Commit 26e699dc by Jon Maron

minor cleanup

parent 29c930bb
......@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@
......@@ -113,7 +112,6 @@
......@@ -157,36 +157,6 @@ def runProcess(commandline):
debug ("Executing : %s" % commandline)
return subprocess.Popen(commandline)
# exe = subprocess.Popen(commandline,
# stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
# stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
# stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
# shell=False,
# bufsize=1,
# close_fds=ON_POSIX)
# t = Thread(target=print_output, args=("stdout", exe.stdout, False))
# t.daemon = True
# t.start()
# t2 = Thread(target=print_output, args=("stderr", exe.stderr, True))
# t2.daemon = True
# t2.start()
# t3 = Thread(target=read_input, args=("stdin", exe))
# t3.daemon = True
# t3.start()
# debug("Waiting for completion")
# while exe.poll() is None:
# # process is running; grab output and echo every line
# time.sleep(1)
# debug("completed with exit code : %d" % exe.returncode)
# finished = True
# t.join()
# t2.join()
# t3.join()
# return exe.returncode
def print_output(name, src, toStdErr):
Relay the output stream to stdout line by line
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