Commit 3cc1bd5b by Shwetha GS

ATLAS-1182 Hive Column level lineage docs (svimal2106 via shwethags)

parent eb6e656b
......@@ -71,6 +71,43 @@ The following properties in <atlas-conf>/ control th
Refer [[Configuration][Configuration]] for notification related configurations
---++ Column Level Lineage
Starting from 0.8-incubating version of Atlas, Column level lineage is captured in Atlas. Below are the details
---+++ Model
* !ColumnLineageProcess type is a subclass of Process
* This relates an output Column to a set of input Columns or the Input Table
* The Lineage also captures the kind of Dependency: currently the values are SIMPLE, EXPRESSION, SCRIPT
* A SIMPLE dependency means the output column has the same value as the input
* An EXPRESSION dependency means the output column is transformed by some expression in the runtime(for e.g. a Hive SQL expression) on the Input Columns.
* SCRIPT means that the output column is transformed by a user provided script.
* In case of EXPRESSION dependency the expression attribute contains the expression in string form
* Since Process links input and output !DataSets, we make Column a subclass of !DataSet
---+++ Examples
For a simple CTAS below:
create table t2 as select id, name from T1
The lineage is captured as
<img src="images/column_lineage_ex1.png" height="200" width="400" />
---+++ Extracting Lineage from Hive commands
* The !HiveHook maps the !LineageInfo in the !HookContext to Column lineage instances
* The !LineageInfo in Hive provides column-level lineage for the final !FileSinkOperator, linking them to the input columns in the Hive Query
---+++ NOTE
Column level lineage works with Hive version 1.2.1 after the patch for <a href="">HIVE-13112</a> is applied to Hive source
---++ Limitations
* Since database name, table name and column names are case insensitive in hive, the corresponding names in entities are lowercase. So, any search APIs should use lowercase while querying on the entity names
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ ATLAS-1060 Add composite indexes for exact match performance improvements for al
ATLAS-1127 Modify creation and modification timestamps to Date instead of Long(sumasai)
ATLAS-1182 Hive Column level lineage docs (svimal2106 via shwethags)
ATLAS-1230 updated AtlasTypeRegistry to support batch, atomic type updates (mneethiraj)
ATLAS-1229 Add TypeCategory and methods to access attribute definitiions in AtlasTypes (sumasai)
ATLAS-1227 Added support for attribute constraints in the API (mneethiraj)
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