Commit 29d3299d by Harish Butani

start to document typesystem

parent 42dee9f3
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* <h2>Types:</h2>
* <img src="doc-files/dataTypes.png" />
* <ul>
* <li> <b>IDataType:</b> Represents a <i>DataType</i> in the TypeSystem. All Instances and Attributes are associated
* with a DataType. They represent the <b>Set</b> of values that Instances/Attributes of this type can have.
* Currently the namespace of DataTypes is flat. DataTypes can be asked to <i>convert</i> arbitrary java Objects
* to instances of this type, and they can be asked for a String representation of an instance.</li>
* <li><b>Type Categories:</b></li> DataTypes are grouped into Categories. A Category implies certain semantics about
* the Types belonging to the Category. We have PRIMITIVE, ENUM, ARRAY, MAP, STRUCT, TRAIT, and CLASS categories.
* <li><b>Primitive Types:</b> There are corresponding DataTypes for the java primitives: Boolean, Byte, Short,
* Int, Long, Float, Double. We also support BigInteger, BigDecimal, String, and Date</li>
* <li><b>Collection Types:</b>ArrayType and MapType are parameterized DataTypes taking one and two parameters
* respectively.</li>
* <li><b>Enum Types:</b> Used to define DataTypes with all valid values listed in the Type definition. For e.g.
* <pre>
* {@code
* ts.defineEnumType("HiveObjectType",
new EnumValue("GLOBAL", 1),
new EnumValue("DATABASE", 2),
new EnumValue("TABLE", 3),
new EnumValue("PARTITION", 4),
new EnumValue("COLUMN", 5))
* }
* </pre> Each <i>EnumValue</i> has name and an ordinal. Either one can be used as a value for an Attribute of this Type.
* </li>
* <li><b>Constructable Types:</b> Are complex Types that are composed of Attributes. We support Structs, Classes
* and Traits constructable types. A ConstructableType is parameterized by the Type of its <i>Instance</i> java
* class(these are implementations of the ITypedInstance interface). A value of the IConstructableType will
* implement this parameterized Type. IConstructableTypes can be asked to create an 'empty' instance of their Type.
* IConstructableTypes are associated with FieldMappings that encapsulate the mapping from/to the ITypedInstance
* java object.
* </li>
* <li><b>Attribute Info:</b>Represents an Attribute of a complex datatype. Attributes are defined by a name, a
* dataType, its Multiplicity and whether it is a composite relation. <i>Multiplicity</i> is a constraint on the
* number of instances that an instance can have. For non collection types and Maps: Multiplicity is OPTIONAL or
* For Arrays the Multiplicity is specified by a lower-bound, upper-bound and a uniqueness constraint.
* </li>
* <li><b>Struct Types:</b>Are IConstructableTypes whose instances are IStructs. Conceptually these are like 'C'
* structs: they represent a collection of Attributes. For e.g.
* <pre>
* {@code
* ts.defineStructType(STRUCT_TYPE_1,
createRequiredAttrDef("a", DataTypes.INT_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("b", DataTypes.BOOLEAN_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("c", DataTypes.BYTE_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("d", DataTypes.SHORT_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("e", DataTypes.INT_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("f", DataTypes.INT_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("g", DataTypes.LONG_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("h", DataTypes.FLOAT_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("i", DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("j", DataTypes.BIGINTEGER_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("k", DataTypes.BIGDECIMAL_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("l", DataTypes.DATE_TYPE),
createOptionalAttrDef("m", ts.defineArrayType(DataTypes.INT_TYPE)),
createOptionalAttrDef("n", ts.defineArrayType(DataTypes.BIGDECIMAL_TYPE)),
createOptionalAttrDef("o", ts.defineMapType(DataTypes.STRING_TYPE, DataTypes.DOUBLE_TYPE))
* }
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li><b>Hierarchical Types:</b>Are DataTypes that can have a SuperType. Classes and Traits are the supported
* Hierarchical Types. </li>
* <li><b>Class Types:</b></li>
* <li><b>Trait Types:</b></li>
* </ul>
* <h2>Instances:</h2>
* <img src="doc-files/instance.png" />
* <ul>
* <li> <b>IStruct:</b></li>
* <li><b>IReferenceableInstance:</b></li>
* <li><b>ITypedStruct:</b></li>
* <li><b>ITypedReferenceableInstance:</b></li>
* </ul>
* <h3>Serialization of Types:</h3>
* <h3>Serialization of Instances:</h3>
* <h3>Searching on Classes and Traits:</h3>
package org.apache.hadoop.metadata.types;
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