Commit af95c14b by wangjf


parent 34058470
......@@ -2,10 +2,4 @@
sqoop export --connect "jdbc:mysql://" \
--username apptag_rw --password 7gyLEVtkER3u8c9 --table tag_list --columns "package_name,app_name,platform,url,category,install" \
--export-dir s3://mob-emr-test/dataplatform/DataWareHouse/dwh.db/package_list --input-fields-terminated-by '\001' --update-mode allowinsert --update-key package_name
hive -e "USE dwh;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS package_num;"
hive -e "USE dwh;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS package_info;"
hive -e "USE dwh;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS package_list;"
\ No newline at end of file
--export-dir s3://mob-emr-test/dataplatform/DataWareHouse/dwh.db/package_list --input-fields-terminated-by '\001' --update-mode allowinsert --update-key package_name
\ No newline at end of file
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