAction, 1, false);
this.packageName = cVar.b(2, false);
this.appIconUrl = cVar.b(3, false);
this.appName = cVar.b(4, false);
package AdThreeAnalysis;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class AdReport extends JceStruct {
public String reportKey;
public String reportParam;
public String url;
public AdReport() {
this.reportKey = "";
this.reportParam = "";
this.url = "";
public AdReport(String arg2, String arg3, String arg4) {
this.reportKey = "";
this.reportParam = "";
this.url = "";
this.reportKey = arg2;
this.reportParam = arg3;
this.url = arg4;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.reportKey = arg3.b(0, false);
this.reportParam = arg3.b(1, false);
this.url = arg3.b(2, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.reportKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.reportKey, 0);
if(this.reportParam != null) {
arg3.a(this.reportParam, 1);
if(this.url != null) {
arg3.a(this.url, 2);
package AdThreeAnalysis;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class AdShareItem extends JceStruct {
public String shareImgUrl;
public String shareSubtitle;
public String shareTitle;
public String shareUrl;
public AdShareItem() {
this.shareUrl = "";
this.shareTitle = "";
this.shareSubtitle = "";
this.shareImgUrl = "";
public AdShareItem(String arg2, String arg3, String arg4, String arg5) {
this.shareUrl = "";
this.shareTitle = "";
this.shareSubtitle = "";
this.shareImgUrl = "";
this.shareUrl = arg2;
this.shareTitle = arg3;
this.shareSubtitle = arg4;
this.shareImgUrl = arg5;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.shareUrl = arg3.b(0, false);
this.shareTitle = arg3.b(1, false);
this.shareSubtitle = arg3.b(2, false);
this.shareImgUrl = arg3.b(3, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.shareUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareUrl, 0);
if(this.shareTitle != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareTitle, 1);
if(this.shareSubtitle != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareSubtitle, 2);
if(this.shareImgUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareImgUrl, 3);
package AdThreeAnalysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import AdThreeAnalysis.ONAViewTools.ItemHolder;
import StructuralClass.ChannelDataResponse;
import StructuralClass.TempletLine;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
public class AnalysisAd {
public ArrayList GetAd(JceStruct unPackageJceResponse){
ArrayList ret = null;
ArrayList data = null;
TempletLine datatempline = null;
if(null == unPackageJceResponse){
return null;
ret = new ArrayList();
data = (ArrayList) ((ChannelDataResponse)unPackageJceResponse).data;
for(int i=0; i<data.size(); i++){
datatempline = (TempletLine) data.get(i);
if(datatempline.lineId.indexOf("ad_") != -1){//如果是目标类型广告才去解析
ONAAdPoster itemholder = ONAViewTools.builderItemHolder(datatempline);
if(null != itemholder){
HashMap<String, AdReport> m_prot = new HashMap();
m_prot = (HashMap<String, AdReport>);
AdReport hprot = m_prot.get("click");
if(null != hprot){
return ret;
package AdThreeAnalysis;
public class EONAViewType implements Serializable {
public static EONAViewType EnumONAActorList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAActorRank = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAAdPlaceHolder = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAAdPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAAppInfo = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAAppList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAAppPullAdPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAAttentPosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONABoldStyleEnterTip = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONABulletinBoard = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONABulletinBoardV2 = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONABusinessVoteList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAButtonGroup = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAChinaVoiceList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONACirclePosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAClassificationList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONACommentWrite = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONACommunityEntrance = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONACompeteSchedule = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONACompeteScheduleNew = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONACoverIntroduction = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsCommentList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsIntroduction = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsPosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsToolbar = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsVerticalPosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsVerticalVideoList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsVideoCircleShare = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADetailsVideoList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADiscoveryEntry = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiCommonItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiDynamic = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiEntryList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiMileStoneList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiMovementCard = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiMovementCardList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiNewsCard = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiNewsCardList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiPhotoItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiPhotoList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADokiRankBroadcast = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONADynamicPanel = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAEmptyPlaceholder = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAEnterPictures = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAEnterTip = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAEnterTipV2 = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAExpandableText = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAExploreTagList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanNews = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanNewsWithImgList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanTuanFeed = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanTuanGrid = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanTuanLatestRankInfo = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanTuanRankItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanTuanRankList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFanTuanSignedList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsEntrance = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsGroup = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFilmComment = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFilmPreViewTicket = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAFocusStarNews = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGalleryAdPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGalleryPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGalleryPosterPager = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGameDownloadItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGameGiftPackItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGameGiftPackNews = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGrid = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAGroupSwitch = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAHeadPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAHorizontalBar = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAHorizontalList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAImageText = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAIntroduction = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAIpLimitInfo = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALabelList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALastReadPosition = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALeftImageRightTextAdPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveActorNews = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveAttent = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveAttentNumber = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveCompeteSchedule = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveIntroduction = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveNewsItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALivePreviewBoard = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveTrailerCountdown = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALiveVIPRights = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONALoadMoreAction = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAMarketingAttentPosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAMatchSchedule = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAMatchScheduleNew = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAMediaPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAMultAppPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAMultPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAMultiMediaPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONANavPosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONANetworkRed = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONANewsItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONANoSearchHit = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAOptionalText = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPictureWall = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPlaceHolder = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPosterTitle = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPrimaryFeed = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAProgramItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPromoteEntry = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPromoteList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAPursuit = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAQuoteComment = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONARankItem = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAReward = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASchoolList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAScoreList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAScrollTips = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASearchMatch = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASearchPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASearchStarList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASimpleAttentPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASimpleFeed = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASplitLine = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASplitSpace = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarAgenda = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarCommentMediaPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarHotRankInfo = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarHotTopicsInfo = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarIntroduction = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarMeetList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAStarNews = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONASummary = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONATagDataGroup = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAText = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAThemeMultiPlayer = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAThemePlayer = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONATimeLinePoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONATimeLineTitle = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONATomLiveBoard = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAUserActionTitle = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAUserPosterTitle = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVRSSFeed = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVRSSGroup = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVRSSHeadPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVRSSInfoFeed = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVerticalPosterList = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVideoAdPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVideoCard = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVideoCinema = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVideoIntroduction = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVideoListPlayer = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVideoTipsIntro = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAViewShowBox = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVipActionTips = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAVoteRank = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAWeeklyShowPoster = null;
public static EONAViewType EnumONAWeiboPoster = null;
public static int _EnumONAActorList = 23;
public static int _EnumONAActorRank = 32;
public static int _EnumONAAdPlaceHolder = 117;
public static int _EnumONAAdPoster = 136;
public static int _EnumONAAppInfo = 18;
public static int _EnumONAAppList = 60;
public static int _EnumONAAppPullAdPoster = 155;
public static int _EnumONAAttentPosterList = 69;
public static int _EnumONABoldStyleEnterTip = 131;
public static int _EnumONABulletinBoard = 17;
public static int _EnumONABulletinBoardV2 = 86;
public static int _EnumONABusinessVoteList = 48;
public static int _EnumONAButtonGroup = 127;
public static int _EnumONAChinaVoiceList = 49;
public static int _EnumONACirclePosterList = 151;
public static int _EnumONAClassificationList = 112;
public static int _EnumONACommentWrite = 13;
public static int _EnumONACommunityEntrance = 62;
public static int _EnumONACompeteSchedule = 33;
public static int _EnumONACompeteScheduleNew = 125;
public static int _EnumONACoverIntroduction = 59;
public static int _EnumONADetailsCommentList = 107;
public static int _EnumONADetailsIntroduction = 12;
public static int _EnumONADetailsPosterList = 11;
public static int _EnumONADetailsToolbar = 9;
public static int _EnumONADetailsVerticalPosterList = 85;
public static int _EnumONADetailsVerticalVideoList = 84;
public static int _EnumONADetailsVideoCircleShare = 8;
public static int _EnumONADetailsVideoList = 10;
public static int _EnumONADiscoveryEntry = 52;
public static int _EnumONADokiCommonItem = 142;
public static int _EnumONADokiDynamic = 149;
public static int _EnumONADokiEntryList = 152;
public static int _EnumONADokiMileStoneList = 146;
public static int _EnumONADokiMovementCard = 144;
public static int _EnumONADokiMovementCardList = 145;
public static int _EnumONADokiNewsCard = 134;
public static int _EnumONADokiNewsCardList = 135;
public static int _EnumONADokiPhotoItem = 153;
public static int _EnumONADokiPhotoList = 154;
public static int _EnumONADokiRankBroadcast = 148;
public static int _EnumONADynamicPanel = 46;
public static int _EnumONAEmptyPlaceholder = 143;
public static int _EnumONAEnterPictures = 95;
public static int _EnumONAEnterTip = 38;
public static int _EnumONAEnterTipV2 = 147;
public static int _EnumONAExpandableText = 108;
public static int _EnumONAExploreTagList = 118;
public static int _EnumONAFanNews = 47;
public static int _EnumONAFanNewsWithImgList = 65;
public static int _EnumONAFanTuanFeed = 73;
public static int _EnumONAFanTuanGrid = 71;
public static int _EnumONAFanTuanLatestRankInfo = 111;
public static int _EnumONAFanTuanRankItem = 74;
public static int _EnumONAFanTuanRankList = 72;
public static int _EnumONAFanTuanSignedList = 90;
public static int _EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsEntrance = 97;
public static int _EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsGroup = 103;
public static int _EnumONAFilmComment = 110;
public static int _EnumONAFilmPreViewTicket = 68;
public static int _EnumONAFocusStarNews = 122;
public static int _EnumONAGalleryAdPoster = 45;
public static int _EnumONAGalleryPoster = 1;
public static int _EnumONAGalleryPosterPager = 81;
public static int _EnumONAGameDownloadItem = 40;
public static int _EnumONAGameGiftPackItem = 41;
public static int _EnumONAGameGiftPackNews = 42;
public static int _EnumONAGrid = 7;
public static int _EnumONAGroupSwitch = 128;
public static int _EnumONAHeadPoster = 14;
public static int _EnumONAHorizontalBar = 120;
public static int _EnumONAHorizontalList = 126;
public static int _EnumONAImageText = 124;
public static int _EnumONAIntroduction = 39;
public static int _EnumONAIpLimitInfo = 78;
public static int _EnumONALabelList = 130;
public static int _EnumONALastReadPosition = 89;
public static int _EnumONALeftImageRightTextAdPoster = 150;
public static int _EnumONALiveActorNews = 36;
public static int _EnumONALiveAttent = 27;
public static int _EnumONALiveAttentNumber = 28;
public static int _EnumONALiveCompeteSchedule = 34;
public static int _EnumONALiveIntroduction = 30;
public static int _EnumONALiveNewsItem = 35;
public static int _EnumONALivePreviewBoard = 70;
public static int _EnumONALiveTrailerCountdown = 26;
public static int _EnumONALiveVIPRights = 29;
public static int _EnumONALoadMoreAction = 80;
public static int _EnumONAMarketingAttentPosterList = 77;
public static int _EnumONAMatchSchedule = 6;
public static int _EnumONAMatchScheduleNew = 129;
public static int _EnumONAMediaPoster = 100;
public static int _EnumONAMultAppPoster = 61;
public static int _EnumONAMultPoster = 0;
public static int _EnumONAMultiMediaPoster = 101;
public static int _EnumONANavPosterList = 83;
public static int _EnumONANetworkRed = 93;
public static int _EnumONANewsItem = 5;
public static int _EnumONANoSearchHit = 16;
public static int _EnumONAOptionalText = 138;
public static int _EnumONAPictureWall = 24;
public static int _EnumONAPlaceHolder = 58;
public static int _EnumONAPosterList = 43;
public static int _EnumONAPosterTitle = 2;
public static int _EnumONAPrimaryFeed = 132;
public static int _EnumONAProgramItem = 37;
public static int _EnumONAPromoteEntry = 51;
public static int _EnumONAPromoteList = 79;
public static int _EnumONAPursuit = 25;
public static int _EnumONAQuoteComment = 21;
public static int _EnumONARankItem = 116;
public static int _EnumONAReward = 76;
public static int _EnumONASchoolList = 99;
public static int _EnumONAScoreList = 92;
public static int _EnumONAScrollTips = 94;
public static int _EnumONASearchMatch = 82;
public static int _EnumONASearchPoster = 15;
public static int _EnumONASearchStarList = 98;
public static int _EnumONASimpleAttentPoster = 141;
public static int _EnumONASimpleFeed = 133;
public static int _EnumONASplitLine = 3;
public static int _EnumONASplitSpace = 44;
public static int _EnumONAStarAgenda = 105;
public static int _EnumONAStarCommentMediaPoster = 102;
public static int _EnumONAStarHotRankInfo = 106;
public static int _EnumONAStarHotTopicsInfo = 121;
