Open Connector Framework (OCF)
The OCF, as the name suggests, is an open framework for supporting connectors. Connectors support access to remote assets such as data sets, APIs and software components. OCF Connectors also provide access to metadata about the asset and they may call the Governance Action Framework GAF to execute appropriate governance actions related to the use of these assets in real-time.
There are a number of key components within the OCF:
Connector - this is a Java object for accessing an asset and its related metadata and governance functions.
Connection - this is a Java object containing the properties needed to create a connector instance. Connection properties are typically managed as metadata entities in the metadata repository but they can also be manually populated. Connections have 2 sub-objects:
- ConnectorType - this is a Java object that describes the type of the connector, including the Java implementation class of its connector provider (see below).
- Endpoint - this is the Java object that describes the server endpoint where the asset is accessed from.
Connector Broker - this is a generic factory for all OCF connectors.
Connector Provider - this is a factory for a specific type of connector. It is used by the Connector Broker.
Connected Asset - this is the asset that the connector is accessing. It is hosted on a server and the connector makes the remote calls necessary to retrieve, update, delete the asset itself. The connector also includes an API to retrieve the metadata properties about the connected asset.
Open Metadata Type Models
Model 0040 defines the structure of an Endpoint and model 0201 defines the structures for Connections and Connector Types. Model 0205 defines the linkage between the connection and the connected asset.
Java Implementation
The OCF provides the interface schema and base class implementation for these components. The Java implementation is located in packages org.apache.atlas.ocf.*:
org.apache.atlas.ocf - Java interface and base classes for Connector and Connector Provider plus the implementation of the Connector Broker.
org.apache.atlas.ocf.ffdc - Implementation of the OCF's error codes and exceptions. - Implementation of the properties for connections and connected assets. These are simple POJO objects.
Related Modules
The ConnectedAsset OMAS (omas-connectedasset) supports the retrieval of connection and connected asset properties from the open metadata repository/repositories.
The AssetConsumer OMAS (omas-assetconsumer) embeds the OCF to provide client-side support for connectors.
The Open Metadata Repository Services (omrs) provides implementations of OCF connectors for accessing open metadata repository servers. These connectors are collectively called the OMRS Connectors.
Wiki References
Further information on the OCF at: