Commit 529ebcf8 by Suma S

Merge pull request #97 from hortonworks/master

Merging from master to DAL
parents 6e9dbbe8 c00f8de6
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ public class MetadataServiceClient {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetadataServiceClient.class);
public static final String NAME = "name";
public static final String GUID = "GUID";
public static final String TYPENAME = "typeName";
public static final String DEFINITION = "definition";
public static final String ERROR = "error";
public static final String REQUEST_ID = "requestId";
......@@ -82,6 +85,7 @@ public class MetadataServiceClient {
} catch (Exception e) {"Error processing client configuration.", e);
URLConnectionClientHandler handler = SecureClientUtils.getClientConnectionHandler(config, clientConfig);
Client client = new Client(handler, config);
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
......@@ -71,7 +71,11 @@ public class DefaultGraphPersistenceStrategy implements GraphPersistenceStrategi
public String fieldNameInVertex(IDataType<?> dataType, AttributeInfo aInfo) {
return metadataRepository.getFieldNameInVertex(dataType, aInfo);
try {
return metadataRepository.getFieldNameInVertex(dataType, aInfo);
} catch (MetadataException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanIndexQuery;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanProperty;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertex;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.MetadataServiceClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.discovery.DiscoveryException;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.discovery.DiscoveryService;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.query.Expressions;
......@@ -66,6 +67,8 @@ public class GraphBackedDiscoveryService implements DiscoveryService {
private final TitanGraph titanGraph;
private final DefaultGraphPersistenceStrategy graphPersistenceStrategy;
public final static String SCORE = "score";
GraphBackedDiscoveryService(GraphProvider<TitanGraph> graphProvider,
MetadataRepository metadataRepository) throws DiscoveryException {
......@@ -93,8 +96,8 @@ public class GraphBackedDiscoveryService implements DiscoveryService {
if (guid != null) { //Filter non-class entities
try {
row.put("guid", guid);
row.put("typeName", vertex.<String>getProperty(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY));
row.put("score", result.getScore());
row.put(MetadataServiceClient.TYPENAME, vertex.<String>getProperty(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY));
row.put(SCORE, result.getScore());
} catch (JSONException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to create response", e);
throw new DiscoveryException("Unable to create response");
......@@ -23,41 +23,44 @@ public final class Constants {
* Globally Unique identifier property key.
public static final String GUID_PROPERTY_KEY = "guid";
public static final String INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX = "__";
public static final String GUID_PROPERTY_KEY = INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "guid";
public static final String GUID_INDEX = "guid_index";
* Entity type name property key.
public static final String ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY = "typeName";
public static final String ENTITY_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY = INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "typeName";
public static final String ENTITY_TYPE_INDEX = "type_index";
* Entity type's super types property key.
public static final String SUPER_TYPES_PROPERTY_KEY = "superTypeNames";
public static final String SUPER_TYPES_PROPERTY_KEY = INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "superTypeNames";
public static final String SUPER_TYPES_INDEX = "super_types_index";
* Full-text for the entity for enabling full-text search.
//weird issue in TitanDB if __ added to this property key. Not adding it for now
public static final String ENTITY_TEXT_PROPERTY_KEY = "entityText";
* Properties for type store graph
public static final String TYPE_CATEGORY_PROPERTY_KEY = "type.category";
public static final String VERTEX_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY = "type";
public static final String TYPENAME_PROPERTY_KEY = "";
public static final String TYPE_CATEGORY_PROPERTY_KEY = INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "type.category";
* Trait names property key and index name.
public static final String TRAIT_NAMES_PROPERTY_KEY = "traitNames";
public static final String TRAIT_NAMES_PROPERTY_KEY = INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "traitNames";
public static final String TRAIT_NAMES_INDEX = "trait_names_index";
public static final String VERSION_PROPERTY_KEY = "version";
public static final String TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY_KEY = "timestamp";
public static final String VERSION_PROPERTY_KEY = INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "version";
public static final String TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY_KEY = INTERNAL_PROPERTY_KEY_PREFIX + "timestamp";
* search backing index name.
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
package org.apache.hadoop.metadata.repository;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.MetadataException;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.IReferenceableInstance;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.ITypedReferenceableInstance;
import org.apache.hadoop.metadata.typesystem.ITypedStruct;
......@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ public interface MetadataRepository {
* @param aInfo attribute info
* @return property key used to store a given attribute
String getFieldNameInVertex(IDataType<?> dataType, AttributeInfo aInfo);
String getFieldNameInVertex(IDataType<?> dataType, AttributeInfo aInfo) throws MetadataException;
* Return the edge label for a given attribute in the repository.
......@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ public class GraphBackedMetadataRepository implements MetadataRepository {
public String getFieldNameInVertex(IDataType<?> dataType, AttributeInfo aInfo) {
return dataType.getName() + "." +;
public String getFieldNameInVertex(IDataType<?> dataType, AttributeInfo aInfo) throws MetadataException {
return getQualifiedName(dataType,;
......@@ -184,8 +184,14 @@ class GremlinTranslator(expr: Expression,
private def genQuery(expr: Expression, inSelect: Boolean): String = expr match {
case ClassExpression(clsName) => s"""has("${gPersistenceBehavior.typeAttributeName}","$clsName")"""
case TraitExpression(clsName) => s"""has("${gPersistenceBehavior.typeAttributeName}","$clsName")"""
case ClassExpression(clsName) =>
val typeName = gPersistenceBehavior.typeAttributeName
val superTypeName = gPersistenceBehavior.superTypeAttributeName
s"""filter{(it.$typeName == "$clsName") | (it.$superTypeName ? it.$superTypeName.contains("$clsName") : false)}"""
case TraitExpression(clsName) =>
val typeName = gPersistenceBehavior.typeAttributeName
val superTypeName = gPersistenceBehavior.superTypeAttributeName
s"""filter{(it.$typeName == "$clsName") | (it.$superTypeName ? it.$superTypeName.contains("$clsName") : false)}"""
case fe@FieldExpression(fieldName, fInfo, child) if fe.dataType.getTypeCategory == TypeCategory.PRIMITIVE => {
val fN = "\"" + gPersistenceBehavior.fieldNameInVertex(fInfo.dataType, fInfo.attrInfo) + "\""
child match {
......@@ -349,6 +349,33 @@ public class GraphBackedMetadataRepositoryTest {
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testSubmitEntity")
public void testSearchByDSLWithInheritance() throws Exception {
String dslQuery = "Person where name = 'Jane'";
System.out.println("Executing dslQuery = " + dslQuery);
String jsonResults = discoveryService.searchByDSL(dslQuery);
JSONObject results = new JSONObject(jsonResults);
Assert.assertEquals(results.length(), 3);
System.out.println("results = " + results);
Object query = results.get("query");
JSONObject dataType = results.getJSONObject("dataType");
String typeName = dataType.getString("typeName");
Assert.assertEquals(typeName, "Person");
JSONArray rows = results.getJSONArray("rows");
Assert.assertEquals(rows.length(), 1);
JSONObject row = rows.getJSONObject(0);
Assert.assertEquals(row.getString("$typeName$"), "Manager");
Assert.assertEquals(row.getString("name"), "Jane");
* Full text search requires GraphBackedSearchIndexer, and GraphBackedSearchIndexer can't be enabled in
* GraphBackedDiscoveryServiceTest because of its test data. So, test for full text search is in
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