public static int _EnumONAStarIntroduction = 19;
public static int _EnumONAStarList = 4;
public static int _EnumONAStarMeetList = 104;
public static int _EnumONAStarNews = 20;
public static int _EnumONASummary = 22;
public static int _EnumONATagDataGroup = 91;
public static int _EnumONAText = 115;
public static int _EnumONAThemeMultiPlayer = 140;
public static int _EnumONAThemePlayer = 123;
public static int _EnumONATimeLinePoster = 113;
public static int _EnumONATimeLineTitle = 114;
public static int _EnumONATomLiveBoard = 64;
public static int _EnumONAUserActionTitle = 87;
public static int _EnumONAUserPosterTitle = 63;
public static int _EnumONAVRSSFeed = 50;
public static int _EnumONAVRSSGroup = 53;
public static int _EnumONAVRSSHeadPoster = 57;
public static int _EnumONAVRSSInfoFeed = 119;
public static int _EnumONAVerticalPosterList = 88;
public static int _EnumONAVideoAdPoster = 137;
public static int _EnumONAVideoCard = 54;
public static int _EnumONAVideoCinema = 55;
public static int _EnumONAVideoIntroduction = 56;
public static int _EnumONAVideoListPlayer = 66;
public static int _EnumONAVideoTipsIntro = 109;
public static int _EnumONAViewShowBox = 75;
public static int _EnumONAVipActionTips = 67;
public static int _EnumONAVoteRank = 31;
public static int _EnumONAWeeklyShowPoster = 139;
public static int _EnumONAWeiboPoster = 96;
private String __T;
private int __value;
private static EONAViewType[] __values;
static {
int v6 = 4;
int v5 = 3;
int v4 = 2;
boolean v0 = !EONAViewType.class.desiredAssertionStatus() ? true : false;
EONAViewType.__values = new EONAViewType[156];
EONAViewType.EnumONAMultPoster = new EONAViewType(0, 0, "EnumONAMultPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGalleryPoster = new EONAViewType(1, 1, "EnumONAGalleryPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPosterTitle = new EONAViewType(v4, v4, "EnumONAPosterTitle");
EONAViewType.EnumONASplitLine = new EONAViewType(v5, v5, "EnumONASplitLine");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarList = new EONAViewType(v6, v6, "EnumONAStarList");
EONAViewType.EnumONANewsItem = new EONAViewType(5, 5, "EnumONANewsItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONAMatchSchedule = new EONAViewType(6, 6, "EnumONAMatchSchedule");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGrid = new EONAViewType(7, 7, "EnumONAGrid");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsVideoCircleShare = new EONAViewType(8, 8, "EnumONADetailsVideoCircleShare");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsToolbar = new EONAViewType(9, 9, "EnumONADetailsToolbar");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsVideoList = new EONAViewType(10, 10, "EnumONADetailsVideoList");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsPosterList = new EONAViewType(11, 11, "EnumONADetailsPosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsIntroduction = new EONAViewType(12, 12, "EnumONADetailsIntroduction");
EONAViewType.EnumONACommentWrite = new EONAViewType(13, 13, "EnumONACommentWrite");
EONAViewType.EnumONAHeadPoster = new EONAViewType(14, 14, "EnumONAHeadPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONASearchPoster = new EONAViewType(15, 15, "EnumONASearchPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONANoSearchHit = new EONAViewType(16, 16, "EnumONANoSearchHit");
EONAViewType.EnumONABulletinBoard = new EONAViewType(17, 17, "EnumONABulletinBoard");
EONAViewType.EnumONAAppInfo = new EONAViewType(18, 18, "EnumONAAppInfo");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarIntroduction = new EONAViewType(19, 19, "EnumONAStarIntroduction");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarNews = new EONAViewType(20, 20, "EnumONAStarNews");
EONAViewType.EnumONAQuoteComment = new EONAViewType(21, 21, "EnumONAQuoteComment");
EONAViewType.EnumONASummary = new EONAViewType(22, 22, "EnumONASummary");
EONAViewType.EnumONAActorList = new EONAViewType(23, 23, "EnumONAActorList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPictureWall = new EONAViewType(24, 24, "EnumONAPictureWall");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPursuit = new EONAViewType(25, 25, "EnumONAPursuit");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveTrailerCountdown = new EONAViewType(26, 26, "EnumONALiveTrailerCountdown");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveAttent = new EONAViewType(27, 27, "EnumONALiveAttent");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveAttentNumber = new EONAViewType(28, 28, "EnumONALiveAttentNumber");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveVIPRights = new EONAViewType(29, 29, "EnumONALiveVIPRights");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveIntroduction = new EONAViewType(30, 30, "EnumONALiveIntroduction");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVoteRank = new EONAViewType(31, 31, "EnumONAVoteRank");
EONAViewType.EnumONAActorRank = new EONAViewType(32, 32, "EnumONAActorRank");
EONAViewType.EnumONACompeteSchedule = new EONAViewType(33, 33, "EnumONACompeteSchedule");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveCompeteSchedule = new EONAViewType(34, 34, "EnumONALiveCompeteSchedule");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveNewsItem = new EONAViewType(35, 35, "EnumONALiveNewsItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONALiveActorNews = new EONAViewType(36, 36, "EnumONALiveActorNews");
EONAViewType.EnumONAProgramItem = new EONAViewType(37, 37, "EnumONAProgramItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONAEnterTip = new EONAViewType(38, 38, "EnumONAEnterTip");
EONAViewType.EnumONAIntroduction = new EONAViewType(39, 39, "EnumONAIntroduction");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGameDownloadItem = new EONAViewType(40, 40, "EnumONAGameDownloadItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGameGiftPackItem = new EONAViewType(41, 41, "EnumONAGameGiftPackItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGameGiftPackNews = new EONAViewType(42, 42, "EnumONAGameGiftPackNews");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPosterList = new EONAViewType(43, 43, "EnumONAPosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONASplitSpace = new EONAViewType(44, 44, "EnumONASplitSpace");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGalleryAdPoster = new EONAViewType(45, 45, "EnumONAGalleryAdPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONADynamicPanel = new EONAViewType(46, 46, "EnumONADynamicPanel");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanNews = new EONAViewType(47, 47, "EnumONAFanNews");
EONAViewType.EnumONABusinessVoteList = new EONAViewType(48, 48, "EnumONABusinessVoteList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAChinaVoiceList = new EONAViewType(49, 49, "EnumONAChinaVoiceList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVRSSFeed = new EONAViewType(50, 50, "EnumONAVRSSFeed");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPromoteEntry = new EONAViewType(51, 51, "EnumONAPromoteEntry");
EONAViewType.EnumONADiscoveryEntry = new EONAViewType(52, 52, "EnumONADiscoveryEntry");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVRSSGroup = new EONAViewType(53, 53, "EnumONAVRSSGroup");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVideoCard = new EONAViewType(54, 54, "EnumONAVideoCard");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVideoCinema = new EONAViewType(55, 55, "EnumONAVideoCinema");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVideoIntroduction = new EONAViewType(56, 56, "EnumONAVideoIntroduction");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVRSSHeadPoster = new EONAViewType(57, 57, "EnumONAVRSSHeadPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPlaceHolder = new EONAViewType(58, 58, "EnumONAPlaceHolder");
EONAViewType.EnumONACoverIntroduction = new EONAViewType(59, 59, "EnumONACoverIntroduction");
EONAViewType.EnumONAAppList = new EONAViewType(60, 60, "EnumONAAppList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAMultAppPoster = new EONAViewType(61, 61, "EnumONAMultAppPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONACommunityEntrance = new EONAViewType(62, 62, "EnumONACommunityEntrance");
EONAViewType.EnumONAUserPosterTitle = new EONAViewType(63, 63, "EnumONAUserPosterTitle");
EONAViewType.EnumONATomLiveBoard = new EONAViewType(64, 64, "EnumONATomLiveBoard");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanNewsWithImgList = new EONAViewType(65, 65, "EnumONAFanNewsWithImgList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVideoListPlayer = new EONAViewType(66, 66, "EnumONAVideoListPlayer");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVipActionTips = new EONAViewType(67, 67, "EnumONAVipActionTips");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFilmPreViewTicket = new EONAViewType(68, 68, "EnumONAFilmPreViewTicket");
EONAViewType.EnumONAAttentPosterList = new EONAViewType(69, 69, "EnumONAAttentPosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONALivePreviewBoard = new EONAViewType(70, 70, "EnumONALivePreviewBoard");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanTuanGrid = new EONAViewType(71, 71, "EnumONAFanTuanGrid");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanTuanRankList = new EONAViewType(72, 72, "EnumONAFanTuanRankList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanTuanFeed = new EONAViewType(73, 73, "EnumONAFanTuanFeed");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanTuanRankItem = new EONAViewType(74, 74, "EnumONAFanTuanRankItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONAViewShowBox = new EONAViewType(75, 75, "EnumONAViewShowBox");
EONAViewType.EnumONAReward = new EONAViewType(76, 76, "EnumONAReward");
EONAViewType.EnumONAMarketingAttentPosterList = new EONAViewType(77, 77, "EnumONAMarketingAttentPosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAIpLimitInfo = new EONAViewType(78, 78, "EnumONAIpLimitInfo");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPromoteList = new EONAViewType(79, 79, "EnumONAPromoteList");
EONAViewType.EnumONALoadMoreAction = new EONAViewType(80, 80, "EnumONALoadMoreAction");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGalleryPosterPager = new EONAViewType(81, 81, "EnumONAGalleryPosterPager");
EONAViewType.EnumONASearchMatch = new EONAViewType(82, 82, "EnumONASearchMatch");
EONAViewType.EnumONANavPosterList = new EONAViewType(83, 83, "EnumONANavPosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsVerticalVideoList = new EONAViewType(84, 84, "EnumONADetailsVerticalVideoList");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsVerticalPosterList = new EONAViewType(85, 85, "EnumONADetailsVerticalPosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONABulletinBoardV2 = new EONAViewType(86, 86, "EnumONABulletinBoardV2");
EONAViewType.EnumONAUserActionTitle = new EONAViewType(87, 87, "EnumONAUserActionTitle");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVerticalPosterList = new EONAViewType(88, 88, "EnumONAVerticalPosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONALastReadPosition = new EONAViewType(89, 89, "EnumONALastReadPosition");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanTuanSignedList = new EONAViewType(90, 90, "EnumONAFanTuanSignedList");
EONAViewType.EnumONATagDataGroup = new EONAViewType(91, 91, "EnumONATagDataGroup");
EONAViewType.EnumONAScoreList = new EONAViewType(92, 92, "EnumONAScoreList");
EONAViewType.EnumONANetworkRed = new EONAViewType(93, 93, "EnumONANetworkRed");
EONAViewType.EnumONAScrollTips = new EONAViewType(94, 94, "EnumONAScrollTips");
EONAViewType.EnumONAEnterPictures = new EONAViewType(95, 95, "EnumONAEnterPictures");
EONAViewType.EnumONAWeiboPoster = new EONAViewType(96, 96, "EnumONAWeiboPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsEntrance = new EONAViewType(97, 97, "EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsEntrance");
EONAViewType.EnumONASearchStarList = new EONAViewType(98, 98, "EnumONASearchStarList");
EONAViewType.EnumONASchoolList = new EONAViewType(99, 99, "EnumONASchoolList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAMediaPoster = new EONAViewType(100, 100, "EnumONAMediaPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAMultiMediaPoster = new EONAViewType(101, 101, "EnumONAMultiMediaPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarCommentMediaPoster = new EONAViewType(102, 102, "EnumONAStarCommentMediaPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsGroup = new EONAViewType(103, 103, "EnumONAFantuanRecommendStarsGroup");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarMeetList = new EONAViewType(104, 104, "EnumONAStarMeetList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarAgenda = new EONAViewType(105, 105, "EnumONAStarAgenda");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarHotRankInfo = new EONAViewType(106, 106, "EnumONAStarHotRankInfo");
EONAViewType.EnumONADetailsCommentList = new EONAViewType(107, 107, "EnumONADetailsCommentList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAExpandableText = new EONAViewType(108, 108, "EnumONAExpandableText");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVideoTipsIntro = new EONAViewType(109, 109, "EnumONAVideoTipsIntro");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFilmComment = new EONAViewType(110, 110, "EnumONAFilmComment");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFanTuanLatestRankInfo = new EONAViewType(111, 111, "EnumONAFanTuanLatestRankInfo");
EONAViewType.EnumONAClassificationList = new EONAViewType(112, 112, "EnumONAClassificationList");
EONAViewType.EnumONATimeLinePoster = new EONAViewType(113, 113, "EnumONATimeLinePoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONATimeLineTitle = new EONAViewType(114, 114, "EnumONATimeLineTitle");
EONAViewType.EnumONAText = new EONAViewType(115, 115, "EnumONAText");
EONAViewType.EnumONARankItem = new EONAViewType(116, 116, "EnumONARankItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONAAdPlaceHolder = new EONAViewType(117, 117, "EnumONAAdPlaceHolder");
EONAViewType.EnumONAExploreTagList = new EONAViewType(118, 118, "EnumONAExploreTagList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVRSSInfoFeed = new EONAViewType(119, 119, "EnumONAVRSSInfoFeed");
EONAViewType.EnumONAHorizontalBar = new EONAViewType(120, 120, "EnumONAHorizontalBar");
EONAViewType.EnumONAStarHotTopicsInfo = new EONAViewType(121, 121, "EnumONAStarHotTopicsInfo");
EONAViewType.EnumONAFocusStarNews = new EONAViewType(122, 122, "EnumONAFocusStarNews");
EONAViewType.EnumONAThemePlayer = new EONAViewType(123, 123, "EnumONAThemePlayer");
EONAViewType.EnumONAImageText = new EONAViewType(124, 124, "EnumONAImageText");
EONAViewType.EnumONACompeteScheduleNew = new EONAViewType(125, 125, "EnumONACompeteScheduleNew");
EONAViewType.EnumONAHorizontalList = new EONAViewType(126, 126, "EnumONAHorizontalList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAButtonGroup = new EONAViewType(127, 127, "EnumONAButtonGroup");
EONAViewType.EnumONAGroupSwitch = new EONAViewType(128, 128, "EnumONAGroupSwitch");
EONAViewType.EnumONAMatchScheduleNew = new EONAViewType(129, 129, "EnumONAMatchScheduleNew");
EONAViewType.EnumONALabelList = new EONAViewType(130, 130, "EnumONALabelList");
EONAViewType.EnumONABoldStyleEnterTip = new EONAViewType(131, 131, "EnumONABoldStyleEnterTip");
EONAViewType.EnumONAPrimaryFeed = new EONAViewType(132, 132, "EnumONAPrimaryFeed");
EONAViewType.EnumONASimpleFeed = new EONAViewType(133, 133, "EnumONASimpleFeed");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiNewsCard = new EONAViewType(134, 134, "EnumONADokiNewsCard");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiNewsCardList = new EONAViewType(135, 135, "EnumONADokiNewsCardList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAAdPoster = new EONAViewType(136, 136, "EnumONAAdPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAVideoAdPoster = new EONAViewType(137, 137, "EnumONAVideoAdPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAOptionalText = new EONAViewType(138, 138, "EnumONAOptionalText");
EONAViewType.EnumONAWeeklyShowPoster = new EONAViewType(139, 139, "EnumONAWeeklyShowPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONAThemeMultiPlayer = new EONAViewType(140, 140, "EnumONAThemeMultiPlayer");
EONAViewType.EnumONASimpleAttentPoster = new EONAViewType(141, 141, "EnumONASimpleAttentPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiCommonItem = new EONAViewType(142, 142, "EnumONADokiCommonItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONAEmptyPlaceholder = new EONAViewType(143, 143, "EnumONAEmptyPlaceholder");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiMovementCard = new EONAViewType(144, 144, "EnumONADokiMovementCard");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiMovementCardList = new EONAViewType(145, 145, "EnumONADokiMovementCardList");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiMileStoneList = new EONAViewType(146, 146, "EnumONADokiMileStoneList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAEnterTipV2 = new EONAViewType(147, 147, "EnumONAEnterTipV2");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiRankBroadcast = new EONAViewType(148, 148, "EnumONADokiRankBroadcast");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiDynamic = new EONAViewType(149, 149, "EnumONADokiDynamic");
EONAViewType.EnumONALeftImageRightTextAdPoster = new EONAViewType(150, 150, "EnumONALeftImageRightTextAdPoster");
EONAViewType.EnumONACirclePosterList = new EONAViewType(151, 151, "EnumONACirclePosterList");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiEntryList = new EONAViewType(152, 152, "EnumONADokiEntryList");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiPhotoItem = new EONAViewType(153, 153, "EnumONADokiPhotoItem");
EONAViewType.EnumONADokiPhotoList = new EONAViewType(154, 154, "EnumONADokiPhotoList");
EONAViewType.EnumONAAppPullAdPoster = new EONAViewType(155, 155, "EnumONAAppPullAdPoster");
private EONAViewType(int arg2, int arg3, String arg4) {
this.__T = new String();
this.__T = arg4;
this.__value = arg3;
EONAViewType.__values[arg2] = this;
public static EONAViewType convert(int arg2) {
EONAViewType v0_1 = null;
int v0 = 0;
while(true) {
if(v0 >= EONAViewType.__values.length) {
else if(EONAViewType.__values[v0].value() == arg2) {
v0_1 = EONAViewType.__values[v0];
else {
return v0_1;
return v0_1;
public static EONAViewType convert(String arg2) {
EONAViewType v0_1 = null;
int v0 = 0;
while(true) {
if(v0 >= EONAViewType.__values.length) {
else if(EONAViewType.__values[v0].toString().equals(arg2)) {
v0_1 = EONAViewType.__values[v0];
else {
return v0_1;
return v0_1;
public String toString() {
return this.__T;
public int value() {
return this.__value;
package AdThreeAnalysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import StructuralClass.MarkLabel;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ONAAdPoster extends JceStruct {
static AdCorner cache_corner = new AdCorner();
static HashMap<String, String> cache_extraParam = new HashMap();
static ArrayList<MarkLabel> cache_markLabelList = new ArrayList();
static HashMap<String, AdReport> cache_report = new HashMap();
static AdShareItem cache_shareItem = new AdShareItem();
public String adId = "";
public AdCorner corner = null;
public String downloadUrl = "";
public HashMap<String, String> extraParam = null;
