Commit 814f066d by Shwetha GS

ATLAS-929 Add test for trait preservation on column rename for non-default…

ATLAS-929 Add test for trait preservation on column rename for non-default database (svimal2106 via shwethags)
parent 1c3b2bef
......@@ -333,9 +333,12 @@ public class HiveHook extends AtlasHook implements ExecuteWithHookContext {
private void renameColumn(HiveMetaStoreBridge dgiBridge, HiveEventContext event) throws Exception{
assert event.getInputs() != null && event.getInputs().size() == 1;
assert event.getOutputs() != null && event.getOutputs().size() > 0;
Table oldTable = event.getInputs().iterator().next().getTable();
List<FieldSchema> oldColList = oldTable.getAllCols();
List<FieldSchema> newColList = dgiBridge.hiveClient.getTable(event.getOutputs().iterator().next().getTable().getTableName()).getAllCols();
Table outputTbl = event.getOutputs().iterator().next().getTable();
outputTbl = dgiBridge.hiveClient.getTable(outputTbl.getDbName(), outputTbl.getTableName());
List<FieldSchema> newColList = outputTbl.getAllCols();
assert oldColList.size() == newColList.size();
Pair<String, String> changedColNamePair = findChangedColNames(oldColList, newColList);
......@@ -1023,13 +1023,16 @@ public class HiveHookIT {
public void testTraitsPreservedOnColumnRename() throws Exception {
String tableName = createTable();
String tbqn = HiveMetaStoreBridge.getTableQualifiedName(CLUSTER_NAME, DEFAULT_DB, tableName);
String dbName = createDatabase();
String tableName = tableName();
String createQuery = String.format("create table %s.%s (id int, name string)", dbName, tableName);
String tbqn = HiveMetaStoreBridge.getTableQualifiedName(CLUSTER_NAME, dbName, tableName);
String guid = assertColumnIsRegistered(HiveMetaStoreBridge.getColumnQualifiedName(tbqn, "id"));
String trait = createTrait(guid);
String oldColName = "id";
String newColName = "id_new";
String query = String.format("alter table %s change %s %s string", tableName, oldColName, newColName);
String query = String.format("alter table %s.%s change %s %s string", dbName, tableName, oldColName, newColName);
String guid2 = assertColumnIsRegistered(HiveMetaStoreBridge.getColumnQualifiedName(tbqn, "id_new"));
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ ATLAS-409 Atlas will not import avro tables with schema read from a file (dosset
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ATLAS-929 Add test for trait preservation on column rename for non-default database (svimal2106 via shwethags)
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ATLAS-897 Atlas UI: Feature to associate multiple assets with a term. (kevalbhatt18 via sumasai)
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