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---+ Falcon Atlas Bridge

---++ Falcon Model
The default falcon modelling is available in org.apache.atlas.falcon.model.FalconDataModelGenerator. It defines the following types:
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falcon_cluster(ClassType) - super types [Infrastructure] - attributes [timestamp, colo, owner, tags]
falcon_feed(ClassType) - super types [DataSet] - attributes [timestamp, stored-in, owner, groups, tags]
falcon_feed_creation(ClassType) - super types [Process] - attributes [timestamp, stored-in, owner]
falcon_feed_replication(ClassType) - super types [Process] - attributes [timestamp, owner]
falcon_process(ClassType) - super types [Process] - attributes [timestamp, runs-on, owner, tags, pipelines, workflow-properties]
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One falcon_process entity is created for every cluster that the falcon process is defined for.

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The entities are created and de-duped using unique qualifiedName attribute. They provide namespace and can be used for querying/lineage as well. The unique attributes are:
   * falcon_process - <process name>@<cluster name>
   * falcon_cluster - <cluster name>
   * falcon_feed - <feed name>@<cluster name>
   * falcon_feed_creation - <feed name>
   * falcon_feed_replication - <feed name>
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---++ Falcon Hook
Falcon supports listeners on falcon entity submission. This is used to add entities in Atlas using the model defined in org.apache.atlas.falcon.model.FalconDataModelGenerator.
The hook submits the request to a thread pool executor to avoid blocking the command execution. The thread submits the entities as message to the notification server and atlas server reads these messages and registers the entities.
   * Add 'org.apache.atlas.falcon.service.AtlasService' to in <falcon-conf>/
   * Link falcon hook jars in falcon classpath - 'ln -s <atlas-home>/hook/falcon/* <falcon-home>/server/webapp/falcon/WEB-INF/lib/'
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   * In <falcon_conf>/, set an environment variable as follows:
     export FALCON_SERVER_OPTS="<atlas_home>/hook/falcon/*:$FALCON_SERVER_OPTS"

The following properties in <atlas-conf>/ control the thread pool and notification details:
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   * atlas.hook.falcon.synchronous - boolean, true to run the hook synchronously. default false
   * atlas.hook.falcon.numRetries - number of retries for notification failure. default 3
   * atlas.hook.falcon.minThreads - core number of threads. default 5
   * atlas.hook.falcon.maxThreads - maximum number of threads. default 5
   * atlas.hook.falcon.keepAliveTime - keep alive time in msecs. default 10
   * atlas.hook.falcon.queueSize - queue size for the threadpool. default 10000

Refer [[Configuration][Configuration]] for notification related configurations

---++ Limitations
   * In falcon cluster entity, cluster name used should be uniform across components like hive, falcon, sqoop etc. If used with ambari, ambari cluster name should be used for cluster entity