public String imageUrl = "";
public ArrayList<MarkLabel> markLabelList = null;
public int picType = 0;
public HashMap<String, AdReport> report = null;
public AdShareItem shareItem = null;
public String subtitle = "";
public String title = "";
public int type = 0;
public int uiStyle = 0;
public ONAAdPoster() {
this.adId = "";
this.title = "";
this.subtitle = "";
this.corner = null;
this.markLabelList = null;
this.imageUrl = ""; = null;
this.type = 0;
this.picType = 0;
this.downloadUrl = "";
this.shareItem = null;
this.uiStyle = 0;
this.extraParam = null;
public ONAAdPoster(String str, String str2, String str3, AdCorner adCorner, ArrayList<MarkLabel> arrayList, String str4, HashMap<String, AdReport> map, int i, int i2, String str5, AdShareItem adShareItem, int i3, HashMap<String, String> map2) {
this.adId = str;
this.title = str2;
this.subtitle = str3;
this.corner = adCorner;
this.markLabelList = arrayList;
this.imageUrl = str4; = map;
this.type = i;
this.picType = i2;
this.downloadUrl = str5;
this.shareItem = adShareItem;
this.uiStyle = i3;
this.extraParam = map2;
public final void writeTo(d dVar) {
if (this.adId != null) {
dVar.a(this.adId, 0);
if (this.title != null) {
dVar.a(this.title, 1);
if (this.subtitle != null) {
dVar.a(this.subtitle, 2);
if (this.corner != null) {
dVar.a(this.corner, 3);
if (this.markLabelList != null) {
dVar.a(this.markLabelList, 4);
if (this.imageUrl != null) {
dVar.a(this.imageUrl, 5);
if ( != null) {
dVar.a(, 6);
dVar.a(this.type, 7);
dVar.a(this.picType, 8);
if (this.downloadUrl != null) {
dVar.a(this.downloadUrl, 9);
if (this.shareItem != null) {
dVar.a(this.shareItem, 10);
dVar.a(this.uiStyle, 11);
if (this.extraParam != null) {
dVar.a(this.extraParam, 12);
static {
cache_markLabelList.add(new MarkLabel());
AdReport adReport = new AdReport();
cache_report.put("", adReport);
cache_extraParam.put("", "");
public final void readFrom(c cVar) {
this.adId = cVar.b(0, false);
this.title = cVar.b(1, false);
this.subtitle = cVar.b(2, false);
this.corner = (AdCorner) cVar.a(cache_corner, 3, false);
this.markLabelList = (ArrayList) cVar.a(cache_markLabelList, 4, false);
this.imageUrl = cVar.b(5, false); = (HashMap<String, AdReport>) cVar.a(cache_report, 6, false);
this.type = cVar.a(this.type, 7, false);
this.picType = cVar.a(this.picType, 8, false);
this.downloadUrl = cVar.b(9, false);
this.shareItem = (AdShareItem) cVar.a(cache_shareItem, 10, false);
this.uiStyle = cVar.a(this.uiStyle, 11, false);
this.extraParam = (HashMap<String, String>) cVar.a(cache_extraParam, 12, false);
package AdThreeAnalysis;
import org.apache.http.util.TextUtils;
import StructuralClass.DebugInfo;
import StructuralClass.TempletItem;
import StructuralClass.TempletLine;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
public class ONAViewTools {
public class ItemHolder implements a {
public Object data;
public DebugInfo debugInfo;
public String groupId;
public long increaseId;
public int viewType;
public ItemHolder() {
public Object getData() {
public String getGroupId() {
return this.groupId;
public int getItemId() {
int v0 = == null ? -1 :;
return v0;
public int getViewType() {
return this.viewType;
public ONAViewTools() {
public static ONAAdPoster builderItemHolder(TempletLine arg9) {
ONAAdPoster v1 = null;
if(arg9 != null && arg9.item != null && != null) {
TempletItem v0 = arg9.item;
int v2 = v0.itemType;
byte[] v3 =;
DebugInfo v4 = v0.debugInfo;
long v6 = arg9.increaseId;
EONAViewType v0_1 = EONAViewType.convert(v2);
if(v0_1 != null) {
try {
JceStruct v3_1 = ONAViewTools.builderJecData(EONAViewType.class.getPackage().getName() + "." + v0_1.toString().substring(4), v3);
if(null != v3_1) {
return (ONAAdPoster)v3_1;
else {
return v1;
catch(Exception v0_2) {
return v1;
else {
return v1;
return v1;
/* public static JceStruct builderJecData(String arg4, byte[] arg5) {
JceStruct v0_2 = null;
JceStruct v1 = null;
arg4 = "AdThreeAnalysis.ONAAdPoster";
if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(((CharSequence)arg4)) && arg5 != null) {
try {
Object v0_1 = Class.forName(arg4).newInstance();
c v2 = new c(arg5);
catch(Exception v0) {
v0_2 = v1;
else {
v0_2 = v1;
return v0_2;
public static JceStruct builderJecData(String str, byte[] bArr) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str) || bArr == null) {
return null;
try {
str = "AdThreeAnalysis.ONAAdPoster";
JceStruct jceStruct = (JceStruct) Class.forName(str).newInstance();
c cVar = new c(bArr);
return jceStruct;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
package AdThreeAnalysis;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class PackageAction extends JceStruct {
public String coordinatesStr;
public String url;
public PackageAction() {
this.url = "";
this.coordinatesStr = "";
public PackageAction(String arg2, String arg3) {
this.url = "";
this.coordinatesStr = "";
this.url = arg2;
this.coordinatesStr = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.url = arg3.b(0, false);
this.coordinatesStr = arg3.b(1, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.url != null) {
arg3.a(this.url, 0);
if(this.coordinatesStr != null) {
arg3.a(this.coordinatesStr, 1);
package AdThreeAnalysis;
public interface a {
Object getData();
String getGroupId();
int getItemId();
int getViewType();
package Net;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
public class ConnectionHelper {
private static final String TextUtils = null;
public ConnectionHelper() {
public static String httpGet(String url, String[] header, String returnValueCode) {
String result = "";
System.out.println("httpGet url------>"+url);
try {
HttpGet localHttpGet = new HttpGet(url);
if (header != null) {
if (header.length > 0
&& header.length % 2 == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i += 2) {
// //LogUnils.Print("setHead:" + "" + HttpHead[i] + ":"
// +
// HttpHead[i + 1]);
localHttpGet.addHeader(header[i], header[i + 1]);
BasicHttpParams localBasicHttpParams = new BasicHttpParams();
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(localBasicHttpParams, 50 * 1000);
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(localBasicHttpParams, 50 * 1000);
DefaultHttpClient localDefaultHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(localBasicHttpParams);
HttpResponse localHttpResponse = localDefaultHttpClient.execute(localHttpGet);
// 闂佸憡甯囬崐鏍蓟閸モ晜瀚氶梺鍨儑濠�鎾煕濠靛棛孝缂併劍鐓¢幃鈺呮嚋绾板瀚瑰ù锝堟閸ㄦ娊鏌ㄥ☉妯肩伇濠殿喗鎮傞獮锟藉ù锝堟閸ㄥ啿鈽夐幙鍕200
if (localHttpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
// 婵炶揪缍�濞夋洟寮ˇ宄瀟Entity闂佸搫鍊介~澶屾兜閸洘鍤旂�瑰嫭澹嗙换渚�寮堕埡鍌涚叆婵炲弶鐗滅槐鎺楀箻鐎甸晲鍑�
HttpEntity localHttpEntity = localHttpResponse.getEntity();
if (localHttpEntity != null) {
InputStream localInputStream = localHttpEntity.getContent();
BufferedReader localBufferedReader;
if (null !=TextUtils) {
localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(localInputStream, returnValueCode), 8192);
else {
localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(localInputStream), 8192);
StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String line = null;
try {
while ((line = localBufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
result = localStringBuilder.toString();
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
else {
result = "";
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
return result;
public static String httpPost(String url, String[] header, byte[] data, String returnValueCode) {
String result = "";
try {
HttpPost localHttpPost = new HttpPost(url);
if (header != null) {
if (header.length > 0
&& header.length % 2 == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i += 2) {
// //LogUnils.Print("setHead:" + "" + HttpHead[i] + ":"
// +
// HttpHead[i + 1]);
localHttpPost.addHeader(header[i], header[i + 1]);
BasicHttpParams localBasicHttpParams = new BasicHttpParams();
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(localBasicHttpParams, 30 * 1000);
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(localBasicHttpParams, 30 * 1000);
DefaultHttpClient localDefaultHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(localBasicHttpParams);
// 婵烇絽娴傞崰妤呭极閸忚偐鈻旈弶鐐存緲閳诲繘鏌i埗鐑橆��teArrayEntity闂佹寧绋戦悧鍡涙偤瑜旈幊鐐哄磼濞戞瑦顔嶇紓鍌欑鐎氬摜妲愰敓锟�
// 闂佸憡鐟ラ崐浠嬫晸閽樺鏆為柡瀣暙椤╁ジ鏁撻敓锟�
// InputStreamEntity localInputStreamEntity = new
// InputStreamEntity(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length);
// localHttpPost.setEntity((HttpEntity) localInputStreamEntity);
ByteArrayEntity localByteArrayEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(data);
HttpResponse localHttpResponse = localDefaultHttpClient.execute(localHttpPost);
// 闂佸憡甯囬崐鏍蓟閸モ晜瀚氶梺鍨儑濠�鎾煕濠靛棛孝缂併劍鐓¢幃鈺呮嚋绾板瀚瑰ù锝堟閸ㄦ娊鏌ㄥ☉妯肩伇濠殿喗鎮傞獮锟藉ù锝堟閸ㄥ啿鈽夐幙鍕200
if (localHttpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
// 婵炶揪缍�濞夋洟寮ˇ宄瀟Entity闂佸搫鍊介~澶屾兜閸洘鍤旂�瑰嫭澹嗙换渚�寮堕埡鍌涚叆婵炲弶鐗滅槐鎺楀箻鐎甸晲鍑�
HttpEntity localHttpEntity = localHttpResponse.getEntity();
if (localHttpEntity != null) {
InputStream localInputStream = localHttpEntity.getContent();
BufferedReader localBufferedReader;
if (null != TextUtils) {
localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(localInputStream, returnValueCode), 8192);
else {
localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(localInputStream), 8192);
StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String line = null;
try {
while ((line = localBufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
result = localStringBuilder.toString();
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
return result;
public static String httpPost(String url, String[] header, String data, String returnValueCode) {
String result = "";
try {
HttpPost localHttpPost = new HttpPost(url);
if (header != null) {
if (header.length > 0
&& header.length % 2 == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i += 2) {
// //LogUnils.Print("setHead:" + "" + HttpHead[i] + ":"
// +
// HttpHead[i + 1]);
localHttpPost.addHeader(header[i], header[i + 1]);
BasicHttpParams localBasicHttpParams = new BasicHttpParams();
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(localBasicHttpParams, 30 * 1000);
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(localBasicHttpParams, 30 * 1000);
DefaultHttpClient localDefaultHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(localBasicHttpParams);
// 婵烇絽娴傞崰妤呭极閸忚偐鈻旈弶鐐存緲閳诲繘鏌i埗鐑橆��teArrayEntity闂佹寧绋戦悧鍡涙偤瑜旈幊鐐哄磼濞戞瑦顔嶇紓鍌欑鐎氬摜妲愰敓锟�
// 闂佸憡鐟ラ崐浠嬫晸閽樺鏆為柡瀣暙椤╁ジ鏁撻敓锟�
// InputStreamEntity localInputStreamEntity = new
// InputStreamEntity(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length);
// localHttpPost.setEntity((HttpEntity) localInputStreamEntity);
StringEntity localByteArrayEntity = new StringEntity(data);
HttpResponse localHttpResponse = localDefaultHttpClient.execute(localHttpPost);
// 闂佸憡甯囬崐鏍蓟閸モ晜瀚氶梺鍨儑濠�鎾煕濠靛棛孝缂併劍鐓¢幃鈺呮嚋绾板瀚瑰ù锝堟閸ㄦ娊鏌ㄥ☉妯肩伇濠殿喗鎮傞獮锟藉ù锝堟閸ㄥ啿鈽夐幙鍕200
if (localHttpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
// 婵炶揪缍�濞夋洟寮ˇ宄瀟Entity闂佸搫鍊介~澶屾兜閸洘鍤旂�瑰嫭澹嗙换渚�寮堕埡鍌涚叆婵炲弶鐗滅槐鎺楀箻鐎甸晲鍑�
HttpEntity localHttpEntity = localHttpResponse.getEntity();
if (localHttpEntity != null) {
InputStream localInputStream = localHttpEntity.getContent();
BufferedReader localBufferedReader;
if (null !=TextUtils) {
localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(localInputStream, returnValueCode), 8192);
else {
localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(localInputStream), 8192);
StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String line = null;
try {
while ((line = localBufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
result = localStringBuilder.toString();
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
catch (Exception e) {
result = "";
return result;
package Net;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import okhttp3.Cache;
import okhttp3.Callback;
import okhttp3.Interceptor;
import okhttp3.MediaType;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.RequestBody;
import okhttp3.Response;
public class OkHttpUtils {
public static final long DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 15 * 1000;
public static final long DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 20 * 1000;
public static final long DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 20 * 1000;
private static final long HTTP_RESPONSE_DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
private static volatile OkHttpUtils sInstance;
private OkHttpClient okHttpClient;
public OkHttpUtils() {
okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
public byte[] OkHttpPost(String url, byte[] data){
byte[] ret = null;
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/octet-stream"),data);
Request request=new Request.Builder()
try {
Response response = okHttpClient.newCall(request).execute();
ret = response.body().bytes();
} catch (IOException e) {
return ret;
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class Action extends JceStruct {
public byte cacheType;
static ArrayList cache_extraReportKVs;
public ArrayList extraReportKVs;
public byte preReadType;
public String reportKey;
public String reportParams;
public String url;
static {
Action.cache_extraReportKVs = new ArrayList();
Action.cache_extraReportKVs.add(new ExtraReportKV());
public Action() {
this.url = "";
this.cacheType = 0;
this.preReadType = 0;
this.reportParams = "";
this.reportKey = "";
this.extraReportKVs = null;
public Action(String arg3, byte arg4, byte arg5, String arg6, String arg7, ArrayList arg8) {
this.url = "";
this.cacheType = 0;
this.preReadType = 0;
this.reportParams = "";
this.reportKey = "";
this.extraReportKVs = null;
this.url = arg3;
this.cacheType = arg4;
this.preReadType = arg5;
this.reportParams = arg6;
this.reportKey = arg7;
this.extraReportKVs = arg8;
public final void readFrom(c arg5) {
this.url = arg5.b(0, true);
this.cacheType = arg5.a(this.cacheType, 1, true);
this.preReadType = arg5.a(this.preReadType, 2, true);
this.reportParams = arg5.b(3, false);
this.reportKey = arg5.b(4, false);
this.extraReportKVs = (ArrayList) arg5.a(Action.cache_extraReportKVs, 5, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.url, 0);
arg3.a(this.cacheType, 1);
arg3.a(this.preReadType, 2);
if(this.reportParams != null) {
arg3.a(this.reportParams, 3);
if(this.reportKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.reportKey, 4);
if(this.extraReportKVs != null) {
arg3.a(this.extraReportKVs, 5);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ActionBarInfo extends JceStruct {
public Action action;
public String bgColor;
public String bgColorForSelected;
static Action cache_action;
static ArrayList cache_markLabelList;
public String imgUrl;
public String imgUrlForSelected;
public ArrayList markLabelList;
public String subTitle;
public String textColor;
public String textColorForSelected;
public String title;
public String titleForSelected;
static {
ActionBarInfo.cache_action = new Action();
ActionBarInfo.cache_markLabelList = new ArrayList();
ActionBarInfo.cache_markLabelList.add(new MarkLabel());
public ActionBarInfo() {
this.title = "";
this.bgColor = "";
this.action = null;
this.imgUrl = "";
this.textColor = "";
this.markLabelList = null;
this.subTitle = "";
this.titleForSelected = "";
this.bgColorForSelected = "";
this.imgUrlForSelected = "";
this.textColorForSelected = "";
public ActionBarInfo(String arg3, String arg4, Action arg5, String arg6, String arg7, ArrayList arg8, String arg9, String arg10, String arg11, String arg12, String arg13) {
this.title = "";
this.bgColor = "";
this.action = null;
this.imgUrl = "";
this.textColor = "";
this.markLabelList = null;
this.subTitle = "";
this.titleForSelected = "";
this.bgColorForSelected = "";
this.imgUrlForSelected = "";
this.textColorForSelected = "";
this.title = arg3;
this.bgColor = arg4;
this.action = arg5;
this.imgUrl = arg6;
this.textColor = arg7;
this.markLabelList = arg8;
this.subTitle = arg9;
this.titleForSelected = arg10;
this.bgColorForSelected = arg11;
this.imgUrlForSelected = arg12;
this.textColorForSelected = arg13;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.title = arg4.b(0, true);
this.bgColor = arg4.b(1, false);
this.action = (Action) arg4.a(ActionBarInfo.cache_action, 2, false);
this.imgUrl = arg4.b(3, false);
this.textColor = arg4.b(4, false);
this.markLabelList = (ArrayList) arg4.a(ActionBarInfo.cache_markLabelList, 5, false);
this.subTitle = arg4.b(6, false);
this.titleForSelected = arg4.b(7, false);
this.bgColorForSelected = arg4.b(8, false);
this.imgUrlForSelected = arg4.b(9, false);
this.textColorForSelected = arg4.b(10, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.title, 0);
if(this.bgColor != null) {
arg3.a(this.bgColor, 1);
if(this.action != null) {
arg3.a(this.action, 2);
if(this.imgUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.imgUrl, 3);
if(this.textColor != null) {
arg3.a(this.textColor, 4);
if(this.markLabelList != null) {
arg3.a(this.markLabelList, 5);
if(this.subTitle != null) {
arg3.a(this.subTitle, 6);
if(this.titleForSelected != null) {
arg3.a(this.titleForSelected, 7);
if(this.bgColorForSelected != null) {
arg3.a(this.bgColorForSelected, 8);
if(this.imgUrlForSelected != null) {
arg3.a(this.imgUrlForSelected, 9);
if(this.textColorForSelected != null) {
arg3.a(this.textColorForSelected, 10);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class BannerEventConfig extends JceStruct {
static ActionBarInfo cache_moreAction;
static EventValidateInfo cache_validateInfo;
public String imageUrl;
public ActionBarInfo moreAction;
public EventValidateInfo validateInfo;
static {
BannerEventConfig.cache_validateInfo = new EventValidateInfo();
BannerEventConfig.cache_moreAction = new ActionBarInfo();
public BannerEventConfig() {
this.validateInfo = null;
this.imageUrl = "";
this.moreAction = null;
public BannerEventConfig(EventValidateInfo arg3, String arg4, ActionBarInfo arg5) {
this.validateInfo = null;
this.imageUrl = "";
this.moreAction = null;
this.validateInfo = arg3;
this.imageUrl = arg4;
this.moreAction = arg5;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.validateInfo = (EventValidateInfo) arg4.a(BannerEventConfig.cache_validateInfo, 0, false);
this.imageUrl = arg4.b(1, false);
this.moreAction = (ActionBarInfo) arg4.a(BannerEventConfig.cache_moreAction, 2, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.validateInfo != null) {
arg3.a(this.validateInfo, 0);
if(this.imageUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.imageUrl, 1);
if(this.moreAction != null) {
arg3.a(this.moreAction, 2);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class BigH5EventConfig extends JceStruct {
public Action action;
static Action cache_action;
static EventValidateInfo cache_validateInfo;
public EventValidateInfo validateInfo;
static {
BigH5EventConfig.cache_validateInfo = new EventValidateInfo();
BigH5EventConfig.cache_action = new Action();
public BigH5EventConfig() {
this.validateInfo = null;
this.action = null;
public BigH5EventConfig(EventValidateInfo arg2, Action arg3) {
this.validateInfo = null;
this.action = null;
this.validateInfo = arg2;
this.action = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.validateInfo = (EventValidateInfo) arg4.a(BigH5EventConfig.cache_validateInfo, 0, false);
this.action = (Action) arg4.a(BigH5EventConfig.cache_action, 1, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.validateInfo != null) {
arg3.a(this.validateInfo, 0);
if(this.action != null) {
arg3.a(this.action, 1);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Queue;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ChannelDataRequest extends JceStruct {
