Commit 72fee44b by Venkatesh Seetharam

BUG-32628 UI Packaging and refactoring. Contributed by Venkatesh Seetharam

parent 14ea1098
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<small style="color:#999999; margin-top:2px;">property=HiveLineage.executionEngine&text=tez</small><br/>
<small style="color:#999999; margin-top:2px;">property=type&text=HiveLineage</small><br/>
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<small style="color:#999999; margin-top:2px;">property=HiveLineage.executionEngine&text=tez</small><br/>
<small style="color:#999999; margin-top:2px;">property=type&text=HiveLineage</small><br/>
<small style="color:#999999; margin-top:2px;">property=type&text=hive_table</small>
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<input type="hidden" ng-model="iserror">
<h4 class="txt1" ng-hide="!matchingResults">{{matchingResults}} results matching your query "{{SearchQuery}}" were found"</h4>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li ng-hide="iserror" class="sm-txt1" ng-repeat="entity in entities"><u><a href="#Search/{{entity.guid}}" ng-click="StoreJson(entity)" style="line-height: 2.5;">{{ entity.guid}}</a></u>
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