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# What's new in Apache Atlas 2.0?

## Features
* Soft-reference attribute implementation
23 24
* Unique-attributes constraint at graph store-level
* Atlas Index Repair tool for Janusgraph
* Relationship notifications when new relationships are created in Atlas
26 27 28 29 30 31
* Atlas Import Transform handler implementation

## Updates
* Updated component versions to use Hadoop 3.1, Hive 3.1, HBase 2.0, Solr 7.5 and Kafka 2.0
* Updated JanusGraph version to 0.3.1
* Updated authentication to support trusted proxy
* Updated patch framework to persist typedef patches applied to Atlas and handle data patches
* Updated metrics module to collect notification metrics
* Updated Atlas Export to support incremental export of metadata
35 36 37
* Notification Processing Improvements:
    * Notification processing to support batch-commits
    * New option in notification processing to ignore potentially incorrect hive_column_lineage
38 39 40
    * Updated Hive hook to avoid duplicate column_lineage entities; also updated Atlas server to skip duplicate column_lineage entities
    * Improved batch processing in notification handler to avoid processing of an entity multiple times
    * Add option to ignore/prune metadata for temporary/staging Hive tables
41 42
    * Avoid unnecessary lookup when creating new relationships
* UI Improvements:
    * UI: Display counts beside the Type and Classification dropdown list in basic search
44 45
    * UI: Display lineage information for process entities
    * UI: Display entity specific icon for the lineage graph
46 47 48
    * UI: Add relationships table inside relationships view in entity details page
    * UI: Add service-type dropdown in basic search to filter entitydef type
    * Various bug-fixes and optimizations
49 50 51
* <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20ATLAS%20AND%20status%20%3D%20Resolved%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%202.0.0%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC%2C%20priority%20DESC">List of JIRAs resolved in Apache Atlas 2.0.0</a>

## Data Migration
After migrating to 2.0, expect some delay during the initial startup while Atlas adds the new unique attribute constraint to existing metadata.