public ArrayList adContextList;
static ArrayList cache_adContextList;
static ArrayList cache_dataKeyList;
public String channelItemId;
public int channelMode;
public String channelSubKey;
public String dataKey;
public ArrayList dataKeyList;
public int displayScene;
public int filtertype;
public int hasCache;
public String hotWordTimeStamp;
public String insertPosterKey;
public String lastGroupId;
public int loadTypeForRec;
public String pageContext;
public String refreshContext;
public int refreshType;
public String reportContext;
public String searchDataKey;
public int userSortType;
private static Queue b;
static {
ChannelDataRequest.cache_dataKeyList = new ArrayList();
ChannelDataRequest.cache_adContextList = new ArrayList();
// ChannelDataRequest.adContextList = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList init_arraylist() {
ArrayList v0 = new ArrayList();
Queue v1 = b;
try {
Iterator v2 = b.iterator();
while(v2.hasNext()) {
return v0;
catch(Throwable v0_1) {
return v0;
public ChannelDataRequest() {
this.channelItemId = "";
this.pageContext = "";
this.refreshContext = "";
this.filtertype = 0;
this.hasCache = 0;
this.lastGroupId = "";
this.hotWordTimeStamp = "";
this.reportContext = "";
this.dataKey = "";
this.refreshType = 0;
this.channelSubKey = "";
this.insertPosterKey = "";
this.dataKeyList = null;
this.loadTypeForRec = 0;
this.userSortType = 0;
this.adContextList = null;
this.channelMode = 0;
this.searchDataKey = "";
this.displayScene = 0;
this.adContextList = init_arraylist();
public ChannelDataRequest(String arg3, String arg4, String arg5, int arg6, int arg7, String arg8, String arg9, String arg10, String arg11, int arg12, String arg13, String arg14, ArrayList arg15, int arg16, int arg17, ArrayList arg18, int arg19, String arg20, int arg21) {
this.channelItemId = "";
this.pageContext = "";
this.refreshContext = "";
this.filtertype = 0;
this.hasCache = 0;
this.lastGroupId = "";
this.hotWordTimeStamp = "";
this.reportContext = "";
this.dataKey = "";
this.refreshType = 0;
this.channelSubKey = "";
this.insertPosterKey = "";
this.dataKeyList = null;
this.loadTypeForRec = 0;
this.userSortType = 0;
this.adContextList = null;
this.channelMode = 0;
this.searchDataKey = "";
this.displayScene = 0;
this.channelItemId = arg3;
this.pageContext = arg4;
this.refreshContext = arg5;
this.filtertype = arg6;
this.hasCache = arg7;
this.lastGroupId = arg8;
this.hotWordTimeStamp = arg9;
this.reportContext = arg10;
this.dataKey = arg11;
this.refreshType = arg12;
this.channelSubKey = arg13;
this.insertPosterKey = arg14;
this.dataKeyList = arg15;
this.loadTypeForRec = arg16;
this.userSortType = arg17;
this.adContextList = arg18;
this.channelMode = arg19;
this.searchDataKey = arg20;
this.displayScene = arg21;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.channelItemId = arg4.b(0, true);
this.pageContext = arg4.b(1, true);
this.refreshContext = arg4.b(2, false);
this.filtertype = arg4.a(this.filtertype, 3, false);
this.hasCache = arg4.a(this.hasCache, 4, false);
this.lastGroupId = arg4.b(5, false);
this.hotWordTimeStamp = arg4.b(6, false);
this.reportContext = arg4.b(7, false);
this.dataKey = arg4.b(8, false);
this.refreshType = arg4.a(this.refreshType, 9, false);
this.channelSubKey = arg4.b(10, false);
this.insertPosterKey = arg4.b(11, false);
this.dataKeyList = (ArrayList) arg4.a(ChannelDataRequest.cache_dataKeyList, 12, false);
this.loadTypeForRec = arg4.a(this.loadTypeForRec, 13, false);
this.userSortType = arg4.a(this.userSortType, 14, false);
this.adContextList = (ArrayList) arg4.a(ChannelDataRequest.cache_adContextList, 15, false);
this.channelMode = arg4.a(this.channelMode, 16, false);
this.searchDataKey = arg4.b(17, false);
this.displayScene = arg4.a(this.displayScene, 18, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.channelItemId, 0);
arg3.a(this.pageContext, 1);
if(this.refreshContext != null) {
arg3.a(this.refreshContext, 2);
arg3.a(this.filtertype, 3);
arg3.a(this.hasCache, 4);
if(this.lastGroupId != null) {
arg3.a(this.lastGroupId, 5);
if(this.hotWordTimeStamp != null) {
arg3.a(this.hotWordTimeStamp, 6);
if(this.reportContext != null) {
arg3.a(this.reportContext, 7);
if(this.dataKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.dataKey, 8);
arg3.a(this.refreshType, 9);
if(this.channelSubKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.channelSubKey, 10);
if(this.insertPosterKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.insertPosterKey, 11);
if(this.dataKeyList != null) {
arg3.a(this.dataKeyList, 12);
arg3.a(this.loadTypeForRec, 13);
arg3.a(this.userSortType, 14);
if(this.adContextList != null) {
arg3.a(this.adContextList, 15);
arg3.a(this.channelMode, 16);
if(this.searchDataKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.searchDataKey, 17);
arg3.a(this.displayScene, 18);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public class ChannelDataResponse extends JceStruct {
static ArrayList<String> cache_adContext = new ArrayList();
static ChannelInsertItem cache_channelInsertItem = new ChannelInsertItem();
static ChannnelExtraInfo cache_channnelExtraInfo = new ChannnelExtraInfo();
static ArrayList cache_data;
static {
cache_data = new ArrayList();
cache_data.add(new TempletLine());
static ChannelEventInfo cache_eventItem = new ChannelEventInfo();
static SearchHotWordInfo cache_hotWordInfo = new SearchHotWordInfo();
static PromotionEventInfo cache_promotionInfo = new PromotionEventInfo();
public ArrayList<String> adContext = null;
public int autoPlayIndex = -1;
public ChannelInsertItem channelInsertItem = null;
public ChannnelExtraInfo channnelExtraInfo = null;
public Object data = null;
public int dataType = 0;
public int errCode = 0;
public ChannelEventInfo eventItem = null;
public boolean hasNextPage = true;
public SearchHotWordInfo hotWordInfo = null;
public byte optType = (byte) 0;
public String pageContext = "";
public PromotionEventInfo promotionInfo = null;
public String refreshContext = "";
public int refreshType = 0;
public String refreshWording = "";
public String reportContext = "";
public int showLastReadPositionFlag = 0;
public int timeOut = 0;
public ChannelDataResponse() {
this.errCode = 0;
this.hasNextPage = true;
this.pageContext = ""; = null;
this.refreshContext = "";
this.refreshWording = "";
this.optType = 0;
this.refreshType = 0;
this.hotWordInfo = null;
this.dataType = 0;
this.showLastReadPositionFlag = 0;
this.reportContext = "";
this.timeOut = 0;
this.autoPlayIndex = -1;
this.eventItem = null;
this.adContext = null;
this.promotionInfo = null;
this.channnelExtraInfo = null;
this.channelInsertItem = null;
public ChannelDataResponse(int i, boolean z, String str, ArrayList<TempletLine> arrayList, String str2, String str3, byte b, int i2, SearchHotWordInfo searchHotWordInfo, int i3, int i4, String str4, int i5, int i6, ChannelEventInfo channelEventInfo, ArrayList<String> arrayList2, PromotionEventInfo promotionEventInfo, ChannnelExtraInfo channnelExtraInfo, ChannelInsertItem channelInsertItem) {
this.errCode = i;
this.hasNextPage = z;
this.pageContext = str; = arrayList;
this.refreshContext = str2;
this.refreshWording = str3;
this.optType = b;
this.refreshType = i2;
this.hotWordInfo = searchHotWordInfo;
this.dataType = i3;
this.showLastReadPositionFlag = i4;
this.reportContext = str4;
this.timeOut = i5;
this.autoPlayIndex = i6;
this.eventItem = channelEventInfo;
this.adContext = arrayList2;
this.promotionInfo = promotionEventInfo;
this.channnelExtraInfo = channnelExtraInfo;
this.channelInsertItem = channelInsertItem;
public final void writeTo(d dVar) {
dVar.a(this.errCode, 0);
dVar.a(this.hasNextPage, 1);
dVar.a(this.pageContext, 2);
if ( != null) {
dVar.a(, 3);
if (this.refreshContext != null) {
dVar.a(this.refreshContext, 4);
if (this.refreshWording != null) {
dVar.a(this.refreshWording, 5);
dVar.a(this.optType, 6);
dVar.a(this.refreshType, 7);
if (this.hotWordInfo != null) {
dVar.a(this.hotWordInfo, 8);
dVar.a(this.dataType, 9);
dVar.a(this.showLastReadPositionFlag, 10);
if (this.reportContext != null) {
dVar.a(this.reportContext, 11);
dVar.a(this.timeOut, 12);
dVar.a(this.autoPlayIndex, 13);
if (this.eventItem != null) {
dVar.a(this.eventItem, 14);
if (this.adContext != null) {
dVar.a(this.adContext, 15);
if (this.promotionInfo != null) {
dVar.a(this.promotionInfo, 16);
if (this.channnelExtraInfo != null) {
dVar.a(this.channnelExtraInfo, 17);
if (this.channelInsertItem != null) {
dVar.a(this.channelInsertItem, 18);
static {
cache_data.add(new TempletLine());
public void readFrom(c cVar) {
this.errCode = cVar.a(this.errCode, 0, true);
this.hasNextPage = cVar.a(1, true);
this.pageContext = cVar.b(2, true); = cVar.a(cache_data, 3, false);//
this.refreshContext = cVar.b(4, false);
this.refreshWording = cVar.b(5, false);
this.optType = cVar.a(this.optType, 6, false);
this.refreshType = cVar.a(this.refreshType, 7, false);
this.hotWordInfo = (SearchHotWordInfo) cVar.a(cache_hotWordInfo, 8, false);
this.dataType = cVar.a(this.dataType, 9, false);
this.showLastReadPositionFlag = cVar.a(this.showLastReadPositionFlag, 10, false);
this.reportContext = cVar.b(11, false);
this.timeOut = cVar.a(this.timeOut, 12, false);
this.autoPlayIndex = cVar.a(this.autoPlayIndex, 13, false);
this.eventItem = (ChannelEventInfo) cVar.a(cache_eventItem, 14, false);
this.adContext = (ArrayList) cVar.a(cache_adContext, 15, false);
this.promotionInfo = (PromotionEventInfo) cVar.a(cache_promotionInfo, 16, false);
this.channnelExtraInfo = (ChannnelExtraInfo) cVar.a(cache_channnelExtraInfo, 17, false);
this.channelInsertItem = (ChannelInsertItem) cVar.a(cache_channelInsertItem, 18, false);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ChannelEventInfo extends JceStruct {
static ActionBarInfo cache_moreAction = new ActionBarInfo();
static EventValidateInfo cache_validateInfo = new EventValidateInfo();
public int eventType = 0;
public String faceImageUrl = "";
public String h5Url = "";
public ActionBarInfo moreAction = null;
public String uniqueId = "";
public EventValidateInfo validateInfo = null;
public long version = 0;
public ChannelEventInfo() {
this.eventType = 0;
this.uniqueId = "";
this.version = 0;
this.faceImageUrl = "";
this.moreAction = null;
this.h5Url = "";
this.validateInfo = null;
public ChannelEventInfo(int i, String str, long j, String str2, ActionBarInfo actionBarInfo, String str3, EventValidateInfo eventValidateInfo) {
this.eventType = i;
this.uniqueId = str;
this.version = j;
this.faceImageUrl = str2;
this.moreAction = actionBarInfo;
this.h5Url = str3;
this.validateInfo = eventValidateInfo;
public void writeTo(d dVar) {
dVar.a(this.eventType, 0);
dVar.a(this.uniqueId, 1);
dVar.a(this.version, 2);
if (this.faceImageUrl != null) {
dVar.a(this.faceImageUrl, 3);
if (this.moreAction != null) {
dVar.a(this.moreAction, 4);
if (this.h5Url != null) {
dVar.a(this.h5Url, 5);
if (this.validateInfo != null) {
dVar.a(this.validateInfo, 6);
public void readFrom(c cVar) {
this.eventType = cVar.a(this.eventType, 0, true);
this.uniqueId = cVar.b(1, true);
this.version = cVar.a(this.version, 2, true);
this.faceImageUrl = cVar.b(3, false);
this.moreAction = (ActionBarInfo) cVar.a(cache_moreAction, 4, false);
this.h5Url = cVar.b(5, false);
this.validateInfo = (EventValidateInfo) cVar.a(cache_validateInfo, 6, false);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ChannelInsertInfo extends JceStruct {
public String id;
public long insertTime;
public int position;
public ChannelInsertInfo() {
super(); = "";
this.position = 0;
this.insertTime = 0;
public ChannelInsertInfo(String arg4, int arg5, long arg6) {
super(); = "";
this.position = 0;
this.insertTime = 0; = arg4;
this.position = arg5;
this.insertTime = arg6;
public final void readFrom(c arg5) { = arg5.b(0, true);
this.position = arg5.a(this.position, 1, true);
this.insertTime = arg5.a(this.insertTime, 2, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg4) {
arg4.a(, 0);
arg4.a(this.position, 1);
arg4.a(this.insertTime, 2);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public class ChannelInsertItem extends JceStruct {
static ChannelInsertInfo cache_info = new ChannelInsertInfo();
public ChannelInsertInfo info = null;
public String normalTitle = "";
public String reportKey = "";
public String reportParams = "";
public String selectedTitle = "";
public ChannelInsertItem() {
super(); = null;
this.normalTitle = "";
this.selectedTitle = "";
this.reportKey = "";
this.reportParams = "";
public ChannelInsertItem(ChannelInsertInfo channelInsertInfo, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4) { = channelInsertInfo;
this.normalTitle = str;
this.selectedTitle = str2;
this.reportKey = str3;
this.reportParams = str4;
public void writeTo(d dVar) {
dVar.a(, 0);
if (this.normalTitle != null) {
dVar.a(this.normalTitle, 1);
if (this.selectedTitle != null) {
dVar.a(this.selectedTitle, 2);
if (this.reportKey != null) {
dVar.a(this.reportKey, 3);
if (this.reportParams != null) {
dVar.a(this.reportParams, 4);
public void readFrom(c cVar) { = (ChannelInsertInfo) cVar.a(cache_info, 0, true);
this.normalTitle = cVar.b(1, false);
this.selectedTitle = cVar.b(2, false);
this.reportKey = cVar.b(3, false);
this.reportParams = cVar.b(4, false);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ChannnelExtraInfo extends JceStruct {
static Map<String, String> cache_extraInfo = new HashMap();
public Map<String, String> extraInfo = null;
public ChannnelExtraInfo() {
this.extraInfo = null;
public ChannnelExtraInfo(Map<String, String> map) {
this.extraInfo = map;
public void writeTo(d dVar) {
if (this.extraInfo != null) {
dVar.a(this.extraInfo, 0);
static {
cache_extraInfo.put("", "");
public void readFrom(c cVar) {
this.extraInfo = (Map) cVar.a(cache_extraInfo, 0, false);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class DebugInfo extends JceStruct {
public String info;
public String info1;
public String info2;
public String info3;
public String info4;
public String info5;
public DebugInfo() {
super(); = "";
this.info1 = "";
this.info2 = "";
this.info3 = "";
this.info4 = "";
this.info5 = "";
public DebugInfo(String arg2, String arg3, String arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7) {
super(); = "";
this.info1 = "";
this.info2 = "";
this.info3 = "";
this.info4 = "";
this.info5 = ""; = arg2;
this.info1 = arg3;
this.info2 = arg4;
this.info3 = arg5;
this.info4 = arg6;
this.info5 = arg7;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) { = arg3.b(0, false);
this.info1 = arg3.b(1, false);
this.info2 = arg3.b(2, false);
this.info3 = arg3.b(3, false);
this.info4 = arg3.b(4, false);
this.info5 = arg3.b(5, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if( != null) {
arg3.a(, 0);
if(this.info1 != null) {
arg3.a(this.info1, 1);
if(this.info2 != null) {
arg3.a(this.info2, 2);
if(this.info3 != null) {
arg3.a(this.info3, 3);
if(this.info4 != null) {
arg3.a(this.info4, 4);
if(this.info5 != null) {
arg3.a(this.info5, 5);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class EventValidateInfo extends JceStruct {
public String businessId;
public long endTime;
public int eventType;
public long frequency;
public int maxExposeCount;
public String reportKey;
public String reportParams;
public long startTime;
public String uniqueId;
public EventValidateInfo() {
this.uniqueId = "";
this.eventType = 0;
this.businessId = "";
this.frequency = 0;
this.maxExposeCount = 0;
this.startTime = 0;
this.endTime = 0;
this.reportKey = "";
this.reportParams = "";
public EventValidateInfo(String arg4, int arg5, String arg6, long arg7, int arg9, long arg10, long arg12, String arg14, String arg15) {
this.uniqueId = "";
this.eventType = 0;
this.businessId = "";
this.frequency = 0;
this.maxExposeCount = 0;
this.startTime = 0;
this.endTime = 0;
this.reportKey = "";
this.reportParams = "";
this.uniqueId = arg4;
this.eventType = arg5;
this.businessId = arg6;
this.frequency = arg7;
this.maxExposeCount = arg9;
this.startTime = arg10;
this.endTime = arg12;
this.reportKey = arg14;
this.reportParams = arg15;
public final void readFrom(c arg5) {
this.uniqueId = arg5.b(0, true);
this.eventType = arg5.a(this.eventType, 1, true);
this.businessId = arg5.b(2, false);
this.frequency = arg5.a(this.frequency, 3, false);
this.maxExposeCount = arg5.a(this.maxExposeCount, 4, false);
this.startTime = arg5.a(this.startTime, 5, false);
this.endTime = arg5.a(this.endTime, 6, false);
this.reportKey = arg5.b(7, false);
this.reportParams = arg5.b(8, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg4) {
arg4.a(this.uniqueId, 0);
arg4.a(this.eventType, 1);
if(this.businessId != null) {
arg4.a(this.businessId, 2);
arg4.a(this.frequency, 3);
arg4.a(this.maxExposeCount, 4);
arg4.a(this.startTime, 5);
arg4.a(this.endTime, 6);
if(this.reportKey != null) {
arg4.a(this.reportKey, 7);
if(this.reportParams != null) {
arg4.a(this.reportParams, 8);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ExtraReportKV extends JceStruct {
public String extraReportKey;
public String extraReportParam;
public ExtraReportKV() {
this.extraReportKey = "";
this.extraReportParam = "";
public ExtraReportKV(String arg2, String arg3) {
this.extraReportKey = "";
this.extraReportParam = "";
this.extraReportKey = arg2;
this.extraReportParam = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.extraReportKey = arg3.b(0, true);
this.extraReportParam = arg3.b(1, true);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.extraReportKey, 0);
arg3.a(this.extraReportParam, 1);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class IconTagText extends JceStruct {
public Action action;
public ActionBarInfo actionBar;
static Action cache_action;
static ActionBarInfo cache_actionBar;
static ArrayList cache_markLabelList;
static ShareItem cache_shareItem;
public String extraType;
public String imgUrl;
public ArrayList markLabelList;
public String reportKey;
public String reportParams;
public ShareItem shareItem;
public byte tagClass;
public String text;
static {
IconTagText.cache_markLabelList = new ArrayList();
IconTagText.cache_markLabelList.add(new MarkLabel());
IconTagText.cache_action = new Action();
IconTagText.cache_actionBar = new ActionBarInfo();
IconTagText.cache_shareItem = new ShareItem();
public IconTagText() {
this.text = "";
this.markLabelList = null;
this.action = null;
this.imgUrl = "";
this.extraType = "";
this.actionBar = null;
this.tagClass = 0;
this.reportKey = "";
this.reportParams = "";
this.shareItem = null;
public IconTagText(String arg3, ArrayList arg4, Action arg5, String arg6, String arg7, ActionBarInfo arg8, byte arg9, String arg10, String arg11, ShareItem arg12) {
this.text = "";
this.markLabelList = null;
this.action = null;
this.imgUrl = "";
this.extraType = "";
this.actionBar = null;
this.tagClass = 0;
this.reportKey = "";
this.reportParams = "";
this.shareItem = null;
this.text = arg3;
this.markLabelList = arg4;
this.action = arg5;
this.imgUrl = arg6;
this.extraType = arg7;
this.actionBar = arg8;
this.tagClass = arg9;
this.reportKey = arg10;
this.reportParams = arg11;
this.shareItem = arg12;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.text = arg4.b(0, true);
this.markLabelList = (ArrayList) arg4.a(IconTagText.cache_markLabelList, 1, false);
this.action = (Action) arg4.a(IconTagText.cache_action, 2, false);
this.imgUrl = arg4.b(3, false);
this.extraType = arg4.b(4, false);
this.actionBar = (ActionBarInfo) arg4.a(IconTagText.cache_actionBar, 5, false);
this.tagClass = arg4.a(this.tagClass, 6, false);
