## Incremental Export#### BackgroundIncremental export allows for export of entities after a specified timestamp. This allows for synchronization capability to be built as it makes payloads lighter.#### Export OptionsNew _fetchType_ added to indicate incremental export. This option can be used with any _matchType_. When _fetchType_ is _incremental_, it is necessary to specify the _changeMarker_ option for incremental export to function, else full export will be performed.```json{"itemsToExport":[{"typeName":"hive_db","uniqueAttributes":{"qualifiedName":"stocks@cl1"}}],"options":{"fetchType":"incremental","changeMarker":10000}}```#### Getting Change MarkerThe very first call to export with _fetchType_ set to _incremental_ should be made with _changeMarker_ set to 0. This will perform a full export. The _AtlasExportResult_ will have the _changeMarker_ set to a value. This is the value that should be used for subsequent call to Export.#### Skip Lineage OptionExport can be performed by skipping lineage information. This avoids all lineage information getting into the exported file.#### Benefit of Incremental ExportThe real benefit of incremental export comes when export is done with _skipLineage_ option set to _true_. This greatly improves performance when fetching entities that have changed since the last export.