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<div class="row  details-page" data-ng-controller="detailsController">
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         <li><button class="btn btn-link" data-ng-click="goBack()"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> Back To Result</button> </li>
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         <h4 ng-if="details.values && && != ''">
         <b>Name:</b> <span class="black">{{}}</span></h2>
         <h4 ng-if="details.values && details.values.description && details.values.description != ''"><b>Description:</b> <span class="black">{{details.values.description}}</span></h4>
         <h4 data-disable="!tableName" data-select="onActivate('io')" id="lineageGraph" class="hide">
            <span class="lineage">Lineage</span> 
            <ng-include data-table-type="io" src="'/modules/lineage/views/lineage_io.html'"/>
         <tab heading="Details">
            <table class="table table-bordered">
                  <tr data-ng-repeat="(key,value) in details.values" ng-if="value && !(key==='columns') && !(key==='name') && !(key==='description')">
                     <td data-ng-if="isObject(value) && isString(" class="pointer"> 
                        <a data-ui-sref="details({})">{{ }}</a>
                     <td data-ng-if="isObject(value) && isObject( && isString(" class="pointer">  <a data-ui-sref="details({})">{{ }}</a>
                     <td data-ng-if="isObject(value) && !isArray(value) && !isString( && !isObject(">
                        <span data-ng-repeat="(key2, value2) in value"> {{ key2 }} : {{ value2 }}<span ng-if="!$last">,</span></span>
                     <td data-ng-if="isArray(value) && !isString( && !isObject(">
                        <div  data-ng-repeat="(key2, value2) in value">
                           <a class=" pointer" data-ng-if="isObject(value2) && isString("   data-ui-sref="details({})">{{ }}<span ng-if="!$last">,</span></a>
                           <div class="row pdLft15px" data-ng-repeat="(key1, value1) in value2">
                              <span ng-if="isObject(value1)">
                              <a class=" pointer" data-ng-if="isString("   data-ui-sref="details({})">{{ }}</a> 
                     <td data-ng-if="isArray(value) && !isObject(value)" >
                        <div class="row" data-ng-repeat="(key1, value1) in value" ng-if="value1">
                           <div data-ng-if="isObject(value1)" data-ng-repeat="(key2, value2) in value1" > 
                              <a data-ng-if="isString(value2) && key2 == 'id'" class="pointer pdLft15px" data-ui-sref="details({id:value2})">{{ value2 }}</a> 
                     <td data-ng-if="!isArray(value) && isObject(value[0]) && isString(value[0].id) && key=='inputTables'" data-ng-click="goDetails(value[0].id)" class="pointer">
                        <div class="row" data-ng-repeat="(key1, value1) in value[0]" ng-if="value1">
                           <div class="col-md-6" data-ng-if="!isString(value1)" data-ng-repeat="(key2, value2) in value1 track by $index"></div>
                           <div data-ng-if="isString(value2)" data-ng-repeat="(key3, value3) in value2"> {{key3}}: {{value3}}</div>
                           <div class="col-md-6" data-ng-if="isString(value1)"> {{key1}} : {{value1 | date:'medium'}} UTC</div>
                     <td data-ng-if="isNumber(value)">{{value | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}} UTC</td>
                     <td data-ng-if="isString(value)">{{value}}</td>
         <tab data-heading="Schema" data-ng-if="isSchema">
            <ng-include src="'/modules/details/views/schema.html'"/>
         <tab data-heading="Tags" data-ng-if="isTags">
            <ng-include  src="'/modules/tags/instance/views/tags.html'"/>