this.reportKey = arg4.b(7, false);
this.reportParams = arg4.b(8, false);
this.shareItem = (ShareItem) arg4.a(IconTagText.cache_shareItem, 9, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.text, 0);
if(this.markLabelList != null) {
arg3.a(this.markLabelList, 1);
if(this.action != null) {
arg3.a(this.action, 2);
if(this.imgUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.imgUrl, 3);
if(this.extraType != null) {
arg3.a(this.extraType, 4);
if(this.actionBar != null) {
arg3.a(this.actionBar, 5);
arg3.a(this.tagClass, 6);
if(this.reportKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.reportKey, 7);
if(this.reportParams != null) {
arg3.a(this.reportParams, 8);
if(this.shareItem != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareItem, 9);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class LottieEventConfig extends JceStruct {
static EventValidateInfo cache_validateInfo;
public int cycleTimes;
public String lottieFileUrl;
public int playTimes;
public EventValidateInfo validateInfo;
static {
LottieEventConfig.cache_validateInfo = new EventValidateInfo();
public LottieEventConfig() {
this.validateInfo = null;
this.lottieFileUrl = "";
this.cycleTimes = 1;
this.playTimes = 1;
public LottieEventConfig(EventValidateInfo arg3, String arg4, int arg5, int arg6) {
this.validateInfo = null;
this.lottieFileUrl = "";
this.cycleTimes = 1;
this.playTimes = 1;
this.validateInfo = arg3;
this.lottieFileUrl = arg4;
this.cycleTimes = arg5;
this.playTimes = arg6;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.validateInfo = (EventValidateInfo) arg4.a(LottieEventConfig.cache_validateInfo, 0, false);
this.lottieFileUrl = arg4.b(1, false);
this.cycleTimes = arg4.a(this.cycleTimes, 2, false);
this.playTimes = arg4.a(this.playTimes, 3, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.validateInfo != null) {
arg3.a(this.validateInfo, 0);
if(this.lottieFileUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.lottieFileUrl, 1);
arg3.a(this.cycleTimes, 2);
arg3.a(this.playTimes, 3);
package StructuralClass;
import org.apache.http.util.TextUtils;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class MarkLabel extends JceStruct {
public String bgColor;
public String markImageUrl;
public CharSequence minorHtmlText;
public String minorText;
public byte optType;
public byte position;
public CharSequence primeHtmlText;
public String primeText;
private static boolean sCanParse;
public CharSequence thirdHtmlText;
public String thirdText;
public byte type;
public int uiType;
static {
MarkLabel.sCanParse = true;
public MarkLabel() {
this.type = 0;
this.position = 0;
this.bgColor = "";
this.primeText = "";
this.minorText = "";
this.markImageUrl = "";
this.optType = 0;
this.uiType = 0;
this.thirdText = "";
public MarkLabel(byte arg3, byte arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7, String arg8, byte arg9, int arg10, String arg11) {
this.type = 0;
this.position = 0;
this.bgColor = "";
this.primeText = "";
this.minorText = "";
this.markImageUrl = "";
this.optType = 0;
this.uiType = 0;
this.thirdText = "";
this.type = arg3;
this.position = arg4;
this.bgColor = arg5;
this.primeText = arg6;
this.minorText = arg7;
this.markImageUrl = arg8;
this.optType = arg9;
this.uiType = arg10;
this.thirdText = arg11;
private static boolean isHtmlText(String arg1) {
boolean v0 = (TextUtils.isEmpty(((CharSequence)arg1))) || !arg1.contains("<") ? false : true;
return v0;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.type = arg4.a(this.type, 0, true);
this.position = arg4.a(this.position, 1, true);
this.bgColor = arg4.b(2, false);
this.primeText = arg4.b(3, false);
this.minorText = arg4.b(4, false);
this.markImageUrl = arg4.b(5, false);
this.optType = arg4.a(this.optType, 6, false);
this.uiType = arg4.a(this.uiType, 7, false);
this.thirdText = arg4.b(8, false);
public final String toString() {
return "type = " + this.type + ", position = " + this.position + ", bgColor = " + this.bgColor + ", prime = " + this.primeText + ", minor = " + this.minorText + ", third = " + this.thirdText + ", imageUrl = " + this.markImageUrl + ", code = " + this.hashCode();
public final void transformHtmlText() {
if(MarkLabel.sCanParse) {
this.primeHtmlText = MarkLabel.tryTransformToHtml(this.primeText);
this.minorHtmlText = MarkLabel.tryTransformToHtml(this.minorText);
this.thirdHtmlText = MarkLabel.tryTransformToHtml(this.thirdText);
else {
this.primeHtmlText = this.primeText;
this.minorHtmlText = this.minorText;
this.thirdHtmlText = this.thirdText;
private static CharSequence tryTransformToHtml(String arg1) {
return null;
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.type, 0);
arg3.a(this.position, 1);
if(this.bgColor != null) {
arg3.a(this.bgColor, 2);
if(this.primeText != null) {
arg3.a(this.primeText, 3);
if(this.minorText != null) {
arg3.a(this.minorText, 4);
if(this.markImageUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.markImageUrl, 5);
arg3.a(this.optType, 6);
arg3.a(this.uiType, 7);
if(this.thirdText != null) {
arg3.a(this.thirdText, 8);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class MiniProgramInfo extends JceStruct {
public String path;
public String programName;
public MiniProgramInfo() {
this.programName = "";
this.path = "";
public MiniProgramInfo(String arg2, String arg3) {
this.programName = "";
this.path = "";
this.programName = arg2;
this.path = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.programName = arg3.b(0, false);
this.path = arg3.b(1, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.programName != null) {
arg3.a(this.programName, 0);
if(this.path != null) {
arg3.a(this.path, 1);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class PicData extends JceStruct {
public byte imgType;
public String imgUrl;
public String thumbUrl;
public PicData() {
this.imgUrl = "";
this.thumbUrl = "";
this.imgType = 0;
public PicData(String arg2, String arg3, byte arg4) {
this.imgUrl = "";
this.thumbUrl = "";
this.imgType = 0;
this.imgUrl = arg2;
this.thumbUrl = arg3;
this.imgType = arg4;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.imgUrl = arg4.b(0, true);
this.thumbUrl = arg4.b(1, false);
this.imgType = arg4.a(this.imgType, 2, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.imgUrl, 0);
if(this.thumbUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.thumbUrl, 1);
arg3.a(this.imgType, 2);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class PromotionEventInfo extends JceStruct {
public ArrayList bigBannerConfigs;
public ArrayList bigH5Configs;
static ArrayList cache_bigBannerConfigs;
static ArrayList cache_bigH5Configs;
static ArrayList cache_footBannerConfigs;
static ArrayList cache_headBannerConfigs;
static ArrayList cache_lottieConfigs;
static ArrayList cache_refreshConfigs;
public ArrayList footBannerConfigs;
public ArrayList headBannerConfigs;
public ArrayList lottieConfigs;
public ArrayList refreshConfigs;
static {
PromotionEventInfo.cache_bigBannerConfigs = new ArrayList();
PromotionEventInfo.cache_bigBannerConfigs.add(new BannerEventConfig());
PromotionEventInfo.cache_headBannerConfigs = new ArrayList();
PromotionEventInfo.cache_headBannerConfigs.add(new BannerEventConfig());
PromotionEventInfo.cache_footBannerConfigs = new ArrayList();
PromotionEventInfo.cache_footBannerConfigs.add(new BannerEventConfig());
PromotionEventInfo.cache_bigH5Configs = new ArrayList();
PromotionEventInfo.cache_bigH5Configs.add(new BigH5EventConfig());
PromotionEventInfo.cache_lottieConfigs = new ArrayList();
PromotionEventInfo.cache_lottieConfigs.add(new LottieEventConfig());
PromotionEventInfo.cache_refreshConfigs = new ArrayList();
PromotionEventInfo.cache_refreshConfigs.add(new PullRefreshConfig());
public PromotionEventInfo() {
this.bigBannerConfigs = null;
this.headBannerConfigs = null;
this.footBannerConfigs = null;
this.bigH5Configs = null;
this.lottieConfigs = null;
this.refreshConfigs = null;
public PromotionEventInfo(ArrayList arg2, ArrayList arg3, ArrayList arg4, ArrayList arg5, ArrayList arg6, ArrayList arg7) {
this.bigBannerConfigs = null;
this.headBannerConfigs = null;
this.footBannerConfigs = null;
this.bigH5Configs = null;
this.lottieConfigs = null;
this.refreshConfigs = null;
this.bigBannerConfigs = arg2;
this.headBannerConfigs = arg3;
this.footBannerConfigs = arg4;
this.bigH5Configs = arg5;
this.lottieConfigs = arg6;
this.refreshConfigs = arg7;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.bigBannerConfigs = (ArrayList) arg4.a(PromotionEventInfo.cache_bigBannerConfigs, 0, false);
this.headBannerConfigs = (ArrayList) arg4.a(PromotionEventInfo.cache_headBannerConfigs, 1, false);
this.footBannerConfigs = (ArrayList) arg4.a(PromotionEventInfo.cache_footBannerConfigs, 2, false);
this.bigH5Configs = (ArrayList) arg4.a(PromotionEventInfo.cache_bigH5Configs, 3, false);
this.lottieConfigs = (ArrayList) arg4.a(PromotionEventInfo.cache_lottieConfigs, 4, false);
this.refreshConfigs = (ArrayList) arg4.a(PromotionEventInfo.cache_refreshConfigs, 5, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.bigBannerConfigs != null) {
arg3.a(this.bigBannerConfigs, 0);
if(this.headBannerConfigs != null) {
arg3.a(this.headBannerConfigs, 1);
if(this.footBannerConfigs != null) {
arg3.a(this.footBannerConfigs, 2);
if(this.bigH5Configs != null) {
arg3.a(this.bigH5Configs, 3);
if(this.lottieConfigs != null) {
arg3.a(this.lottieConfigs, 4);
if(this.refreshConfigs != null) {
arg3.a(this.refreshConfigs, 5);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class PullRefreshConfig extends JceStruct {
public Action action;
public float bgAspectRatio;
public String bgColor;
public String bgImageUrl;
static Action cache_action;
static Action cache_pullAction;
static ArrayList cache_textList;
static EventValidateInfo cache_validateInfo;
static WidgetInfo cache_widget;
public int configType;
public long endTime;
public String imageUrl;
public Action pullAction;
public long startTime;
public ArrayList textList;
public EventValidateInfo validateInfo;
public WidgetInfo widget;
static {
PullRefreshConfig.cache_action = new Action();
PullRefreshConfig.cache_textList = new ArrayList();
PullRefreshConfig.cache_textList.add(new PullRefreshText());
PullRefreshConfig.cache_validateInfo = new EventValidateInfo();
PullRefreshConfig.cache_pullAction = new Action();
PullRefreshConfig.cache_widget = new WidgetInfo();
public PullRefreshConfig() {
this.imageUrl = "";
this.bgColor = "";
this.action = null;
this.startTime = 0;
this.endTime = 0;
this.textList = null;
this.bgImageUrl = "";
this.validateInfo = null;
this.pullAction = null;
this.configType = 0;
this.bgAspectRatio = 0f;
this.widget = null;
public PullRefreshConfig(String arg5, String arg6, Action arg7, long arg8, long arg10, ArrayList arg12, String arg13, EventValidateInfo arg14, Action arg15, int arg16, float arg17, WidgetInfo arg18) {
this.imageUrl = "";
this.bgColor = "";
this.action = null;
this.startTime = 0;
this.endTime = 0;
this.textList = null;
this.bgImageUrl = "";
this.validateInfo = null;
this.pullAction = null;
this.configType = 0;
this.bgAspectRatio = 0f;
this.widget = null;
this.imageUrl = arg5;
this.bgColor = arg6;
this.action = arg7;
this.startTime = arg8;
this.endTime = arg10;
this.textList = arg12;
this.bgImageUrl = arg13;
this.validateInfo = arg14;
this.pullAction = arg15;
this.configType = arg16;
this.bgAspectRatio = arg17;
this.widget = arg18;
public final void readFrom(c arg5) {
this.imageUrl = arg5.b(0, false);
this.bgColor = arg5.b(1, false);
this.action = (Action) arg5.a(PullRefreshConfig.cache_action, 2, false);
this.startTime = arg5.a(this.startTime, 3, false);
this.endTime = arg5.a(this.endTime, 4, false);
this.textList = (ArrayList) arg5.a(PullRefreshConfig.cache_textList, 5, false);
this.bgImageUrl = arg5.b(6, false);
this.validateInfo = (EventValidateInfo) arg5.a(PullRefreshConfig.cache_validateInfo, 7, false);
this.pullAction = (Action) arg5.a(PullRefreshConfig.cache_pullAction, 8, false);
this.configType = arg5.a(this.configType, 9, false);
this.bgAspectRatio = arg5.a(this.bgAspectRatio, 10, false);
this.widget = (WidgetInfo) arg5.a(PullRefreshConfig.cache_widget, 11, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg4) {
if(this.imageUrl != null) {
arg4.a(this.imageUrl, 0);
if(this.bgColor != null) {
arg4.a(this.bgColor, 1);
if(this.action != null) {
arg4.a(this.action, 2);
arg4.a(this.startTime, 3);
arg4.a(this.endTime, 4);
if(this.textList != null) {
arg4.a(this.textList, 5);
if(this.bgImageUrl != null) {
arg4.a(this.bgImageUrl, 6);
if(this.validateInfo != null) {
arg4.a(this.validateInfo, 7);
if(this.pullAction != null) {
arg4.a(this.pullAction, 8);
arg4.a(this.configType, 9);
arg4.a(this.bgAspectRatio, 10);
if(this.widget != null) {
arg4.a(this.widget, 11);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class PullRefreshText extends JceStruct {
public String leftIconUrl;
public String text;
public String textColor;
public PullRefreshText() {
this.text = "";
this.textColor = "";
this.leftIconUrl = "";
public PullRefreshText(String arg2, String arg3, String arg4) {
this.text = "";
this.textColor = "";
this.leftIconUrl = "";
this.text = arg2;
this.textColor = arg3;
this.leftIconUrl = arg4;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.text = arg3.b(0, false);
this.textColor = arg3.b(1, false);
this.leftIconUrl = arg3.b(2, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.text != null) {
arg3.a(this.text, 0);
if(this.textColor != null) {
arg3.a(this.textColor, 1);
if(this.leftIconUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.leftIconUrl, 2);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class SearchHotWordInfo extends JceStruct {
static ArrayList cache_searchOperateHotWordList;
public ArrayList searchOperateHotWordList;
public String timeStamp;
static {
SearchHotWordInfo.cache_searchOperateHotWordList = new ArrayList();
SearchHotWordInfo.cache_searchOperateHotWordList.add(new IconTagText());
public SearchHotWordInfo() {
this.timeStamp = "";
this.searchOperateHotWordList = null;
public SearchHotWordInfo(String arg2, ArrayList arg3) {
this.timeStamp = "";
this.searchOperateHotWordList = null;
this.timeStamp = arg2;
this.searchOperateHotWordList = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg3) {
this.timeStamp = arg3.b(0, true);
this.searchOperateHotWordList = (ArrayList) arg3.a(SearchHotWordInfo.cache_searchOperateHotWordList, 1, true);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.timeStamp, 0);
arg3.a(this.searchOperateHotWordList, 1);
package StructuralClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class ShareItem extends JceStruct {
static MiniProgramInfo cache_miniProgramInfo;
static ArrayList cache_sharePicList;
public String captionKey;
public String circleShareKey;
public MiniProgramInfo miniProgramInfo;
public String shareContent;
public String shareContentTail;
public String shareImgUrl;
public ArrayList sharePicList;
public String shareSingleTitle;
public byte shareStyle;
public String shareSubtitle;
public String shareTitle;
public String shareUrl;
static {
ShareItem.cache_sharePicList = new ArrayList();
ShareItem.cache_sharePicList.add(new PicData());
ShareItem.cache_miniProgramInfo = new MiniProgramInfo();
public ShareItem() {
this.shareUrl = "";
this.shareTitle = "";
this.shareSubtitle = "";
this.shareImgUrl = "";
this.circleShareKey = "";
this.shareSingleTitle = "";
this.shareContent = "";
this.shareContentTail = "";
this.shareStyle = 0;
this.sharePicList = null;
this.miniProgramInfo = null;
this.captionKey = "";
public ShareItem(String arg3, String arg4, String arg5, String arg6, String arg7, String arg8, String arg9, String arg10, byte arg11, ArrayList arg12, MiniProgramInfo arg13, String arg14) {
this.shareUrl = "";
this.shareTitle = "";
this.shareSubtitle = "";
this.shareImgUrl = "";
this.circleShareKey = "";
this.shareSingleTitle = "";
this.shareContent = "";
this.shareContentTail = "";
this.shareStyle = 0;
this.sharePicList = null;
this.miniProgramInfo = null;
this.captionKey = "";
this.shareUrl = arg3;
this.shareTitle = arg4;
this.shareSubtitle = arg5;
this.shareImgUrl = arg6;
this.circleShareKey = arg7;
this.shareSingleTitle = arg8;
this.shareContent = arg9;
this.shareContentTail = arg10;
this.shareStyle = arg11;
this.sharePicList = arg12;
this.miniProgramInfo = arg13;
this.captionKey = arg14;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.shareUrl = arg4.b(0, false);
this.shareTitle = arg4.b(1, false);
this.shareSubtitle = arg4.b(2, false);
this.shareImgUrl = arg4.b(3, false);
this.circleShareKey = arg4.b(4, false);
this.shareSingleTitle = arg4.b(5, false);
this.shareContent = arg4.b(6, false);
this.shareContentTail = arg4.b(7, false);
this.shareStyle = arg4.a(this.shareStyle, 8, false);
this.sharePicList = (ArrayList) arg4.a(ShareItem.cache_sharePicList, 9, false);
this.miniProgramInfo = (MiniProgramInfo) arg4.a(ShareItem.cache_miniProgramInfo, 10, false);
this.captionKey = arg4.b(11, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.shareUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareUrl, 0);
if(this.shareTitle != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareTitle, 1);
if(this.shareSubtitle != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareSubtitle, 2);
if(this.shareImgUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareImgUrl, 3);
if(this.circleShareKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.circleShareKey, 4);
if(this.shareSingleTitle != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareSingleTitle, 5);
if(this.shareContent != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareContent, 6);
if(this.shareContentTail != null) {
arg3.a(this.shareContentTail, 7);
arg3.a(this.shareStyle, 8);
if(this.sharePicList != null) {
arg3.a(this.sharePicList, 9);
if(this.miniProgramInfo != null) {
arg3.a(this.miniProgramInfo, 10);
if(this.captionKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.captionKey, 11);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class TempletItem extends JceStruct {
static byte[] cache_data;
static DebugInfo cache_debugInfo = new DebugInfo();
static int cache_itemType = 0;
public byte[] data = null;
public DebugInfo debugInfo = null;
public int itemType = 0;
public TempletItem() {
this.itemType = 0; = null;
this.debugInfo = null;
public TempletItem(int i, byte[] bArr, DebugInfo debugInfo) {
this.itemType = i; = bArr;
this.debugInfo = debugInfo;
public final void writeTo(d dVar) {
dVar.a(this.itemType, 0);
if ( != null) {
dVar.a(, 1);
if (this.debugInfo != null) {
dVar.a(this.debugInfo, 2);
static {
byte[] bArr = new byte[1];
cache_data = bArr;
bArr[0] = (byte) 0;
public final void readFrom(c cVar) {
this.itemType = cVar.a(this.itemType, 0, true); = cVar.c(1, false);
this.debugInfo = (DebugInfo) cVar.a(cache_debugInfo, 2, false);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class TempletLine extends JceStruct {
static TempletItem cache_item = new TempletItem();
public String groupId = "";
public long increaseId = 0;
public TempletItem item = null;
public String lineId = "";
public TempletLine() {
this.lineId = "";
this.groupId = "";
this.item = null;
this.increaseId = 0;
public TempletLine(String str, String str2, TempletItem templetItem, long j) {
this.lineId = str;
this.groupId = str2;
this.item = templetItem;
this.increaseId = j;
public final void writeTo(d dVar) {
dVar.a(this.lineId, 0);
dVar.a(this.groupId, 1);
dVar.a(this.item, 2);
