@@ -165,19 +165,57 @@ public class GraphBackedDiscoveryServiceTest {
{"from DB"},
{"from Table"},
{"DB, Table"},
/*{"DB as db1 Table where db1.name = \"Reporting\""},*/
{"DB name = \"Reporting\""},
{"Column where Column isa PII"},
{"Table is Dimension"},
{"View is Dimension"},
/*{"Column where Column isa PII select Column.name"},*/
{"Column select Column.name"},
{"from Table select Table.name"},
{"from DB"},
{"DB where DB.name=\"Reporting\""},
{"DB DB.name = \"Reporting\""},
{"DB where DB.name=\"Reporting\" select name, owner"},
{"DB has name"},
{"DB, Table"},
{"DB is JdbcAccess"},
{"DB, LoadProcess has name"},
{"DB as db1, Table where db1.name = \"Reporting\""},
{"DB where DB.name=\"Reporting\" and DB.createTime < " + System.currentTimeMillis()},
{"from Table"},
{"Table is Dimension"},
{"Column where Column isa PII"},
{"View is Dimension"},
/*{"Column where Column isa PII select Column.name"},*/
{"Column select Column.name"},
{"Column select name"},
{"Column where Column.name=\"customer_id\""},
{"from Table select Table.name"},
{"DB where (name = \"Reporting\")"},
{"DB where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, owner as _col_1"},
{"DB where DB is JdbcAccess"},
{"DB where DB has name"},
{"DB Table"},
{"DB where DB has name"},
{"DB as db1 Table where (db1.name = \"Reporting\")"},
{"DB where (name = \"Reporting\") select name as _col_0, (createTime + 1) as _col_1 "},
todo: does not work
{"DB where (name = \"Reporting\") and ((createTime + 1) > 0)"},
{"DB as db1 Table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) and (db1.name = \"Reporting\") select db1.name as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
{"DB as db1 Table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) or (db1.name = \"Reporting\") select db1.name as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
{"DB as db1 Table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) and (db1.name = \"Reporting\") or db1 has owner select db1.name as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
{"DB as db1 Table as tab where ((db1.createTime + 1) > 0) and (db1.name = \"Reporting\") or db1 has owner select db1.name as dbName, tab.name as tabName"},
// trait searches
/*{"Fact"}, - todo: does not work*/
// Lineage
{"Table LoadProcess outputTable"},
{"Table loop (LoadProcess outputTable)"},
{"Table as _loop0 loop (LoadProcess outputTable) withPath"},
{"Table as src loop (LoadProcess outputTable) as dest select src.name as srcTable, dest.name as destTable withPath"},
@@ -201,7 +239,24 @@ public class GraphBackedDiscoveryServiceTest {
Assert.assertTrue(rows.length()>=0);// some queries may not have any results
System.out.println("query ["+dslQuery+"] returned ["+rows.length()+"] rows");