dVar.a(this.increaseId, 3);
public final void readFrom(c cVar) {
this.lineId = cVar.b(0, true);
this.groupId = cVar.b(1, true);
this.item = (TempletItem) cVar.a(cache_item, 2, true);
this.increaseId = cVar.a(this.increaseId, 3, false);
package StructuralClass;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.c;
import TX_OtherClass.d;
public final class WidgetInfo extends JceStruct {
public float aspectRatio;
public String lottieUrl;
public int position;
public boolean scrollWithList;
public WidgetInfo() {
this.lottieUrl = "";
this.aspectRatio = 0f;
this.position = 0;
this.scrollWithList = false;
public WidgetInfo(String arg3, float arg4, int arg5, boolean arg6) {
this.lottieUrl = "";
this.aspectRatio = 0f;
this.position = 0;
this.scrollWithList = false;
this.lottieUrl = arg3;
this.aspectRatio = arg4;
this.position = arg5;
this.scrollWithList = arg6;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.lottieUrl = arg4.b(0, false);
this.aspectRatio = arg4.a(this.aspectRatio, 1, false);
this.position = arg4.a(this.position, 2, false);
this.scrollWithList = arg4.a(3, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.lottieUrl != null) {
arg3.a(this.lottieUrl, 0);
arg3.a(this.aspectRatio, 1);
arg3.a(this.position, 2);
arg3.a(this.scrollWithList, 3);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class BucketConfig extends JceStruct {
public int bucketId;
public String extra;
public BucketConfig() {
this.bucketId = 0;
this.extra = "";
public BucketConfig(int arg2, String arg3) {
this.bucketId = 0;
this.extra = "";
this.bucketId = arg2;
this.extra = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.bucketId = arg4.a(this.bucketId, 0, true);
this.extra = arg4.b(1, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.bucketId, 0);
if(this.extra != null) {
arg3.a(this.extra, 1);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class Coordinates extends JceStruct {
public double accuracy;
public float latitude;
public float longitude;
public int type;
public Coordinates() {
this.type = 0;
this.latitude = 0f;
this.longitude = 0f;
this.accuracy = 0;
public Coordinates(int arg3, float arg4, float arg5, double arg6) {
this.type = 0;
this.latitude = 0f;
this.longitude = 0f;
this.accuracy = 0;
this.type = arg3;
this.latitude = arg4;
this.longitude = arg5;
this.accuracy = arg6;
public final void readFrom(c arg5) {
this.type = arg5.a(this.type, 0, false);
this.latitude = arg5.a(this.latitude, 1, false);
this.longitude = arg5.a(this.longitude, 2, false);
this.accuracy = arg5.a(this.accuracy, 3, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg4) {
arg4.a(this.type, 0);
arg4.a(this.latitude, 1);
arg4.a(this.longitude, 2);
arg4.a(this.accuracy, 3);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class ExtentAccount extends JceStruct {
public String accountId;
public int type;
public ExtentAccount() {
this.type = 0;
this.accountId = "";
public ExtentAccount(int arg2, String arg3) {
this.type = 0;
this.accountId = "";
this.type = arg2;
this.accountId = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.type = arg4.a(this.type, 0, true);
this.accountId = arg4.b(1, true);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.type, 0);
arg3.a(this.accountId, 1);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class ExtentData extends JceStruct {
public BucketConfig bucketInfo;
static BucketConfig cache_bucketInfo;
public int checkFlag;
public String extra;
public byte flagByte;
static {
ExtentData.cache_bucketInfo = new BucketConfig();
public ExtentData() {
this.checkFlag = 0;
this.flagByte = 0;
this.extra = "";
this.bucketInfo = null;
public ExtentData(int arg2, byte arg3, String arg4, BucketConfig arg5) {
this.checkFlag = 0;
this.flagByte = 0;
this.extra = "";
this.bucketInfo = null;
this.checkFlag = arg2;
this.flagByte = arg3;
this.extra = arg4;
this.bucketInfo = arg5;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.checkFlag = arg4.a(this.checkFlag, 0, false);
this.flagByte = arg4.a(this.flagByte, 1, false);
this.extra = arg4.b(2, false);
this.bucketInfo = (BucketConfig) arg4.a(ExtentData.cache_bucketInfo, 3, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.checkFlag, 0);
arg3.a(this.flagByte, 1);
if(this.extra != null) {
arg3.a(this.extra, 2);
if(this.bucketInfo != null) {
arg3.a(this.bucketInfo, 3);
package TX_OtherClass;
public abstract class JceStruct implements Serializable {
public static final byte BYTE = 0;
public static final byte DOUBLE = 5;
public static final byte FLOAT = 4;
public static final byte INT = 2;
public static final int JCE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 104857600;
public static final byte LIST = 9;
public static final byte LONG = 3;
public static final byte MAP = 8;
public static final byte SHORT = 1;
public static final byte SIMPLE_LIST = 13;
public static final byte STRING1 = 6;
public static final byte STRING4 = 7;
public static final byte STRUCT_BEGIN = 10;
public static final byte STRUCT_END = 11;
public static final byte ZERO_TAG = 12;
public Object tag;
public JceStruct() {
public int containField(String arg2) {
return 0;
public void display(StringBuilder arg1, int arg2) {
public void displaySimple(StringBuilder arg1, int arg2) {
public Object getFieldByName(String arg2) {
return null;
public Object getTag() {
return this.tag;
public JceStruct newInit() {
return null;
public abstract void readFrom(c arg1);
public void recyle() {
public void setFieldByName(String arg1, Object arg2) {
public void setTag(Object arg1) {
this.tag = arg1;
public byte[] toByteArray() {
d v0 = new d((byte)0);
return v0.a();
public byte[] toByteArray(String arg3) {
d v0 = new d((byte)0);
return v0.a();
public static String toDisplaySimpleString(JceStruct arg2) {
String v0;
if(arg2 == null) {
v0 = null;
else {
StringBuilder v0_1 = new StringBuilder();
arg2.displaySimple(v0_1, 0);
v0 = v0_1.toString();
return v0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder v0 = new StringBuilder();
this.display(v0, 0);
return v0.toString();
public abstract void writeTo(d arg1);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class LogReport extends JceStruct {
public String callType;
public String channelId;
public String extent;
public String from;
public int isAuto;
public String mid;
public String pageId;
public int pageStep;
public String pid;
public String refPageId;
public String vid;
public LogReport() {
this.pageId = "";
this.refPageId = "";
this.pageStep = 0;
this.callType = "";
this.isAuto = 0;
this.vid = ""; = "";
this.from = "";
this.channelId = "";
this.mid = "";
this.extent = "";
public LogReport(String arg3, String arg4, int arg5, String arg6, int arg7, String arg8, String arg9, String arg10, String arg11, String arg12, String arg13) {
this.pageId = "";
this.refPageId = "";
this.pageStep = 0;
this.callType = "";
this.isAuto = 0;
this.vid = ""; = "";
this.from = "";
this.channelId = "";
this.mid = "";
this.extent = "";
this.pageId = arg3;
this.refPageId = arg4;
this.pageStep = arg5;
this.callType = arg6;
this.isAuto = arg7;
this.vid = arg8; = arg9;
this.from = arg10;
this.channelId = arg11;
this.mid = arg12;
this.extent = arg13;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.pageId = arg4.b(0, false);
this.refPageId = arg4.b(1, false);
this.pageStep = arg4.a(this.pageStep, 2, false);
this.callType = arg4.b(3, false);
this.isAuto = arg4.a(this.isAuto, 4, false);
this.vid = arg4.b(5, false); = arg4.b(6, false);
this.from = arg4.b(7, false);
this.channelId = arg4.b(8, false);
this.mid = arg4.b(9, false);
this.extent = arg4.b(10, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
if(this.pageId != null) {
arg3.a(this.pageId, 0);
if(this.refPageId != null) {
arg3.a(this.refPageId, 1);
arg3.a(this.pageStep, 2);
if(this.callType != null) {
arg3.a(this.callType, 3);
arg3.a(this.isAuto, 4);
if(this.vid != null) {
arg3.a(this.vid, 5);
if( != null) {
arg3.a(, 6);
if(this.from != null) {
arg3.a(this.from, 7);
if(this.channelId != null) {
arg3.a(this.channelId, 8);
if(this.mid != null) {
arg3.a(this.mid, 9);
if(this.extent != null) {
arg3.a(this.extent, 10);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class LoginToken extends JceStruct {
public boolean IsMainLogin;
public String TokenAppID;
public byte TokenKeyType;
public String TokenUin;
public byte[] TokenValue;
static byte[] cache_TokenValue;
static {
byte[] v0 = new byte[1];
LoginToken.cache_TokenValue = v0;
v0[0] = 0;
public LoginToken() {
this.TokenAppID = "";
this.TokenKeyType = 0;
this.TokenValue = null;
this.TokenUin = "";
this.IsMainLogin = true;
public LoginToken(String arg2, byte arg3, byte[] arg4, String arg5, boolean arg6) {
this.TokenAppID = "";
this.TokenKeyType = 0;
this.TokenValue = null;
this.TokenUin = "";
this.IsMainLogin = true;
this.TokenAppID = arg2;
this.TokenKeyType = arg3;
this.TokenValue = arg4;
this.TokenUin = arg5;
this.IsMainLogin = arg6;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.TokenAppID = arg4.b(0, true);
this.TokenKeyType = arg4.a(this.TokenKeyType, 1, true);
this.TokenValue = arg4.c(2, true);
this.TokenUin = arg4.b(3, false);
this.IsMainLogin = arg4.a(4, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.TokenAppID, 0);
arg3.a(this.TokenKeyType, 1);
arg3.a(this.TokenValue, 2);
if(this.TokenUin != null) {
arg3.a(this.TokenUin, 3);
arg3.a(this.IsMainLogin, 4);
package TX_OtherClass;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import AdThreeAnalysis.AnalysisAd;
import TX_OtherClass.o;
import zip.d;
public class ParessAd {
public String i_url;
public long j;
public long k;
public long l;
public long m;
public long n;
public long o;
public long p;
public int q;
private long r_time;
public JceStruct f ;
private ServerInfo s;
volatile boolean c = false;
public final void paressAddata_(int i, String str, byte[] bArr, Exception exception) {
if (!this.c) {
if (i == 0) {
int i2;
if (str == null || !str.toLowerCase().startsWith("text")) {
i2 = 0;
} else {
i2 = 1;
if (i2 != 0) {
String str2 = "";
if (bArr != null) {
str2 = new String(bArr);
// a(-803, new Exception(str2), null);
} else if (bArr == null || bArr.length <= 0) {
// a(-840, null, null);
} else {
byte[] bArr2 = null;
int i3;
ResponseCommand unPackageResponse;
ResponseHead responseHead;
this.o = (long) bArr.length;
this.m = System.currentTimeMillis();
int[] iArr = new int[1];
if (bArr != null) {
try {
if (bArr.length != 0) {
ByteBuffer wrap = ByteBuffer.wrap(bArr);
if (wrap.get() != (byte)19) {
bArr2 = null;
} else if (wrap.getInt() != bArr.length) {
bArr2 = null;
} else {
if ((wrap.getShort() & 65535) != 65281) {
bArr2 = null;
} else {
i2 = wrap.getShort() & 65535;
if (i2 != 0) {
iArr[0] = i2;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
i2 = wrap.getInt();
if ((i2 & 2) <= 0) {
i2 = 0;
} else if ((i2 & 16) > 0) {
i2 = 1;
} else {
iArr[0] = -867;
bArr2 = null;
if (wrap.getInt() != 10012) {
bArr2 = null;
} else {
wrap.position(wrap.position() + 32);
wrap.position(wrap.position() + 10);
wrap.position((wrap.getShort() & 65535) + wrap.position());
i3 = wrap.getShort() & 65535;
wrap.position(wrap.position() + i3);
i3 = (i3 + 2) + 83;
int i4 = wrap.getInt();
int i5 = i3 + 4;
if (wrap.get(bArr.length - 1) != (byte) 3) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
int length = (bArr.length - i5) - 1;
if (length <= 0) {
iArr[0] = -868;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
Object obj = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(bArr, i5, obj, 0, length);
if (i2 != 0) {
obj = d.b((byte[]) obj);//解压数据
if (obj == null || ((byte[]) obj).length != i4) {
iArr[0] = -871;
bArr2 = null;
Object obj2 = obj;
ByteBuffer wrap2 = ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) obj2);
length = wrap2.position() + 16;
if (wrap2.get() != (byte) 38) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else if (wrap2.get(((byte[]) obj2).length - 1) != (byte) 40) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
i4 = (((byte[]) obj2).length - length) - 1;
if (i4 <= 0) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
bArr2 = new byte[i4];
System.arraycopy(obj2, length, bArr2, 0, i4);
unPackageResponse = ProtocolPackage.unPackageResponse(bArr2);
if (unPackageResponse == null) {
JceStruct unPackageJceResponse = ProtocolPackage.unPackageJceResponse(this.f, unPackageResponse.body, null);
if (unPackageJceResponse == null) {
ArrayList retad= new ArrayList();
AnalysisAd analysisad = new AnalysisAd();
retad = analysisad.GetAd(unPackageJceResponse);
} catch (Throwable th) {
bArr2 = null;
if (exception != null) {
if (exception instanceof MalformedURLException) {
i = -820;
} else if (exception instanceof ConnectException) {
i = -824;
} else if (exception instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
i = -823;
} else if (exception instanceof SocketException) {
i = -825;
} else if (exception instanceof IOException) {
i = -826;
} else {
i = -827;
//a(i, exception, null);
public final void paressAddata(int i, String str, byte[] bArr, Exception exception) {
if (!this.c) {
if (i == 0) {
int i2;
if (str == null || !str.toLowerCase().startsWith("text")) {
i2 = 0;
} else {
i2 = 1;
if (i2 != 0) {
String str2 = "";
if (bArr != null) {
str2 = new String(bArr);
// a(-803, new Exception(str2), null);
} else if (bArr == null || bArr.length <= 0) {
// a(-840, null, null);
} else {
byte[] bArr2 = null;
int i3;
ResponseCommand unPackageResponse;
ResponseHead responseHead;
this.o = (long) bArr.length;
this.m = System.currentTimeMillis();
int[] iArr = new int[1];
if (bArr != null) {
try {
if (bArr.length != 0) {
ByteBuffer wrap = ByteBuffer.wrap(bArr);
if (wrap.get() != (byte) 19) {
bArr2 = null;
} if (wrap.getInt() != bArr.length) {
if (true) {
i2 = wrap.getShort() & 65535;
if (i2 != 0) {
iArr[0] = i2;
i2 = wrap.getInt();
if ((i2 & 2) <= 0) {
i2 = 0;
} else if ((i2 & 16) > 0) {
i2 = 1;
} else {
iArr[0] = -867;
bArr2 = null;
if (wrap.getInt() != 10012) {
wrap.position(wrap.position() + 32);
wrap.position(wrap.position() + 10);
wrap.position((wrap.getShort() & 65535) + wrap.position());
i3 = wrap.getShort() & 65535;
wrap.position(wrap.position() + i3);
i3 = (i3 + 2) + 83;
int i4 = wrap.getInt();
int i5 = i3 + 4;
if (wrap.get(bArr.length - 1) != (byte) 3) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
int length = (bArr.length - i5) - 1;
if (length <= 0) {
iArr[0] = -868;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
Object obj = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(bArr, i5, obj, 0, length);
if (i2 != 0) {
obj = d.b((byte[]) obj);
if (obj == null || ((byte[]) obj).length != i4) {
iArr[0] = -871;
bArr2 = null;
Object obj2 = obj;
ByteBuffer wrap2 = ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) obj2);
length = wrap2.position() + 16;
if (wrap2.get() != (byte) 38) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else if (wrap2.get(((byte[]) obj2).length - 1) != (byte) 40) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
i4 = (((byte[]) obj2).length - length) - 1;
if (i4 <= 0) {
iArr[0] = -869;
bArr2 = null;
} else {
bArr2 = new byte[i4];
System.arraycopy(obj2, length, bArr2, 0, i4);
unPackageResponse = ProtocolPackage.unPackageResponse(bArr2);
if (unPackageResponse != null) {
i3 = iArr[0];
if (i3 > 0) {
i3 += 1000000;
} else if (i3 >= 0) {
i3 -= 1000000;
} else {
i3 = -861;
//a(i3, null, null);
responseHead = unPackageResponse.head;
if (responseHead == null && responseHead.errCode == 0) {
if (unPackageResponse.body == null || unPackageResponse.body.length == 0) {
//a(-872, null, null);
JceStruct unPackageJceResponse = ProtocolPackage.unPackageJceResponse(this.f, unPackageResponse.body, null);
if (unPackageJceResponse != null) {
//a(0, null, unPackageJceResponse);
} else {
//a(-862, null, null);
} else if (responseHead == null) {
i3 = responseHead.errCode;
if (i3 <= 0) {
i3 += 3000000;
} else {
i3 -= 3000000;
// a(i3, null, null);
} else {
// a(-870, null, null);
} catch (Throwable th) {
// e.a("NetWorkTask", th);
bArr2 = null;
bArr2 = null;
unPackageResponse = ProtocolPackage.unPackageResponse(bArr2);
if (unPackageResponse != null) {
responseHead = unPackageResponse.head;
if (responseHead == null) {
if (responseHead == null) {
// a(-870, null, null);
i3 = responseHead.errCode;
if (i3 <= 0) {
i3 -= 3000000;
} else {
i3 += 3000000;
//a(i3, null, null);
i3 = iArr[0];
if (i3 > 0) {
i3 += 1000000;
} else if (i3 >= 0) {
i3 = -861;
} else {
i3 -= 1000000;
//a(i3, null, null);
if (exception != null) {
if (exception instanceof MalformedURLException) {
i = -820;
} else if (exception instanceof ConnectException) {
i = -824;
} else if (exception instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
i = -823;
} else if (exception instanceof SocketException) {
i = -825;
} else if (exception instanceof IOException) {
i = -826;
} else {
i = -827;
//a(i, exception, null);
package TX_OtherClass;
import java.text.Format.Field;
public class ProtocolPackage {
public static final String ServerEncoding = "utf-8";
public static final byte TokenKeyType_Circle = 9;
public static final byte TokenKeyType_LSKEY = 7;
public static final byte TokenKeyType_QQ = 10;
public static final byte TokenKeyType_SKEY = 1;
public static final byte TokenKeyType_WX = 100;
public static final byte TokenKeyType_WX_CODE = 101;
private static int dpi;
public ProtocolPackage() {
public static byte[] buildPostData(RequestCommand arg1) {
byte[] v0 = arg1 == null ? null : ProtocolPackage.jceStructToUTF8Byte(((JceStruct)arg1));
return v0;
/* private static JceStruct createFromRequest(JceStruct arg5, ClassLoader arg6) {
Object v0_5 = null;
JceStruct v1 = null;
if(arg5 != null) {
String v0 = arg5.getClass().getName();
// v0 = "TX_OtherClass.ChannelDataResponse";
v0 = v0.substring(0, v0.length() - 7) + "Response";
if(arg6 == null) {
try {
Class v0_4 = ChannelDataResponse.class;//;Class.forName(v0);
v0_5 = v0_4.newInstance();
catch(IllegalAccessException v0_2) {
v0_5 = v1;
catch(InstantiationException v0_3) {
v0_5 = v1;
Object v1_1 = v0_5;
v1 = (JceStruct) v1_1;
return v1;
private static JceStruct createFromRequest(JceStruct arg5, ClassLoader arg6) {
Object v0_5 = null;
JceStruct v1 = null;
if(arg5 != null) {
String v0 = arg5.getClass().getName();
//v0 = "StructuralClass.ChannelDataResponse";
// v0 = v0.substring(0, v0.length() - 7) + "Response";
if(arg6 == null) {
try {
Class v0_4 = Class.forName(v0);
v0_5 = v0_4.newInstance();
catch(ClassNotFoundException v0_1) {
v0_5 = v1;
catch(IllegalAccessException v0_2) {
v0_5 = v1;
catch(InstantiationException v0_3) {
v0_5 = v1;
Object v1_1 = v0_5;
v1 = (JceStruct) v1_1;
return arg5;
//return v1;
public static int getCmdId(JceStruct arg1) {
// return o.a(arg1);
return 0;
public static int getErrCodeFromObject(Object arg4) {
return 0;
public static byte[] jceStructToUTF8Byte(JceStruct arg2) {
byte[] v0;
if(arg2 == null) {
v0 = null;
else {
d v0_1 = new d((byte)0);
v0 = v0_1.a();
return v0;
public static RequestCommand packageRequest(int arg2, int arg3, JceStruct arg4, int arg5) {
RequestCommand v0;
if(arg4 == null) {
v0 = null;
else {
v0 = new RequestCommand();
// v0.head = o.a(arg2, arg3, arg5);
// v0.body = ProtocolPackage.jceStructToUTF8Byte(arg4);
return v0;
public static JceStruct unPackageJceResponse(JceStruct arg4, byte[] arg5, ClassLoader arg6) {
JceStruct v1 = null;
if(arg4 != null && arg5 != null) {
JceStruct v0 = ProtocolPackage.createFromRequest(arg4, arg6);//õṹ
if(v0 != null) {
try {
c v2 = new c(arg5);
catch(Exception v0_1) {
v0 = v1;
return v0;
return v1;
public static ResponseCommand unPackageResponse(byte[] arg4) {
ResponseCommand v0;
ResponseCommand v1 = null;
if(arg4 != null && arg4.length >= 4) {
v0 = new ResponseCommand();
try {
c v2 = new c(arg4);
catch(Exception v0_1) {
v0 = v1;
else {
v0 = v1;
return v0;
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class QUA extends JceStruct {
public int areaMode;
public int screenHeight;
public int screenWidth;
public int platform;
public int markerId;
public int mobileISP;
public int networkMode;
public int deviceType;
public int densityDpi;
static Coordinates cache_coordinates;
static ExtentData cache_extentData;
public String channelId;
public String clientKey;
public Coordinates coordinates;
public String deviceId;
public String deviceModel;
public String extent;
public ExtentData extentData;
public String idfa;
public String imei;
public String imsi;
public String mac;
public String omgId;
public String platformVersion;
public String serverid;
public String versionCode;
public String versionName;
static {
QUA.cache_extentData = new ExtentData();
QUA.cache_coordinates = new Coordinates();
public QUA() {
this.versionName = "";
this.versionCode = "";
this.screenWidth = 0;
this.screenHeight = 0;
this.platform = 0;
this.platformVersion = "";
this.markerId = 0;
this.networkMode = 0;
this.densityDpi = 0;
this.channelId = "";
this.imei = "";
this.imsi = "";
this.idfa = "";
this.omgId = "";
this.extent = "";
this.extentData = null;
this.clientKey = "";
this.mac = "";
this.serverid = "";
this.coordinates = null;
this.deviceId = "";
this.deviceModel = "";
this.deviceType = 0;
this.mobileISP = 0;
this.areaMode = 0;
public QUA(String arg3, String arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, String arg8, int arg9, int arg10, int arg11, String arg12, String arg13, String arg14, String arg15, String arg16, String arg17, ExtentData arg18, String arg19, String arg20, String arg21, Coordinates arg22, String arg23, String arg24, int arg25, int arg26, int arg27) {
this.versionName = "";
this.versionCode = "";
this.screenWidth = 0;
this.screenHeight = 0;
this.platform = 0;
this.platformVersion = "";
this.markerId = 0;
this.networkMode = 0;
this.densityDpi = 0;
this.channelId = "";
this.imei = "";
this.imsi = "";
this.idfa = "";
this.omgId = "";
this.extent = "";
this.extentData = null;
this.clientKey = "";
this.mac = "";
this.serverid = "";
this.coordinates = null;
this.deviceId = "";
this.deviceModel = "";
this.deviceType = 0;
this.mobileISP = 0;
this.areaMode = 0;
this.versionName = arg3;
this.versionCode = arg4;
this.screenWidth = arg5;
this.screenHeight = arg6;
this.platform = arg7;
this.platformVersion = arg8;
this.markerId = arg9;
this.networkMode = arg10;
this.densityDpi = arg11;
this.channelId = arg12;
this.imei = arg13;
this.imsi = arg14;
this.idfa = arg15;
this.omgId = arg16;
this.extent = arg17;
this.extentData = arg18;
this.clientKey = arg19;
this.mac = arg20;
this.serverid = arg21;
this.coordinates = arg22;
this.deviceId = arg23;
this.deviceModel = arg24;
this.deviceType = arg25;
this.mobileISP = arg26;
this.areaMode = arg27;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.versionName = arg4.b(0, true);
this.versionCode = arg4.b(1, true);
this.screenWidth = arg4.a(this.screenWidth, 2, false);
this.screenHeight = arg4.a(this.screenHeight, 3, false);
this.platform = arg4.a(this.platform, 4, false);
this.platformVersion = arg4.b(5, false);
this.markerId = arg4.a(this.markerId, 6, false);
this.networkMode = arg4.a(this.networkMode, 7, false);
this.densityDpi = arg4.a(this.densityDpi, 8, false);
this.channelId = arg4.b(9, false);
this.imei = arg4.b(10, false);
this.imsi = arg4.b(11, false);
this.idfa = arg4.b(12, false);
this.omgId = arg4.b(13, false);
this.extent = arg4.b(14, false);
this.extentData = (ExtentData) arg4.a(QUA.cache_extentData, 15, false);
this.clientKey = arg4.b(16, false);
this.mac = arg4.b(17, false);
this.serverid = arg4.b(18, false);
this.coordinates = (Coordinates) arg4.a(QUA.cache_coordinates, 19, false);
this.deviceId = arg4.b(20, false);
this.deviceModel = arg4.b(21, false);
this.deviceType = arg4.a(this.deviceType, 22, false);
this.mobileISP = arg4.a(this.mobileISP, 23, false);
this.areaMode = arg4.a(this.areaMode, 24, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.versionName, 0);
arg3.a(this.versionCode, 1);
arg3.a(this.screenWidth, 2);
arg3.a(this.screenHeight, 3);
arg3.a(this.platform, 4);
if(this.platformVersion != null) {
arg3.a(this.platformVersion, 5);
arg3.a(this.markerId, 6);
arg3.a(this.networkMode, 7);
arg3.a(this.densityDpi, 8);
if(this.channelId != null) {
arg3.a(this.channelId, 9);
if(this.imei != null) {
arg3.a(this.imei, 10);
if(this.imsi != null) {
arg3.a(this.imsi, 11);
if(this.idfa != null) {
arg3.a(this.idfa, 12);
if(this.omgId != null) {
arg3.a(this.omgId, 13);
if(this.extent != null) {
arg3.a(this.extent, 14);
if(this.extentData != null) {
arg3.a(this.extentData, 15);
if(this.clientKey != null) {
arg3.a(this.clientKey, 16);
if(this.mac != null) {
arg3.a(this.mac, 17);
if(this.serverid != null) {
arg3.a(this.serverid, 18);
if(this.coordinates != null) {
arg3.a(this.coordinates, 19);
if(this.deviceId != null) {
arg3.a(this.deviceId, 20);
if(this.deviceModel != null) {
arg3.a(this.deviceModel, 21);
arg3.a(this.deviceType, 22);
arg3.a(this.mobileISP, 23);
arg3.a(this.areaMode, 24);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class RequestCommand extends JceStruct {
public byte[] body;
static byte[] cache_body;
static RequestHead cache_head;
public RequestHead head;
static {
RequestCommand.cache_head = new RequestHead();
byte[] v0 = new byte[1];
RequestCommand.cache_body = v0;
v0[0] = 0;
public RequestCommand() {
this.head = null;
this.body = null;
public RequestCommand(RequestHead arg2, byte[] arg3) {
this.head = null;
this.body = null;
this.head = arg2;
this.body = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.head = (RequestHead) arg4.a(RequestCommand.cache_head, 0, true);
this.body = arg4.c(1, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.head, 0);
if(this.body != null) {
arg3.a(this.body, 1);
package TX_OtherClass;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public final class RequestHead extends JceStruct {
public String appId;
static ArrayList cache_extentAccountList;
static LogReport cache_logReport;
static QUA cache_qua;
static ArrayList cache_token;
public int cmdId;
public ArrayList extentAccountList;
public String guid;
public LogReport logReport;
public int oemPlatform;
public QUA qua;
public int requestId;
public int isSupportDolby;
public ArrayList token;
static {
RequestHead.cache_qua = new QUA();
RequestHead.cache_token = new ArrayList();
RequestHead.cache_token.add(new LoginToken());
RequestHead.cache_logReport = new LogReport();
RequestHead.cache_extentAccountList = new ArrayList();
RequestHead.cache_extentAccountList.add(new ExtentAccount());
public RequestHead() {
this.requestId = 0;
this.cmdId = 0;
this.qua = null;
this.appId = "";
this.guid = "";
this.token = null;
this.logReport = null;
this.extentAccountList = null;
this.oemPlatform = 0;
this.isSupportDolby = 0;
public RequestHead(int arg4, int arg5, QUA arg6, String arg7, String arg8, ArrayList arg9, LogReport arg10, ArrayList arg11, int arg12) {
this.requestId = 0;
this.cmdId = 0;
this.qua = null;
this.appId = "";
this.guid = "";
this.token = null;
this.logReport = null;
this.extentAccountList = null;
this.oemPlatform = 0;
this.requestId = arg4;
this.cmdId = arg5;
this.qua = arg6;
this.appId = arg7;
this.guid = arg8;
this.token = arg9;
this.logReport = arg10;
this.extentAccountList = arg11;
this.oemPlatform = arg12;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.requestId = arg4.a(this.requestId, 0, true);
this.cmdId = arg4.a(this.cmdId, 1, true);
this.qua = (QUA) arg4.a(RequestHead.cache_qua, 2, false);
this.appId = arg4.b(3, false);
this.guid = arg4.b(4, false);
this.token = (ArrayList) arg4.a(RequestHead.cache_token, 5, false);
this.logReport = (LogReport) arg4.a(RequestHead.cache_logReport, 6, false);
this.extentAccountList = (ArrayList) arg4.a(RequestHead.cache_extentAccountList, 7, false);
this.oemPlatform = arg4.a(this.oemPlatform, 8, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.requestId, 0);
arg3.a(this.cmdId, 1);
if(this.qua != null) {
arg3.a(this.qua, 2);
if(this.appId != null) {
arg3.a(this.appId, 3);
if(this.guid != null) {
arg3.a(this.guid, 4);
if(this.token != null) {
arg3.a(this.token, 5);
if(this.logReport != null) {
arg3.a(this.logReport, 6);
if(this.extentAccountList != null) {
arg3.a(this.extentAccountList, 7);
arg3.a(this.oemPlatform, 8);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class ResponseCommand extends JceStruct {
public byte[] body;
static byte[] cache_body;
static ResponseHead cache_head;
public ResponseHead head;
static {
ResponseCommand.cache_head = new ResponseHead();
byte[] v0 = new byte[1];
ResponseCommand.cache_body = v0;
v0[0] = 0;
public ResponseCommand() {
this.head = null;
this.body = null;
public ResponseCommand(ResponseHead arg2, byte[] arg3) {
this.head = null;
this.body = null;
this.head = arg2;
this.body = arg3;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.head = (ResponseHead) arg4.a(ResponseCommand.cache_head, 0, true);
this.body = arg4.c(1, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.head, 0);
if(this.body != null) {
arg3.a(this.body, 1);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class ResponseHead extends JceStruct {
public int cmdId;
public int errCode;
public int requestId;
public String sUserid;
public ResponseHead() {
this.requestId = 0;
this.cmdId = 0;
this.errCode = 0;
this.sUserid = "";
public ResponseHead(int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, String arg5) {
this.requestId = 0;
this.cmdId = 0;
this.errCode = 0;
this.sUserid = "";
this.requestId = arg2;
this.cmdId = arg3;
this.errCode = arg4;
this.sUserid = arg5;
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.requestId = arg4.a(this.requestId, 0, true);
this.cmdId = arg4.a(this.cmdId, 1, true);
this.errCode = arg4.a(this.errCode, 2, true);
this.sUserid = arg4.b(3, true);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.requestId, 0);
arg3.a(this.cmdId, 1);
arg3.a(this.errCode, 2);
arg3.a(this.sUserid, 3);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class ServerInfo extends JceStruct {
public String host;
public String ip;
public int netMode;
public ServerInfo(String arg2, int arg3, String arg4) {
this.ip = "";
this.netMode = 0; = "";
this.ip = arg2;
this.netMode = arg3; = arg4;
public ServerInfo() {
this.ip = "";
this.netMode = 0; = "";
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.ip = arg4.b(0, true);
this.netMode = arg4.a(this.netMode, 1, false); = arg4.b(2, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.ip, 0);
arg3.a(this.netMode, 1);
if( != null) {
arg3.a(, 2);
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class StGuidGetResponse extends JceStruct {
public int errCode;
public long nUnixtime;
public String strErrMsg;
public String strGuid;
public StGuidGetResponse() {
this.errCode = 0;
this.strErrMsg = "";
this.strGuid = "";
this.nUnixtime = 0;
public StGuidGetResponse(int arg3, String arg4, String arg5, long arg6) {
this.errCode = 0;
this.strErrMsg = "";
this.strGuid = "";
this.nUnixtime = 0;
this.errCode = arg3;
this.strErrMsg = arg4;
this.strGuid = arg5;
this.nUnixtime = arg6;
public void readFrom(c arg1) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void writeTo(d arg1) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
package TX_OtherClass;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Map;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.ErrorCode;
public final class c {
protected String a = "GBK";
private ByteBuffer b;
public static class a {
public byte a;
public int b;
public c(byte[] bArr) {
this.b = ByteBuffer.wrap(bArr);
private static int a(a arg2, ByteBuffer arg3) {
int v0 = arg3.get();
arg2.a = ((byte)(v0 & 15));
arg2.b = (v0 & 240) >> 4;
if(arg2.b == 15) {
arg2.b = arg3.get() & 255;
v0 = 2;
else {
v0 = 1;
return v0;
private void a(a aVar) {
a(aVar, this.b);
private void a(int i) {
this.b.position(this.b.position() + i);
private boolean b(int arg6) {
int v4 = 11;
boolean v0 = false;
try {
a v1_2 = new a();
while(true) {
int v2 = c.a(v1_2, this.b.duplicate());
if(arg6 > v1_2.b && v1_2.a != v4) {
if(v1_2.a == v4) {
return v0;
if(arg6 != v1_2.b) {
return v0;
return true;
catch(BufferUnderflowException v1) {
return v0;
private void a() {
a aVar = new a();
do {
} while (aVar.a != (byte) 11);
private void b() {
a aVar = new a();
private void a(byte b) {
int i = 0;
int a;
switch (b) {
case (byte) 0:
case (byte) 1:
case (byte) 2:
case (byte) 3:
case (byte) 4:
case (byte) 5:
case (byte) 6:
i = this.b.get();
if (i < 0) {
i += 256;
case (byte) 7:
case (byte) 8:
a = a(0, 0, true);
while (i < a * 2) {
case (byte) 9:
a = a(0, 0, true);
while (i < a) {
case (byte) 10:
case (byte) 11:
case (byte) 12:
case (byte) 13:
a aVar = new a();
if (aVar.a != (byte) 0) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("skipField with invalid type, type value: " + b + ", " + aVar.a);
a(a(0, 0, true));
//throw new JceDecodeException("invalid type.");
public final boolean a(int i, boolean z) {
if (a((byte) 0, i, z) != (byte) 0) {
return true;
return false;
public final byte a(byte b, int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 0:
return this.b.get();
case (byte) 12:
return (byte) 0;
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return b;
} else {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return b;
public final short a(short s, int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 0:
return (short) this.b.get();
case (byte) 1:
return this.b.getShort();
case (byte) 12:
return (short) 0;
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return s;
} else {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return s;
public final int a(int i, int i2, boolean z) {
if (b(i2)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 0:
return this.b.get();
case (byte) 1:
return this.b.getShort();
case (byte) 2:
return this.b.getInt();
case (byte) 12:
return 0;
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return i;
} else {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return i;
public final long a(long j, int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 0:
return (long) this.b.get();
case (byte) 1:
return (long) this.b.getShort();
case (byte) 2:
return (long) this.b.getInt();
case (byte) 3:
return this.b.getLong();
case (byte) 12:
return 0;
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return j;
} else {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return j;
public final float a(float f, int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 4:
return this.b.getFloat();
case (byte) 12:
return 0.0f;
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return f;
} else {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return f;
public final double a(double d, int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 4:
return (double) this.b.getFloat();
case (byte) 5:
return this.b.getDouble();
case (byte) 12:
return 0.0d;
// throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return d;
} else {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return d;
public final String b(int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
int i2;
byte[] bArr;
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 6:
i2 = this.b.get();
if (i2 < 0) {
i2 += 256;
bArr = new byte[i2];
try {
return new String(bArr, this.a);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return new String(bArr);
case (byte) 7:
i2 = this.b.getInt();
if (i2 > 104857600 || i2 < 0 || i2 > this.b.capacity()) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("String too long: " + i2);
bArr = new byte[i2];
try {
return new String(bArr, this.a);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) {
return new String(bArr);
// throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return null;
} else {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return null;
private <K, V> Map<K, V> a(Map amap, Map<K, V> map2, int i, boolean z) {
if (map2 == null || map2.isEmpty()) {
return new HashMap();
Entry entry = (Entry) map2.entrySet().iterator().next();
Object key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
Object m_key = "";
Object m_value = "";
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 8:
int ia = a(0, 0, true);
if (ia < 0) {
// throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ia; i2++) {
m_key = a(key, 0, true);
m_value = a(value, 1, true);
amap.put(m_key, m_value);
return amap;
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return amap;
} else {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return amap;
/* private Map a(Map arg9, Map arg10, int arg11, boolean arg12) {
HashMap v9 = null;
if(arg10 == null) {
v9 = new HashMap();
else if(!arg10.isEmpty()) {
Object v0 = arg10.entrySet().iterator().next();
Object v2 = ((Map.Entry)v0).getKey();
Object v3 = ((Map.Entry)v0).getValue();
if(this.b(arg11)) {
a v0_1 = new a();
switch(v0_1.a) {
case 8: {
int v4 = this.a(0, 0, true);
if(v4 < 0) {
System.out.println("size invalid: " + v4);
else {
int v0_2 = 0;
while(true) {
if(v0_2 < v4) {
arg9.put(this.a(v2, 0, true), this.a(v3, 1, true));
return ((Map)v9);
return ((Map)v9);
default: {
System.out.println("type mismatch.");
else {
if(arg12) {
System.out.println("require field not exist.");
v9 = new HashMap();
return ((Map)v9);
private boolean[] d(int i, boolean z) {
boolean[] zArr = null;
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a >= 0) {
zArr = new boolean[a];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
zArr[i2] = a(0, true);
// throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
// throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (z) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return zArr;
public final byte[] c(int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
byte[] bArr;
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a < 0 || a > this.b.capacity()) {
// throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
bArr = new byte[a];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
bArr[i2] = a(bArr[0], 0, true);
return bArr;
case (byte) 13:
a aVar2 = new a();
if (aVar2.a != (byte) 0) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch, tag: " + i + ", type: " + aVar.a + ", " + aVar2.a);
int a2 = a(0, 0, true);
if (a2 < 0 || a2 > this.b.capacity()) {
// throw new JceDecodeException("invalid size, tag: " + i + ", type: " + aVar.a + ", " + aVar2.a + ", size: " + a2);
bArr = new byte[a2];
return bArr;
// throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return null;
} else {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return null;
private short[] e(int i, boolean z) {
short[] sArr = null;
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a >= 0) {
sArr = new short[a];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
sArr[i2] = a(sArr[0], 0, true);
//throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (z) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return sArr;
private int[] f(int i, boolean z) {
int[] iArr = null;
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a >= 0) {
iArr = new int[a];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
iArr[i2] = a(iArr[0], 0, true);
// throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
// throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (z) {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return iArr;
private long[] g(int i, boolean z) {
long[] jArr = null;
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a >= 0) {
jArr = new long[a];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
jArr[i2] = a(jArr[0], 0, true);
//throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (z) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return jArr;
private float[] h(int i, boolean z) {
float[] fArr = null;
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a >= 0) {
fArr = new float[a];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
fArr[i2] = a(fArr[0], 0, true);
// throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (z) {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return fArr;
private double[] i(int i, boolean z) {
double[] dArr = null;
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a >= 0) {
dArr = new double[a];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
dArr[i2] = a(dArr[0], 0, true);
//throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
// throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (z) {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return dArr;
private <T> T[] a(T[] tArr, int i, boolean z) {
if (tArr != null && tArr.length != 0) {
return b(tArr[0], i, z);
return b(tArr[0], i, z);
// throw new JceDecodeException("unable to get type of key and value.");
private <T> ArrayList a(List list, int i, boolean z) {
int i2 = 0;
if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList();
Object[] b = b((list).get(0), i, z);
if (b == null) {
return null;
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
while (i2 < b.length) {
return arrayList;
private <T> T[] b(T t, int i, boolean z) {
if (b(i)) {
a aVar = new a();
switch (aVar.a) {
case (byte) 9:
int a = a(0, 0, true);
if (a < 0) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("size invalid: " + a);
Object[] objArr = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(t.getClass(), a);
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a; i2++) {
objArr[i2] = a((Object) t, 0, true);
return (T[]) objArr;
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} else if (!z) {
return null;
} else {
// throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return null;
public final JceStruct a(JceStruct jceStruct, int i, boolean z) {
JceStruct jceStruct2 = null;
if (b(i)) {
try {
jceStruct2 = (JceStruct) jceStruct.getClass().newInstance();
a aVar = new a();
if (aVar.a != (byte) 10) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("type mismatch.");
} catch (Exception e) {
//throw new JceDecodeException(e.getMessage());
} else if (z) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("require field not exist.");
return jceStruct2;
public final <T> Object a(T t, int i, boolean z) {
if (t instanceof Byte) {
return Byte.valueOf(a((byte) 0, i, z));
if (t instanceof Boolean) {
return Boolean.valueOf(a(i, z));
if (t instanceof Short) {
return Short.valueOf(a((short) 0, i, z));
if (t instanceof Integer) {
return Integer.valueOf(a(0, i, z));
if (t instanceof Long) {
return Long.valueOf(a(0, i, z));
if (t instanceof Float) {
return Float.valueOf(a(0.0f, i, z));
if (t instanceof Double) {
return Double.valueOf(a(0.0d, i, z));
if (t instanceof String) {
return b(i, z);
if (t instanceof Map) {
return (Map) a(new HashMap(), (Map) t, i, z);
} else if (t instanceof List) {
return a((List) t, i, z);
} else {
if (t instanceof JceStruct) {
return a((JceStruct) t, i, z);
if (!t.getClass().isArray()) {
//throw new JceDecodeException("read object error: unsupport type.");
} else if ((t instanceof byte[]) || (t instanceof Byte[])) {
return c(i, z);
} else {
if (t instanceof boolean[]) {
return d(i, z);
if (t instanceof short[]) {
return e(i, z);
if (t instanceof int[]) {
return f(i, z);
if (t instanceof long[]) {
return g(i, z);
if (t instanceof float[]) {
return h(i, z);
if (t instanceof double[]) {
return i(i, z);
return a((Object[]) t, i, z);
return null;
/* public Object a(Object arg3, int arg4, boolean arg5) {
Double v0_6 = null;
if((arg3 instanceof Byte)) {
Byte v0 = Byte.valueOf((byte) this.a(0, arg4, arg5));
else if((arg3 instanceof Boolean)) {
Boolean v0_1 = Boolean.valueOf(this.a(arg4, arg5));
else if((arg3 instanceof Short)) {
Short v0_2 = Short.valueOf(this.a((short)0, arg4, arg5));
else if((arg3 instanceof Integer)) {
Integer v0_3 = Integer.valueOf(this.a(0, arg4, arg5));
else if((arg3 instanceof Long)) {
Long v0_4 = Long.valueOf(this.a(0, arg4, arg5));
else if((arg3 instanceof Float)) {
Float v0_5 = Float.valueOf(this.a(0f, arg4, arg5));
else if((arg3 instanceof Double)) {
v0_6 = Double.valueOf(this.a(0, arg4, arg5));
else if((arg3 instanceof String)) {
String v0_7 = this.b(arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof Map)) {
Map v0_8 = this.a(new HashMap(), ((Map)arg3), arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof List)) {
ArrayList v0_9 = this.a(((List)arg3), arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof JceStruct)) {
JceStruct v0_10 = this.a(((JceStruct)arg3), arg4, arg5);
else if(arg3.getClass().isArray()) {
if(!(arg3 instanceof byte[]) && !(arg3 instanceof Byte[])) {
if((arg3 instanceof boolean[])) {
boolean[] v0_11 = this.d(arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof short[])) {
short[] v0_12 = this.e(arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof int[])) {
int[] v0_13 = this.f(arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof long[])) {
long[] v0_14 = this.g(arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof float[])) {
float[] v0_15 = this.h(arg4, arg5);
else if((arg3 instanceof double[])) {
double[] v0_16 = this.i(arg4, arg5);
else {
Object[] v0_17 = this.a(((Object[])arg3), arg4, arg5);
return v0_6;
byte[] v0_18 = this.c(arg4, arg5);
else {
//goto label_92;
return v0_6;
public final int a(String str) {
this.a = str;
return 0;
package TX_OtherClass;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Map;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.ErrorCode;
public final class d {
protected String a;
private ByteBuffer b;
private d() {
this.a = "GBK";
this.b = ByteBuffer.allocate(128);
public d(byte b) {
public final byte[] a() {
Object obj = new byte[this.b.position()];
System.arraycopy(this.b.array(), 0, obj, 0, this.b.position());
return (byte[]) obj;
private void a(int i) {
if (this.b.remaining() < i) {
try {
ByteBuffer allocate = ByteBuffer.allocate((this.b.capacity() + i) * 2);
allocate.put(this.b.array(), 0, this.b.position());
this.b = allocate;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw e;
private void b(byte b, int i) {
if (i < 15) {
this.b.put((byte) ((i << 4) | b));
} else if (i < 256) {
this.b.put((byte) (b | 240));
this.b.put((byte) i);
} else {
//throw new JceEncodeException("tag is too large: " + i);
public final void a(boolean z, int i) {
a((byte) (z ? 1 : 0), i);
public final void a(byte b, int i) {
if (b == (byte) 0) {
b((byte) 12, i);
b((byte) 0, i);
public final void a(short s, int i) {
if (s < (short) -128 || s > (short) 127) {
b((byte) 1, i);
a((byte) s, i);
public final void a(int i, int i2) {
if (i < -32768 || i > 32767) {
b((byte) 2, i2);
a((short) i, i2);
public final void a(long j, int i) {
if (j < -2147483648L || j > 2147483647L) {
b((byte) 3, i);
a((int) j, i);
public final void a(float f, int i) {
b((byte) 4, i);
public final void a(double d, int i) {
b((byte) 5, i);
public final void a(String str, int i) {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes(this.a);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
bytes = str.getBytes();
a(bytes.length + 10);
if (bytes.length > 255) {
b((byte) 7, i);
b((byte) 6, i);
this.b.put((byte) bytes.length);
public final <K, V> void a(Map<K, V> map, int i) {
b((byte) 8, i);
a(map == null ? 0 : map.size(), 0);
if (map != null) {
for (Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
a(entry.getKey(), 0);
a(entry.getValue(), 1);
public final void a(byte[] bArr, int i) {
a(bArr.length + 8);
b((byte) 13, i);
b((byte) 0, 0);
a(bArr.length, 0);
public final <T> void a(Collection<T> collection, int i) {
b((byte) 9, i);
a(collection == null ? 0 : collection.size(), 0);
if (collection != null) {
for (T a : collection) {
a((Object) a, 0);
public final void a(JceStruct jceStruct, int i) {
b((byte) 10, i);
b((byte) 11, 0);
public void a(Object obj, int i) {
if (obj instanceof Byte) {
a(((Byte) obj).byteValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
a(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Short) {
a(((Short) obj).shortValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
a(((Integer) obj).intValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Long) {
a(((Long) obj).longValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Float) {
a(((Float) obj).floatValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Double) {
a(((Double) obj).doubleValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
a((String) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof Map) {
a((Map) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof List) {
a((List) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof JceStruct) {
a((JceStruct) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
a((byte[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof boolean[]) {
boolean[] zArr = (boolean[]) obj;
b((byte) 9, i);
a(zArr.length, 0);
for (boolean a : zArr) {
a(a, 0);
} else if (obj instanceof short[]) {
short[] sArr = (short[]) obj;
b((byte) 9, i);
a(sArr.length, 0);
for (short a2 : sArr) {
a(a2, 0);
} else if (obj instanceof int[]) {
int[] iArr = (int[]) obj;
b((byte) 9, i);
a(iArr.length, 0);
for (int a3 : iArr) {
a(a3, 0);
} else if (obj instanceof long[]) {
long[] jArr = (long[]) obj;
b((byte) 9, i);
a(jArr.length, 0);
for (long a4 : jArr) {
a(a4, 0);
} else if (obj instanceof float[]) {
float[] fArr = (float[]) obj;
b((byte) 9, i);
a(fArr.length, 0);
for (float a5 : fArr) {
a(a5, 0);
} else if (obj instanceof double[]) {
double[] dArr = (double[]) obj;
b((byte) 9, i);
a(dArr.length, 0);
for (double a6 : dArr) {
a(a6, 0);
} else if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
Object[] objArr = (Object[]) obj;
b((byte) 9, i);
a(objArr.length, 0);
for (Object a7 : objArr) {
a(a7, 0);
} else if (obj instanceof Collection) {
a((Collection) obj, i);
} else {
// throw new JceEncodeException("write object error: unsupport type. " + obj.getClass());
public final int a(String str) {
this.a = str;
return 0;
package TX_OtherClass;
public final class jceHttpRequest extends JceStruct {
public String strHttpHead;
public String strRequest;
public String strRequestID;
public jceHttpRequest(String arg2, String arg3, String arg4) {
this.strRequestID = "";
this.strRequest = "";
this.strHttpHead = "";
this.strRequestID = arg2;
this.strRequest = arg3;
this.strHttpHead = arg4;
public jceHttpRequest() {
this.strRequestID = "";
this.strRequest = "";
this.strHttpHead = "";
public final void readFrom(c arg4) {
this.strRequestID = arg4.b(0, true);
this.strRequest = arg4.b(1, true);
this.strHttpHead = arg4.b(2, false);
public final void writeTo(d arg3) {
arg3.a(this.strRequestID, 0);
arg3.a(this.strRequest, 1);
if(this.strHttpHead != null) {
arg3.a(this.strHttpHead, 2);
package TX_OtherClass;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import TX_OtherClass.c.a;
public class o {
private static String a_ggurl;
private static String b_URL;
private static ServerInfo c;
private static boolean d;
private static int e;
private static byte f;
private static int g;
private static a h;
private static ExecutorService i;
static {
o.a_ggurl = "";
o.b_URL = "";
o.d = true;
o.e = 10012;
o.f = 1;
static int f() {
return o.e;
static byte g() {
return o.f;
static int h() {
return o.g;
package TX_OtherClass;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import zip.d;
public class p {
public static byte[] a_tobyte(RequestCommand arg7, long arg8) {
byte[] v0 = null;
byte[] v1 = ProtocolPackage.buildPostData(arg7);
if(v1 != null) {
int v2 = v1.length + 17;
ByteBuffer v3 = ByteBuffer.allocate(v2);
v3.put((byte) 38);
v3.put((byte) 1);
v3.position(v3.position() + 10);
v3.put((byte) 40);
v1 = v3.array();
ByteArrayOutputStream v2_1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(v1.length + 50);
DataOutputStream v3_1 = new DataOutputStream(((OutputStream)v2_1));
int v4 = 19;
try {
p.a(((OutputStream)v3_1), arg7.head.guid, 32);
p.a(((OutputStream)v3_1), null, 6);
v1 = d.a(v1);
if(v1 == null) {
return v0;
v1 = v2_1.toByteArray();
ByteBuffer v2_2 = ByteBuffer.wrap(v1);
v2_2.putInt(1, v1.length);
v0 = v2_2.array();
catch(IOException v1_1) {
return v0;
private static void a(OutputStream arg3, String arg4, int arg5) throws IOException {
int v0;
byte[] v2 = null;
if(arg5 > 0) {
if(arg4 != null) {
try {
v2 = arg4.getBytes("UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
v0 = v2.length;
else {
v2 = null;
v0 = 0;
if(v0 >= arg5) {
arg3.write(v2, 0, arg5);
if(v0 > 0) {
arg3.write(v2, 0, v0);
while(v0 < arg5) {
package TX_OtherClass;
public class util {
* Lower case Hex Digits.
private static final String HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdef";
* Byte mask.
private static final int BYTE_MSK = 0xFF;
* Hex digit mask.
private static final int HEX_DIGIT_MASK = 0xF;
* Number of bits per Hex digit (4).
private static final int HEX_DIGIT_BITS = 4;
public static boolean isInt(String s) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException er) {
return false;
public static String toHexString(final byte[] byteArray) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(byteArray.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++) {
int b = byteArray[i] & BYTE_MSK;
sb.append(HEX_DIGITS.charAt(b >>> HEX_DIGIT_BITS)).append(
return sb.toString();
package TX_Pass;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.jsoup.Connection.Method;
import zip.d;
import Net.ConnectionHelper;
import Net.OkHttpUtils;
import StructuralClass.ChannelDataRequest;
import StructuralClass.ChannelDataResponse;
import TX_OtherClass.Coordinates;
import TX_OtherClass.ExtentData;
import TX_OtherClass.JceStruct;
import TX_OtherClass.LogReport;
import TX_OtherClass.ParessAd;
import TX_OtherClass.ProtocolPackage;
import TX_OtherClass.QUA;
import TX_OtherClass.RequestCommand;
import TX_OtherClass.RequestHead;
import TX_OtherClass.ResponseCommand;
import TX_OtherClass.p;
import TX_OtherClass.util;
public class Main_Entrance {
public static byte[] decodeBase64(String input) throws Exception
Class clazz=Class.forName("");
java.lang.reflect.Method mainMethod= clazz.getMethod("decode", String.class);
Object retObj=mainMethod.invoke(null, input);
return (byte[])retObj;
public static void main(String[] args){
/*System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", ""); //localhost 8888
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8888");
System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "localhost");
System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "8888");*/
String ret = null;
byte[] bufferbody = null;
byte[] unzipbuffer = null;
Main_Entrance ent = new Main_Entrance();
ChannelDataRequest channeldatareq = new ChannelDataRequest();
channeldatareq.channelItemId = "100101";
channeldatareq.tag = null;
RequestCommand reqcommand = new RequestCommand();
reqcommand.head = new RequestHead();
reqcommand.head.appId = "1000005";
reqcommand.head.extentAccountList = null;
reqcommand.head.logReport = new LogReport();
reqcommand.head.logReport.tag = null;
reqcommand.head.qua = new QUA();
reqcommand.head.qua.versionName = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.clientKey = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.coordinates = new Coordinates();
reqcommand.head.qua.versionCode = "21692";
reqcommand.head.qua.deviceId = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.deviceModel = "iPhone 6";
reqcommand.head.qua.serverid = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.extent = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.extentData = new ExtentData();
reqcommand.head.qua.idfa = "D60E5CA8-C601-4D96-85E5-EA178FD334CA";
reqcommand.head.qua.imei = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.imsi = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.mac = "";
reqcommand.head.qua.platformVersion = "3sysver=ios8.4&device=iPhone&modify_time=&lang=zh_CN";//ios3-5
reqcommand.head.qua.networkMode = 3;
reqcommand.head.qua.mobileISP = 0;
reqcommand.head.qua.platform = 5;//ios
reqcommand.head.qua.markerId = 1;
reqcommand.head.qua.screenHeight = 750;
reqcommand.head.qua.screenWidth = 1334;
reqcommand.head.qua.deviceType = 1;
reqcommand.head.qua.densityDpi = 240;
reqcommand.head.qua.areaMode = 0;
reqcommand.head.qua.tag = null;
reqcommand.head.oemPlatform = 0;
reqcommand.head.cmdId = 59539; //值不一样获取的内容不一样
reqcommand.head.tag = null;
reqcommand.body = ProtocolPackage.jceStructToUTF8Byte((JceStruct)channeldatareq);
reqcommand.tag = null;
bufferbody = p.a_tobyte(reqcommand, 0);
String url = " ";//
OkHttpUtils okhttputil = new OkHttpUtils();
unzipbuffer = okhttputil.OkHttpPost(url, bufferbody);
System.out.println("httpPost ret->"+ unzipbuffer);
/* String testret = "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";
try {
unzipbuffer = decodeBase64(testret);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ParessAd parassad = new ParessAd();
parassad.f = new ChannelDataResponse();
parassad.paressAddata_(0, "", unzipbuffer, null);
package TX_Pass;
import zip.d;
import StructuralClass.ChannelDataResponse;
import TX_OtherClass.ParessAd;
import TX_OtherClass.ProtocolPackage;
import TX_OtherClass.ResponseCommand;
public class TXIos {
public static byte[] decodeBase64(String input) throws Exception
Class clazz=Class.forName("");
java.lang.reflect.Method mainMethod= clazz.getMethod("decode", String.class);
Object retObj=mainMethod.invoke(null, input);
return (byte[])retObj;
public static void main(String[] args){
byte[] unzipbuffer = null;
String testret = "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";
try {
unzipbuffer = decodeBase64(testret);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
unzipbuffer = d.b(unzipbuffer);
ResponseCommand unPackageResponse = ProtocolPackage.unPackageResponse(unzipbuffer);
if (unPackageResponse == null) {
package zip;
public final class d {
public static byte[] a(byte[] arg7) {
byte[] v0 = null;
if(arg7 != null && arg7.length != 0) {
ByteArrayInputStream v1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(arg7);
ByteArrayOutputStream v2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
GZIPOutputStream v3 = new GZIPOutputStream(((OutputStream)v2));
byte[] v4 = new byte[4096];
while(true) {
int v5 =;
if(v5 <= 0) {
v3.write(v4, 0, v5);
v0 = v2.toByteArray();
catch(IOException v1_1) {
return v0;
public static byte[] b(byte[] arg6) {// b_unZIP
byte[] v0 = null;
if(arg6.length != 0) {
ByteArrayInputStream v1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(arg6);
ByteArrayOutputStream v2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
GZIPInputStream v3 = new GZIPInputStream(((InputStream)v1));
byte[] v1_2 = new byte[4096];
while(true) {
int v4 =;
if(v4 <= 0) {
v2.write(v1_2, 0, v4);
v0 = v2.toByteArray();
catch(IOException v1_1) {
return v0;
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